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tv   News  RT  September 2, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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mistreated am played. after being lightened by the banjo and a fellow stephen our heroes continue on the pilgrimage. come down. on our debt. free to leave. home. stephen starts to notice the power some outside forces also know. the way. that is driving the big. drug leaving. us where. i just can't believe how gorgeous. the colors the sky it's unbelievable max is taking in all the sights well stephen is taking in rio makes you want to break out sub. zero three zero.
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zero i would love you stay for her this is why i can't remain. take it away. while there is like that last railway. to hire an horse. this is what conquered the west basically right train this was a technological. and that. the new technology that we kids speculative bubble in markets and gave rise of cars to america's robber barons played under its early ninety's. this was the technology that. decimated the population. and that's what kind of messed things up air from the kurds and herds of buffalo. railway tracks from entire north.
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wild bill and a buffalo show bill maher buffalo you know i played buffalo bill wanting a big. kick out of a lump on the ground say that's. just just just pilgrimage kitchen. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all
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four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. in a world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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they're not going to learn how to not they're not not are not good at that not out of the mouth of the money they lynette actually. this was a good time to. try to move their i'm. not allowed to get my money not why not ten then again why exxon and the whole people we believe this will be a. lot of my kids i don't want them up with johnny when i already have the moment on account of motherhood accusers or the little item of the white community will do nothing about the things i don't want to put out a lot more risk party without all the mother bloodletting.
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our heroes have arrived in north dakota stephen is battling for six truong wins along with the narrow roads of the band. besides the early storm winds stephen is also distracted by the cuteness of rio de janeiro. and now they're heading toward on coming traffic the best ever. but we've got. a good. day hey somebody said there was like something about seeing ball on this road. on this road would probably buy the water it went away it went up a sec this could be it this could be a. whole chicken. stephen i'm accept made their way to the sitting bull monument to pay their respects oh well people burn and stuff and everything oh yeah this is it to turn you take. time ok ok
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the talk of it i think is how you sell your town. right otherwise on a swing vote get this guy pete custer along with his whole tribe and crazy horse. there is a person. he's one of the greatest american heroes of north america all the america's great warrior great wisdom great learned man. the idea is that this is a memorial and burial ground but it's not confirmed. this is it this is the memorial. i guess just looks like something kind of humble for the people here. and i guess it's kind of sweet ok you know it strikes me as being a bit inadequate. you know why we were just at mount rushmore the contrast between this and mt rushmore couldn't be greater than rushmore is like a cathedral of american colonialism here's
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a guy who was tribal existence was thousands of years ago and this is all we have in memory every couple of transparency and seems like there's a you know you could maybe get a little. more. yes spectacular i mean it was practically grandiose to something some show a little more left this seems a little you know small. compared to mount rushmore sure yeah i guess you make a good point kind of seems odd yeah this great american right yeah well what we see here says a bunch of stuff about how we kind of didn't do the right thing right but we're trying to do that now on a pilgrimage is what i think and stephen listen to me now you know. what i've been learning on this pilgrimage is that we are quite small in this universe. i
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worried that we might meet a similar fate as the native folks here pretty mean well you know what did them in the train and horse apocalypse. you know there could be a point where we meet a similar fate with the emergence of artificial intelligence. is coming and we could be similarly wiped out. the next three plague artificial intelligence quite possibly. well. sitting bull. thanks for all you've done. it's been nice to have this experience and we hope to be an inspiration in ways that reflect your ideas and your legacy. i'm out. for a brother. thank you for. the journey of the pilgrimage thus
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far if i understand correctly your station you have to head out for kaiser report things that we will see down the road and i'm prepared to tell the ranch. thanks carol music i got. god bless your body. as our hero's say a very long and heartfelt goodbye temporarily breaking up this bromance stephen remembers he forgot the most important part of the pilgrim church. if you can. only read it on over here come to think better check back. good afternoon one of the amazing motorcycle. these winds are starting to get
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a little foreboding what do you think of my dog oh he's cute he's cute don't really really motorcycle raise lady. what's your name janet janet i'm stephen this is rio how are you. my little macho man the pomeranian rio de janeiro to the rio de janeiro wow fish reel in the sweet yeah we're just checking out the memorial here to sitting bowen stopping along the way trying to learn more about you know the the natives locally here and. taken real for a little walk beautiful day for a ride home yes it is it is it's a beautiful day who around here would be like the almost the best person with some of the best knowledge. maybe you know. there's a lot of elders that you can get different versions of our history and our knowledge of it so it's not just one person there's many but. chairman dave our
