tv Documentary RT September 2, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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the really wanted to extradite people so they could do it but they don't dare to do it because they're afraid of the leftwing media they would protest and their n.g.o.s and so-called human rights organizations they protest against and they even try to prevent physically the extradition of people the most recent statistics for this year show that more than half of deportation orders were carried out the most common reason for this is that when authorities turn up at the door address where somebody was supposed to live they're not there and they can't be found however this year we've seen a sharp rise in the number of people who've avoided deportation after they physically resisted reaper tree ation of people that don't have the right to be here in germany is on the list for angela merkel on the tour around africa we have a situation now where not all problems have been solved especially deporting a still a big problem the security system also the judicial system has to make clear
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that there is an effective system of crime prevention. and there is also an effective system in place of punishing committed crimes and not just coloring the situation beautiful lead by presenting statistics that was done by interior minister posse home for claims that the security situation was better than ever since nine hundred ninety two but it just took some statistics which did not really reflect the situation on the streets he left out all those cases that were reported to the police but were never really taken further because of lack of capacity on behalf of the police. it's exactly a week until sweden goes to the polls and it could prove to be a big electoral upset with right wing support on the rise crime. a big factor in
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the campaigning especially since a wave of arson attacks in which gangs have torched cars almost two thousand vehicles have been targeted in the country since january but the motive behind the attack still hasn't been officially established clearly and period the swedish prime minister lashed out at the mass use being blamed for the arson. most of the first of the question has to be asked of those people. who are you doing what do you think you are born as you destroy the whole area of the neighborhood for the children on their way to preschool you have to see burns out because. they're mostly hard response from society to me it is so should artie's maria from the ocean that visited one troubled district with a local journalist chang frank who witnessed multiple attacks himself. or. was. there something or was the hollowness one of this noble souls where we go.
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right now we're driving to the southern part of stockholm the swedish capital to one of the areas called by police as found the rebel area or especially vulnerable area or risk area how the refer to lead but in the media very often they call these neighborhoods right now around sixty one of them officially listed by police as no go so and he with me you know swedish journalist chang three thank you so much for being my guy tonight. no gun zone in sweden seriously of course you can go dar. you will have problem if you go there with the camera or with your police or. from here is swedish vulnerable areas have been grabbing headlines over she teen in car burnings the latter has nearly doubled every ten years why do they burn the car and i think it's like to show police that
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there were called for all of the area not the police to go. a lot of people are angry and all because you know if you could what if you have a parking lot with what the cost of or open one of coral fire of course it will spread to the next door an extra. just a common thing that people leave those areas things fair to suit us to make some more money they move away immediately definitely you don't want to kids to go into school here for other for. the discussion is it true a lot if it's a little girl's all of those. politicians are just so you give up for example a social double. he called it no it's a go go also you know so i went to holland i used to live there. a visit with the police never figure out why they got out the day out of course. after the police
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car so they had to call for what you call the. truck to get their way the police got when he was stuck to prove it's a go go so known for high criminality rate theories have a reputation for drug trade. terrorists place where there's a lot of drugs. people up there are just go out there are. people standing here and for whatever and then one for you even if you're blind you will see what they could dealing drugs it's not like they are hiding it. to the people who have. to live with it which i don't violent they would have thought of to. know on the route told not to do they know the job market even the money the money would go to was that if you shoot a gun you may know. that but what we've seen across sweden's vulnerable areas
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looked quite tense just like the country's prime minister has described although the authorities never agreed many tend to blame the massive number of immigrants for the situation. people think that it's related to his two thousand and fifteen immigration crisis with no this is because of the with ratio we had twenty years ago a lot of these people are criminal the second generation immigrants the parents came to sweden if you want to be from arctic you can say that the worst is still ahead of us. social scientists. believes that poverty is the root cause of sweden's problems. now you understand that look at how little it did because he discovered that we have. not allowing sat down my grounds to get into the labor market so that's that's a big problem here we are. in there we can enough to change their political.
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party in the first time in a story. from being social democrats and and getting into very very unhappy rights new york a not fair political. situation so also of course it's a little bit catalytic in that way. there's concern in the u.k. over a rise in children wanting to change their gender and there's been plenty of reaction as well that and more after this short break. oh only. have one. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to be old for bridge eight point six percent market saw thirty percent from last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and that one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one doesn't show you can afford to miss the one and only boom box.
