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tv   News  RT  September 3, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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for intel own. well being because you mentioned the issue of pride much is but what is still pretty much about going into libya or syria well i think that's a very good question because to my mind war and entertainment have become good in our culture and we've children grow up playing playing war games on their computer this war has somehow been domesticated as entertainment. the major hollywood film industry. films about war. remember the way george bush when he wanted to declare victory. over saddam hussein's iraq he went to an aircraft carrier and put on a boat much eckert and stood there like tom cruise but look at the way he package that i mean he was basically making a woman. and so i think russians on the other hand towards that dreadful reality for them this this this wonderful new tradition of the much of the poke to russians
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this because nothing funny about it is serious and i'm sure that russia will get to extend your question little bit i'm sure that russia will be the last country in the world to abandon its nuclear deterrent i think russia will be the last to give up nuclear weapons because russia regards nuclear weapons as the bow walk against invasion no wolf but it's the period coalition of photos speaking about disappear disappear outside coalition force as those tensions that we've been discussing came to had in ukraine in two thousand and fourteen and in your book here try to explain both russian and western thinking in great detail and there is this popular view in moscow that as painful as the ukrainian rupture was and it certainly was and is for russia russia is playing it as a great cost for the kind of decisions that made in the ukrainian conflict there is also believed that the rapture. how to prevent
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a much bigger conflict between russia and they said that if russia didn't act. moment back in two thousand and fourteen that the nature would continue pushing across its border and there would be no other way escape that direct confrontation how much do you crave at that oh very much so i mean there was a sort of a rehearsal for crimea some years beforehand and in georgia of course went under a lot of american encouragement of the saakashvili government but very provocatively towards russia and a couple of ethnic parts of georgia and iran and i think i forget the name of that number one the current dutch and russia drew a line that russia moved in with support for the local local governments local if the groups and drew a lot and that was a dress rehearsal if you like. ukraine became the real thing because for many years before the the overthrow of the in the case which government for many years before
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two thousand and fourteen there was all kinds of encouragement being given to nationalistic elements in the crowd and the russian elements by the united states and by certain european countries do you think they actually distilled the seriousness of encouraging those kind of forces and the kind of reaction that they may provoke in russia where they understood and simply didn't care i think the latter i think they didn't care i think it was you know whatever we can do to encourage the build up of anti russian opinion in ukraine is worth doing whatever the risks because ukraine so important strategically so important economically and if we can prise it away from the russian world to the nato world it would be worth spilling some china breaking some shiela and spilling the sort of on the way so i think they underestimated the seriousness of the nazi elements new crown. and
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russia had to draw a line somewhere in ukraine as if you just really were in georgia what if they if they helped a very small part of ukraine i mean. it's been done it pretty small amount of territory what five percent of ukraine they they've helped crimea carry out an act of free self-determination and. they did it under enormous provocation if they hadn't been in the mud. they would not have been the warden at least mr kim and i could argue that the west did similar things in other countries but as western officials would reply to that there is no moral equivalency anyway we have to take a short break now but we'll be back in just a few moments stay tuned. i've
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been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten like color blind stamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent minus one is pure some with four hundred to five hundred trade per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial plant but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only two boats.
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that are going to that had done a better man not out of the dugout at that not out of the money out of the money the daily planet actually. this was a good time to. try to move there i'm. done that ultimately not long enough why not act and then again why exxon and the whole people we believe just a job you get. a lot of my kids i don't want them up oh so john what are you the moment i've got a mother how do it all the kids are there let alone a lot i'm a little like a model looking at the things i don't want to put on a look at my work party without all the mother blood it. just.
