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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  August 31, 2018 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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or as soon as we get it. and those are free mourners at the top they are you watching our church. backstabbers financial survival guide. housing bubble. oh you mean there's a down side artificially low mortgage through don't get carried away because we.
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didn't come to. america in america covering american news called foreign agents yes we're here again no matter what last week the d.n.c. the democratic national committee voted to take a big step towards actually having a legitimate primary election this was huge just was tremendous this was not as big as everyone thinks it is. but do you did see you voted to strip some power from the superdelegates as you recall from the twenty sixteen primary abortion super delegate. are the internal party elite such as representatives and donors and the guy who arranges all the hookers he usually gets a couple of bucks well gotta give him got to keep him happy because as we all know the most democratic thing for the democratic party is to have a leeds with
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a voting power that far outweighs any normal people. no i don't watch the masses and have a quibble in power to this. we all know democracy is a dish best served like tea at a little girl's tea party. and this. the power of the superdelegates basically handed to hillary clinton the primary election before it even started doing big news the d.n.c. has voted to not allow superdelegates to vote in the first round of ballots at the convention this means the candidate who wins the primaries will almost definitely get the nomination so that we did what i did carney said your candidate could win next time around. but then i started thinking.
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i was sitting there. and i was just thanked. and then occurred to me the d.n.c. leadership is a corrupt elite is group of what saul may call or flake all heads i would never i would never but some would somewhere. two of you were the ruling elite and you knew that your super delegate power was going to vanish quicker than matt lauer's career. how would you stop the next populist candidate the people actually supported from winning because real popular candidate can't be allowed to provide help no no we need a lifeless animatronic washington insider who has so many conflicts of interest jammed up there they can't even stand up straight that type of guy we want or girl or girl so if you knew you were about to lose your power what would you do well
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back in june and the d.n.c. adopted a new rule aimed at keeping alcide or candidates like bernie sanders from trying to clinch the democratic nomination in twenty one. they passed a mandatory loyalty oath and many tried to claim this new loyalty oath would not stop a bernie type candidate as long as he or she pledged to run and serve as a democrat so a socialist or leftists or a cornell west sharma's to wander a post malone could walk up there and go oh yeah i'll be a democrat and then run for office however if you look a little closer the rule also says the candidates missed public writings and or public statements of ferment only demonstrates that they are faithful to the interest welfare and success of the democratic party and it is the d.n.c. chair who decides whether that is the case so in order to yank someone from the primaries all. all the d.n.c. has to do is say that person's public writings don't demonstrate ona faithfulness
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they could use this to weed out independents democrats democratic socialists anybody who maybe criticizes the party too much anybody who may be used have been to one supposed to video of a basset hound look at cream cheese off their junk. that was here you know that was a year ago. and he tricked me into it all right he had a bank page fast talker pasok point is this is basically an open invitation for the d.n.c. to choose whoever the they want the superdelegates don't even encourage you. to do it while passing out of vote that appears to make it easier for an anti-establishment democrat to run for office they've actually made it harder than donald trump looking at a painting of himself all right. and let's not forget as i've mentioned before the
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d.n.c. said in court they have no right to rig the primaries but maybe that's not enough maybe the d.n.c. ruling elite need another stumbling block for insurgent candidates so they also changed the rules so that state parties now are required to accept absentee votes rather than requiring caucus voters to be physically present to remember the caucus states right there the ones where the people would show up in a barn somewhere and yell at each other until they would put their votes into a popcorn baucus and those were counted by an above average donkey all right. even though a caucus is actually look like an amish fight club there. they're actually less easy to rig and then the completely unaccountable voting machines so what's wrong with accepting absentee votes at the caucuses well it. august is you have to actually show up and listen to arguments about the candidates this favors exciting
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populist candidates favors supporters you can go and you go in there and say this is why i supported so and so and this is why it's really important that you do two no one was doing that for hillary for hillary if someone would just get up on a chair and be like i am sixty percent sure she's not as bad as the other guy. present. ever everybody sixty percent. so bernie sanders won the caucus states against hillary clinton but if absentee voters are counted this means a absentee voters can't be convinced to change their minds be caucuses are tougher to rig the numbers because it's all public you know the people are standing there like fifteen hands go up in the election to go as i see twelve hands then they go to the mat with you. and see because of the complications of caucuses plus
