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tv   The Great American Pilgrimage  RT  September 2, 2018 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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i think if the government really wanted to extradite people they could do it but they don't dare to do it because they're afraid of the left wing media they would protest and their. so-called human rights organizations they protest against try to prevent physically the extradition of people the most recent statistics for this year show that more than half of deportation orders were carried out the most common reason for this is that when the authorities turn up at the door address where somebody was supposed to live they're not there and they can't be found however that this year we've seen a sharp rise in the number of people who've avoided deportation after they physically resisted reaper three ation of people that don't have the right to be here in germany is on the list for angela merkel on the tour around africa we have a situation now where not all problems have been solved especially deporting are
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still a big problem the security system also the judicial system has to make clear that there is an effective system of crime prevention. and there is also an effective system in place of punishing committed crimes and not just coloring the situation beautiful lead by a percent in statistics that was done by interior minister posse home for claims that the security situation was better than ever since nine hundred ninety two but it just took some statistics which did not really reflect the situation on the streets he left out all those cases that were reported to the police but were never really taken further because of lack of capacity on behalf of the police. it's exactly a week until sweden goes to the polls and it could prove to be a big electoral upset with right wing. support on the rawest crimes
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a big factor in the campaigning especially sends a wave of arson attacks and which gangs have torch cars almost two thousand vehicles have been targeted in the country since january but the motive behind the attack still hasn't been officially established clearly infuriated the swedish prime minister lashed out at the mass you being blamed for the arson. most of the cost of the question has to be asked of these people. are you doing what you think you are born if you destroy the whole area of the neighborhood for the children on their way to preschool you have to see turns out because. they're mostly hard response from society any of this so should artie's maria from the ocean that visited one troubled district with local journalist chang frank who witnessed multiple attacks himself. or. was. there something or was the hollowness will of this noble souls or we go.
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right now we're driving to the southern part of stockholm the swedish capital to one of the areas called by police as found the rebel area or especially vulnerable area or risk area how the refer to lead but in the media very often they call these neighborhoods right now around sixty one of them officially listed by police as no go so and he with me no swedish journalist chang three thank you so much for being my knight. no guns no in sweden seriously of course you can go to our. you will have problem if you go to with the camera or if you're. from here is swedish vulnerable areas have been grabbing headlines over she teen in car burnings the latter has nearly doubled every ten years why do they burn the car
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and i think it's like to show police that there were called for all of the area not the police to go. a lot of people are angry and all because you know if you could walk if you have a parking lot with what the cause of or open one of coral fire of course it will spread to the next door a next door. just a common thing that people leave those areas they move there so soon as they make some more money they move away immediately definitely you don't want to keep struggle with the school here for others for. a spark that discussion is a true about if it's a little girl saw. some politician on the so you give up for example a source. he called it no it's a go go also you know so you were. hollered i used to live there. over he said with the police never figure out why they got out the day out of course. after the
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police car so they had to call for what you call the. truck to get the way the police got when it was start to prove it's a go go so known for high criminality rate theories have a reputation for drug trade. terrorists place where it's a lot of drugs. people are kill it there are just go out there are. people standing here and ask for one of them and one for you even if you're blind you will see what they could dealing drugs it's not like they are hiding it. to the people who have. to live with it which i don't think violent they would have thought of to. know on the route told not to do jail you know good jobs every month you give me money no money ok but was that did you shoot the gun you may know.
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but what we've seen across sweden's vulnerable areas looked quite tense just like the country's prime minister has described although the authorities never agreed many tend to blame the massive number of any goings on the situation. people think that it's related to his two thousand and fifteen immigration crisis with no this is because of immigration we have twenty years ago a lot of these people are criminals second generation immigrants the parents can't speak if you want to be a bit from arctic you can say that the worst is still ahead of us. social scientists. believe that poverty is the root cause of sweden's problems. look how let it go at it because it pisco what we have. not. said my grounds to get into the labor market so that's that's a big brawl and here we are. in there we can you know which. political.
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party the first time he story. from being social democrats around and getting into very very unhappy writes new york i'm not for a political. situation so i'm sort of course it's a little bit catalytic. still to come it's one step forward two steps back in the investigation and the trump russia coalition and the u.s. the details on that story and more are next. but politicians to. put themselves on the line. they get accepted or rejected.
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so if you want to be president. some want us. to do right for us it's like. the korean people are. interested in the. thanks i should.