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welcome back the war in vietnam may have ended more than four decades ago but apparently not for everyone twelve anti-communists were recently sentenced over an attempted coup two of them are u.s. nationals. the vietnam war one of the world's bloodiest conflicts and the american army's biggest defeat to ideologically opposed blocks in two decades of fighting came at a cost of fifty six thousand u.s. troops in a bid to overthrow the communist regime of north korea now but the casualties among civilians were much greater at least two million people died in the war. after hopes of tightening a democratic grip across the vietnamese state slipped away and up to one hundred forty one billion dollars was spent on military operations the us folded to what had been an exhausting rule at home and abroad. in one thousand nine hundred
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seventy three thousands of antiwar protesters would later contribute to the end of u.s. military involvement and two years later the south surrendered with vietnam forced to unite under a socialist flag. however it would take years for vietnam to heal from the wounds of the us campaign. napalm bombs and toxic herbicides left the country scarred. and its citizens suffering. fast forward to twenty eight and us finance relations have turned a new leaf. even prospering. however there are some people who can't let go of the past among them the provisional national government of the third republic of vietnam most of them share one thing in common they all supported or fought for the south vietnamese army and had to flee when the war ended in one nine hundred seventy five they dream of a regime they never had a chance to see. and they're proactive about sharing their agenda they have their
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own prime minister and even newspapers about their cause printed in japan malaysia and thailand. recently they've caught the attention of more global audience is. the ministry of the. security should announce the organization of the provisional national government of vietnam as a terrorist organization. they planned to buy weapons in an attempt to carry out terror attacks but their plots were uncovered and they were arrested by vietnamese security forces. twelve members were charged with subversion attempting to broadcast anti state messages described as a coup two of those behind it were american nationals of vietnamese descent. has been revealed they openly penned letters to the u.s. president with a q. even based in california it may be almost half a century since the end of the vietnam war but under the surface there are still rumblings with some still willing to fight for
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a cause they never saw come to fruition. as you just saw one of the two u.s. national sense is han james nguyen the u.s. embassy in vietnam has released a statement saying it will continue to provide support for him meanwhile some locals say the group he belongs to just doesn't understand times have changed. this reactionary group which carries out acts of sabotage against the vietnamese government is deplorable the government is determined to maintain peace and stability so that the country can develop and prosperity be brought to the people in the groups members should not delude themselves into thinking what they do is right what they don't understand the times have changed they don't understand the position of they put themselves in when they conspired against a country i think the sentences were too lenient. the case minister for women has been criticized by rights activists after expressing
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concern over the rising number of children wishing to change their gender. i read in the paper recently there has been a large increase in the number of teenagers who are identifying as such and i think we need to get down to the reasons why this is happening it may simply be a case of greater awareness in maybe that they see as his an answer to questions they are perhaps not asking themselves transgender issues are increasingly being raised in the u.k. with initiatives being launched to recognise the community's rights one recent example is edinburgh university where new students are being encouraged to wear badges with the words he she or they indicating how they want to be referred to the students' union campaign is part of an effort to avoid missed gendering however it says students should not use the term preferred emphasizing it's not a preference but in this sesame we debated the issue with human rights activist peter tatchell and radio talk show host john god. it's people do not choose to be trans they don't make this decision about gender reassignment career without very
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very serious long protracted thought and indeed is often agonizing they face often rejection by their parents being thrown out of home and very high rates of suicide and attempted suicide so this is not a decision that a young person takes lightly and if they make the decision but they feel that they are one gender or another i think we should respect that i don't think it's a big deal to it's about common decency just about being kind and compassionate to other people so i don't i agree with that but bought a same token they should respect our rights to have a different view and when you talk about this this is always brought the thing about trans and serious sides it isn't because they're struggling with the fact they think they're in the wrong body that lage generally to the serious side it's aster when they realize they've made a dreadful mistake which is why the woman's minister or the education minister is
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right to say we need to look at why more and more young people are trying to go through this if somebody feels they are you know being assigned the wrong gender they're in the wrong body i have enormous sympathy for them but we shouldn't be kind of i don't really want to use this word but encouraging it which is why edinburgh university is doing well no one is encouraging them and nor should anyone encourage them this is a call that's coming from the young people themselves but if the purpose of these badges is just to raise awareness and in particular to make transfusions and their friends and allies feel comfortable safe and accepted i don't think that's a terrible thing i think it's just a common human decency to become into i know that perfectly reasonable have made this decision what's not reasonable add on a minute where universities are trying to tell lecturers it's happened at university. of a toronto of course famously with jordan peterson where they totally had she not
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use things like hello ladies and gentlemen hello boys and girls they had to fit into these new pronouns if they want to say today i'm a man tomorrow arm a boy the next hour my fridge freezer so that but i don't have to fainter i don't want to get into a situation where i have to change pronouns i have to change the english language trans people are reality they have existed since time immemorial who are throughout history i think the fact that there are more people coming forward is because there is greater social understanding and acceptance the stigma and guilt is fading away the issue has been discussed more openly and that is why more people are coming forward and of violence trans but it's still a tiny tiny minority. finally we bring you some live pictures now from the closing ceremony of an international military festival of music and moscow dozens of orchestras from twenty countries have taken part in the event in red square this year the weeklong festival is an annual event in the russian capital which has been
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it was you know provision on my back when i wanted to. ask but i. think. you're so you'll know i lost his boss because you know that then you just got to go with us as you know just anybody on a month on those in person but that's honest i don't think there's been any of them . showing us you know what i was you know i got you know just i mean my point is i'm already what it was but not part of me just got to go easy i mean it was a lot. different up as well i must admit that really feels i just don't get it i'm
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getting worse but those were the oldest. son those people are going to respect i'm one of those but i would probably say just this by the support of this. my family fussy equal kind of all my just but that's already yes it will be and he thought of getting out there calling you seem to mean to carry out my thought aloud problem you just got to go you. this is the elite of the elite in the elite in the cinema see in the us and would have good morning. no i mean not everything to rid. us of levels from. here we would not be. going to do what i want to do what i would.
