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tv   News  RT  September 10, 2018 5:00am-5:27am EDT

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sweden's ruling social democrat suffer the worst election result in a century while the swedish democrats make substantial gains on their immigration platform. the israeli defense forces say they're reviewing the fatal shooting of a sixteen year old palestinian boy to protest in gaza we speak to his family. and despite iraqi authorities declaring the country free of his life mixtape almost a year ago we reported how the terror group remains active across a large swathes of the country. and my son has been lying on the ground before i. told. the rock my brother was killed
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after he was kidnapped at a fake checkpoint run by terrorists. moscow this monday september tenth. with the world news this hour first about significant election the most significant in sweden for generations in fact where the right wing sweden democrats have won over seventeen percent of the largest ever share of the vote in a general election that was dominated by concerns over immigration the party's leader declared themselves the true victors. your reappearance well the only thing i know who's won this election is the sweden democrats that's how it is that we are strengthening our pivotal position and increasing our seats in the swedish parliament and see that we are going to get incredible influence in the future and no one can take that away from us so difficult in the sweden democrats can never
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get. anything done but will help society to be able to only increase division and hate. even so it was a disappointing night for the prime minister's ruling social democrats with just twenty eight percent is their lowest result in a century the swedish moderates are in second place with nearly twenty percent now with no clear leader the result paves the way for lengthy negotiations on forming a governing coalition written off in a reported for us from sweden in the run up to the election and told me earlier about the mood across the country. the mood was not easy i can even say it was quite depressive this what i felt off to tour in sweden for almost fourteen days people were telling me things are not like they used to be health care and justice system police even transportation i remember we had a rendezvous with one politician in ma in the southern sweden and he was late for a full two minutes after his train was delayed and when he finally iraq he was like oh even trains don't run on time in this country anymore so of course it was
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a joke but with some big to truth that people were not quite happy with things happening in sweden but security was the biggest concern of course with cars burned throughout the country with gang shootings on the rise if we from abroad are shocked to see such dramatic pictures from sweden you can imagine what kind of feeling the locals had a very new show for sweden now we're driving to this part of stockholm the swedish capital to one of the areas called by police as vulnerable area or especially vulnerable area or risk area now the refer to me. to the few people who have. that if it was it would either be violent that with a good earth. good looking do you know good job or the mafia even among the woman who. was that did you shoot
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a gun you may know that but again bad things mostly happened in these vulnerable areas but this feeling of insecurity spread far beyond a zone and that's really what the sweden democrats were trying to capitalize on making trying to make up the regling between immigration and crime oh yeah they've talked a lot about violent crime during the a compelling and they blamed immigrants for all the problems in the country we've talked to one of the party members it's the immigrants. burn corps who rapes murders who costs huge amount of money that affects all of the areas in the swedish society that's the real problem thing to solve the problem is to make the move back four years it was considered for intolerance we as i'm over told him to talk bad about immigration this is why sweden democrats often and openly. were accused of been nazi or carry nutty ideas for position but i can say that there
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were many. more extreme groups much more extreme groups in sweden running for these three elections for example nordic resistance movement they present themselves actually like people are soldiers and they were hoping to get some votes during this campaign is well. you are being you know and not. really. what they were great there was definitely a very very good person for the german people. the free germany. they are against this we're against. racism and so they. know society but they take the chance in the open society it's quite incredible
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it's disgusting and he i i would say that i'm almost lacking words here and i'll be legal to say that but it looks like i mean that just because for the police to intervene as you say in such a renowned liberal country like sweden what were people there saying to you about well whether we're right in sweden democrats were wrong or right many people believed that immigrants are indeed to blame and that's what i felt while try. and across sweden this immigration no particular entity no new repeat immigration sends this what we feel and in house and work sweden is not swedish anymore i mean this is totally changed here used to be a small little shop where you could buy dogs now it's sort of you never find any swedish dogs anymore but in a sense. it's
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just here. all the signs are you know around being. all over your org it's over no no no we're going to let you room. even if we do actually to use you know. i'm very sad that sweden is not swedish country anymore it makes me want to cry i don't regulate my eyes my only if you like growing cloyd discontinuation. we don't talk so as you can see not an easy tongue from sweden and as many people told me in the country it's not easy to make a right choice because i really like too much of everything and not clear who can actually fix all of this. in iraq terrorists of launched a spate of kidnappings and attacks against security forces and civilians despite losing territory the militants are still active in many parts of the country switching to guerrilla warfare we heard from some of the relatives of some of those
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who lost their lives in the ongoing violence. good. fuel says the last book and so far so controlled areas. of. the coalition to defeat isis has liberated very close to one hundred percent of the territory just recently held by these killers in iraq we have just absolutely decimated i suspect is absolutely obliterated isis in iraq. yeah that would have meant i don't have one but the checkpoint and the six or seven militants or did they manage to get out of the car the terrorists i didn't ask why dump the cards or anything but they opened fire on them straightaway that i have
