tv News RT September 9, 2018 11:00pm-11:26pm EDT
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the nationalist in sweden democratic party makes big gains in a general election dominated by concerns over immigration. second wave of the migrant demonstrators hits eastern germany this time over the death of a twenty two year old man in the town of courts in. the week's top stories british authorities named the two suspects in the screwball poisoning case while moscow points to inconsistency is in the u.k. that version of events.
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are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow and the week's top stories with our weekly program this is r t international. right wing sweden democrats party has won its largest ever share of the vote in a general election dominated by concerns over immigration with ninety nine percent of the ballots counted in the sweden democrats have almost eighteen percent of the votes and it has been a disappointing night for the ruling social democrats they have just twenty eight percent of their worst result in more than one hundred years swedish moderates are in second place with nearly twenty percent with no clear leader emerging as a result paves the way for lengthy negotiations on forming a governing coalition the leader of the sweden democrats jimmy has hailed the result as a breakthrough for his party. you'll be at those were the only people i know who has won this election is the sweden democrats that's how it is we are strengthening
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our pivotal position and increasing our seats in the swedish parliament we see that we are going to get incredible influence in the future and no one can take that away from. sweden moderates have agreed to start talks with the christian democrats on forming a conservative coalition meanwhile the swedish prime minister stefan louvin has said he will not resign he's calling for cross party cooperation to keep the sweden democrats out of power using the nationals to try to increase the vision of. political analyst charles or tell believes that the result is a blow for the leadership it's doesn't seem like this is going to be a clear break with the past i think it's a rejection of the current leadership i think it's a combination of. concern and care about the state the bad state of the immigration influx in the violence and the under-reported and unreported crime situation which
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both swedes do go about but which the government and the corporate don't own media refuse to publish you know i think it's have to get past the tipping point and i think we have to be watching sweden not simply in this coming week but in the months and years ahead it's going to change i hope either for much for the better or much for the worse. well before the election maria for motion to travel to the southern city of helsingborg to pinion on the most divisive issue in the election immigration. the swedes will be a minority in our own country within two or three decades even if you stop all immigration now we will become a minority that's the demography journalist in good carlquist has been branded a racist by many she's calling for the borders to be closed and all immigrants to be sent away nowadays when people call me a racist i say ok fine. can't say that i'm racist can we not go on to discuss the
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frogs the factories the ones one of the mused homogenous populations of europe almost equal to of all swedish people today happy foreign background and some parts of society really aren't happy with that reality sweden is not swedish anymore i mean this is still the change here used to be a small little shop where you could buy hot dogs now it's sort of a short you never find any swedish anymore. now. this breaking news. is just here. all the science or interacting with all your org or not is over no no no no let me wrong for me to believe you sure don't expect me to actually do. i'm very sad that sweden is not
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a swedish country any more it makes me want to cry i don't regularly nies my own country if you like trying cloyd in the ocean. we don't become so used to that all swedes say oh we love immigration we love all of you are easy to come here so they. it really you know they're not used to us we say what i said that's what i think of what is while we continue to walk with the camera more and more people come up to us most of them to argue. to complain it is nice but it is so easy even immigrants think that we are a meek country that if we don't have good laws adam tells us he's been an asylum seeker in sweden for almost fifteen years with no liar and no id so how do you get your money where you get. migration. but. who pays that
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money. you know who pays migration swedish taxpayers you know how much money how much we were and how much taxes we pay i don't understand how this can go on for fifteen years as an issue we did ask a swedish migration agency and immigration minister and ministry of justice and social democrat party without getting any clear answer yet. on the agency's website twice he was denied asylum in two thousand and four and two thousand and seven a case third application is currently pending according to swedish law an asylum seeker can appeal against the decision if there is refused today fifty thousand immigrants remain in sweden illegally have to failed asylum cases another seventy five thousand are still waiting on the migration board's decision including. for
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the third time in fourteen years to have this. like dog. swedish i did. until to morrow can answer them holds a so-called l m a current very fine him as an asylum seeker he can legally stay in the country and receives the equivalent of iran and seven euros in swedish crowns every day and other social benefits but he's banned from studying or working here. i don't need to take his money if two thousand two hundred money is right but give me five for a job but i like her health. and for me it's not just refugees here question the system is efficiency but the most base size of the political spectrum people have a sensation of that this is sorry it is slowly deteriorating everything is going the wrong way you cannot ignore also the fact that we have since nine hundred
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eighty given approval for two three point three million people from other countries to live here and seven percent of them have been refugees according to the united nations and the rest have come here for for many other reasons. this discontent breeds fear and anger where you can't immigration immigration don't give them papers. you need to do that. example like hello wake up is it me i'm not partial is it me boys i do what i can do to make like a problem for you cause you not get the paper. from sweden. or rallies have been held in germany over the death of a twenty two year old man in the town of court incident has been blamed on migrants hundreds of people took to the streets and were met by a heavy security presence in the latest update medics are now saying a man died of
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a heart attack two suspects are being held in connection with the deaf. two afghans were provisionally detained on suspicion of homicide the reasons for and concrete circumstances of the incident or not yet known according to german media the incident took place on a playground where three afghan men started an argument with a pregnant woman the two locals are believed to have stepped in leading to a deadly fight. this follows riots elsewhere in germany in chemists after a man was stabbed allegedly by iraqi or syrian migrants.
