tv Redacted Tonight RT September 8, 2018 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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of the population have no fixed supply of clean water millions of people in total die each year from a lack of clean water and millions of children have to fill their water balloons with soy sauce because they have nothing else it would cost ten billion dollars a year to bring clean water to the entire world jeff bezos himself one dude could provide the world with clean water for the next fifteen years could save millions upon millions of years but instead of doing that just continue to enrich himself by delivering sex toys in a box with a smiley on it. and god forbid that box gets damaged in route then arrive at your door like this right. because you know that could scar a kid for a life that really really could but this is not about jeff bezos this is about
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world hunger according to unicef twenty two thousand children die each day due to poverty the u.n. estimates it would cost thirty billion dollars a year to end world hunger fully stop it for the year no one hungry so you see how significant it is that jeff bezos himself could end world hunger for five straight years if you keep up with the koch brothers they can do it for like eight to ten years but pays us wouldn't do that instead they'll just make billions convincing people to put spy systems in their own holes. but this second is not about jeff bezos. it's about flint michigan you remember how upset we were about flints water right with poison with lead it was destroying the lives of people who were already poor to begin with and they came to the conclusion that it would cost two hundred sixteen million dollars to fix it and everyone was aghast two hundred and sixteen. well you dollars that's is sane amount of money how could
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any city afford that well jeff bezos himself could pay for that six hundred ninety four times over he could pay for it he's paid for six hundred ninety times and still have eight hundred sixty eight million dollars left over to pay for you know i cast of people to dance around him dressed like would sprites and sprinkling the leader down on him for the rest of my life. but this time it is not about jeff bezos. it's about homelessness there are five hundred fifty four thousand homeless in the united states what would it cost to give these almost people each their own apartment recent numbers show the cheapest apartments to rent in the u.s. already in wichita kansas because why would you. maybe you're heavily invested in grasshoppers or something but. in wichita an apartment cost six hundred thirty two dollars per month which here in washington
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d.c. is the cost of the utility bill of a dog house so. six hundred thirty two dollars per month amounted to seven thousand five hundred eighty dollars per year so the total cost to give every homeless person an apartment in wichita kansas would be four point two billion dollars pesos could help us every homeless person for the next thirty six years i feel like that's a pretty good start to fixing overall but well ok. let's say you don't want to live in wichita fine how about toledo ohio he could afford to do that for the next thirty three years and thirty three years in somewhere other than wichita is better than thirty six which. i think i just lost my wichita fans that night sorry birds i'm sorry. this one sad bald man or. this is what we're talking about here but he's not going to house the homeless
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is he he preferred to continue to push anti-gravity boots on someone shopping for diapers i don't care what other people bought i don't really care other people have it haven't you noticed i never never talk to other people they're the worst but this is. what this isn't about jeff bezos this segment is about health care you all know that the us has one of the worst health care systems in the developed world it's the number one cause of bankruptcy it destroys lives it sometimes even takes people's lives they estimate if the thirty two million uninsured americans were to receive insurance today it would cost the government about one hundred eleven point eight billion dollars this means jeff bezos himself could insure every uninsured person in the u.s. and still have forty billion dollars left over i think he'd be ok with forty billion dollars you nobody would sprites with the glitter on there that would. put
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jeff bezos would never do that he'd rather hock a bag of fifteen hundred live ladybugs. on someone looking for ladybugs than one nine hundred ninety s. rodney dangerfield film. which was initially defined as a children's movie but now in hindsight it's like a p.s.a. for how to become a me too predator. but this segment is not about jeff bezos it's about education according to the american association of community college the average yearly cost of tuition and fees for students is three thousand three hundred forty seven dollars so that cost for two years would be six thousand six hundred ninety dollars jeff bezos could pay for the entire community college education of twenty two point four million students of course you'd have to pay for your own posters up. john belushi in the college sweater macaroni stuck to the
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floor and pregnancy test. but i know one guy who can get a homemade pregnancy test he can get us like thirty five cents all right and it's made out like alkaline batteries and kool-aid but it'll spot of maybe a mile away all right probably the credible but seriously this segment really isn't about jeff bezos because if he were if you want the richest in the world to be some other douche bag you know this is about the system that quinn hated basis we have a sick economic system think about it this way the goals of our economy according to peter joseph and i happen to agree should be pursuit of abundance. all peoples basic needs are met sustainability you keep doing it for a long time liberation of humanity from hard and dangerous labor and adaptation to emerging technologies and variables here's the problem unfettered capitalism
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doesn't even claim to be attempting any of that our economy is mission statement is not that it's basically to preserve inefficiency for the sake of monetary circulation economic growth and power preservation profit over all else doesn't matter if. it doesn't matter how many people die or how many people work at amazon warehouses for pennies getting by on food stamps doesn't matter doesn't matter of the environment collapse it doesn't matter so it's not that capitalism is failing right now it's that it's succeeding at what it was meant to do math all of the money in a tiny tiny number of hands and exploit everyone else and that said also praises what a back how do you walk a. day
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. where your welcome and leave can delegate the news from behind big news not being reported on your corporate media channels investigative journalist lou fries debt went down to a hacking convention where people tried to hack into our voting machines and good news america our voting machines are sealed up as tight as a nun's vaults curveballs we're seeing tapes or money voting machines are looking to safe and secure the border. if you're. like me there is connected machine this is a serial cable and it's connected to the back machine you take off the back machine and there's
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a serial port and that gives us full root access with no password there's no security system and there's no doubt with this kind of access you could rewrite the code that's running on there and get it to count votes whatever way you want to how many people might have access to stick at us if this like that it would be everyone from elections officials to people who run the storage facilities volunteers in the election security guards you name it has to be tens of thousands of people who have access to the machine. do. but by but hold on not to worry this type of in person hacking would take hours to do at which point you would surely get caught and you could control the election results either way as long as i had physical access to either plug something in or take off the back and put something in there but you just need that access we see us very briefly about how long if you had this all prepped and ready to go i mean it.
