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tv   News  RT  September 3, 2018 10:00am-10:14am EDT

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kings can tell you go i've said all three of my guns. and you want anyone who didn't have your stuff. but if all three have a gun why would they go to the creek because clinton says so if they all have a gun you have to ask them doesn't make any sense to me. with me or with the first group. of big drug. here's the problem and this is the thing about texas law. there's what's called the law parties now i wasn't indicted as the primary shooter i was tried as a primary shooter i killed all these people they had guns hostage you know or force them on to do everything everybody's got
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a good one but the person testifying everybody's in fear for their life. a lot of them would have been here a year loaded. but that's the press kit to say about emoting when i said it was for the quarter goes to the girl but i said let's see i was the first one right over there so they say that in her car but. throughout the interview process marcos in it one of basically says something about a. the car being taken right now and so the police this coalesced on today because over makes a capital murder so you can kill somebody and walk away it's not as bad as a capital murder you kill somebody walk away come back and take their shoes as not karam are now but if you kill somebody for their shoes it's capital murder so they had to prove this thing that i killed the people for the core to take the core and they wanted to prove a continuous episode because a second murder one of the figure out
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a way to get us all to come up with was they both cars were taken to go see. the student the girl image and i'm and of course nobody ever brought up the fact about me having a. when i was so it seemed wrong but all wrong just don't hold. anything that you get to shape out these days as a kid and in detroit equals betrayal. when something you find
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themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be. considered like to be prez that's what the forecast for you in the morning can be good that i'm interested always in the water as in the hottest. question.
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i walked up to the truck plant to sit in the truck with the guy. the new said you can give us a ride this is a treat. suppose we had family in midland i mean new out there anyway. that you know you never seen and i've seen we just got to guess we just got a guess i'm not going to pay for ten hours or guess if i'm finickiness my fifty feet away and carjacking a man in his car that only know since i'm saying he wanted to pull up here go is
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a cigarette some to drink so i go into the berkshires are come out this do sit in the car and the truck i'm like was cool and his song is like it's cool miraca this song like. a man when you talk right so i get to the corner and i drive off. and he follows me when i play ross what are you doing. he said we need to get rid of those corn. i soak a whistle just he said well when you don't this is give my son a kind of grin now i never heard a number and say ok three i never seen hundreds of every again i was inside the group sharps which the police never went there and interviewed anybody conveniently they never talked to him or fact in evidence you see the photos of bush are part of there's a sub gas station a small gas station and you'll hear. nice days i'm sure you've seen these big shopping centers they got low gas stations in the parking lot yes there's one like that at the berkshires there's a little gas station right there they never talk to the clerk why i don't know i
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mean the police never there ever investigated the crossing they just i mean they would paste what happened unless they just drove like three weeks later took pictures of the parking lot sale weeks later three weeks as all they did there's no police report there's nothing they never investigated they never talked to a store clerk they never issued or maybe release asking anybody seen any witnesses they were based out of my kidnapping and that's all they ran with so we stopped we're called upon to oldfield's things upon them now he had a lot of. money and sam are talking plants walking back and forth on the editor of the flight test the truck. that's walking back for their man samurai are about the time here sorry san you got to try to place.
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in our view with paige i know her history. here are very very very good there. there are no. good there are are better.
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players start. page for us here. how did you know about it. he said i knew he had a deal but how did you know. he. ordered. it but who did he have to deal with. to be a. bit but he told him that. one on one. there dave bates who is two thousand and ten. he'd come in there at first we didn't know what use in their food and then he was like i'm an arab got thirty years for. murder and they need to see him then he went on telling
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us about his case. how they drove who shot whom he was sent a lot of stuff to the shin the men sand. the. more they hear where they were he hid the gloves something but he took a ministry took him somewhere else how they were at a pump jack and he shot the name. he is they fit david yes in a day with. no. page so that his lawyer paid up the district attorney and they made a deal of police agreement that if they would pay to testify thirty years in
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the clear clear young would get the death penalty like. thirty years for david page that's the least amount of ever seen anybody get for murder ever usually is eighty nine to seventy five. i've never seen nobody just get thirty years and it actually overheard him saying that he made a deal. he told me he said his lawyer made to do with the district attorney is that if you testify. they they would guarantee him that he would no more than thirty years and then he would be fifteen. and how come that so many people say to you that made it a crime. how does that work. a lot. and it's also a lie that you have said that they were not going to connected to murder because you were wearing gloves were you wearing gloves that night i bought some yes why
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because it was cold. it was eleven degrees and it was eleven degrees are eleven celsius. it was cold. but where are those gloves but it stays gusty because they were they try to destroy him so i said look i think you're. take a d.n.a. take my blood take my hair samples test and was articulate they know what those i was talking about so certain are you about it was fine they go back outside a crime scene or found a letter out there. but when they said they're going to be tested they ask for d.n.a. testing on the outside of the gloves and always there's also thinking what they do they.
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so they offer here the deal in this matter how many years there was in the action if you're sixty five sixty or sixty. so first they offered you sixty and sat and then they at one point offered you thirty eight years man. and in jail right now been fair at all because you've helped and i figured you help me i hope you. this is where the criminality of the state's actions come in because they're bound by supreme court law i mean that is the law of the land if you make a plea bargain you have to inform the defense when i go into a trial i'm allowed to know everything that's going on. my lawyers had a hearing before the trial and put the district attorney's on the stand under oath and ask them as there been any talk of plea bargains and they said now they all
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said no ok or we got that report the new attorneys i did they get that the lawyers personal file and that's how they got this report and so they go get the attorneys billing records that he's filed with the courthouse to get his money and on almost every line is met with this returning and tried to discuss a plea bargain met with this attorney is like five months very different conclude. video game. three twenty eight twenty something over would be valid. if you truly investigated he told you that he thinks that you had
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a killer in the second case yes. and what did to respond to him when he said that the same scenario what did he say about that scenario ferrous he never shot it down but he just kept saying i still think you're the one that did i think you're the one who did. the da had their head of this on the case here because as horrible case beyond and as may not save us and so you get one side of the story as the co-defendants as is it was like the perfect storm for him they went all out they had this big elaborate trial like this never been had texas before. they just rolled his dice and after months this they do a market mission appeals court upheld markovitch and he retired. the only reason i can think of and forgive me if this is to.


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