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tv   News  RT  September 9, 2018 7:00am-7:23am EDT

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you know over the week's biggest stories british authorities released photos of two men they claim carried out the poisoning of former russian spy. his daughter says that a major inconsistency. elsewhere. in the chemical attack in syria is. intense debate at the u.n. security council. and so we have the right now voting underway in sweden's general election a survey suggests there's been a surge in support for what we part is in the country. and.
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they're welcome to the weekly or review some of the stories that made the headlines in the last seven days i'm kevin owen here in moscow with you this sunday and first then on wednesday british authorities released photos of two men they claim are responsible for the poisoning of russian double agents cripple and his daughter in march the suspects are said to be russian intelligence officers were acting on direct orders from moscow.
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many british media outlets were quick to seize on the claims accepting the authorities version with headlines branding the two men as putin smiling assassins moscow though says there are major inconsistency is in britain's version of events as more of explains we're sure but we aren't sure it's safe now but don't touch anything we're sure they're russian but we don't know who they are contradictions everywhere based on a body of intelligence the government has concluded that the two individuals named by the police and c.p.s. are officers from the russian military intelligence service. also known as the g.r.u. just check it out so you can. go and you know just whether they are actually serving officers in russian intelligence agencies we have significant lines of inquiry about who they're meeting we will people to come forward and give us the evidence
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you'd think they would have to know who these two suspects are before accusing them of being russian military intelligence agents but no instead there are asking the public for help to identify these two men who to raise it may already seems to know this was not a row operation it was almost certainly also approved outside the g.r.u. a senior level of the russian stand. it would be real easy if they just called up the russians and asked them with passport numbers and everything but they aren't on speaking i can confirm that we have had no cooperation from the russian government on the other hand how do you complain that someone isn't being helpful when you refuse to pick up the phone. with. the british and voice said that the u.k. site will not present any materials london also refused to present any other
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information about the case passport numbers patronymics data from the reasonably cation and so on we understand that they will be transmitted via interpol so here we are the british refusing to so much as acknowledge the russians and moscow and refusing to budge until the brits respond to certain questions look the russians of ours for fingerprints harmless rights of the two suspects the british say they'll hand over nothing and then complain that the russians are being held for contradictions by the meticulous and painstaking searches and although unlikely it is impossible to guarantee that there are no other materials present in the schools for you know all the experts advise that the evidence to date does not suggest any long term health risk from short term or one month contract with low levels of this agent so which is it might be
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a tad confusing for locals in salisbury everything's fine and save but it isn't so we don't pick anything up and keep an eye out is it over or not and then of course there's the huge gaps in the investigation we don't know where the suspects disposed of the ritual they used to attack this cripples front door where dollar and charlie got the bottle the poison the. or is it if it is the same bottle that has been used in both poisonings they don't seem to know what happened to the container for months and months and now asking the public for help to identify these suspects who they've already identified as secret agents of the discipline g.r.u. and to explain what happened to the nerve agent container which the said discipline secret agents just seem to throw away for ease of identification doesn't seem very professional one of the deadliest substances known to man ended up in
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a charity bin sudden away after six months we are told this is how the poison came into the country in a power few bottle why could we don't been told that before why was not put out now what is the stop these two people picking up a perfect bottle with a poison in it one of them dying as a consequence why are we not being told why have we not been told the full extent of what the danger might be in seoul is really not still not been resolved the poor people there are still suffering so as i say i think there's a lot of questioning a lot of suspicion about this in britain these two people if the are russian intelligence officers are more austin powers than james bond two killers travelling on the same airplane from moscow and then back to moscow leaving in a skip or charity skip a perfume bottle fool of an agent with a russian name having tried to kill two russians with it if you set out deliberately to set up russia for this crime that's precisely what you would do
