tv Cross Talk RT September 2, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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if you seen this place here behind me a lot of crime said you have a straw and so on to steal everything and so on and it's too much and i think we must help people but now it's too much. to be honest i'm ashamed of this city with these right wing extremists spread hate like that we should leave and piece together with the refugees. what we have seen and calmness is something that has no place in a constitutional state it's become a witch hunt mall the spewing hate on all streets this has no place in our country . what you want when you stream is to have capitalized on this terrible heinous
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crime is tasteless and abhorrence and we reject it is not acceptable when people who look for and are being attacked in the course of a spontaneous rally. anti migrant protesters have also been displaying photos of people who they claim have been assaulted by asylum seekers living flaws in germany's own legal and enforcement systems with more details our your correspondent peter over. migration policy in germany is firmly in focus right now but what to do when it's been decided that the person doesn't have the right to be here and should be deported well at the bizarre end of the spectrum is the case of one man in frankfurt who the city's office of public order confirmed to r.t. its how a whopping five hundred and forty two criminal investigations against him the man who doesn't have a passport can't be deported because the authorities can't prove which nation he
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originally comes from oh and by the way this has been going on since ninety ninety eight over the last twenty years most of his offenses have involved drug charges driving offenses driving without a license and violations of the residency act but who year is remains a mystery we have a loose spiral graphy that suggests that he was born in one nine hundred fifty nine in north africa in the past he said that he was from morocco and also from algeria it could be that he is from one of those two countries or it could be from somewhere entirely different opposition figures say that this case shows the flaws in the current system in germany but i'm not surprised this is the most extraordinary case the most ridiculous case so to speak it's a failure of system it's a failure of the government i think if the government really wanted to extradite people so they could do it but they don't dare to do it because they're afraid of
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the left wing media. would protest and their. so-called human rights organisations they protest against of even try to prevent physically the extradition of people the most recent statistics for this year show that more than half of deportation orders were carried out the most common reason for this is that when the authorities turn up at the door address where somebody was supposed to look. if they're not there and they can't be found however this year we've seen a sharp rise in the number of people who've avoided deportation after they physically resisted three ation of people that don't have the right to be here in germany is on the list for under the merkel. around africa we have a situation now where not all problems have been solved especially deport are still a big problem the security system also the judicial system has to make clear that there is an effective system of crime prevention. and there is
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also an effective system in place of punishing committed crimes and not just coloring the situation beautiful lead by presenting statistics that was done by interior minister posse home for claims that the security situation was better than ever since nine hundred ninety two but it just took some statistics which did not really reflect the situation on the streets he left out all those cases that were reported to the police but were never really taken further because of lack of capacity on behalf of the police. next sunday sweden goes to the polls and it could prove to be a big electoral upset with right wing support on the rise crimes been a big factor in the campaign especially since a wave of arson attacks and which gangs have torch cars almost two thousand
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vehicles have been targeted in the country since january but the motive behind the attacks still hasn't been officially established clearly infuriated the swedish prime minister lashed out at the mass use in blamed for the arson. program or study custom have the question has to be asked of those people you want to hack who are you doing for good how do you think you are born if you destroyed the whole area of the neighborhood for the children on their way to preschool you have to see the burnt out cars that are going to cause they're mostly hard response from society any of us or should our taste mary if a national visited one trouble district with local journalist chang frank who witnessed multiple arson attacks himself. or. was. there something or was the hollowness will of this noble souls where we go. right now we're driving to the southern part of stockholm the swedish capital to
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one of the areas called by police as vulnerable area or especially vulnerable area or risk area how the refer to it but in the media very often they call these neighborhoods right now around sixty one of them officially listed by police as no go so and he with me there swedish journalist tang three thank you so much for being my knight. no guns are in sweden seriously of course you can go dar. you will have problem if you go to with the camera or if you are pulled. from here is swedish vulnerable areas have been grabbing headlines over she teen in car burnings the latter has nearly doubled every ten years why do they burn the car and i think it's like to show police that there are cultural of the area not the
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police a lot. lot of people are angry and all because you know if you could what if you have a parking lot with what the cost of or only put one coral fire of course it will spread to the next door a next door. just a common thing that people leave those areas they care to suit us they make some more money they move away immediately definitely they don't want to keep still go into school here for others for. a spot the discussion is it true a lot if it's a little girl saw. some politicians are just so you give up for example a source. he called it no it's a go go also you know so he went to holland i used to live there are over he said with the police never figure out why they got out the day out of course. after the police car so they had to call for what you call the. truck to get the way the