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welcome back to worlds apart tony cabinet for must try and get them out in russia the author of the book called return to moscow. mr cameron what. started discussing your crane before the break break and there was definitely a genuine aliment in that uprising people wanted some change positive change they wanted to they on to to corruption they wanted a more fair more representative and more transparent government and all of those. calls you can hear it in russia these days changes also have pretty popular world in this country but i think russia's relationship with changes is interesting because as part of the loop and the former prime minister of the imperial russia
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once said everything changes in russian ten years and nothing in two hundred i wonder what are some of those changes and norm changes that struck you when you came back to this country after a very long break well obviously you were talking about the cold war years when i worked to forty six years ago it's a very different country now totally different in terms of material living standards in terms of the the the members of the people the old rudeness and roughness i remember about russia or this maybe it was a false picture even then but i certainly felt i was. told i feel russians were very well managed people know what are the challenges i think there's much greater self-confidence in russia today. and i think it's growing because i think russia in the last few years particularly since you crying since that experience since syria. russia. the west
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when it criticizes russia has not been good they haven't. basically tried to undermine russian flow full steam and i think russia has learned that yes we have our own problems we have our own disputes we have to deal with for example gender equality we have to deal with the way we treat option the really really old. particularly the way we treat homosexuals because i think for homosexuals there are still very biggest news about being russian and it shouldn't be that way but it's not my place and it's not the west good place to lecture russia about these things well i know you're very reluctant to criticize russia openly but you just mentioned this attitude towards the community and if you actually look at the polls you will see that russians by and large. homophobic they for example if you ask people do you mind homosexual couple living in the apartment next door to you they would usually say the majority would say no i don't care and yet in the political.
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environment these days you you hear a lot about the traditional values the patriarchy and so on and so forth where in fact i would argue they have realistic way no place in the russian society this is a society that is. empowered by strong women that we have lots of single mother families you know women taking care of the entire families women tend to be i think in other countries too more tolerant towards people who are different so i wonder if you perhaps would go as far as to say that the russian elites are exploiting exploiting some of the things and perhaps fostering some of the negative attitudes dead actually do not have that deep of a root in the russian culture not enough about russia to your question but i'm very interested in what you say i can only say that just recently in australia we've had an extremely controversial. new law passed in december which we called the marriage
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equality law which for the first time allowed of a sexual couples to marry it was very difficult to get that passed because our political elites were much more conservative than the population it was clear that the population wanted it but certain powerful politicians in the parliament did the very best to impede it what i did for and if i may extend the question a little is. probably of jewish origin a catholic can huff be a nice jewish boy but dissent. i'd expected had to agree that the semitism in russia. didn't capture it and i was enormously impressed with the jewish museum. i found its presentation of the jewish contribution to russian history and culture right through the years since russia conquered parts of poland in the jewish
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population of poland and below russia became russian citizens that whole story was fascinating i left that museum with a spirit of uplift because i folk this museum shows that russia and its row getting on the path of decent mutually respectful relationship. issues a respectful relationship between russia and israel is not a problem i think they we are now a little bit concerned that the personal relationship between putin and benjamin netanyahu is endangering the middle east peace process because everybody's so accommodating to israel but rather than going into international affairs i want to ask you specifically about a lot of important who's been in power of on and off for eighteen years and you just recently speaking at one of the conferences here in russia you said that you wish and his foreign minister sergey lavrov a long political career is the world needs that was demand moderation even if that's your genuine failing donte think you know the long stay in power i'm
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a in danger of russia in the long run because. a power transition is inevitable one day we all believe this world and. with having one leader even their very popular leader in power for so long don't you think that it will make russia vulnerable more vulnerable when time comes to hand over the keys to the kremlin to somebody else i see what you're getting at and i think you're worried about some sort of personality cult developing around putin especially in the west and perhaps by the way not so much in russia but i think also in the western press because much of the western coverage about russia is about putin that's right we we personalize everything and when i gave a lecture in perth i don't know whether it's you know on my website i've got that lecture and i've got the photographs that i put up during the lecture one of them in particular is a pair of photographs the there's an ordinary tufts or something new this picture
