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tv   News  RT  September 1, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the power of dialogue. between former president bill clinton. a passenger jet which overshot the runway and caught fire in southern russia people injured. palestinians continue to protest israeli occupation of the. growing split over. the ruling social democrat.
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first of september on. lines from. the first saturday morning then the united states is declassified six hundred pages of private conversations between former american and russian presidents bill clinton and boris yeltsin that took place between one thousand nine hundred three and one thousand nine hundred nine when yeltsin left office election collusion nato expansion and the future russian president vladimir putin were among the many topics they discussed our senior correspondent been taking a look. now that we are at rock bottom in terms of relations between russia and the us it's bad now we pine for what they were back when presidents could talk frankly joke laugh heck even collude for elections bill for my election campaign i urgently need for rush or a loan of two point five billion dollars i'll check on this with the i.m.f.
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and with some of our friends and see what can be done those were the days when you could funnel billions to get your pals reelected real friendship right there clinton even helped yeltsin with a heart operation their wives now in the alternate hillary clinton visited each other shopped together unfortunately it wasn't very equal friendship nine hundred ninety six the united states was strong russia was in its knees crime corruption stagnation it seemed to get the rule or end of every deal it remains a mistake for nato to move eastward nuclear and conventional arms cannot move eastward into new members to the borders of russia i've told you no one is talking about a massive all out accelerated expansion two years later nearly a dozen european states were invited to join nato the czech republic hungry poland
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bulgaria as stony latvia lithuania rumania slovakia slovenia so yeltsin tried everything he even begged. let us have a verbal gentleman's agreement we would not write it down in the statement that no former soviet republics would enter nato i cannot sign any agreement without such language especially ukraine consider what a terrible message it would be were still organized against russia but there's a line across which we won't go pleading didn't work so we'll turn tried warnings russia will pull out of the agreement and consider it nolen void i know what a terrible problem this is for you but i can't make the specific commitment you're asking for not even complaints could get through you are conducting naval maneuvers near crimea it is as if we are training people in cuba how would you feel it's
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unacceptable to us the spite of all that they remained friends even joke together three months of the pre-election race has taken its toll i feel somewhat tired i saw the picture of you dancing with the girls in the band and you looked wonderful i'm disappointed that no one sets up events like that for me in my campaign they were frank so frank in fact that they're generals would get a little nervous yeah they discussed ditching their nuclear briefcases what if we were to agree giving up having to have our finger next to the button all the time perhaps we could agree that it's not necessary for us to carry the chima down schick well i'll have to think about this all we carry of course are the codes in the secure phone yes you and i are the only leaders you have to do this mr president given the responsibility of your office and president yeltsin's it makes more sense for the two of you to have these devices with you at all times it was
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simpler in those days the world was younger and no one knew what the future held for example would the united states pull out the viewer up. the u.s. is not in europe europe should be the business of europeans russia is half european and half asian so you want asia to sure sure bill eventually will have to agree on all of this i don't think the europeans would like this very much not all but i'm a european moscow is in europe and i like it you can take all the other states and provide security to them i would take europe and provide them security well not i russia will bill i'm serious give your up to europe itself europe never felt as close to russia as it does now good days good friends and then yeltsin just up then left leaving behind a successor that clinton was sure he'd get along with shortly you will have a meeting with mr putin i would like to tell you about him so you will know what
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kind of man he is he is a solid man who is kept well abreast of various subjects under his purview and he can easily have good relations and contact with people who are his partners who will win the election boots and of course he's a democrat and he knows the west he's very smart he's tough he has an internal ramrods and he will when you do business together strange to think that most of the issues problems they discussed in those days are still the main themes of today nato expansion encroachments european security trade and loans what's changed is that russia's grown up turns out it's much harder being friends when your more equal. a passenger jet has overshot the runway and caught fire in southern russia leaving one thousand people injured including three children he gotten off reports from saudi. a modification of a boeing seven three seven operated by you it's
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a major russian airline mostly focusing on domestic flights will it make to a landing attempt here in the airports over salty the first one was apparently hampered by the strong winds as you see it is all nice and sunny right now but if there was a vicious thunderstorm here downpour of rain and lightning bolts were going off literally every few seconds so the landing conditions were nowhere near good or perfect in that sense on the second attempt when the aircraft finally did touch the landing strip that was when things didn't go where they should have to basically the aircraft rolled past the end of the runway the pilots couldn't bring it to a stop one of these should have plunged into a river caught fire on one of the engines or one of the wings of the left wing is reported to have been completely burnt down now it is somewhat of a miracle i should say that there were no casualties when it comes to the people on