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have. been on challenge. the stigma. it is today might be good and it will do but only if you did how do i want to be able to know that how. would you know what i'm not. going. to go to do knowing kinetic around in the womb before me see what i was i mean i don't bad mouth. pushing the kids to people to ever put your kids to be a problem and all to. a managerial people that what if they are good and ready to speak to everyone i'm ready to. tell my soon to have people.
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our family almost. did not know we've went out this is on board and as i was in freetown university all three of you to seven days everybody kept sick thoughts uniting on the. my father called me here to phone. during the time it was only to ambulance this street i took a while though by starting to two then two bites on two i finished through to the end of the most recent. from. god is i was home made family. i did there i was discharged. discharge officer i want to see my family.
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that. they are all passe with. you i want to live. i came back to the community. before we obvious talent on the road. towards him. people we are the. on that. i'm mention on the road sitting down i said it's everything which is a problem i set out for me because. right now you don't have a job even something to eat so i feed it is fun meaning it more and i know him before us a project single largest grossing there are due to be starts projects in how to
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brew costs have to talk to your campin it would also like to convince people that this thing that's easy on we go down. and how fifteen all found and presently with the i lost the family all of that shit all of the families as it is not isn't. really falls. just. to encourage. you to just leave yes yes and that he didn't. look you know we have streets today and also the obvious ones also like the mystic waiting in. the big thing just the canned says except for the sick as you see this one most abused by one of. the soon. to be out.
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by the bottles and will. have more than five hundred survivors of this organization six killed them. was. landing on a title most of it for no obvious now. then you move forward. and said in the article for. them i'm going to give over now and of wasn't. cell phone pings and. long phone pings and alkaline lastly. the first didn't do obviously. a lot bigger labor and i'm not. feeling that now and no one i doubted yeah. we just heard there will be other change.
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everyone did out so rifle that you pull out this big money nobody wants to win the argument with the world so today we are green dots for schools to most of us the markets business talking to. my ties to nokia we call them they are human beings having the bios anymore. we move them inside it's in our culture you know all of the people i missed the bus in town looks educated to by you have been on the bulla with the need to do you have to be soft friedel you that's yes devival maybe desert in this that's a chance for the bios to them so that is why do you feel this is the blood size issue of a small step. in the zero. eight movement. say the. line. in the outflow on the.
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economy down close to. i left university of two thousand and four to. buy i was in moscow and occasionally . i have no morning to complete my. two. small phase of my life i can write or buy. up all of this is a motorbike. i used to smoke it from my colleagues and by it payment power water left on my hand is ten thousand euros. sometimes it's two thousand if people see me right in a motel by those who know guys as always will they will not break me. they'll break down and i'll buy. the quality is not my that i will if this way is where we
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want out or they do it. so that is why i don't want to you this tell me. about my fears for those people who know me as a neighbor or survival. you look out for the rest of the day. and what are called it is out on the road to go to. wildlife. how young. like me were able to take sixteen people in the family. for. you are.
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probably going to. argue that what. my dad really needs is house. and he did finish it orders who were not before he's dead what i'm trying. to finish the house when i got money we are not living. because over the evil we are living like this we are very sad for this list because my home. to those who. wrote. me begin to live. and.
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judge. asks me for how strict i'm not getting money for be it down. i mean money did the house didn't. die upon this sickness in india. and then say i'm just. not enough. of you. taking me. to did this or that he does well good for floyd to not get the. job right now. i'm not going to feed me and it begins. and it became. john's full game.
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