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is so anyone from a volunteer to a janitor to a security person to a grandma selling baked goods at the polling place would need access to the machine for over whole minutes when is that have kind of happened. i mean if you say the people who run the elections at your local elementary school gymnasium they are illegal. extraordinary with a finely tuned killing instinct all right if they can kill an adult insect with their bare hands nothing larger than a buick is getting past them on jack. ok full disclosure i once took a twenty min. long jump in a voting booth. and no one asked me what was going on in there. and i would argue it was the most accurate vote cast that entire.
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with this whole this whole hacking demonstration it's the national association of secretaries of state who are responsible for overseeing elections they released a statement after this saying you know noted that most of the machines proven easily hackable are no longer in use stick that in your dish drive and smoke it hacker is the machine we're in front of is a central count scanner it c e s n s model six fifty it's to our knowledge the most widely deployed central can scan or in america. see that map it's only in twenty four states. that's like less than half of the states. and look it's you know you could look at a map it's like florida taxes california but he lives there. was the last time you
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heard somebody say i live in california. you have a can make it just armadillos having sex with artichokes out there so. yeah ah in all honesty why are we still using these ridiculous voting machines when every other developed country has a more reliable and accountable voting system than us. no i'm asking you a serious. i thought you might know maybe it's the same reason we keep using our health care system when every other developed nation has a better and more humane health care system because. you. kind of good corporate interests giant corporations and corporate owned politicians have control of the voting machines and the health care systems and why fix what is in pro can for them this is not broken for them this is fixed get double be ok is it good that tell them that that is why they pay me the medium bucks.
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when they go to a quick break but i have live comedy shows coming up in denver boulder los angeles santa cruz san francisco washington d.c. and more go to redacted tor dot com for the details or to vote for your city well be right back with a hell of a lot more. in a world of big partisan movies. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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prosecution will need to be close in this show. that the takeoff will you push us to stretch the funds come on somebody you know going to see you doing young guys mr political pressure on the god you've been to the moon can go to the. security jenison knows what the bundled up business models used by american corporations jadhav was called police sold on could mental disease or use central schemata was macomo seen and the solution. lies up in association with the potato. i noted when he saw small dogs it is just some really really came to. an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy.
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with lawmakers manufacture to send to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the flames there we go to listen to the woman. middle of the room sick. to. welcome back welcome back this is the colorado mayor rahm emanuel well announced this week that he will not seek reelection. yet.
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here's the interesting thing that is after he has raised ten million dollars for that campaign and. i wonder who will replace him as the head of p.r. for the chicago police is not going to be easy to replace. this is the latest evidence that the cost of running for office is crazy too high so now some american cities have radical changes in campaign finance on the ballot for this november to explain let's bring in naomi big spender care of on e. bay. believe these reforms are misguided denver and portland are planning to cap campaign donations at five hundred dollars but face it politicians are expensive mayors are not something you can pick up that costs go in bulk. maybe come. drollery oh yeah. definitely
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comptrollers if we lower campaign donations we could give average people a chance to actually run for office and yes that's precisely the problem average people will just be bribed for less. five hundred dollars justin trudeau could be bought with a fun pair of socks. who knows what an attorney general would do for this baskin robbins punch card. wow it is true that no no no it's seventy percent finish ok i had to do a lot of dirty things to get this. but you know would be able to resist former mayor bloomberg his two thousand nine campaign crossed a hundred and two billion dollars bloomberg has unfair advantage over normal people who aren't billionaires precisely the only politicians those spend upwards of seventy percent of their time raising money and for what media consultants
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obviously. they're the ones who turn out the campaign ads that creatively slander your bro ponens wife. nice play and publish these sounds like yelling alex jones in public. the schedule of perfectly timed hoard of angry bees for your opponents rally. and media consultants they have your back with career ending gaffes like when g.o.p. gov candidate john cox shared a story comparing long california d.m.v. waits to the holocaust. outlet shins as they are are a fair merit based competition where whoever raises the most money wins but now cities are starting to publicly financed campaign in denver donations of fifty dollars or less will be matched turning fifty dollars into five hundred dollars raising that much money without professional well. time phone calls is very unfair
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. which reminds me. of you do back betsy i'm running from my son's p.t.a. and i'm going to need it i'm going to need some champagne and oysters for those mommies. yeah yeah. i'll see you next week at the book burnings right. you don't have a son but i will have a c. p t a board. that's exactly the problem you're buying me off. and know there's a bigger problem in twenty seventeen seattle rolled out democracy vouchers giving records residents one hundred dollars to donate to the local candidate of their choice. so now politicians have to hit the streets approach citizen murder first talk to them graves and then rob them of their hundred dollars. so the
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only way out of this mess is to use your campaign funds like california congressman duncan hunter to defend yourself against accusations of misusing campaign. i mean how do you know that buying a seat on an airplane for his family's pet rabbit wasn't part of regular campaign expenditures and these campaign reform finance reform is passed we have regular citizens running for office who will cater to the needs of the city based service. then who will take care of the campaign bunnies. who make sure that he has the inflight options like carrot found. there we go how do. they go from our st patrick's drinking roosevelt to the salem state. do you know which those corrupt politicians helped create redacted correspondent john of adonal breaks it down for us right about now.
