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tv   Documentary  RT  September 9, 2018 4:30pm-4:53pm EDT

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sunday as well. these things are used to hold water for the fracking. thirty five thousand barrels and so they'll pump water from one to the other until eventually it's over to the frac and down the hole. it's fresh water all the water that's run in here is coming out of the city water line so it's all clean water. so that's been millions of dollars on water for one is one of the biggest expenses one of these wells. on the water after the frac they just
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log back out of the ground and they all went off to a disposal facility. right here this is called a flare natural gas comes up with the oil and so they have to get rid of it so they just burn it off right here. comes out of the pump jacks goes underground to the treaters in there it separates the oil the water in the guess this site here produces more water than what they can pipeline out here so i have to come in with a truck intricate out take it to disposal facilities. keith their lives sixty miles out of the list and on fort berthold reservation for blackall flows freely and accounts for one quarter north dakota's production. this oil field isn't all. good for everybody we have sacred land here we have
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virgin land here and now there's oil roads and oil fields. at night time some of these trucks to drive along gravel roads and they don't poison. rocking water it's all water the all the things into the ditch. because they're too lazy to drive to the dump. and that going into our river going into our critics if went into our spot on. the food not in the water but it is you know they're not telling the truth. i have twenty nine grandchildren i want them to enjoy this river where i didn't want them to walk in the water i want them to catch a fish if you can eat you know want to grow garden did you would have to worry about poisoning the planet i want to have plants with better medicine if not before and now because of the things that are in the water.
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oil workers are best suited to judge the eventual pollution is caused by fracking. unfortunately this problem is not a priority they are in survival mode first and foremost they are in need of work. during the journey phase radioactive to prepare our back to the surface is a major risk for workers and the environment some companies clearly are not concerned and do not hesitate to dispose of these toxic materials into wild dumps. especially teams are left to ship them back to suitable treatment states. in north dakota no one with an oil rich piece of land will tell you that fracking could be an environmental hazard. doing so could jeopardize one of the best ways to get rich quick. of course aviva stories have been in rather a crisp. two thousand and fourteen all science turned red thanks to saudi arabia
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the staggering fall of the price per barrel of oil will put it in and the moment of euphoria saw the us rise of the first producers of crude oil face to shale. we can feel the concern brought by the price cut everywhere and will is to now shows the science of a boom town going bust. people in this town are very very suspicious of oil booms because that almost always comes with a large bust and the bust to be rather difficult and now that i'm a part of this town i'm a little bit worried because we're seeing gas prices start to drop down and i'm wondering what's going to happen to my business because we have a message here. january two thousand and fifteen the price per barrel fell below the crucial fifty dollars mark. in this little town here west and is
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a major major reason why the price of oil around the world is coming down because the opec countries saudi arabia leading them they're out there they're very scared by the. developments in hydraulic fracturing they know that the united states in the past five years went from importing something like sixty percent of the oil that we use down to thirty percent and that is a direct result of the hydraulic fracturing that's taken place like here and williston in the bach and in other areas they want to put these companies out of business. even if circumstances are worrisome these days i fear that he has not stopped after ten thousand the wells we still need to extract the millions of barrels lying beneath the bokken. this situation brings happiness to the ones pushing for serious companies but it is devastating to the oil workers who are no longer needed they're thrown out into the street. without pity they must decide
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whether to go back home or stay liston looking for new jobs. in february twenty fifteen want to one of my coworkers i work with he calmly and he says managers laid everybody off. he's in and told everybody to go to a room get all the stuff in get out and this will two o'clock in the morning at night in february in the winter. men can say emptied out enclosed from wednesday to the next. these dilapidated barracks will probably continue to landscape for eight years to come. construction sites for abandoned by the dozen and left to rest and.
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housing construction began at the peak of the list is now nearly complete. occupied in part by survivors of the the neighborhood seems sadly empty. even with the downturn in the economy. boil prices. i can still raise more money than i came back. just. not as much they're used to. i consider myself fortunate because i still have a job as talk no friend just yesterday he got laid off so he's got to go back. to
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louisiana to find find work. because there are not too many people hiring. on that one of them was someone said all of them mama. i don't mama little bit of little someone you're going to. be a little little frisky. i'm not critical of a lot but if they're going to be chilcote formula down the road you but you're one of one hundred but he said look. what i mean and you come with the he's going to itself with us with. the question as to yes but no yes the chest but by the west of here for everyone that is for you
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. what politicians do something that. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to. have to go to beatrice was like before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the house. yes should more. than twenty forty you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just
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a lawyer here i mean you are liz put video through me in the new bill is that i mean you split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. of those who took the lead in this did over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. it's hard. but i. am really good money girls off memory boats here now but children.
