tv Going Underground RT September 10, 2018 2:30pm-2:57pm EDT
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well as the interview he gave to build and those people want answers immediately. ok you can always get right up to the moment developments on our twitter page updates quite literally by the minute this is r.t. international. u.s. president donald trump is on a complete reversal on syria. what accounts for this why and what's next.
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after a time she just ahead of the forty fifth anniversary of the u.s. backed chilean coup that brought british back to take the general augusto pinochet to power coming up on the show on the eve of chile's nine eleven after the release of classified documents showing u.k. collusion in the cia backed coup that port pinochet to power we asked former u.s. green party vice presidential candidate john weaver rucka about what nine eleven means there's moscow continues to deny involvement in these schools re attacks and british police fail to confirm evidence of russian state involvement we examine the role of propaganda with colonial counterpuncher an antiwar painter and sculptor paul wager that's all coming up on the show but first to morrow marks not only forty five years since the cia backed coup the board of fascist government to power in chile but seventeen years since the usas nine eleven it's hard to recall how much support the united states had around the world as it more and its dead from
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moscow to havana to run to caracas to the street. major nation cities people and their leaders gave their condolences to the american people but then came the post nine eleven mistake that president trump referred to in his campaign for the presidency it was a mistake the war in iraq we spread two trillion dollars thousands of lives we don't even have it a rat is taking over iraq with the second largest oil reserves in the world obviously it was a mistake so george bush made a mistake we can make mistakes but that one was a beauty we should have never been in iraq we have disabled the middle east it's something both moscow and beijing of long said but has nine eleven been forgotten by u.s. politicians president assad of syria tried to explain to c.b.s. is charlie rose now in the news for other reasons that u.s. military action in syria was linked to nine eleven and not in a good way before it is against the interest of the night one point four called to through the war that's going to support. and the theme people dirty. american
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indian of and. what country would defect or support those who attacked it as trump's pick for secretary of state has said the u.s. is exceptional unlike a perceived enemy like russia this is a this is a unique exceptional country russia is unique but not exceptional the usa is surely exceptional seventeen years ago after the nine eleven attacks al qaeda was the end of people like. hitler was involved in september the eleventh because i'm sure was the day the architect he's the one that gave the green light izzy in britain to morrow mainstream media if it's going to cover the hemisphere you're in at least the southern part of it it's going to be talking about venezuela of all of our revolution that certainly took inspiration from salvador allende and in a way the coverage here will be saying you see this is the kind of mess left wing governments get that the american countries and central american countries into
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well in this part of the ideological. the being waives i mean part of the war that we saw waged against chile i had a direct military component of course but it was really the the illogical war that was an even more important instrument that was used you know investor or and subsequently so the characteristic. of the characterizing of the venezuela process as a failed process and membrane into into the equation the fact that the economy has been systematically undermined by the us and western forces as part of that illogical war and we understand why they're being waged and we understand they potential consequences of that but you know we now surprise that those kind of characteristics are we not surprised that people have talked about the the undermining the peace process in colombia we're not surprised that people are
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calling for. more western intervention into the reach of course tomorrow is also seventeen he is sense that another nine eleven the one in washington and new york do you think they'll be much time spent in the united states reflecting on the impact of u.s. foreign policy that some argue catalyzed that nine eleven. were you know it remains to be seen as as we get sure of them ensuring that way from the original incident we can see that the state has been quite successful in using that attack to rationalize its aggressive policies around the world we know that the so-called war on terror continues but the kinds of connections that should be made on nine eleven we don't think will be made i mean is is completely ironic all maybe consistent that we had this war on terror laws on nine eleven. two thousand and one and
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against cato. but today in syria we see that the troponin this ration has warmed the syrian government and not you in involved assault in a military attack on a territory is being basically controlled by al-qaeda and this no political reaction or political outcry are from the from the u.s. population or u.s. political representative so it calls into question or really reveals the the phoniness of this war on terror and the fact that it's been used as an instrument to the band's us global hegemony more than anything else those kinds of connections are not going to be made on nine eleven this year but many of us we'll make those connections theme in britain and the united states are repeating history