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thank you. welcome back to the program the french president called for a new security plan for europe on monday manual mccrone addressing french ambassadors warned that the e.u. has reached a crisis moment and said it cannot depend so heavily on the u.s. for protection. europe can no longer rely solely on the united states for its security it is up to us today to take up our responsibilities in guarantee european security and consequently european sovereignty we must fully drawn the consequences of the end of the cold war now mr michael went to outline a number of quite the united states which are very similar to the european union with the united states and particularly the trump administration there things such as the trade wars that we've seen in recent months this is the hiking of steel and tariffs with countries around the world also the fact that the trumpet ministration his withdrawal from the paris climate accord it's also withdrawn from the nuclear
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deal earned of course there has been doubts from the trumpet ministration particularly from president himself over a two week self which is the security force boeing's the us and europe now he's talked in the past saying that he thinks the u.s. is doing too much so all of these concerns have prompted me to say we can't now rely on the u.s. for security we have to do something about it ourselves what is that well he's talked about this defense cooperation in europe but he's also said that europe needs to look beyond its borders and to look to other countries such as russia in the future. for i think we need a total update of our relationship with russia to further end the cold war we sometimes have continued reactions on both sides linked to mistakes so misunderstandings from the last two decades this has prevented us from fully reasoning as we should have done so it is my wish that i talked about it several
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times with president putin especially last spring in some petersburg summits but in terms of cybersecurity defense in terms of strategic partnership we can envisage a rethink about the terms of the new common architecture between the european union and russia. so it seems that as the u.s. continues to isolate itself from long standing partners such as europe the european union that could be now paving the way to new relationships with other countries to emerge. hopes of a fresh lead in the trump russia collusion investigation or dash last sunday after the attorney for the u. a lawyer backpedaled lawyer backpedal he now says his client michael cohen has no evidence of any illicit ties with the details here's killed more. the attorney representing trump's lawyer michael cohen has been going around the mainstream media indicating that he's getting ready to release
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a bombshell about trump russia collusion now the press has been salivating like a hungry hound anxious to get their hands on the smoking gun the trump russia probe has been waiting for i can tell you that. mr cohen has knowledge on certain subjects that should be of interest to the special counsel and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows davis isn't just speaking in generalities he said he had information about the d.n.c. being hacked he also said he had information about the now infamous meeting between donald trump jr and two russian nationals supposedly about digging up information about hillary clinton now he says he's willing to share this information with the special counselor except now he's backtracking he says it's all a big misspeak i should have been more clear including with you that i could not independently confirm what happened i regret my ira now the attorney for michael
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cohen isn't just retracting his own words he seems to be throwing cold water on something that c.n.n. treated like a breaking news explosion sources with knowledge tell myself and call that michael cohen claims then candidate donald trump knew in advance about the june twenty sixth meeting in trump tower crucially these sources tell us that cohen is willing to make that assertion to the special counsel welborn bowler the reporting of the story got mixed up so michael cohen does not have information that president trump knew about the from terror meeting with the russians beforehand or you know there's no c.n.n. stands by its report why let the truth get in the way of a good story but for donald trump who's been screaming the f word for months that word is fake by the way this fits his narrative perfectly michael cohen's. clarified the record saying his client does not know if president trump knew about the trump tower meeting out of which came nothing the answer is that i did not know
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about the meeting just another phony story by the fake news media so why is this such a big deal well if the story had panned out it would have meant that finally bob muller had some significant evidence it's been over a year and a half since the special counsel has been sent out to investigate issues related to trump and russia collusion so far he has uncovered some foul play from some former trump associates but nothing related to russia it looks like michael cohen's lawyer had everyone convinced that finally there would be some real evidence surfacing but alas it looks like we got faked out again still no evidence back to square one but it looks like the investigation has no sign of stopping. r.t. new york. former cia officer ray mcgovern says that c.n.n. may keep standing by their story even if it is wrong because allege russia trying times or hit for western media. russia gate is the coin of the realm here if you
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have a story no matter how false you're out with it before anybody pays any attention to the sourcing we have a sleazy bunch of lawyers and i'd have to ed pundits and reporters who now are caught in this web of misinformation. speaking at all kinds of euphemisms for lying i would suggest that if they do have another source that to defend what's left of their reputation they need to serve up some information about this sort but as i say they have no imperative to do that because i'm not c.n.n. on and miss n.b.c. and the cable and also the other outlets this story will kind of peter out and what people will remember is the first impression namely comply and again the u.s. says it's shifting its focus from fighting terrorism to entering an arms race with other major world powers but is it playing catch up or going into overdrive to
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boost its arms industry. great power competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of us now ok you're going to be discredited it four times. six. six. six. six. six you mention the navy for example that we have fewer ships than we did in one
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nine hundred sixty governor we also have a few horses and bayonets but nature of our military is changed. the world changed right russia and china appear competitors and we have to think about our plants different ways and we have in the past when you look at the three major superpowers china russia and the united states all three directly china and russia really upgraded their forces in the last five years so now the united states is playing catch up a little bit on some of those people who are the problem isn't we spend more money than the rest of the world on military equipment and manpower this is about big business these country companies make billions off the united states plus the illegal arms shipment state they send around the world the united states is in a constant buildup of weaponry and in a constant arms race. the closing ceremony of an international military fest of. of
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music has just finished up in moscow dozens of orchestras from twenty countries have taken part in the event in red square this year the weeklong festival is an annual event in russia which has been running for ten years military band parades and fireworks shows coming from far and wide the teams have included orchestras from south america to asia. thanks for watching the weekly i'll be back at the top the hour. join me every thursday on the all excited i'm sure and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you than.
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anyone else shows seem wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to shape out these days comes to attitude and in detroit equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. i. i mean i am i think i think. it will be yes you know.