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police got when he was to prove it's a go go so known for high criminality rate theories have a reputation for drug trade. terrorists place where there's a lot of drugs obviously people kill it there are just go out there are. people standing here and for whatever and they will find it for you even if you're blind you will see what they could dealing drugs it's not like they are hiding it. to the few people who have. to live with it which i don't think violent that we would have thought of to. know on the route told not to do they do no good because of the mafia give me money no money ok but was that did you shoot the gun you may know. but what we've seen across sweden's vulnerable areas looked quite tense just like the country's prime minister has described although the authorities never
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agreed many tend to blame the massive number of immigrants for the situation. people think that it's related to his two thousand and fifteen immigration crisis with no this is because of immigration we have twenty years ago a lot of these people are criminal or second generation immigrants the parents came to speak if you want to be a bit from arctic you can say that the worst is still ahead of us. social scientists. believes that poverty is the root cause of sweden's problems. i understand that it can and i had a look at how well it got about it because he discovered that we have a very simple there to not allowing southtown my grounds to get into the labor markets also that's not a big problem here we are. in there making enough to change their political. party for standing a story. from being social democrats and and getting into
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anyone else seems wrong why don't we all just don't all. get to shape our. attic. and in. the trailer. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. welcome back to the program c.n.n. is under fire after refusing to retract a breaking news story on collusion between donald trump and russia despite the news channel source publicly withdrawing a significant claim the whole story was based on our reports. a quick look at some
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of the nuts and bolts of russia collusion storytelling we've gotten rather used to the media running sensational headlines because a number of anonymous sources said this or that well what if the anonymous source reveals his identity and says the story's not true or that he's made a mistake perhaps you'd expect the outlet to take a step back consider some skepticism possibly make a correction or take the story down altogether not if you're c.n.n. we stand by our story and are confident in our reporting on it and here's their original bombshell story from a month ago sources with knowledge tell myself and call that michael cohen claims then candidate donald trump knew in advance about the june twenty sixth beating a drum tower crucially these sources tell us that cohen is willing to make that assertion to the special counsel were albert mohler so the sensation was that the
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president's former lawyer would tell investigators mr trauma had known about the infamous crump tower sit down featuring his son and the russians sure that counts as a sensation as many would take it as proof there had been collusion well a few weeks later a man called lanny davis michael cohen's own attorney comes out and says he was the source for c.n.n. a b he's made a mistake and c. is inside into this complicated matter has been misinterpreted mr davis eventually even appeared on c.n.n. several times to reiterate just that the reporting of this story got mixed up so michael cohen does not have information that president trump knew about the from tower meeting with the russians beforehand or you know does not is that your understanding now that the senate. has been told no michael cohen stands by his
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testimony he did not know of the trump tower meeting beforehand that's correct and the reporting was a bit garbled but c.n.n. did nothing to warn its audience the story could have been false in fact it even began attacking the man who it once used as a source blaming him for changing his mind as often as the wind however when c.n.n. first broke the news based on a tip off from sources it mentioned that attorney davis declined to comment on the matter and now we know that mr davis and the source are the same person unlike these guys other influential outlets the likes of the washington post came up with follow up reports or included corrections they weren't saying the original story was false for sure but at least casts some doubt this was the time when journalists went to c.n.n. but c.n.n. only answer to their question was we stand by our story it's still right because we
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had multiple sources did c.n.n. name many of these sources know this is out sometimes work and there could be a much bigger issue behind this kind of news climate one congressman from the republican party has claimed serious people from the likes of the justice department could leak sensitive stuff to the media on purpose he says this could be a tactic to trigger endless rounds of probes we know that some people at the department of justice that f.b.i. actually gave information to the media in the stories were reported then they use those reports to justify further investigations could that point to some other form of collusion don't you dare even think that russia gate is the coin of the room here if you have a story no matter how false you're out with it before anybody pays any attention to
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the source. we have a sleazy bunch of lawyers and i have to. pundits and reporters who now are caught in this web of misinformation. speaking at all kinds of euphemisms for lying i would suggest that if they do have another source that to defend what's left of their reputation they need to serve up some information about this sort but as i say they have no imperative to do that because i'm not c.n.n. on m.s.n. b c on the cable and also the other outlets this story will kind of peter out and what people will remember is the first impression namely lied again. the debate over independence and spain's rest of catalonia region hit news again on wednesday after a group of masked activists began tearing down the symbols of the independence
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movement the protestors say they've had enough a public space is being politicized and are cleaning up the streets. for. one of the white suit as a way of putting forward our demand we put on the suits to draw attention we also consider it to be a form of protest first of all we went there to get rid of those yellow ribbons and deliver the message that public places are neutral that they should be neutral our opponents should respect the places.
