tv Documentary RT September 3, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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the media and activist groups groups who are simply voicing their concerns groups who are fighting for justice for the killing of unarmed men by law enforcement groups who have experienced loss and pain in for her. to turn this around in make this about herself my family is grieving parents the children will never have their father around is antithetical to the oath that she took as a police officer police in oklahoma attracted negative headlines before statistics show that african-americans can be up to five times more likely to be subjected to forceful policing than any other ethnic minority that bluish from the exodus platform we the people oklahoma says officers racially profile african-americans claims the police deny. this is a smack in the face of the african-american community here in tulsa why is it that
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they are parading a person around the state and saying that she is their hero this is what they're doing wow we have to deal with the aftermath of her killing an african-american male there is a huge outcry because she had no regard for his life and not only did she do shoot to kill him she also did not and that is to live in minister care but also she looked upon him and someone within the helicopter had also had implicit bias and said he looks like a bad dude they had already had implicit buy it's already towards terence crutcher terence correct it did not stand a chance against also police department. the so-called russia gate scandal rumbles on in the united states lawyers for a former adviser to donald trump claim that when he was running for president he nodded with approval of the suggestion of meeting president clinton has done
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a quota just one it might have seemed that robert muller's hunt for collusion was running out of steam out of the woodwork comes a juicy new clue a nod of approval from donald trump to a potential meeting with russian president vladimir putin back in two thousand and sixteen that's according to the lawyers a former trump campaign aide george papadopoulos one of mahler's main targets. while some in the room rebuffed george's offer mr trump nodded with approval the document came as a hopeful defense for papadopoulos who admitted to lying to the f.b.i. during that meddling investigation the picture papadopoulos as lawyers are painting though describes anything but a criminal with them saying that his motives were not sinister as the government suggests they say he was just trying to show loyalty to his master the lengthy document aside though trump's nod might help to revive the investigation which some
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say has become frustrating as hell i'm sure there will be people at the end of this who feel that we came to a conclusion that they vehemently disagree with i know that from a commits its integrity standpoint we've got to prove what we find and if you can't prove then we can't make the claim oh that might be frustrating especially when just days ago other hopes for reviving the investigation were to rail as the probe into trump's lawyer michael cohen rages on cohen's attorney promised a bombshell of information baiting the mainstream media he told c.n.n. that cohen had information about d.n.c. hacking and don junior's infamous meeting with the russians and sources with knowledge tell myself and call that michael cohen claims then candidate donald trump knew in advance about the june twenty sixth meeting in trump tower crucially these sources tell us that cohen is willing to make that assertion to the special counsel wabbit moeller the reporting of this story got mixed up so michael cohen
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does not have information that president trump knew about the from terror meeting with the russians beforehand or you know this but suddenly he backtracked on the in sydney or he claim expressing regret and saying he should have been more clear i should have been more clear including with you that i could not independently confirm what happened i regret my ira and sure the investigation was able to get cohen to admit to some crimes of tax and bank fraud but then again that doesn't have much to do with russia does it here's a nod. american political cartoonist and columnist ted roll thinks the trump's enemies a scrambling to pin anything detrimental to. this is what we call in u.s. politics a smear it's guilt by association you you say it was used a lot during the mccarthy era hey you attended a communist meeting so you know what's with that i mean you know attending
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a communist meeting doesn't make you a communist talking to vladimir putin doesn't mean that you're the servant of lot of your putin and want to warm relations with russia doesn't make you a traitor but the implication is that perhaps it does obviously the effort here as it is here and as it has been from the very beginning to try to imply that president trump received or was interested in receiving help from president putin and russian intelligence to hack the democratic national committee and the hillary clinton campaign and so on in order to provide campaign intelligence to the to the trump campaign and that's been the effort. probably isn't on your holiday list but as the country rebuilt its war ravaged cities some hardy adventurers venturing that the details on that after the break.