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absentee voting this is likely to push caucus states toward switching to primaries and primaries held are held on black box computer voting machines which favor the establishment so at the end of the day this helps the d.n.c. ruling really get rid of caucuses where do insurgent candidates win most often caucuses in fact without caucuses it's likely obama would have also lost to hillary in two thousand and eight something else you'll notice about bernie sanders success in the last election he didn't get hardly any mainstream media coverage right trump got twenty three times as much as him and hillary got ten times as much bernie sanders success came on social media so how do you make sure in an anti-establishment candidate on either the right or the left doesn't do that again where you begin censoring dissenting voices and. promoting mainstream corporate
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news as facebook and you tube have been doing yeah. thank you. thank you weeks ago took an ounce to was going to help them weed out the quote unquote fake news today we're excited to launch a new partnership with the inland to council which has a stellar reputation looking at innovative solutions to hard problems the atlantic council's board of directors includes people like general wesley clark general david petraeus and henry kissinger. it's a you who is a who of new york on a new all liberal all the guards and war criminals yes we want to we want to stand fast. we want to stamp out big news to one man baltimore guard jamaal in the burglary from the watergate scandal take a crack at it you know we're just going to see what they come up with. for some odd
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reason i don't think the next bernie crack candidate will achieve as much social media success as bernie did but that's still not enough in the rigging of the twenty twenty election the senate is trying to make our voting machines easier to rig i'm not kidding under the guise of trying to improve the system the current version of these secure elections acts would allow for and validate audits of electronic ballot images which are just plain worthless as a safeguard against cyber attacks said susan greene haulage policy director at the national election defense coalition basically ballot images are great and they're important if they've been randomly checked to prove they're accurate they are worthless if they haven't been checked against paper ballots it's kind of like. it's kind of like clint eastwood very exciting dynamic. speaker if you jack the barrow by what he's going to say if you haven't he's totally worthless.
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totally worthless. this means if you rigged the computers there is no safeguard and who is the most access to these dark mysterious voting machines the corporations that own them and refuse to let anybody actually validate the code now interestingly the white house is holding up that senate bill not because they're concerned about election integrity but probably because reading is hard. especially when your eyes are covered with cucumber slices eleven hours a day. program as a cucumber related reading disorder ok the rigors of the twenty twenty presidential election has already begun but this should just remind us the true change will almost never come from the presidency it's to the rig it's completely bald i
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believe. a lot of the things actually destroying your life they come not from the president but from wall street the military surveillance complex and powerful corporations that's why. that's why cage has to come from the workers and average americans across the country we have to realize our power as a group and begin changing our communities why should they take a. welcome home welcome donnelly can yell or take the news from behind. the corrupt ruling
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class is continuing to gut what's left of the working class a new report from the institute of policy studies found that we the taxpayers are funding c.e.o. pay that is a hundred times what the average worker makes for example lockheed martin gets more taxpayer money in government contracts that any other publicly held company did ninety seven percent of their funding in twenty seventeen the median compensation for a lockheed employee was one hundred twenty three thousand dollars while c.e.o. marilyn houston received twenty two million eight hundred sixty six thousand one hundred eighty six times a typical worker and that's taxpayer money we're paying for her to get rich while her employees and lockheed martin makes weapons of gas i mean this should be infuriating. your piece it isn't for me if you're really even if they didn't make death weapons even if lockheed martin made center lotions and paraffin wax
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footbaths they should still pick you up and want. our only body parts because joan bass wife you know where the next will bass or the elbow jacuzzi i want to go home sit back put on little barry manilow and take a pair of scrotum so all right i want a. little dip in the scrotum right. anyway. as this continues to skyrocket on our tax dollars the things our government should pay for are being heaped on to the individual a teacher in austin texas had a heart attack recently and was given a hundred thousand dollars medical bill that was after his insurance had already paid fifty five thousand dollars things have gotten so bad that he feels go fund me says one in three campaigns are for medical bills. and i'm sure another twenty five