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ok this one is crazy five guys burgers and fries is demanding the giant tech companies willingly give them back door access to users and dead encrypted data or else space measures forcing the companies to do so. weird right now going to burger joint have so much power especially one run by these five. but it makes sense when you think about it remember how obama broke our little hope and change believe in hearts when it came out that he drastically ramped up the surveillance state. well guess which best place just happens to be is all time favorite yeah it's five guys and there's clear video evidence.
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on. one cheeseburger and one fries for me this isn't the only believable revelation what's next kentucky fried chicken border boarding people i mean how is this even a. oh not five guys. that makes a lot more sense. what the fuck is five. the united states is party to a number of international intelligence sharing arrangements one of the most prominent being the so-called five eyes alliance born from spying arrangements for during world war two the five eyes alliance facilitates the sharing of signals intelligence among the u.s. the u.k. australia canada and you zealand and i'm sure that this spying alliance is taking
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all necessary precautions to strike a balance between information gathering and privacy rights. we remain in the dark about the current legal framework governing intelligence sharing among the five eyes including the types of information that the us government accesses and the rules that govern u.s. intelligence agencies access to and dissemination of americans private communications and data democrats the five i spy network uses each nation's strategic location and diplomatic power as choke points to gather the rest of the world's communication and now with encryption methods becoming ever more sophisticated plus regular people using them more and more because we don't want to be spied on five eyes needs to secure the cooperation of tech companies for access either voluntarily or otherwise and it looks like it's going to be otherwise
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because ministers representing the spy alliance met in australia last week where they invited several senior digital industry representatives who did not accept the invitation. that's got to be uncomfortable hala when companies that are already morally bankrupt in so many ways reject your particular flavor of moral bankruptcy . ball facebook google twitter you want to help us spy on people. now we'll just stick to exploiting the poor for their labor hoarding our money in taxes censoring free thought and normalizing endless war we're not a bunch of monsters to make matters worse five eyes allies spying on one another holy hell with five guys being so backwards maybe five guys should step in and take over global security surveillance it makes perfect
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sense actually over time five guys could pump up all the terrorist burgers and fries so they'd be easier to catch clogged arteries equals boiled bomb threats it's that definitely. that's the stupidest thing i've ever said out loud. reporting from washington gianna for don redacted and. that's your show but our content is being how do we suppress one thing you're going to subscribe to do to guide concert back in the night click the little fellow icon next to the scribe one can also text the redacted to poor poor for nine nine nine it's free and quick until next time goodnight. franking gave americans
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a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was among the rate of zero percent like gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and of a station a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here anymore just slow down too much they lost their jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. it's a tough reality to deal with. conspiracy going on between wall street and the energy companies create these fake energy unsustainable debt that's a conspiracy that we reported this five six years ago and gave the exact same
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raisings that the new york times is giving today it was called conspiracy theory all conspiracies began as a theory it's called investigative journalism. and that one of them was someone said all of them mama. i don't mama little bit over the roof. do a little for you. i'm not getting through a lot but if they're going to be chilcote you know. sort of. what i mean yanukovych with that he's going to get so for us. the question is three yes but oh yes the chest but. everyone that is for you.
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my body told me that i belong with the boys but my thoughts my mind with and then along with the girls. and dental surgery starts to be of any particular. person's doctor. i was born a male had a sex change when i was thirty years old. i've now been living as a woman for twenty eight years and i fully regret this. problem should have gone away from by now but they hadn't so these surgeries are nothing more than plastic surgery i've had several female to male friends and you look at it and you just go
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