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join me every thursday on the elec simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you there. franking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year in trucks so i chose to drive truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent it was like gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here in the mountains and the slow down so much they lost their jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. it's
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son of welcome to worlds apart from decades freshens has both left and despair that the inadequacies of their system while also struggling to accept the same kind of criticism from foreign there still. and when russia decided to hold a mirror to the west's own imperfections including by setting up this child it turned out western tolerance to criticism is even more why is it so difficult to communicate pointing out what's wrong with one another well to discuss that i'm now joined by tony cabin a former diplomat and the author of a book called return to moscow well mr cavanaugh it's great to have you in the studio thank you very much for your time and happiest rally a day thank you very much. now when you say australia in the russian context it conjures up an image of a beautiful faraway land with bright sun blue sky beautiful beaches with friendly people who spent most of that time surfing and i know it's
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a typical but i think it's a nice mental picture to get you through the long russian winter but i suspect when you say russian there's trial and context. the associations are probably not so positive are they. they can be quite negative unfortunately we've been fed a diet of cliches about russia. russia is still very much seen through a post soviet lens. of success the strike to the soviet union and somehow or other images of. starvation in the countries of extreme cold discomfort of rudeness of the kinds of things that unfortunately stilling groom and you wrote the whole book to address some of those negative stereotypes and i think you have a very unusual take for a western or former western diplomat. when it comes to russia because. i think
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there's a lot of understanding there's also a lot of compassion in your book and i really appreciate that but i will want to ask you whether you ever felt that you are giving this country an easy path. yes i don't think so i think that the majority of the content of my book deals with the sometimes very disagreeable parts of russia's history i've got a chapter on the leg museum i've got a chapter on the jewish museum of tolerance and i and i talk very frankly in those two chapters of some of the black spots in russia's history and i think. what i felt as a former professional diplomat for thirty years and i was an ambassador to poland but that we must postings i felt i had a certain responsibility to my own society to say look we are being fed.
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bad fantasies about russia the real russia is not what we're being told about. i want to go and i want to see what it's like and my process of disenchantment from the western propaganda machine against russia it really began pretty much. interest thousand and fourteen with the events in ukraine and the way in which they were being reported now i hope we will go into the ukrainian events a little bit later on into the program but. you mentioned the this negative image of russia and russia is definitely not an easy country it's a very complex society it's sometimes a very contorted country and i think we the russians are the first to you know and experience that and i think that actually goes to the very notion of russian patriotism it's loving russia is it's a bit like caring for the disabled loved one you know the disability you hate them but you love the person all the more because of that and that is actually i think
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the most moving part of your book for me that you accept disability rather than the typical western scolding that russia is not good enough but what i find even more troubling is that that's called thing that irritated russians a lot if you years back now it seems acceptable because it essentially dick rest into the open bigotry why do you think this lack of compassion not even the lack of basic decency towards this country has become so does your mental conditioning and mutual propagandizing to the point where people come to believe each other if they keep telling each other that's good you know it's. if you repeat lots often enough they become the truth and when you've got people in in time media communities who are constantly referencing each other with attitudes and opinions that really have no basis in fact unfortunately fulfill to undertake will fulfill to the reality
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takes hold and i found when i decided to come to russia i was confronted by my friends and my colleagues in canberra which is the government center of australia with all sorts of illusions once you get outside moscow people will be stuffing better not get sick in moscow you in russia you won't be looked after properly all rubbish but the point is these have become general beliefs and i felt as a former ambassador whatever authority i still had and whatever credibility i still had. i wanted to put it at the service of of writing a book that would encourage a better understanding of russia now i wonder. whether this issue of portraying russia always in a very negative light is also connected to the west's own south perception because in your book you're afraid. liberal interventionist as
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a driving force behind many of the west or america's adventures and we i think it's impossible not to agree that many of those adventures created more harm than good and yet they also produced very little in the way of southwest selection to what extent this insistence on portraying russia as really ugly is predict a date on the needs of the west who sees itself as invariably good despite all its recent policy blunders yes i think you're absolutely right. it's very important for the west and i late however you define that military diplomatic political media that does. believe in their own objectivity. they have to believe in it but it's not just objectivity it's some sort of eternal goodness. the other side being always in the wrong well yes although i'm not sure that a very many people would talk about being good and evil i mean that's that's
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a moral concept in the west that it's become a many many of the speeches are forced implications you constantly hear these theme of moral superiority drawing you know making i think this is a recurring theme in many of the present obama statements and in many of the statements by british politicians that they could be no moral equivalency between for example russia and the west where in fact why would you even think about equating anyone morally everybody makes mistakes everybody has his own or her own difficulties why would you need to compare anyone on the moral basis yes well i find that really very strange and limited thinking on that because to me russia is one of the most morally conscious countries in the world i mean the country that produced the story if. it's all about morality it's all about what is good what is evil this is something that preoccupies russians in a very noble very noble sort of way on the other hand i see the west my own country
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australia which is the most that a lot of america not so much as a country that is sort of moral sense of itself but a country that believes in its own pragmatism we we we like to pretend that we are totally realistic when we're not we become prisoners were an illusion and now in your book here i think very eloquently explain the russians have this deeply ingrained fear of war which comes back to our losses in world war two and perhaps even before that and i think you can easily make a case that russians sometimes overplay those fears those insecurities or security concerns but i wonder why. why do you think people in the west have lost out here because they seem to beach treating all those into interventions especially in foreign lands very casually without any concern for the people there and for tel own. well being because you mentioned the issue of pride much is but what
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is still pretty much about going into libya or syria well i think that's a very good question because to my mind war and entertainment have become good in our culture and we've children grow up playing playing war games on their computers war has somehow been domesticated as entertainment. the major hollywood film industry. films about war. remember the way george bush when he wanted to declare victory. over saddam hussein's iraq he went out to an aircraft carrier and put on a boat much eckert and stood there like tom cruise but look at the way he package that i mean he was basically making a woman. and so i think russians on the other hand towards that dreadful reality for them.
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