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of putin's sitting in his desk his head and shoulders and the next picture is the famous cover of the economist which portrayed put in as a devil it's a photoshop image of exactly that same picture so we we put it in that image mr cameron i am sorry for interjection i think it's safe to say but both of us have a. fairly neutral if not positive attitude towards putin of what he has done for this country but. that none of us standing my question still stands don't you think that. you know he too has to think about what russia yeah will be after he's gone absolutely and i think and i talk about this in my book in the chapter about suicide oh i think he's trying to leave. a positive legacy of ideas the idea of the russian wilderness can mirror the idea of. civil is that he
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is actually trying to leave a legacy of a multicultural russia a russia of many of the cities not just to the docks russia. certainly proper respect for orthodoxy has in england this respect for the anglican church but not notice the periodicity of both the docs for other religions and i think he's trying to leave a legacy of multiculturalism and i talk about that quite a lot. he's trying to leave you know as sort out this question. what is the russian motherland if you're not if you know for books what is the road enough to you and he's trying to help broaden that concept we have to do this in australia too because when i was young australia was basically what i think was sex and now we think we're well on the way to being a genuinely multicultural country and in that respect i think russia and australia have a lot in common already older as you point out in your book many commonalities between russia and australia being the outsiders being territorially expansive countries
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perhaps sometimes struggling to defined who they are but i want to bring you back to the question of lodging a putin's and sergey lavrov along political careers because there is now a rumor in moscow that sergei lavrov for example the foreign minister asked for his retirement several times because as much as he had i seen lost his job it is quite tiring there was also speculation that put in wasn't planning on the calming back to power or running for presidency again in two thousand and twelve but the events in libya and the murder of moammar gadhafi the disintegration of libya afterwards made him change his mind i wonder to what extent western policies are responsible for keeping those perhaps not fully appreciated individuals in power for so long well those two room as you mentioned. may be a conspiracy theorist but i suspect the origins of some of those rumors think this
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is all part of trying to make russia feel weak about. and the information war it's ruthless and ongoing thing against against russian stability but let me come back. what what makes them special i remember even when i was forty seven years ago and certainly in my subsequent twenty five years as a diplomat the smartest people in russian embassies were almost the kind of cheapy people now it's no accident that a young ambitious intelligent man like putin growing up in leningrad in fairly tough circumstances looking at his career opportunities just will join the k.g.b. there's nothing sinister about this it was the most cagey business there is that people see if that's what. it was where ambitious people would would gravitate and so it's a mark of it's an ability that he was promoted quickly in the k.g.b. and finished up in east germany at the time of the which i just left it off
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a friend of mine was a fellow diplomat of lover of the united nations. thirty five forty years ago they worked together in a committee he said it was super bright and you know super organized just to support a professional diplomat you can see that no leverage gives a media conference without notes and he just talks about every use you want of us and gets it right gets the language exactly right we have running out of time here and i want to ask quiz and one more question there is a presumption in the west that if putin of were not in the kremlin that russian policy somehow would have been different that russia wouldn't be such a big star and in the side of the west and i get it from your book. you really chide she showed that russia's decisions recent decisions they comply with certain historical logic that there is certain continuity to decision making in russia if it wasn't put in let's say for alexina vallone comes to power at this year and next
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year do you think the west should expect a dramatically different foreign policy line from russia i don't think there's any chance of novell becoming to anybody else i mean any other lady if rigs. later of the communist party kind or. the daughter of a totally stopped shot came to power i don't think that the huge difference is because as you've said there is a professionalism at the competence about the russian administrative class which which would continue well mr cameron we have to leave it there thank you very much for your time and to our viewers please keep the conversation going on our social media pages and i hope to see her again same place same time here on of also part. of.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. wanted. that to be like to be close it's like in the four three in the morning can people get. interested always in the waters in the. city. it was you know provision on my back when i wanted to. ask but i. get. there so you know i lost his boss because i just got then you just gotta go
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resources you know. anybody on a month although it doesn't but that's honest i don't know if it is for any of them . so i said you know what i was you know i got you know just i mean my most wanted i'm already but it was sped up out of me just going to go eat and eat i mean it was a lot we're going to. give it up as i might you know i mean that really feels i just don't get it i'm getting letters but those were the oh they're just beautiful sounds both people are going to respond on one of these but it was just this where this part of this i'm going to my home my family fussy you could a car bomb i just bought that already yes it will be and he thought if you think of it i think with you you're seeing him in ticket yeah my thought aloud part of me just got to go. for manners sitting in a car when the fifty's get shot in the hand. all