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board of the plane eleven people have been injured three of them children there was one death though and that is one of the airports workers apparently the man was one of the first responders on the scene of the crash and he was trying to help people get out of the burning plane and the word is his heart just couldn't really take it apparently he died of a heart attack on site a cell what is happening now of course the investigators are looking into what caused the would cause the tragedy with the tragedy was that the whether or was there a human factor involved too also with the russian transportation authority will be investigating and looking into how the airline is operating and how the airports here in salt use operating but so far of course the most important thing is that nobody on board of that plane died. thousands of palestinians are continuing to protest against what they say. it is the israeli occupation of that territory for
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months demonstrators have faced live ammunition and tear gas at the gaza border local journalists in who'd already has more from the scene of the protests. thousands of palestinian protesters continue to participate in the quick march of return for the twenty third week demanding to break the siege and demanding to return to their home that is that they were driven out and flat out back in one nine hundred forty eight the israeli forces killed hundreds of palestinian protesters and injured thousands with live ammunition and tear gas canisters since the beginning of the great march of return on the thirtieth of march the policy of protesters continue to march to the friends demanding the right to return and demanding breaking the siege for more than twenty three weeks now and they will not stop until they achieve their demands. as you see that israeli forces are intensively she thinks you guys can assess on
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the palestinian protesters on the palestinian front this time was running away from that you got that feeling from that that fired. the mission. from the right now. as you see this is this is this is the lady. this is. this lady never happen everyone does it but it didn't protesters fire on the suffocating for the two guys it is. just right now there's a new forces extensively like houses of tear gas canisters and now everyone is affected by the tear gas. everyone was suffocating this was the first time i see. thousands of people on the ground not
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being able to even take a breath i was affected my cameraman was affected and i was a journalist paramedics and protesters were affected by the tear gas the protests continued to gas canisters continue to be fired on the palestinian protesters and still we can also hear more live ammunition targeted on the palestinian protesters where the israeli forces continue to target the palestinian protesters. and the israeli army says soldiers opened fire to disperse palestinians who had thrown a grenade and rolled burning tires at the fence israel in the united states blame hamas for the bloodshed. a tough confrontation is expected during sweden's general election with the country split over the surge in migrant numbers and could see the governing left wing social democrats lose their upper hand in parliament at the same time their nationalist opponents are being widely criticized with claims of racism or if a national report nationalist sentiment is put in sweden on the bridge of change
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that's what the polls here are predicting for the upcoming general election the n.t. migron sweden democrats party looks set to make big gains they define themselves as social conservative with a nationalist foundation but the swedish media is warning of something more and so are rival politicians i mean mom my mom came to sweden fleeing naziism last year she passed away but now i'm even grateful she died before she could see all these nazis marching along stockroom streets we must protect freedom and democracy for us he says but it is a racist party with nazi roots that's what i've always said that we must we need to fight extremists the dislodgement fundamentalists or nazis we're not doing enough. this weeden democrats deny i could say sions they are racist and say they are focus is on smart immigration policy this is like the old all way of trying to scare people off from voting for us i don't really care about those accusations because
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there's nothing nothing to be founded on i mean our policies are not extreme in that sense i mean sweden is an extreme in a european sense our part of our policies are not extreme our politicians are not extreme in general however and your racism group has been doing some digging and found candidates to the parliament from the sweden democrats had links to the new nutty group the national socialist front so yeah we had some bad eggs in our party . just today it was revealed that even you know the center party or the liberal party they have people who have killed people who have sexual assaulted females so unfortunately that happens in every party but because the swedish left wing media hates the sweden democrats they tried to bring that up more than for the others critics of the sweden democrats are still convinced their defining feature is
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racism a central point for them the central goal is to keep sweet and white thoughts to this people look came from. skinheads now two white power organizations during the night they are now the second largest party and yet there are way more radical voices in sweden's far right camp alternative for sweden formed by those expelled from the sweden democrats for being too extreme but say that the sweden democrats are quite good but they are getting more and more liberal more and more politically correct and they are not the ones to save sweden today so we have to create a new party a tougher party which is not politically correct a party which dares to speak out about repatriation because it's the only solution to sweden it's with us problems we gave the immigrants everything in this country we gave them housing we gave them benefits we gave them social welfare we have tested everything and sweden is today a country in
