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tv   News  RT  September 9, 2018 3:00pm-3:27pm EDT

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this is delusional it's a mental illness. this is now one of my confession from my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken. a second wave of bring demonstration hits eastern germany this time over the death of a twenty two year old in the city of curtain with us on the migrants said to be involved . in developing news sweden looks and from monumental shift to the right early exit polls predict record lows for the political establishment and big gains for the migrants are. also among a review of the week's top stories british authorities released photos of two men they claim carried on at the poisoning of former russian spy surrogates his
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daughter. there are major inconsistency in version of a. feature stories from the past seven days on right up to the moment of elements as well this is the weekly on r.t. international alone welcome i mean an o'neill top story new demonstrations are breaking in germany over the death of a twenty two year old in the city of purton he was reportedly killed in a fight on saturday with two migrants now in custody two afghans were provisionally detained on suspicion of homicide the reasons for and concrete circumstances of the incident or not yet known. the german media reported the incident took place on a playground where three afghan men started an argument with
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a pregnant woman two locals are believed to have stepped in but led to a fight breaking out police say one of the men who intervened later died from his injuries. well it's comes on the box of violent protests in another eastern city in germany which broke out over the stopping of a man in chemnitz by people described as being of iraqi and syrian origin by police .
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well authorities are blaming the rise of the far right for the current situation in chemnitz. when today someone gives nazi salutes now streets that's a disgrace for a country we must get out from our couches and speak up the station and see the wrong chemists government is that the forefront of the movement that right when radicalism has no place in this country about sentiment was echoed by chancellor angela merkel but it hasn't stopped the migrant alternative for germany party from making their way up the political ladder in the country at these numbers on screen are from the latest poll since violence broke out in chile it's.
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live voting has wrapped up in sweden and look looks set to be the country's most pivotal election in years early polls put the social democratic party out in front but it will be the first time they have held on to thirty percent of the vote in over one hundred years winning just over a quarter of all the ballots it's a completely different picture for the migrant party the sweden democrats which is about to secure its best ever result as the second biggest party with nineteen percent the latest polls suggest well ahead of the election re if an option to travel to the southern city of health sing bird to gauge opinion on the most divisive issues in this election migration policy. the swedes will be a minority in our own country within two or three decades even if you stop all
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immigration now we will become a minority that's the demography journalist in good carlquist has been branded a racist by many she's calling for the borders to be closed and all immigrants to be sent away nowadays when people call me a racist i say ok fine let me say that i'm a racist can we now go on to discuss the facts the fact is one one of the most homogenous populations in europe almost a quarter of all swedish people today have a foreign background and some parts of society really aren't happy with that reality sweden is not swedish anymore i mean this is still the change here used to be a small little shop where you could buy hot dogs now it's sort of a you never find it is swedish anymore. now. this breaking news. is
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just here. all the science arena rap being. all your org is owner of no no no no no no room for me to believe you sure don't expect me to actually you should look. i'm very sad that sweden is not a swedish country anymore it makes me want to cry i don't regularly nice my own country if you like crying cloyd in the ocean. we don't talk about it because so used to that all swedes say oh we love immigration we love all you on here and so they get really you know they're not used to us we say what i say that's what they get oh while we continue to walk with the camera more and more people come up . to us most of them to argue. to complain. but good luck was so easy even immigrants think that we are
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a meek country that if we don't have good laws abou adam tells us he's been an asylum seeker in sweden for almost fifteen years with no more work permit and no id so how do you get your money where you get. migration. but. who pays that money. but who pays migration swedish taxpayers you know how much money how much we work i know how much taxes we pay i don't understand how this cabin going on for fifteen years was finished we did swedish migration agency and immigration minister and ministry of justice and social democrat party without getting any clear answer yet we look up on the agency's website twice he was denied asylum in two thousand and four and two thousand and seven his third application is currently pending according to swedish law an asylum seeker can appeal against the
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decision if their application is refused today fifty thousand immigrants remain in sweden illegally have to failed asylum cases another seventy five thousand are still waiting on the migration board's decision including. for the third time in fourteen years to have this. swedish idea. until to morrow comes jim holds a so-called l m a card very fine him as an asylum seeker he can legally stay in the country and receives the equivalent of iran and seven euros in swedish crowns every day and other social benefits but he's banned from studying or working here give me a paper i don't need to take his money if two thousand two hundred it's not money is right but give me a paper i drop and i bet bucks like her help. and if it's not just refugees here
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question the system's efficiency but the locals and base size of the political spectrum people have a sensation of that this is. slowly deteriorating everything is going the wrong way you cannot ignore also the fact that we have nine hundred eighty given approval for two three point three million people from other countries to live here and seven percent of them have been refugees according to the united nations and the rest have come here for for many other reasons. and this discontent breeds fear and anger when it comes to immigration and migration don't give him paper. he need to do that. is example like hello wake up is it me i'm not a person is it me boy i do what i can do to make like promise for you because you not give me paper. from sweden.