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percent of that are people trying to pay for college books currently a textbook for freshman american history costs nine hundred thousand dollars. but what you get you get a little but you go back at the end of the semester you can sell it back to the university for seventy five cents. to get something. that's. any why do you think it might be time for us to join every other developed country and have universal single payer health care. and eyes away. by the way when you're talking to a friend in film would say i have to pay for that i have paid that help to respond how are you going to pay for all your missiles your missiles jag and you're killing me are you off ten thousand military base just. bake sale you go well good twirl around the brass pole to pay for your after thirty five fighter jets
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because going to donate sperm for those tomahawk missiles maybe maybe any yard sale you know how many used v.h.s. copies of city slickers will they take cover to cover the cost of a navy destroyer you tell me it's. all our health care system is sick joke and no one should ever vote for a candidate who doesn't say medicare for all oh wait. wait i actually i actually jumped the gun on that a little bit and shortly after that story was broadcast st david's hospital said it was now willing to accept seven hundred eighty two dollars and twenty nine cents to resolve the hundred eight thousand dollars nine hundred balance because drew calvary qualifies for its financial assistance discounts oh oh one hundred eight thousand dollars financial assistance this is what generous people do you think it had anything to do with the publicity they were. yeah. they're doing
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a great trade but please don't write content being suppressed the best way to keep up with our new videos is to join our free email list by texting the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine it's completely free also i'm on the new platform steam it dot com at least camp while there i babble abo no way. i'm going to learn how i don't know that i'm out of luck though they're not that much out of the mouth of the money that they're letting so much. this was a good time to. try to move. them out definitely not why not x. ten they're going to stop for x. chanting in the old people we believe yes. but what i can say
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about them up to say john you have a lot of them on the totem other how do you like you so is it a little item of the white community will be left out to the people who don't want to put out in the most part you and i don't know the muslim brotherhood. a parting of ways european leaders talk of a future without the us what is in store for the transatlantic alliance and much much more on this edition of. finally happening wall is being built in the southern u.s.
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but it's not trump's racist border wall a year after hurricane harvey big oil is asking the federal government for a sixty mile long barrier of concrete and steel to protect their planetary death chemicals from extreme weather fueled by the very climate change they've denied for decades and members of congress like ted cruz are more than happy to oblige for more on this we go to our senior crude expert natalie mcginn. a leading congress is happy to oblige because this is a national economic emergency hurricane harvey's damage alone made gas prices rise by twenty eight cents a gallon nationwide but i swipe my card at the pump i expect to be asked for my zip code now this is the only message i get. comes out yeah
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plus this barrier would be a boost for black owned businesses. well mostly my business where i sell petroleum jelly for a blog. do what you want to learn some i mean what is your let's have to be chapped after all that screenplay so i. want none of the right well personally i market it as a way for cops to keep their hands moisturized but in reality it makes them too slippery to pull their guns out and kill innocent the. right. hand it like a hard sell the cops after you just review the harder sell is convincing taxpayers to pay the twelve billion dollars needed for this barrier which is why it was a relief in july when the federal government at least approved an initial three point nine billion dollars for three smaller barriers that specifically protect. well facilities we point nine billion something tells me companies could scrounge
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up the three point nine billion to pay for this and then we could use that three point nine billion to subsidize wind and solar and i. thank you still over the lining of this whole thing is a big oil will have to publicly acknowledge that they believed in climate change all along because. no one said they're going to. do think you have to believe in something to reap the benefits later but i don't believe this is a petroleum to stop cops from finding ways to kill us but i say it to protect my ass it. read the same one trump doesn't believe the poor human but he touches them all and occasion to improve the self image. was built many coastal cities and states have already unsuccessfully sued oil companies that knew about climate change but did nothing last month after
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a federal judge dismissed and why seize lawsuit against five companies the judge wrote global warming and solutions there to must be addressed by the two other branches of government. so our choices are an executive branch that will do nothing and legislative branch that will do nothing. big oil should pay for this but that doesn't even get at the bigger problem we shouldn't just adapt to the facts of climate change these companies actually gave above sea level rise they would have spent fortunes on developing renewable sources of energy for the past decades instead they're rich in themselves by asking for a blank check of taxpayer money from politicians beholden to them like ted ok ruse ok so maybe maybe big oil should have foot the bill but since we're on the verge of becoming a hot house earth anyway it's not like any barrier they build will be nearly as strong as the emotional one ted cruz is. own daughter built. to be tough it's going