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you know world's big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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hello again seven years of savage fighting of left swathes of syria in ruins but slow. early there are signs of recovery the ancient city of palmira is undergoing painstaking repair right now after its roman remains and sustained extensive damage by islamic state aleppo's also seeing major reconstruction enough to even attempt some foreign visitors to return. summer nights girls going out to meet their friends in the center of the christian town of mad about. almost twenty. since two thousand and sixteen i've been to syria every year two thousand and sixteen i was able to go to a public area of the first of the ration. in two thousand and seventeen i was able
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to get three months off to the duration and this year i returned and i went with it all over the country actually this time on the two hour train ride from charters to mottaki and this lovely syrian woman asked me where i was from and then wanted to photograph. soon i hope to still no longer be such a rarity to this wonderful country i prefer peace in this land. people who would just stop in the streets. come up to me. shake my hand and embrace me and offer me coffee and they would say to me thank you for coming because you know they haven't seen any strangers for you know seven eight years and they really missed it and they were really happy to see a foreigner even a foreigner of from a supposedly hostile power it really doesn't make any difference just to see
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someone who's interested in. the situation in the country i'm interested in their. wow the welcome that i had was just incredible incredible . as long as it's. you know. so. willing to really get to know. very very soon i think tourism could start but i mean of course there really is every way. you know it is suffering from the aftermath of war. brazil's historic national museum has been gutted by
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a massive fire the two hundred year old scientific institution contains priceless artifacts including archaeological finds and historical collections the museum had closed on sunday when the fire broke out and so far there are no reports of any injuries but the flames spread rapidly and it's feared that all of the museum's extensive archive is being destroyed because of the fire is not yet known. american efforts to try and rein in china with economic measures appear to be falling flat beijing's investment abroad have grown fourteen percent since the beginning of this year plus friction over trade and import tariffs is seeing chinese investors divert their money from the u.s. to europe instead in june washington imposed a twenty five percent tariff on certain chinese goods china was quick to retaliate though with its own punitive measures and complained about the u.s. to the world trade organization washington then threatened two hundred billion
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dollars in additional terrorist donald trump says the w t o has been unfair towards the u.s. for years. w t o it's created the united states very badly and i hope they change their ways they have been treating us very badly for many many years and that's why we were at a big disadvantage with the w.t. you know and. we're not planning anything now but if they don't treat us properly we will be doing something u.s. president is now threatening to pull out of the trade organization jeffrey all but tucker from the foundation for economic education thinks that the current trade war will inspire china to expand its reach and the united states will be the one to suffer this situation to be far more damaging to the u.s. and it could ever be to china because china is is really pursuing a global strategy of economic growth very much of an invitation to the world world producers to comment maker goods here employer workers let's export let's cooperate this is china's policy china has
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a policy of. looking for global markets the effect of donald trump's threats and his his trade policies are going to be in the end once you look three four years down the road is that he's inspiring all countries in the world to learn to do without the u.s. and he's driving out u.s. companies to find other ways to do business abroad. or i that's the way looks this out wherever you are watching this monday thanks for choosing r.t. your next news for me is in just over half an hour after crosstalk.
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join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to get a little bit politics sport this list i'm showbusiness i'll see that. the politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and should have more somehow i want to. have to like to be press was like them before three of them or ten people. i'm interested in the water because. i should. you know world big partisan mock ups and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. tigers financial survival guide today was all about money laundering first to visit this commission to see the. good this is a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas or the cayman islands or do we know all these banks are complicit in the tough talk or say we just have to give my phone and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about.
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again for a match you know what money laundering is highly illegal thank you so much guys of course. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four have different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the oldest did not shoot around a corner. cranking gave americans a lot of new job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like gold
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rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and the slow down for much they lost their jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality to deal. with this manufactured consent to instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the finest larry go around the sun be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. room the real news is.
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assassination in the self-proclaimed republic of donetsk and the ever shifting political sands in syria and much much more on this edition of crossfire. cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark slowly he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have dimitri bob he's a political analyst with sputnik international and in athens we cross to alex cruciform he is the director and writer for the duran dot com our gentlemen cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it mark let me go to you first here we had an assassination of the leader of the self-proclaimed republic of donetsk what should we take away from that tragedy you know well first of all this was obviously decapitate an attempted to capitation strike it was not only assassination it was a terrorist bombing it was a car bomb parked outside
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a cafe in done the outs that killed not only the prime minister but several other people including a small child now the prime. minister of dunn yeah it's. a look zander vladimirovich. go and he started life as a local boy he was a coal mine engineer an electrician and you know he raised up arms to defend the dawn boss when the u.s. you know the western backed putsch overthrew the democratically elected ukrainian government in two thousand and fourteen and then began sending its battalions and eventually the ukrainian military once it had purged it and got in control to try to subjugate east ukraine to their illegal and unconstitutional seizure of power he rose up through the ranks he was wounded twice in combat he's the type of leader that led from the front lines and he at least successfully held the cities of the
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nats in the areas around them he regarded as a competent leader and that's probably why the it seems to be fairly obvious that the putsch regime in ukraine their intelligence services are the ones who had him assassinated because what if it was a what do they gain here demon what do they gain here what is what was the purpose here i mean to show that these leaders in these breakaway republics are are not safe well first of course the authorities deny it they say that it was all internal strife inside the people's republic or it was a russian it was f.s.b. but at the same time they all believe celebrate the open that set of great that they stare respectable successful not only called for his assassination and well i mean but for. all of them who is around them and who was an active participant in my that just cold all of that special services for ukraine to say openly that yes