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earlier we got the take of a political science expert from university only sweden democrats rinds. what they do in these elections they put forward this year they're really not judging visions so even if they're actually the economy is boasting as we did and then employment rates are going down and criminality is actually also going down it's still feeling that many people do not feel that. personal life so therefore they are worried about what will happen to the nobody knows exactly how do you government is going to be important because traditionally historically it has been left and right cleavage between the mainstream left and the mainstream right.
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earlier this week british authorities released photos of the two men they've charged with the poisoning of russian double agent surrogate script power and his daughter in march the suspects are said to be russian intelligence officers acting on direct orders from which is it might be a tad confusing for the locals in salisbury everything's fine and saved but it isn't so we don't pick anything up and keep an eye out is it over or not and then of course there's the huge gaps in the investigation we don't know where the suspects disposed of the know vitriol that they use to attack scruples front door or where dollars charlie got the bottle that poisoned the. or is it if it is the same bottle that has been used in both poisonings they don't seem to know what happened to the container for months and months and now asking the public for help to identify these suspects who they've already identified as secret agents of the
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discipline g.r.u. and to explain what happened to the nerve agent container which the said discipline secret agents just seem to throw away for ease of identification doesn't seem very professional one of the deadliest substances known to man ended up in a charity bin sudden away after six months we are told this is how the poison came into the country in a power few bottle why could we don't been told that before why was not put out now what it is stop these two people picking up a perfect bottle with a poison in it one of them dying as a consequence why are we not being told why have we not been told the full extent of what the danger might be and sos written i've still not been resolved the poor people there are still suffering so as i say i think there's a lot of questioning a lot of suspicion about this in britain these two people if the are russian intelligence officers are more austin powers than james bond two killers travelling on the same airplane from moscow and then back to moscow leaving in
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a skip or a charity skip a perfume bottle full of an agent with a russian name having tried to kill two russians with it if you set out deliberately to set up russia for this crime that's precisely what you would do someone trying to blame russia could not have done a better job than this good day the head of britain's counter terrorism scored neil basle in his press conference when asked do you have any evidence of russian state involvement in this crime he served with one more. no and to top all that's all the british insisted could only have been the russians first they said the new russia manufactured new virtual chs and then that fell through when the russians pointed out a dozen other countries capable of doing so czech republic admitted they had
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synthesize small quantities for defense britain's own chemical lab board and down that with it had micro stockpiles contradictions everywhere. ok to a developing story no from syria where russia's defense ministry reported that american jets have conducted or strikes in der is or province intentionally using prohibited white phosphorus as well to discuss more on this we have to joining me in the studio jackie what further details that the the russian military actually provide on this well according to them this happened on saturday and it was two f. fifteen u.s. led coalition jets bombing the area in eastern syria that's the darrow's our province and that was a white phosphorus munition that's of course an incendiary weapon and according to the statement massive fires were seen in the area after the bombing at this point there is no information on any casualties from the bombing or the ensuing fires
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however we know white phosphorus is prohibited but what actually makes it so dangerous for its use can you bring us more than well yeah exactly it's banned by international law because it's such a devastating devastating weapon it's an incendiary munition that burns until it's deprived of oxygen and when it comes into contact with people it can cause second and third degree chemical and thermal burns even burning down to the bone itself and want to night it produces a white dense smoke that if inhaled can also lead to illness and death now regardless of all of that there have actually been reports in the past as well of the u.s. using quite fast. in syria and iraq and that caused outrage among human rights groups and including human rights watch who said its use by the u.s. quote raises serious questions about the protection of civilians and for their part the u.s. has said that they only use white phosphorus weapons to create smoke screens or
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signals and those uses are not banned under international law so that leaves a loophole for the u.s. to have such weapons in their arsenal and so that's been their sole reaction so far from washington ok with more in this than thank you very much for another. ok let's return to more of our weekly news on thursday the jerusalem post told r.t. it's been subjected to censorship by b. israeli military the news provider published an article online saying that israel has admitted giving military support to government forces in syria however it was later deleted the article was summarizing a media briefing which was held by senior officials will be is really the fence forces more details now from our mideast correspondent paula. in a groundbreaking revelation published by the recent post newspaper on tuesday it ran with a headline that these weighty defense forces confirms that israel provided lightweight
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pads to syrian rebels the article was immediately taken down but not for what was picked up elsewhere on the mate the t.v. shows article outlines his role has been providing syrian rebel groups with money and arms while the i.d.f. maintains that it was not intervening in syria's civil war on minded confirm that as part of operation good neighbor israel has been regularly supplying syrian rebels near its border with light weapons and ammunition in order to defend themselves from attacks and a substantial amount of cash to buy additional arms operation good neighbor was officially presented as the idea is to provide aid in syria but according to the two recent. post article its real goal was to keep his below prices and rainy and soldiers away from israel's borders and do it guys israel over forty provided aid to no fewer than seven syrian rebel groups included among them so some joined up with a four hundred strong fighting force who would see some five thousand dollars as
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the money to put the ports up in circulation for a while but it's also force so with rebel groups but this is the first time that those before subpoena tributed to the i.d.f. or at least they could have been if the article was not dropped we contacted the i.d.f. but they refused to comment but a spokesperson for the syrian rebel group previously confirmed israel says quote to the wall street journal israel stood by our side in a heroic way we wouldn't have survived with our newsrooms assistance however the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vehemently rejected these reports he says that is also assistance has been purely humanitarian we do not interfere in this terribly bloody conflict we do however provide humanitarian aid to young boys and girls it is expensive but we will continue to invest of course the syrian government has been accusing israel of providing weapons to the rebels will some time back in may syrian state t.v.