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sample dave is that right yeah he's our chairman you be a great person to talk to wouldn't yes he would would you like to him that would be awesome if you could lead the way i can go see how to do so i can give you a ride you in rio ride with winds like these what a great idea what would you do then i could give you guys a really now and get r.v. to follow us and what do you think are ready. do you think hopping around feeling my scarf to go for a ride on the motorcycle. who think that means yes liz. liz
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please liz as stephen rio and janet make the list kate is still going to. live. and after a long winded motorcycle ride stephen really janet finally a. policeman come for you. did you take a motorcycle ride mr. janet thank you there was a beautiful ride your family yes i hope that ferry street heard there were some. what a treat to see your state thank you let's get in there and say hello to do you. have a. plan to call it out tonight my friend steve and. it
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is this new city that huge road tell me you are you know just got blessed here and then to janet over sitting bull monument i asked her who do you think of that can be sure surround a little bit meet some of the locals. to take you for rides and show you some different sites and. just can introduce you to the area and you'll learn more about the people. taken from here steve i got to get back to where your biggest banks are right now thanks to you guys. so much about the suki. not too much dogs are like one of the most loyal friends to our culture he's the most loyal and most compassionate there
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live for a man's best friend man's best friend. so just so you know. we are known for eating dog. the sewer known for eating dogs and it was because when we. sacrificed them it was their wish it's something that their spirits that they wanted for our people so that we can live. you have a name for a dog so this is yes he has a name this is. so what time should i prepare him for dinner lunch which we won't because he has a name as long as long as we we know that. makes the sacrifice. cut sort of space just us that much l. for all the other is dogs that are running wild on the roost in puppies. under
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coyotes and everybody plays a kill and he spoke to. my boss. my wife. she likes to do this little teddy bear cub with him. so it's ok with you let's go for it and i can tell you more kind of like what i just shared with you let's head on else this is what we're rolling with here on the great american. very blessed for. the front seat watching those that or somebody would. go and try to start the that's one two three. place to play. everything if you haven't seen any of this pilgrimage that's probably a good idea something. something just plain wrong that will help lay down
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the road. on the opening seat belt on that's. usually the driver awareness the. company to put mine on. so that's not just some common enemy out in the sky. with the winds hopefully behind and stephen hits the road today for a tour of standing for insight into the history of the original americans next time the great american pilgrimage if you were to come here last year at this time there would be over ten thousand people they came because we're standing up against like this struggle to protect the drinking water and special lands from the pipe. construction of the times led to violent confrontations if you can see where the tower is. that is where the pipeline goes there's a high chance that they can break this is right below my house.
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pranking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could
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make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like the gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here in the slowdowns for much they lost their jobs got laid off and the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality to deal with. what politicians do something that. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president interim. or somehow want to reach. out to the right to be close it's like them before three of them or ten people that
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i'm interested in always in the waters in the. bush should. seem wrong all right old old just don't call. me that he's yet to stamp out this thing becomes to educate and gain from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. why are you was.
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be. is some of the top stories of the last seven days claims and counterclaims fly between syria's warring parties as the government appears to be readying for an offensive against the country's laws from a rebel on clay. this was a flashpoint in the week the german city of. violent clashes triggered by a local man's death by suspects the police described as being of various nationalities. and to migrants and euro skeptic parties gay momentum in sweden the head of next week's general election that's next sunday amid
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a wave of arson attacks we visit a district in the capital it's now been granted a no go zone. i just past five o'clock here in moscow when i was kevin oh in this is our international thanks for joining me this for more of the stories from a weekly roundup of some of the big stories of the last seven days and this was a very top tensions have been growing between the warring parties in syria ahead of a possible government offensive to recapture province in the northwest of that country now washington claims that assad's forces may use chemical weapons if they launch an attack on the region which is largely controlled by islamist extremists but in the wake russia responded by saying that terrorists they're preparing a false flag chemical attack as a pretext for western intervention. syrian armed forces have no
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chemical weapons and no plans to use them there is no military necessity for it it is not for the russians to assert that the syrians have chemical weapons sensible people will not be used militarily useless means to draw the fire of three powerful countries upon themselves the russians are claiming now and this one another group stockpiling chemical weapons and planning an attack and you know i think that's more false flag type or any time you know because there's enough for when you try to play the blame they try to put the onus on other groups and we don't buy into. the chemical weapons provocation which is being prepared this is aimed at keeping al nusra that we believe these egotistical unilateral political games that counterproductive. this stage is set for a final and it looks like a bloody battle the battle for tens of thousands of islamists rebels from all over syria and the world against the syrian army and its allies in the