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to take a. good shot. i feel her brain yeah. i mean maybe if ted cruz used petroleum. you could have stood away from that snake then you know. we were right talk about how americans are getting screwed in hospitals well now we move on to how they're getting screwed universities got more screws in the tool box for you for more on this raging controversy we go to redacted correspondent naomi given me . this is are now offering an alternative to student loans which is not throwing yourself off the nearest cliff instead you pay part of your future salary to the
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school after you graduate it's an entirely new and original program called definitely not indentured servitude. ok ok the official name is i as a or income share of agreement so the real question is are these agreements what you're irish ancestor to pay is a journey across the atlantic or an innovative breakthrough in human financing to answer this question i've consulted education experts economists an eighteenth century tobacco farmer someone who is about to jump off a cliff and dealers of human organs the income sharing program is only offered at about one hundred schools but it will soon be available to millions of students as it is rapidly expanding norwich university and lackawanna college are the latest to offer their new affordability initiative that expands. access or their innovative
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student financing solution what brand let me try and pitch one sign up for this unique novel new fangled untrodden i phone ten every onyx the future get it before all the robots take it and then the sexpot take it from them indentured servitude. you know i couldn't finish my fear for them because it's too tense and so that's what you're getting the first university in the u.s. to offer i as a purdue called at the back a boilermaker program which i assume refers to all the whiskey and beer they offer when signing the papers must be a problem when all the students sign with the same straight penis. good income sharing be the solution to the student debt crisis which is getting worse than we thought according to new data between two thousand and twelve and twenty sixteen over thirty percent of students defaulted on payment while colleges are benefitting from billions in financial aid that's nearly
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a third of students their only hope is to get on the game show paid off by still paid off the only group still working in the student debt crisis yes one hundred recent college graduates what is the last thing you want to find in your dorm room here a used condom. a little a used condom. i would be embarrassed if my mother found in unused condom or any condoms at all my family likes it raw i assume that's how i hear some say i ses will force colleges to share the risk to put skin in the game for when their graduates do not succeed critics say this is a symptom rather than a solution to the student debt crisis and it may not be better than loans i wonder if i could have gone on i have saved for my archaeology. little to school get tons and tons of michael tools. which are basically just sharp rocks but were
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very valuable thirty thousand years ago some say income sharing works like a start up in which investors put money in up front in exchange for a share in future profits but startups don't always work out how long do we expect tater grams to be around where they send you a potato with love notes on them when you're investing in humans you can't just throw out your inventory and start over or can you because there are no laws governing i assume the u.s. ran out of things to sell so someone suggested hey how about stuck overview but education should be a public good and a right and we all benefit when the population is. well except the ruling class all going to be dumb as rocks and not even old expensive rocks just
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regular rocks. reporting from washington this is naomi caravan e. . mail your headline from the future in september you'll read the. d.n.c. quietly passes new rules stating hillary clinton wins twenty twenty primary on. the other. hand coming up over a new study will show c. the o's only getting paid twenty six times what average employee ever dreamed of making. that's our show but i have live comedy shows coming up in denver and boulder colorado washington d.c. i do city kind of attack or dot com for details or to vote for your family bad intel macs i'm good not.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on often scary dramatic developments only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. like. oh when i am talking to you yes i do. not demand something else and this is. why.
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the power of a dialogue washington d. classifies hours of conversation between former u.s. and russian presidents bill clinton endorsed yeltsin our team takes a look at what the two leaders said behind closed doors. new revelations on a controversial murder case that has sparked chaos in the german city of chemist's as a prison guard admits he leaked to the arrest warrant of the migrant suspect. ten days ahead of sweden's general election anger flares at a rally where a parliamentary candidate claims he was attacked by a migrant.


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