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before said that the militants handed over hundreds of israeli made weapons israel vehemently denies these reports but some of the findings have elsewhere and on numerous occasions we reached out to the twosome post who told us they were forced to move by the army citing security reasons. investigative journalist martin hamill things is really support for syria's rebels has been going on for some time. it probably appeared in such a major media outlet because it has some truth it's not such a secret it's been done many times before no one wants to publicize it the syrian rebels don't want to be publicizing the fact they're working with the evil jewish state and the jewish state doesn't want to publicize the fact that it's working with syrian rebels that are allied and others because they're enemies as well but they there is a common interest here and it falls the rule of the enemy of my enemy is my friend but clearly it stepped on some people's toes here they don't want it out to
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publicly and they decided to retract it well you can't retract anything that's already out and in this world today. don't trump wants the u.s. justice department to identify the author of a bombshell new york times opinion piece the article was published anonymously allegedly by a senior white house official claiming he or she is part of the resistance inside the administration. i work for the president but like minded colleagues and i have vowed to watch parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations on russia for instance the president was reluctant to expel so many of mr putin spies as punishment for the poisoning of a former russian spy in britain but his national security team knew better such actions have to be taken to hold moscow accountable this isn't the work of the so-called deep state it's the work of the steady state it may be cold comfort in this chaotic era but americans should know that there are adults in the room. trump
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reacted furiously lashing out at what he called the gutless author and while the president in other partly has reason to clear the ranks top members of his cabinet are denying any involvement. i come from a place where if you're not a position to execute the commander's intent you have a singular option. in this to leave this not mine. that was irresponsible for new york times to print this anonymous piece these types of political attacks open east the secretary and the department's mission. well the article has stoked serious debate over the possible or thorough with officials of the media and even bootmakers all speculating about who it might be there is a real search now for who this person is is it you is it that person who is it this could really be anyone it could be someone who works at the white house some are speculating that it might even be members of president trump's family well some
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folks think they know who wrote the op ed because of an unusual word in this passage which describes john mccain's legacy as a lodestar but that word might be a clue to maintain international peace must again be our lodestar vigilance and resolve as our lodestar we have an expression as you know the hail mary this is when you try your best to throw the ball and hope somebody catches it something you're up against it you get the midterms coming they've tried everything they've go after books we had the bob woodward book with the stormy daniels we had on our rosa we had the michael wolff book we've got this we've got people now claiming and the latest let me add is elizabeth warren the senator who is suggesting that the president is insane and could be removed via the twenty fifth amendment they are throwing everything including the kitchen sink everything at him hoping somewhere something sticks and so far nothing it doesn't matter this is all
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within the fake corporate media world where they believe we're having a tremendous effect people are listening the new york times. and more great programs right ahead and then i'm back out the top of the hour with more of the news that shape the week. what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to. have to go right to be cross the saliva before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of our. last question.
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so we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. when lawmakers manufacture consensus instinct of public wealth. when the right wing closest to protect themselves. with the financial merry go round to listen to the one percent. who
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ignore middle of the room signals. from the real news room. while the two thousand any financial crash drives america into recession and unemployment willis and a small town in north dakota experiences a genuine black gold rush. thanks to a drug fracking to case or oil is discovered in this tiny town in fact it turns out that williston is sitting atop one of the largest shale oil fields in the nation companies restaurants point this new energy resource period thirty two miles below the first surface oil soon flows freely and news spreads the wildfire for the ones
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left behind by the crisis of two thousand and eight relisted seems like their last chance for human life with an unemployment rate of zero percent and wages it three or four times more than the national average the promise of prosperity and desperate times is too great to ignore cheered by a common hope thousands of men and women throw themselves once again into a desperate rush towards the mythical american tree and at any cost. history repeats itself in the midst of this new boom no doubt the most impressive in u.s. history. they need there's more work out here than they got people to do it. don't believe. i. still believe there's a dream i want you to get you still believe. it's like a gold rush it is very very similar to a gold rush. ponderous
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fresh out of cincinnati and.


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