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four different versions of what. one of them is on the death row there's no way you could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. as a decisive battle what looms over the last rebel stronghold in syria is it lee province and the u.s. discards russian intelligence on a possible chemical attack being prepared by terrorists there plus. the german city of candidates sees a violent clashes chartered by a local man's death by suspects the police described as being
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a various nationalities. anti immigrant and euro skeptic parties gave up momentum in sweden ahead of next week's general election the middle wave of arson attacks we visit a district in the capital that's been granted a bill goes. of course you can go to our. problem if you go to with a camera or with your ears and that. are in the car and i think it's like to show police that there are it called for all of the police. car broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our international thomas as we recap the weekly stories it's good to have you with us all right
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a crucial battle is looming in the last rebel stronghold in the syrian province of the un's special envoy for syria says that there are around ten thousand on news for terrorists there and that the group is capable of producing chemical weapons however the u.s. state department has dismissed the idea of a pending false flag attack by terrorists which of course could escalate the conflict further. the issue of avoiding the potential use of chemical weapons if indeed crucial and would be totally unacceptable we all know out of both the government and have kept ability to produce weaponized chlorine the russians are claiming now and this one other groups are stockpiling chemical weapons and planning an attack so you know and i think that's more false flag type reporting talking to be this is enough for when you try to play the blame they try to put the onus on other groups and we don't buy into that. russia says it has
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information on the delivery of toxic substances to italy province it claims they got there with the help of the self-styled rescue group the white house to be used in a false flag attack russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov explained of the motivation behind the plot. the chemical weapons prevarication which is being prepared is aimed at keeping el nuestra they're counting on using it against the so-called regime as they call it following the alleged goot a chemical attack russia's warning that rebels will try to stage as similar incident in the evening to draw the u.s. france and britain in get them to hit a sad again russia says an incident is imminent especially after the u.s. and the allies jointly stated that they would act if it looks like as had launched another chemical attack that's almost an invitation to do so says moscow.
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now when the u.s. is steering the situation around we want to know how can damascus have chemical weapons if the u.s. france and great britain destroyed them last year you know what the u.s. answer is we never said that france did it's do or dive for the jihad ists rebels nowhere left to run nothing left to lose and their sponsors the west the gulf which have pumped billions upon billions of dollars into a cause that is on its last legs the mascot's and moscow of trying to work out a deal to reduce perhaps avoid the bloodshed but the job for it syria russia adamant the swamp of terror and zealotry has no future. this is the last place for the terrorists so from all points of view this abscess should be removed of course what everybody's fearful of is escalation given the us russian military buildup in the region everyone has
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a gun pointed at each other and given that this is it the final act of the syrian war the urge to shoot might just be overwhelming the united states doesn't believe that the rebels have that capability whereas the. there's tremendous documentation to show that they do have the capability they've probably been storing it for months if not years in the province and they have used it in the past they have that capability and it is a last ditch hold for them so it cannot be ruled out and it's not it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the u.s. is trying to get assad out they're going to continue trying and and even though donald trump wants to. get the u.s. out of syria there are elements within the u.s. government that don't want that to happen. back to concerns about the white helmets
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the controversial syrian rescue group political activist and rock musician roger waters from pink floyd who has long been a vocal critic of the organization has shared his thoughts on them with r.t. . if there is a gross roots. cool the way home is of tears. for the people who actually started to stumble it was it didn't start it was started by an english a soldier. if that exists. and they and they go and help people. in a. row the russians or somebody else just drop them then i support them whole heartedly with the fiber of my being. put.
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all the evidence points to the fact that that is not the reality i don't know if you said did you cheat you see the the documentary that won the oscar. i mean have you ever seen anything so obviously scripted ok after the shot roger waters has had plenty to say while on tour in russia this week i'm going to test for that our full interview with him starts the new season of sophie and co right here on r.t.e. on september seventh stay with us. saturdays at clashes in the german city of templates between. protesters and rival groups live to eighteen people injured and some multiple arrests in the city hasn't been hit by an arrest throughout the week after the stabbing of a local man here is a round up of what has been. this
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murder has affected us too even though we had nothing to do with it we're still having to pay the price even though we did nothing. if you seen this place you're behind me so a lot of crime said deal with drugs and so on to steal everything and so on and it's too much in germany i think we must help people but now it's too much.


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