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someone trying to blame russia could not have done a better job than this good day the head of britain's counter terrorism scored neil basle in his press conference when asked do you have any evidence of russian state involvement in this crime he served with one more. no and to top all that off the british insisted could only have been the russians first they said that the new russian manufactured nova chocks and then that fell through the russians pointed out a dozen other countries capable of doing so czech republic admitted they had synthesize small quantities for defense britain's own chemical lab porton down admitted it had micro stockpiles contradictions everywhere. so they happening right now voting underway this weekend in sweden in
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a general election that could rock the political landscape the poll suggested the swedish democrats party is gaining traction with pre-election campaigning largely dominated by immigration on saturday election rivals had their final chance to sway voters. are really needs britain's when it responsible gratian well the city and do not something there is only one green saw in swedish bullets explore responsible and immigration in sweden this grand jury is sweden democrats resides in the nazis does great again and again and again they show their nats in races roots and they're trying to destroy the time when we need that corporation the most newly in the foster today it is not working class children who are not allowed to go to school now there's a lot of children of immigrants now we can choose if they will be given the same chance as other children in the run up to the election the way we just traveled to the southern coastal city of house in book to gauge opinion there. and
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a card very fine him as an asylum seeker he can legally stay in the country and receives the coolant of iran and seven euros in swedish crowns every day and other social benefits but he's banned from studying or working here maybe i should give it both i don't need to take his money if two thousand two hundred it's not money is right but give me a paper i drop in the box like her i hope another man. and if it's not just refugees here question the system's efficiency but the most base size of the political spectrum people have a sensation of that this is sorry it is slowly deteriorating everything is going the wrong way you cannot ignore also the fact that we have nine hundred eighty given approval for two three point three million people from other countries to live here and seven percent of them have been refugees according to the united
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nations and the rest have come here for for many other reasons. and this does contain breeds fear and anger where you can't immigration and migration don't give him paper. he need to do that. is example like hello wake up is it me i'm not partial. is it me boy i do what i can do to make like problems for you cause you not give me paper. from sweden. comfort in serious blue spotlight big time this week with the final battle for it lib looming looming large the north western provinces thought to be the last terrorist stronghold in the war weary country the u.s. defense department estimates that thirty thousand to currently in that area despite the donald trump warned the syrian leader and his allies against launching an attack on the cause of potential human tragedy the fate of it libya's also on the
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agenda of u.n. security council on friday. more babies in italy and that terrorists when russia and the assad regime say they want to counterterrorism they actually mean they want to bomb schools hospitals and homes and lives. we are firmly under the impression that the west impotence the stoking hysteria around it live and in any case are attempting to prevent the food of the last major terrorist stronghold in syria the assad regime and its enablers russia and iran have a playbook for this for every man woman and child becomes a target this eerie an army has incurred enormous casualties and its efforts to make sure that as few civilians as as possible are killed it is the terrorists who make it their policy to go out and deliberately kill civilians history does not
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show that the syrian army has caused widespread civilian deaths unlike the situation in mosul and waka where the western forces simply did carpet bombing in a killed everyone. the security council session also devoted time to discussing chemical weapons repeatedly said of late that terrorists in the planning to use the arms to frame the assad regime have already bought eight barrels of chlorine to the province russia also believes members of the controversial rescue group what helmets will be filming the instant when it staged the united nations a good knowledge that the terrorists did chlorine. the government and. the asian declare that they reached the figure of. having the capability to produce weaponized chlorine. despite russia's repeated claims the
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united nations un envoy her own idea about any future chemical attacks in syria though. if there are chemical weapons that are used we know exactly who's going to use them . and yes russia is making accusations about opponents white helmets everything else. assad is doing or saying. that is the exact formula they always follow before a chemical weapons attack that assad does on his own people.
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one security analysts we spoke to says the jihad is pose a considerable danger to people living in italy. the major threat against civilians is a terrorist threat the major threat against civilians comes from the about the north of iraq and groups that are terrorist groups and i think it's absolutely ridiculous why would the syrian regime and the russians use any chemical weapons or allow the use of any chemical weapons for the last stronghold of these terrorist organizations i mean they all that is the route that the syrian army and the russian army were able to control most of the syrian territories donald trump's on the hunt for a white house mole big story of the week supposedly behind that explosive opinion piece in new york times that with the weekly returns after this break.