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a real mess alternative for sweden's chances of claiming a seat in the parliament are slim but not as lean as the nordic resistance movement basically present themselves as hitler soldier is going to be alive when they call you like me not even people gather to shout and make no not is now it's a reality of right there yeah well written reports the right brainwashed to the wrong very wrong what is your opinion on our is. what they were great not just a nigerian law is the greatest. don't really have huge and i know it's nothing i mean as i'm sure actually nothing you said no national socialism in fact the number of the supporters barely reaches two hundred and significantly more people account of protesting new flittering from the country's communist party thinks the threat posed by swedish nazis is very much exaggerated but that they have
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a really good media strategy when politicians gather they would go there and threaten people and make a lot of noise and being really tough and dangerous and look really scared. and the media will write about this but i mean there are not so many these people they can be a real threat the three individuals but on a societal level they are just. they are nothing if former swedish police officer with african or reaching stuff up and sherry quit his job to help migrants like himself integrate he's known as a voice of reason in sweden and believes nazis is getting too much attention but offered a different explanation for that sometimes you know it beats this nazi group they get a bit. too much attention because once again if you look at them they're like two hundred three hundred members maybe sometimes it is easier to focus on them because look nazis we know who they are we have the knowledge and when it comes to moderate
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islam a more extreme subject we don't know so much so we don't want to say the wrong things or read on want people to think that we say the wrong things despite being shamed as narcissus by the media and politicians far right movements are still winning people over in this once liberal nordic state but these parties are showing they will confront the current migrant policies head on the need for better or worse. reporting from sweden. they're watching r t amazons in the firing line over working conditions for its american staff and one former senator's got a plan to balance things up i'll tell you all about that when we come back. you know world big partisan movies
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a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to get the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. when lawmakers manufacture consent to for public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. nor middle of the room sick. room real news
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room. alone again that's a call for web retail giant amazon to be taxed to make up for low wages and poor working conditions for stuff in the united states former democratic senator bernie sanders says some employees at the nine hundred billion dollars paid so little that they qualify for food stamps so american as the details. the story of the american leftist movement bernie sanders is at war with amazon the world's largest online retailer accusing the company of not treating its workers fairly it is so important to take a look at the power and influence. the answer is that all over this country amazon employees are paid wages so low that they are having a real hard time getting bar they are forced to pay and upon passed by upon the programs and you know who pays for those programs you do this isn't just empty
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rhetoric either sanders announced that he'd be introducing legislation that would require these big corporations to cover all federal benefits their employees receive from the government like food stamps and public housing if they can't pay them a living wage he's also encouraging amazon employees to speak out one former employee claims she was forced to work with an injured foot it was like a something there was a loud crack i really feel it was an injury they really don't see anything wrong here so it's not stolen or anything just goes to just send a certified you through fish your shift it's either finish your shift. cliff face at one time however amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos presented himself as an employer who truly cared about his employees and the environment they were working at i'm very proud of the culture that we have with him so if you're giving great customer experience. there's the only way to do
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that is with happy people and now amazon has issued a response to sandra's criticism something that doesn't happen very often urging employees to write to the senator and prove him wrong senator sanders continues to make inaccurate and misleading accusations against amazon we are encouraging all employees to take senator sanders up on his request and respond with their actual experience some did respond positively to the senator's tweets but that didn't change his mind he called on amazon to publish info on the number of employees it hires along with our. early wages and benefits amazon says its median salary in the us is just over thirty four thousand dollars around what jeff bezos makes every ten seconds now imagine how much money he's made in the time i've taken to report this story. samir khan r t washington d.c. . the united states secretary of state is accusing russia and president assad of escalating the syrian conflict calling plans to rid it lip province of islamic terrorists and assault my pump aoe says the civilian population will end up bearing
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the brunt russia's foreign minister earlier laid out moscow's position the. group this is the last place for the terrorists so from all points of view this abscess should be removed it leaves been a haven for rebels and their families evacuated from areas retaken by the government almost three million people currently live in the province though according to the un there are also thousands of jihadist militants there too it lip has another fact and we have to recognize is the next three high concentration of foreign fighters the estimates of the old north or whatever name they want to call themselves is that more or less are on. of them investigative journalist rick sterling says western nations don't want to see the highly trained foreign terrorists in syria returning to their home countries. elements within the united states and nato for that matter want to prolong the conflict they basically want