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well german officials have blamed van rest in kemet song the far right. when today someone gives nazi salutes no streets that's a disgraceful country we must get out promo couches and speak up to shout see if you want chemist's government is at the forefront of the movement making it clear that right wing radicalism has no place in this country chancellor merkel has echoed that sentiment support for her government continues to fall with the latest
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polls giving the coalition an approval rating of twenty eight percent and the anti migrant alternative for germany is polling at a record high of seventeen percent. on to syria now russia's defense ministry says american warplanes have dropped to white phosphorus bombs as or province the pentagon has denied the allegation is jacqueline vulgar earlier discussed the story of my colleague in an army will die. further details did the russian military give them this well according to them on saturday to a u.s. led coalition jets bombed the town enduros or province in eastern syria with white phosphorus munitions and that's of course an incendiary munition and according to the statement massive fires were seen in the area afterwards at this point it's unclear whether there were any casualties resulting from the bombing or the resulting fires but we have asked central command for comment on the situation but
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we've yet to get an answer from just give us some more detail if you will on white phosphorus weapons what makes them so dangerous that it will the use of white phosphorus in civilian air areas is banned under international law because the weapon is so devastating it's an incendiary munition and it burns until it's deprived of oxygen so when it comes in contact with people it can cause second and third degree chemical and thermal burns even burning down to the bone itself and of course and burns it also produces a dense white smoke that if and hail can lead to illness and also possibly death regardless of all that there have been reports in the past of the u.s. using such weapons including last year in syria and iraq and that caused outrage among human rights groups such as human rights watch who said it's used by the u.s. quote raises serious questions about the protection of civilians now for their part the u.s. has said in the past year when these accusations first came that they use such rounds in general only as smoke screens and signals and those uses are not banned
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under international law leaving the u.s. a loophole to keep such weapons in their ammunition. or the u.s. prosecutors have admitted making a false claim against an alleged russian agent that story much more coming up watching the weekly here on our t.v. international. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be rich eight point six
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percent market saw a thirty percent rise what is your home with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows ford to miss the one and only. i welcome back as the weekly on our to international and u.s. prosecutors have admitted to falsely accusing an alleged russian agent now awaiting
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trial in custody of offering sex in exchange for employment and a court filing prosecutors said the accusations were based on boots and his text messages and other information they had obtained but conceded that they wrongly interpreted the conversations back in july maria was arrested on charges of acting as a foreign agent without registering with the u.s. government called the arrest of politically motivated.
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human rights were done kovalchuk says of these sex allegations war an attempt to destroy bhutto and his reputation i think in order to bootstrap a pretty weak claim against or they originally had the salacious claims of her offering sex for employment which frankly would rise to the level of case anyway. but frankly in order to destroy her reputation which they probably haven't
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actively done at this point alex of atlantic the case will be dismissed and there's nothing here i think this was a political gambit frankly to deal with a bigger geo political issues to try to ruin. you know the outcome of the summit between trump who she's being used as a political pawn by the united states and these k. this she's charges will be dropped but in the meantime no life will be destroyed. right this week british authorities released photos of the two men charged with the poisoning of russian double agent sergei screwed paul and his daughter in march the suspects are said to be russian military intelligence officers acting on direct orders from moscow.