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and my son and husband her lying on the ground before i knew it the murderous told us they were from the islamic state in iraq that is the one. that got on my brother was killed after he was kidnapped at a fake checkpoint run by i saw terrorists have it. been a set aside thought at the thought of this failed to warn us that the world was their interests and then there was a nice point that i was completely unaware of and to keep it to really talk to the
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terrorists killed my son the hospital that my fifty two the security force. hours to get to the site and even after they did that they didn't want to close to the car as if it was booby trapped so. terrorists demanded the release of some sunni women held in iraqi custody in exchange for my brother and others but the authorities abdicated responsibility for the negotiations and i found myself having to do the talks on my own the current iraqi leaders are failures they keep making statements and giving conferences but they are not doing anything on the ground. or the one. i saw has lost everything and that they no longer have the ability to control territories so what they're doing now is an attempt to send messages to the media trying to show them they still exist by conducting terrorist attacks against innocent civilians those attempts are in fact pathetic and
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a sign of desperation. for the neighboring syria government troops amassed an adlib province for a final rout of islamic state terrorists and militants but as the battle looms tensions growing between moscow and washington over the fate of the country double quarter explained the civil war in syria could be entering its final chapter but several obstacles remain before any victory over the terrorists could be declared. in the tub where americans have a military base new u.s. exercises have been launched unannounced. forces will demonstrate the capability to deploy rapidly assault a target with integrated and ground forces and conduct a rapid x. filtration anywhere in the operation inherent resolve combined joint operations area that's after russia informed the us of its pursuit of terrorists into
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a so-called d. confliction zone the russians informed the us on september the first by the dea conflicts in line that they intended to the infliction zone to proceed terrorists the russians indicated by written in september the six that they would make precision strikes in the at conflict against terrorists no comment about the note from russia so far the us though assured russia there's no intent for conflict with the pro syrian government forces but they will retaliate to any hostile actions so what's the purpose of these military maneuvers. exercises like this both defeat isis capabilities and ensure that we are ready to respond to any threat to our forces and the widening war on terror has long been washington's go to justification for sticking it out in syria even boosting numbers on the ground with the end of the campaign in sight going to stay for several reasons stabilisation of
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the systems in the vital north and northeast protection of our allies to deny those responsible for using chemical weapons in syria to pursue a diplomatic resolution to be a part of what will be a widening effort across the world to achieve a political settlement to set the conditions for the united nations backed geneva process to succeed america does not seek an indefinite presence in syria under no circumstance when america talks about terror its position is the factions that have been making resistance against american hegemony in the region then actually the problem you have going to the americans plans of being you know destroyed and billions and trillions of dollars are being wasted so meric of course is very very frightened it's very scared because this was completely directly against its own interests. and adlib the last remaining terrorist stronghold fighting between the world and extremist groups has
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been put on hold the consequences of a major offensive operation in the globe will almost certainly be the suffering of a large number of innocent civilians washington says it's got its own way to deal with terrorism in syria they say they will be better and more focused but details haven't been very forthcoming at any rate moscow is out of the picture when it comes to syria and that's despite russia recently meeting with other players to the conflict turkey and iran they came up with a joint statement that put forward a political solution to the conflict leaders from those countries are. the only path forward is for unconditional terrorists surrender turkey though is against any operation adlib calling for a cease fire and. if we declare a cease fire this will be a victory for the summit and the most important step in the process will be peace of mind to civilians russian president vladimir putin said cease fire are not
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terrorists there are unpredictable and turkey well they reportedly already advanced towards adlib there are many people stirring the pot in syria the reality is that actually it's only two factions there's a faction that is against genuinely against terrorism the main country of course is syria but you've got russia and iran giving it a lot of good support and on the other side you've got everyone else who is done thing for reasons best known to them to the surf the tune in to the tune of washington actually the solution for syria is very simple let the terrorists finish let them go and then you have started as normal democratic elections. here without violence on the gaza border claims more palestinian lives over the weekend as i get actions emerge that israeli snipers are using explosives around the details after the break.
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you know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the famous merry go round.
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the one percent. in all middle of the room sick. again the israeli defense forces are investigating the killing of two palestinian teenagers during recent protests at the gaza border one of them a sixteen year old boy died of his wounds on saturday off that he was shot by israeli forces the video of the incident was shared widely online be aware that the following graphic video does show the moment that he was shot. before he was shot the youngster threw rocks at i.d.f.