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there who is suggesting that the president is insane and could be removed it via the twenty fifth amendment they are throwing everything including the kitchen sink everything at him hoping somewhere something sticks and so far nothing it doesn't matter and this is all within the fake corporate media world where they believe we're having a tremendous effect people are listening the new york times. on thursday just go on the jerusalem post told r.t. it had been subjected to censorship by the israeli military the news provider published an article online saying that israel had admitted giving military support to anti-government forces in syria it was later deleted is the point the article was summarizing a media briefing which was held by senior officials for the israeli defense forces
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details from middle east correspondent paula slee. in a groundbreaking revelation published by the two recent post newspaper on tuesday it ran with a headline that these weighty defense forces confirms that israel provided lightweight pads to syrian rebels the article was immediately taken down but not before which was picked up elsewhere on the mate the division of article outlines high israel has been providing syrian rebel groups with money and arms while the i.d.f. maintains that it was not intervening in syria's civil war are minded confirm that as part of operation good neighbor israel has been regularly supplying syrian rebels near its border with light weapons and ammunition in order to defend themselves from attacks and a substantial amount of cash to buy additional arms operation good neighbor was officially presented as the idea if it should provide aid in syria but according to the jerusalem post article its real goal was to keep has been the fight has and rainy and soldiers away from israel's borders and its guys israel overkill to be
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provided aid to no fewer than seven syrian rebel groups included among them so some joined up with a full hundred strong fighting force we would see some five thousand dollars as the money to put the ports open circulation for a while but israel supports so with rebel groups but this is the first time that those who hold subpoena tributed to the i.d.f. or at least they could have been if the article was not dropped we contacted the i.d.f. but they refused to comment but a spokesperson for the syrian rebel group previously confirmed israel support to the wall street journal israel stood by our side in a heroic way we wouldn't have survived without israel's assistance however the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vehemently rejected these reports he says that israel's assistance has been purely humanitarian we do not interfere in this terribly bloody conflict we do however provide humanitarian aid to young boys
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and girls it is expensive but we will continue to invest. of course the syrian government has been accusing israel of biting. some time back in may syrian state t.v. the. militants had to. meet with. them and he denies these reports but some of the find. elsewhere and on numerous occasions we reached out to the post who told us they were forced to remove. the reasons. investigative journalist mark hamill told us it's hard these days to hide something once is being published it probably appeared in such a major media outlet because it has some truth it's not such a secret it's been done many times before no one wants to publicize it the syrian rebels don't want to be publicizing the fact they're working with the evil jewish state and the jewish state doesn't want to publicize the fact that it's working with syrian rebels that are allied to others because they're enemies as well but
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they there is a common interest here and it falls the rule of the enemy of my enemy is my friend but clearly it stepped on some people's toes here they don't want it out to publicly and they decided to retract it well you can't retract anything that's already out and in this world today without full they're just some of the stories that shape the week around us i was so much more of course as it happens twenty four seven. kevin zero in the great weekend. when lawmakers manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent. of the time
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doing or middle of the room signals. doing the rounds i mean real news real world. prosecution will need to be criminals in place should the fault is all. over you question on the threat of fines can also by the number one perceived to i mean jani i mean political pressure on the god you've only men called golden earthworm security generation knows where to put your kind of business models used by american corporations jadhav was incomplete is sold all good mental disease has a new album use. c.m.o. was not on the scene and the solution. lies up in association. i noted when he saw swindle as it is just simply his ability to
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maintain an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. well. this is the pat on the land. five years ago it was all grass. like that over there now and this is pumper going day in day out we didn't have any choice really we could have put it over that way or ways i mean we could have moved it a little bit. but we have to let the people who own the mineral rights get to those
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minorities and they compensated us for what they took here but the company built it and we have it now for own next forty years i'm guessing i don't own. my house up there from there we have we used to have a beautiful view. now we have this to look at brings in a little bit of money very little if they took us out of here and get back all the money i made off of it. ain't going to happen.
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someday. you know an oil is all pumped out of the ground they will come back here and. and level it all out and turn it back into farmland but that's you know like i say it's going to be out of most of our lifetimes and be out of mind for sure. have nothing to say about where. i should say i have nothing to say you can suggest but they don't have to listen to you don't i mean you have no legal say innit.


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