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the syrian government to let the terrorists stay in the province we can just imagine what might pompei a would say if there were thousands of terrorists in oregon and washington states in the united states they wouldn't have any patience at all for that the situation is complicated right now it's difficult because there are thousands of foreign fighters there these are trained terrorists with a lot of battle experience and they've been supported by the west they've been supported by the gulf by including including turkey and none of the countries that have supported the terrorists want them to come back to their own their own countries of course and it's kind of hypocritical for my pump aoe to criticize syria for trying to expel terrorists from its own its own territory. american consumers might be facing a tricky time ahead the new chief of the u.s. consumer protection bureau was until recently on the other side of the tracks using
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his legal expertise to defend big business he represented facebook and the consumer credit rating agencies equifax before taking up a position on this kind of open reports there are now accusations of a possible conflict of interest. it's job is pretty simple protect americans from the might of big business the job of the consumer protection bureau of the united states is to make sure that the products americans purchase are safe and to make sure they don't buy into false advertising the f.t.c. was given the power to investigate and stop unfair methods of competition and deceptive practices so meet the man whose job it is to protect american consumers from dangerous products he was just appointed by the trumpet ministration his name andrew smith now anderson with knows quite a bit about corporations who get dragged into court for harming the public why does he know all about it well he's been representing those corporations for most of his life as a corporate lawyer in fact the two most high profile cases facebook and equifax are
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both his former clients now that little fact did not go unnoticed. instead of demanding accountability the f.t.c. puts equifax is hired gun in charge of the bureau that's supposed to protect consumers this is corruption plain and simple he's on the wrong side of these issues i can imagine worse choices but not money so an activist group calling itself public citizen filed a request under the freedom of information act to find out if there were any potential conflicts of interest in relation to andrew smith consumers deserve a consumer protection advocate in this position not a hired gun for corporate sharks they were provided with documents over four hundred ninety five pages on the new consumer protection sheet and potential conflicts and cronyism associated with them however almost all of it was blacked out nearly every page was redacted so no information was exposed there so no new
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evidence about alleged conflicts of interest that certainly doesn't ease the doubts this is andrew smith in twenty eighteen my name is andrew smith and i'm the director of the bureau of consumer protection at the federal trade commission were dedicated to pursuing law enforcement actions to stop unlawful practices including fraud against consumers but this is andrew smith less than a year ago representing equifax a company investigated by the f.t.c. for a massive data breach my name is andrew smith and i'm a partner in the law firm of covington and burling i'm appearing today on behalf of the consumer data industry association which is a trade association of companies we have the mr smith a twenty eight team heading the watchdog that is still probing the corporation that he defended in twenty seventeen a clear example of the revolving door between the federal government and its trade secrets tabletop and r.t. new york and that is your news but i will update you again enough when i say that.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics score does less i'm show business i'll see you then. it was you know provision on my back when i would've been. asked but i. think you're so you know i lost his boss because i left for pay you know got to me and thereby let me describe the media which was you know. anybody among my thumb i don't impress you but that's honest i don't mean that it's really a feeling so i'm not as you know i was you're not. you're not just i mean my point is i'm already by respect. i mean i was told
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a lot of thing on which i. was in up and i might say i meant that really feels i just don't get it i'm getting worse but those were the old. the people are going to respect them all of this but i would probably say this this well is part of this i'm with. my family fussy about my just but that the audience yes equestrians in the thought of getting up there calling us implementing my problem we just got to go easy. on after times here we're going underground as leaders off six new liberal nations and italy meet in canada and there's arguably declining g seven powers meeting canada amidst
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a trade war between themselves here in britain it's time for the queen's birthday on as well obviously not for some though it's a whole other world with which i don't want to be part of it and the list of those who turned down queen's owners is a long one they've been turned down by some of the most famous britons in history scientists like francis crick michael faraday paul de iraq and stephen hawking. there are. all current. they all watch it will have to. assert the democrats only elected leader some. people thought they were also turning down the queen or writers like hardy sure huxley and pincher i interested not in truth but in power and in the maintenance of that power to major not. if you central the people remain in ignorance but they live in ignorance of the truth
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even the truth of their own lives what's runs us them for is a boston tapestry of. artists to turn down on us from the queen those like lowery more and talk to me and actors also like peter o'toole julie christie and vanessa redgrave so you've stood firm. and you have refused to be intimidated by the threats of a small bunch of scientists to dylan's. pavia. whose behavior is an insult to the statue of jews all over the world and to their great and heroic record of struggle against fascism and oppression meanwhile musicians rejecting on is included vaughan williams john leyden of the sex pistols david bowie and brian ino we also late between extreme hubris and extreme paranoia the
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war in.


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