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we killed him and we act that they didn't leave because we called him at their wrist we're going to do much in court said just it's water being told that to go it sees everything that people will. exactly we'll get there do you. ok let me go to alex in athens well if in fact the ukrainian authorities called for this and. did this assassination how in the world should the people in the dome in the donbass and i'm including. how could what should there be their perception of their leadership in can be i mean they're killing their own people this man was genuinely popular in donetsk. yeah and as marcus noted he's not the first assassination that has taken place we've had given a motorola we've had many people as they were involved in the fighting that broke out years ago who have been assassinated and we don't know who's done it so this is
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not the first time this has happened and it's probably not be the first time that we're not to be able to understand who exactly pulled this off but one thing that i was looking at going through the mainstream media peter i saw a lot of articles that place the blame on three possibilities as said russia infighting or some. forces. rule yeah yeah no one ever said that kiev the government of kiev could have been behind this or the s.b.u. could have been behind this. are i think i understand the law if you look at history you know the current deal pretty jim crace us its origin back to the organization of ukrainian nationalists from the nineteen so just one thousand photos hitless ates so that organization was decapitated don't start in all those kind of our lives they remain leader was assessing the eight that in europe in one thousand nine hundred six after that there will still be able infighting inside the organization of ukrainian nationalists banderas people killed many people and it
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became the what the capable to fight that could be expected before the german invasion in one thousand nine hundred one so i think it keeps people being bundled rights by their ideology they kind of. terms for this kind of cycle what you're on their anus they expect a real fight in donetsk. who is an undisputed leader is assess and they want a conflict. it's basically what mark is saying decapitating the leadership. the oligarchy or should it go the us back to oligarch is not himself a band the right he just has many people in positions of authority for himself and . new writer of the rod i was going to happen but i didn't say anything to keep power right would have brought of the power they did bring him in the power and there are many such figures in the government. because it was genuinely popular in done by us what's more he was a capable leader he was a man's man and an intelligent one at that. the minsk agreement is falling apart
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and unfortunately the russian government tried to brush this off as an internal ukrainian affair and it threatens the minsk agreement for godsake the mint's agreement is dead this was the final final final final nail in the coffin of the mince agreement he died of a combination of. a ukrainian pro-ban the right regime too much appeasement and an excessively cunning plans this is what he learned about alex and athens here well then it essential this is just putting into into stone that this is a frozen conflict that will not be resolved because i mean if we if you don't have a partner to talk with in the minsk process is a dead letter and i agree with mark it has been a dead letter for a long time go ahead alex yeah this is this may be exactly what what the government in ukraine wants for a peace process for any kind of reconciliation to move along and that's why you're
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seeing so many assassination i repeat this is not the first assassination so i mean this is this is extremely troubling to see this but no one is coming out in condemnation of the kiev government is this is happening at the behest of the kiev government and one more note peter real quick on social media other stories getting suppressed i've been doing some research i do suppose of videos and other things and i'm seeing that the algorithms are flagging anything that you're post on you tube on facebook to monetize it before it even gets published before they even know what it is that you're saying in the videos fascinated by the thais in this isolating mark yeah. they had to get rid of a figure like so. if there was ever any political process to reunify ukraine between the us back putsch government and the russian backed donbass region if you put of a corrupt figure like poor showing on the same stage to debate what has happened in
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the ukraine since the two thousand and fourteen putsch with a figure like the hard jango that was it that would be it you would see that come the regime completely on ravel and a figure like that hard and it would completely dominate and crush anyone like poor shango in any type of legal today this is just an extension of that no dialogue no compromise surrender. and that's it i mean this is this is their mindset you just facts one important fact there is a hunch and signature and to me sick agreements formally these about agreements between france germany russia. france germany ukraine russia is not mentioned in the me it's good dreams and is a hunch and needs to be the leader of the time they kind of there were witnesses to it and their signatures are also there so they basically killed one of the persons who was a participant in the music agreements and what is very important is that that means
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process the last time they had a meeting of the so-called normandy form it was last august exactly a year ago after that we had another formal dialogue there was the russian presidential aide of meeting called volcker in belgrade that stopped in january of this year for eight months there was basically no dialogue except some walking meetings in minsk now after this assess in asian we got some very strong language from president putin he called it a terrorist act at directress terrorist act there's a spokeswoman for the foreign minister said that with the west. it was behind it not on the the west was behind the ukrainian regime and the ukrainian regime what. its implication that as we go back to the alex and athens i mean it's really quite interesting is that first of all you had to go and his cronies made it pretty well known that they were anti trump during the u.s.
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presidential campaign you have a basically silence coming out of the e.u. they have their plate full with their own internal problems here they've abandoned ukraine at least overtly is go are people around him trying to force something trying to get things back and get them back on the map as it were politically to get the attention of these other players. yes i mean they're obviously not moving towards reconciliation and they're moving towards conflict and it's no secret like you said peter that ukraine was actively involved in helping hillary clinton and trump knows that and you know does not care about ukraine and the e.u. does not care about ukraine either but the e.u. did remain silent on this i least expected germany france at least to issue some sort of statement or condemnation the hypocrisy is terrible it's incredible what's going on marc. trump may not like the government in ukraine but in a further sign that trump has no control over his foreign military policy the day
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after the assassination and terrorist bombing the u.s. envoy to ukraine volcker announced that the u.s. was ready to send more military aid clearly sending a signal of approval for this assassination and that the ukrainian regime should continue in this you know manner of assassinating you know its own citizen its opponents our condolences to his wife his widowed wife and four sons that he leaves behind the people of don boss and all the people of ukraine because they have lost a truly competent and respect game and this is just created a greater divide if that could even be possible here kelly killing a very popular leader right gentlemen on this note here i have to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news today with our.
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