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just i don't hide oh i lost his boss because you got that part of me just part of the media which was you know. let me put your money but the pressure on us to want to go to your grandmother when i mean what i thought i mean by doing that anyway oh . showing us you know what i was you know. not just i mean what almost what i'm already part of a sped up part of me just going to. make chicken just now at a loss coming up from all that if there's an italian on low. and in the up on what i think there's a let's go. to. the thing because i get me. always had a were do. my thing with classy equal kind of woman you just bumped into already yes if westry in the thought of you think of calling quincy or something. if he. was queer focus on the boy's house and having fun. go out with them what i mean by
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that anybody would accommodate you when they were there obviously but that's been. in the eighty's metal and was considered one of the most crime ridden locations in the whole world it was here the drug lord radley infamous cartel gang made millions of dollars selling cars. cain and its leader killed anyone who stood in his way even though the cartel was responsible for thousands of deaths happening remains a popular figure among the country's poorest people in some parts of the city he was even known as columbia's robin hood. medal and is also home to
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a close friend of ask fans they call him popeye he confessed to murdering two hundred fifty people and organizing two and a half hours in killings he spent twenty three years in jail for the crimes. popeye hasn't become an outcast in the city where he once killed on the country he's very popular styling himself as a blogger and political activist who came to madeline to meet him to try and understand this colombian paradox why he is treated like a superstar. i must admit i was very nervous before a meeting. at least by the. end of the interview to either hide or that's the bailey next meeting if we have. to. settle. the police your way out of the security you have the sort of. that i'm you don't leave those. estimate premed
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leave it all this. is the leader of the misery and there are a lot of problems. ok but you say you're going to meet i. was in the premier league. and. so it is. merely the i got that i make out of this. book. this is not a complaint you see if there are you know when we're getting the e.p. nina. but i cannot it's not a complaint letter can be supported by the media. is going to be put on by the.
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law get out with little thought it. could mean a little i am not into i want to. quote into police. responded to but just to put it's not just what i need is good then i support put us on i give up. and we had a moshe we would win no. i mean thirty. kids walking along the street dogs. but. the. more you know the name you. obviously melanoma thought of him up and. let them all coming up. i don't know your place on the committee and i'm a. million dollar man of the us so i'm going to think when he goes plate is going to print then i say when we get it passed by the moon do. you know them in order to
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. be published claudia. made. in the mid eighty's cocaine empire came under attack the colombian government signed a treaty with the united states that allowed local drug lords to be extradited to the us saying. they're going to receive the polish cost. of. this is. a moment that media slows. yes it was very poignant because part of we got our computer to look to see all. the illustrations.
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i know militants and all in front. of us are not. the also costello thirty cars trolley in this political pop on thirty of us through. the phone us but my specific comments a little. less an awful been only are you have. to find yang this is the kill before this stuff ready for the stock in human people to say so but if those are you allowed to describe it i mean. we've got almost one about this i've come into a conference this bundle on the end you know one of the faithful to keep out of the summit the chief model here is to be on the nose are the food you thought you could open it almost like an. old girl i had a monster which i think very. close to my list that you know
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a lot of suffering for it's. you know an olive oil coming out of to not be but that i hear you so cold we're not big on you know people and said. yeah. she cut you know the score. goes at the moment of the non-farm honestly. there's a little bit i did a few of you know what the evil bill i got out of those only had. been b.s. i would have been told to fill up but that's a lot of money that i bill by just a little bit. but i guess i'm a little bit he's a gay woman to. see my informal. but it's not like i don't like the not at all and i meant that i can say the most but i'm on it. but i mean a lot of what i you know from commented out of. the world is not
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a handbook and can see the sun as i stand on the sun itself is how wonderful so you are the kids. cannot give up what i say spousal. just thought i had only. love kindness from all that is in it how you don't know. this. kid there call our beloved dear not looking for family i. just don't buy this grocery only. you know we think is totally how she went but that ain't going to mythical sleep in the end the. longest was the anthonys are a couple who got used about this i don't know so you do know is. it's another quarter. you and i think this proceeding this is i'll go get on the. well i mean i want to we could you want to know which of you. said all along when you're going to get where you're my to tell us if you want yeah right i said i want
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to go with this. joke of ok. to your. pacing i guess what they did in the putting that. i can see in the new page of the second since he saw you could i could not i'm on his computer but me so what i said is. very normal but i mean it doesn't fit in with any of them are not bad enough yes you can imagine here so on the third is nice to see you know what it was a lot of your novels. you see him picking with you. for your speech. at the end a lot of momentum of the ne i love it the oath you missed i'm going to say well what if any allow you. to put it on a. i could take one hour less. work to survey the end of an appointee of
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your lives though because i hate to see you here going to a spider when it's time i don't. get it i'm one holding the bag on account. of the. public i think that there's enough to get us. to. the way that the majority of the wow. is i don't get go no it's not like look at contrary bikers to credibility of. the rich oh yeah someone give it of me that kind of voice that but also i tell it us you know we doubt when i can rustle we're going to give you no money kind of another they don't get us i think a lot of us just wish that you know i'm on my p.c. and if you could i would be. with their thoughts from vokey you know that i want you. yank out his will could he still like you and it would if he would have really hear or see as he says he columbia.


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