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world that the stakes here are like never before i q stations provocation and chemical scandal it's not an even fight the syrian army is stronger which means geologists need all the help they can get from abroad. following the alleged go to chemical attack russia is warning that rebels will try to stage a similar incident in the drawer the u.s. france and britain. and sad again russia says an incident is
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imminent especially after the u.s. and the allies jointly stated that they would act if it looks like as had launched another chemical attack that's almost an invitation to do so says moscow it was. now when the u.s. is steering the situation around we want to know how can damascus have chemical weapons if the u.s. france and great britain destroyed them last year you know what the u.s. answer is we never said that from. the chemical weapons provocation which is being prepared is aimed at keeping al nasra they're counting on using it against the so-called regime as they call it it's do or dive for the jihad ists rebels nowhere left to run nothing left to lose and their sponsors the west the gulf which have pumped billions upon billions of dollars into a cause that's on its last legs the mascot's and moscow of trying to work out a deal to reduce perhaps avoid the bloodshed but the job for it syria
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russia adamant these swamp of terror and zealotry has no future. group which are this is the last place for the terrorists so from all points of view this abscess should be removed of course what everybody's fearful of is escalation given the u.s. russian military buildup in the region everyone has a gun pointed at each other and given that this is it the final act of the syrian war the urge to shoot might just be overwhelming the united states doesn't believe that the rebels have that capability whereas that there's tremendous documentation to show that they do have the capability they've probably been storing it for months if not years in the province. they have used it in the past they have their capability and it is a last ditch hold for them so it cannot be ruled out it's not it's not beyond the
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realm of possibility that the u.s. is trying to get us out they're going to continue trying and and even though donald trump wants to. get the us out of syria there are elements within the us government that don't want that to happen. next a former trump advisor and award winning war correspondent britain's opposition leader and a rock star on the face of it you wouldn't think there's much in common but nonetheless they all ended up on a list a scientist he goes down off explains. labeling people as in fashion has been for the past couple of years in fact populist mainstream deplorable or when it comes to syria and a scientist like a sadist to but who also supports the syrian president at least that seems to be the logic behind an index of names recently claude together i chose primarily this
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term rather than the narrower term pro our side because some of the public figures in this list explicitly denied being pro side but still persistently repeat core lines of regime propaganda narratives steve bell and glenn greenwald boris johnson norm chomsky let's say the chances of coming across any other list banding these people together are slim you published an article full of lies because you're too lazy and or malicious to care that you're doing it i never defended the assad regime in my life in fact the author was quite meticulous coming up with a ten point quote unquote scale of a side ism and having read through those i figured that maybe i should offer my uncle assistance in completing this list as by no means does it look finished take this point implying the west has somehow supported al nusra or isis i think we're
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back in people we have no idea who they are the rebels we call of the rebels the patriotic rebels we have no idea lot of people think you know that they are isis how about expanding it with the whole staff of the u.s. state department and they denied entry to the leader of the white helmets over security concerns and after all being mean to them is a capital offense to any individual in any group. suspected of. ties or relations with extremist groups or was that we had believed to be a security threat to united states we would act accordingly but as for those who are already on the list we've interviewed a couple of them document is is ridiculous in many ways but it's also deeply. and concerning the vote it is part of a witch hunt against people who don't accept the government line on military intervention in the middle east supporters based on no facts whatsoever. really.
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takes no account whatsoever of my actual views on. what we're looking at here just what this black list is something published by someone who we had never heard of before totally obscure figure this is just like comical level of research and it's being promoted by the same people who have been not only promoting western intervention in syria but who have been dedicated for the past two years to attacking and mirroring anyone who gets in their way now. to choose out of the way that most people get their news and they use those. social media in art or in order to educate themselves will find out what's going on off but it's being it is being the content is being censored by the corporations. so so so it it won't be free and it's
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not free now but it's and there they are targeting i wouldn't be surprised if i disappear because i'm anti war but all of the list was a bit of a nobody before giving man birth to his catalogue but as its popularity swells let the public shaming comments. such as this clashes the german city of chemist's between anti migrant protesters and rival groups left eighteen injured yes they are still multiple arrests the city's been hit by unrest throughout the week two after the stabbing of a local man is a roundup of what happened. liz .


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