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my children are very poor. just some of them asked to. you know it's it's just like this job too you know two nights ago i wanted to go home i was tired. whereas now we're oversupplied will be under supplied and the price will shoot up. between now and then it will go like this and at some point it will go up. and if the prices go ever goes to one hundred and it will some day. north dakota will be crawling with workers looking for housing and there will be a huge labor shortage the companies will be throwing money at us. so.
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now we're mostly working for folks who have oil rigs oil pumps on their land and they have those monthly checks coming in from the whole companies and they're spending money on their homes. or lot of people have disappeared out here who gone back home i guess i know some are gone back to bozeman big sky area because constructions doing ok there some went back to minneapolis some to idaho but yeah a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here anymore they're all gone just slow down too much they lost their jobs got laid off so couldn't put in the hours a lot of families to a lot of guys in the oil business the higher ups the guys making more money they've gone to south america in the middle east so they'll be back i guess some day but.
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so that's the general process. sort of her cleaning the. i could buy a house and i did i could stay in a very nice apartment but i don't need it and i have very low overhead and i like it that way i don't have a lot of needs. and this is. it is cheap this was a born garage and there was a snow storm and heavy snow storm about three years ago i suppose and the snow load on the roof caused the roof to collapse so anyway it's kind of an open air garage and i. have a hose hooked up in there and i watch. the
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oil industry has changed dramatically and i don't like to see that i see companies going out of business and people being fired and laid off and loading up a u.-haul trailers and heading out of town and it's sad. it hasn't really affected me because. we service the infrastructure that has been built and once that infrastructure is built it still needs to be maintained i'm very thankful for that.
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so tonight we'll have from new people. who are. one of the last minute rush. but it's nice to have the company and i actually enjoy . as i said before i've if you're really outside of. the former girlfriend came all the times oh you're like the only visitors that i've had here. in the over forty years that i've been with most. they used to be far far far too interested in girls. that like politics i've come to realize well politics is a scam girls are just problems. and.
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so i stay away from both of you. for. this gas station over here we used to deliver to them. three four dozen donuts last week they quit the order altogether because nobody was coming in to i don't so. it was one more. it's always get this one and keep on going around the corner.
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because you're going to go on how to get the best that. you should frank de sac. cindy the owner of the or the manager of the store there. her business is down so far that she's had to. take on a second job now so she soles cosmetics to women here in the oil field. we gave her a lot to come up here but we thought it was going to be best for our family we thought the oil boom would be here for at least another fifteen years and that we would be able to. be able to make enough money to pay for our kids to go to college . the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and. it's
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a tough reality and new york. is still a boom will come back but if it does it'll be much much more shallow a growth curve. and won't be nearly as. much money and. i'm not. going to try optimist.
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i think it's going to come back.
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for a man or sitting in a car when the flips get shot in the head. all four have different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because dollars do not shoot around a corner. when i want to show it's seemed wrong but all rolls just don't hold. me to the world that is yet to shape out this day to come to advocate and engagement equals
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betrayal. once on many find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. my body told me that i belong with the poor but my thoughts my mind with and along with the girls. still be of any particular. person. i was born a male had a sex change when i was thirty years old. i've now been living as a woman for twenty eight years and i fully regret this. problem should have gone away from me by now but they hadn't so these surgeries are nothing more than plastic surgery i've had several female to male friends and you look at it and you
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just go oh god you paid for that it's horrible nobody can change genders it's impossible. is still luzhin it's a mental illness. this is now one of mine and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman chris she was taken out.
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of. the nationalist sweden democrats party makes big gains in a general election dominated by concerns over of immigration. second wave of anti migrant demonstrations eastern germany. death of a twenty two year old in the city of curtain. among are a few of the week's top stories british authorities released photos of two men they claim carried out the poisoning of former russian spies. there are major inconsistency in the.


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