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on british media outlets have made the most of the story with headlines such as putin's hit man on our streets and putin's smiling assistants but as you have comments there are major questions over britain's version of events. we're sure but we are sure it's safe now but don't touch anything we're sure they're russian but we don't know who they are contradictions everywhere based on a body of intelligence the government has concluded that the two individuals named by the police and c.p.s. are officers from the russian military intelligence service. also known as the
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g.r.u. just check it out so you can. go and you know just whether they are actually serving officers in russian intelligence agencies we have significant lines of inquiry about who don't meet when we want people to come forward and give us the evidence you'd think they would have to know who these two suspects are before accusing them of being russian military intelligence agents but no instead they're asking the public for help to identify these two men who do raise it may already seems to know this was not a row operation it was almost certainly also approved outside the g.r.u. a senior level of the russian state would be real easy if they just called up the russians and ask them with passport numbers and everything but they aren't on speaking terms i can confirm that we have had no cooperation from the russian
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government on the other hand how do you complain that someone isn't being helpful when you refuse to pick up the phone you know you wouldn't. risk. the british and voice said that the u.k. site will not present any materials london also refused to present any other information about the case passport numbers patronymics data from the cation and so on we understand that they will be transmitted by interpol so here we are the british refusing to so. much as acknowledge the russians and moscow in refusing to budge until the brits respond to certain questions look the russians have asked for fingerprints harmless right of the two suspects the british say they'll hand over nothing and then complain that the russians are being held for contradictions by the meticulous and painstaking searches and although unlikely it is impossible to
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guarantee that there are no other materials present and missiles free of all the experts advise the evidence to date does not suggest any long term health risk from short term or one month contract with low levels of this agent so which is it might be a tad confusing for locals in salisbury everything's fine and save but it isn't so we don't pick anything up and keep an eye out is that over or not and then of course there's the huge gaps in the investigation we don't know where the suspects disposed of the ritual they used to attack the scruples front door or where do all in charlie got the bottle the poison the. or is it if it is the same bottle that has been used in both poisonings they don't seem to know what happened to the container for months and months and now asking the public for help to identify these suspects who they've already identified as secret agents of the discipline
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g.r.u. and to explain what happened to the nerve agent container which the said discipline secret agents just seem to throw away for ease of identification doesn't seem very professional one of the deadliest substances known to man ended up in a charity bin sudden away after six months we are told this is how the poison came into the country in a power few bottle why could we not been told that before why was not put out now what it was stopped these two people picking up a perfect bottle with a poison in it one of them dying as a consequence why are we not being told why have we not been told the full extent of what the danger might be in seoul is really not still not been resolved the poor people there are still suffering so as i say i think there's a lot of questioning a lot of suspicion about this in britain these two people if the are russian intelligence officers are more austin powers than james bond two killers traveling
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on the same airplane from moscow and then back to moscow leaving in a skip or charity skip a perfume bottle fool of an agent with a russian name having tried to kill two russians with it if you set out deliberately to set up russia for this crime that's precisely what you would do someone trying to blame russia could not have done a better job than this good day the head of britain's counter terrorism scored neil basle in his press conference when asked do you have any evidence of russian state involvement in this crime he served with one more. no and to top all that all for the british insisted could only have been the russians first they said that the new russia manufactured nuva chalks and then that fell through the russians pointed out a dozen other countries capable of doing so czech republic admitted they had synthesize
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small quantities for defense zone chemical lab porton down admitted it had micro stockpiles contradictions everywhere. now in support of a brazilian presidential candidate who was recently stabbed at a campaign rally people chanted their support for tomorrow according to the latest polls the right wing politician is the front runner in the election which will take place next month. and we rose to twenty thousand. china's building two point one billion dollars industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one you know or to miss the one and only.
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a low and welcome across not for all things considered i'm peter lavelle u.s. president donald trump is on a complete reversal on syria a full one hundred eighty what accounts for this why and what's next. cross talking terms one eighty on syria i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark slobodan he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have dmitri bobby. he's a political analyst we spoke nick international and we have done these and he is a visiting scholar at the higher school of economics are german cross-like rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it we're going to develop this entire program to what's going on in syria primarily donald
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