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soldiers the boy's mother told us about his traumatic journey to hospital. when we were half way to the hospital his leg started bleeding like a fountain my son said he thought that it would be amputated and i said you will be fine my son he was in surgery from six pm until next thing they were giving him blood and he was bleeding at the same time without stopping then we found out that the nerves were destroyed and the vein was cut off abbott's heart stopped beating twice a doctor came all talking for us to let brothers in but asked me to stay outside he calls the door and took my sons aside to talk to them then they came out crying and weeping i told them that i knew he was that it was an explosive bullet i could see from his injuries that he would not survive. the type of ammunition we heard about that explodes on impact with the body it's designed to cause severe damage and even death meanwhile the boy's sister and witnesses say he meant no harm. then the leg he always went to the demonstrations and he kept asking him not to go he was just
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a child and up with. the dog i mean it took a stand for the dignity and freedom that was taken away from him he delivered his message peacefully and all the video shows that it's and if there was a fair trial the people who killed him would be found guilty killed themselves or worse that i was given his message on behalf of all arab people he wanted his rights to be respected along with the rights of all the children in gaza he was an unarmed. threat. a seventeen year old boy was also killed by israeli fire on friday the i.d.f. also say a man was shot and died of his injuries on sunday when he tried to sabotage the border fence the israeli army described the area around that fence as unsafe with palestinians throwing grenades and trying to invade israel meanwhile there have been thousands of palestinian casualties since protests against israeli occupation started in march.
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i'll go back to our top story now sweden facing political deadlock for the next few weeks the two largest blocs failing to gain enough support to form a majority government in sunday's general election at the same time the anti immigrant swedish democrats can claim their largest ever share of the vote let's get more on that now we can talk to you from the sweet and democrats party welcome to the program how big a success your results really poll suggested you would get more than seventeen or so percent and let's face it eighty percent of swedish voters rejected you. and you
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expect more most of us. most of us thought well about twenty's so it came a surprise to all of us you know we did the best election of all parties still. no one group more than we did so in that sense it's a success. and also when it comes to. the kingmaker position in a swedish parliament strengthened for instance now as it seems from the preliminary results the center party can now you know decide the majority anymore so our k. make a decision to strengthen but we hope for for a bigger share of the result. your party is accused of having only the one policy and that being anti immigration it is that your only ace in the hole. well that's actually the opposite i mean if you look at the other seven parties what they've
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been doing for decades basically is that they prioritized everything. you know they only prioritized immigration and it took them all of their years while we did opposite we took from immigration to give to all the areas three in essence. where the party that actually has more than one issue goes for all the other parties the only thing they care about is more immigration. what about the claims that your party is undermining some fundamental parts of swedish society the things that to us norms swedes we always look up to the tolerance the inclusive it's either the prosperity sweden being the happiest place the happiest country deliberately ths system wide stress test basically if there are weaknesses cracks or laziness in the russian military they'll find out.
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outrage how their russia do this it must be preparing for a new world war or to invade nato or to invade nato in the new world war the usual fear mongering which is notably absent when others carry out military exercises and the spite need to observers being invited to attend maneuvers are not directed against other countries not consistent with our military doctrine which is defensive hysterics aside this promises to be a spectacle to remember and will be there in russia's far east with the latest and greatest from vos talk two thousand and eighteen. ok that's the news so far this how thanks for choosing not to say i'll be back to update you again in just over half an hour after sophie shevardnadze goes head to head with former italian prime minister enrico letta.
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prosecution will need to become almost. a softball designed to take over you push us on this thread you'll find. somebody number one plus you do i mean yeah i mean i mean political pressure on that bill do you find him in conclusion a through security industry knows where to put your bundled up business models used by american corporations jackals was incomplete please hold on could matilda's it as you use. see. your solution. lies up in association with. new can he saw as it is just simply deleting data an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy.
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seemed wrong. role just all. but yet to stamp out disdain becomes agitated and engagement because of the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. i've been saying the number. they matter to us is over one trillion dollars and. more than ten dollars more in tempe each day. eighty five percent of global to the rich six percent markets thirty percent. some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first and one rose to twenty thousand dollars.
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china is building two point one billion dollars. but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one does not show you know to miss the one and only. welcome to. shave or not said as bright minds gather here at the european house for about italy's komo here it is faced with a number of pressing issues the looming trade war with the united states and my group crisis and the reform. emigrant system face up to today's challenges well i ask the former prime minister of italy and. the european union is on the
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brink of major change but plans of reform are being jeopardized by an ever growing which driven between member states over the ongoing refugee crisis how can a common vision be hammered out in a climate of distrust while the union managed to keep up the momentum of integration while balancing the demands and wishes of the blog.


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