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again supporting islam is like they did the majority in afghanistan that would create al qaeda. those forces are have been there have been a very valuable to them without they those forces there be no justification for britain and for the us to still be physically in the middle east militarily well from the british media viewpoint the public came out to mourn a great us politician recently john mccain of course did support all those policies whether it be in afghanistan pre or post nine eleven what did you make of the unities to senator john mccain an attempt to searing gauge and the most crass and strange historical revisionism that i've seen in quite some time it was a individual that they recognize warmonger and that seemed conflict and intervention by the u.s. or western alliance or that he was opposed yet he is lionized as a warrior for peace there were also tweets from british politicians none from the
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british leader jeremy colvin but german covens pendant pairs that were over there when he signed it he disagrees with what you just said quite a lot he tweeted saying mccain was a was a great man but that's the kind of liberal left opportunism that we see now only in the us really throughout the western world it is it is opportunism and his political confusion we're not going to be able to move the people into real sustain opposition to the one percent as long as we allow ourselves to to be even a belated in this illogical war to topple into legitimize individuals who are a whole so everything that people like bernie sanders says he's supposed to be in favor of but in another sense bernie sanders position is is that this is going to just remember he was a wonder said that the saudis should get their their hands dirty in the so-called
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middle east and right up that is when you have the obama. in saudi war being launched in yemen so these are this is the nature of progressive politicians in places like united states of america but just finally have a briefing we talk about the chilean anniversary the washington new york then eleven anniversary this in the next few days as the ten year anniversary of the collapse of lehman brothers on wall street what do you think that means as to how we should reflect a decade on from the beginning of the crash that would of course create austerity we know the connection to should be may which should be the the the obvious. conclusion that there is a crisis a crisis of capitalism that has had a negative impact on main as a people are around the world i am that this should be another wake up call or
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a reminder if you will that we're not going to be able to address the material needs of the people globally as long as we continue to allow this is the greedy one percent to prop up a system that is then fundamental to climb so make it back in mexico looking seriously at at the structure of the u.s. economy. and around the world are looking at the kinds of jobs are being created a looking at the kinds of. with all the still occurring taking us in populist. resources from the pockets of the people into the military industrial complex pockets these are the kinds of connections we should be able to make but we are at a time of raga thank you. my pleasure after the break the musk of am mickey we examine the future logy of war propaganda and the political abuse of the working classes with british painter and sculptor paul wager going up
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a bunch of going underground. banks geysers financial survival they say money the bellatrix close to jesus this is a central plank support diet good news i don't call them right now so stop the. same wrong why don't we all just don't hold. any new belief yet to shape out these days comes to educate and indeed from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. welcome back in the first half of the show we looked at the destructive
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reverberations of western intervention that thousands killed under u.s. backed general augusto pinochet and the millions killed wounded or displaced in continuing was in the middle east from syria or afghanistan to the u.s. u.k. made bombs dropped on children in yemen but also the use of propaganda in the role of the media in the cheerleading of these wars from the hunt for w m d's to the coverage of the poisoning of spies pile when scotland yard scout a terrible two cannot confirm russian government involvement but the front pages of papers can the futility of war and the abuse of power is examined by british artist paul wager his new exhibition requiem for the emblem of power is at the dead in the gallery in central london deputy editor sebastian packer went to speak to him with regard to current refers i think the mistah reaction of power is very concerning at least to me as an artist and i think the abuse of power was probably the man mood a version with regard to. the title theme of the exhibition.
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the abuse of power can be seen around the world in the forms of wars these two pieces here from your reflections on war series oki tell me so ones by duty to make them well initially some probably getting on for thirty years ago i was at the durham light infantry museum in durham city you had my three sons who were just small boys of the time with me and julie my wife and we were looking through the museum and of course as human boys are interested in tongues and artifacts of war and so forth and we had the grit in the sort of course of the i came across a german second world war helmet which was in a glass display or unions and it was a home which. the to an entry point of a bullet hole at the buck the best of the helmet and to the left on the side of the
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what would be the left was a muscle distortion where the active exit point of the bullet had to oversee penetrated the school and come out again to the other side and it made me think looking at my three sons the father of the young man would have had the same experience of love and affection for his boy the same as i had for my three sons but it also made me think regarding not just the victim of the tragedy but also the perpetrator of the crime as it were and also that the young man was in retreat so he wasn't a threat he was overseas running away and i just felt. with respect to him and his parents and again the reminder of my three children it would be nice to make a sort of small memorial to him you know that individual aspect of conflict one case in thousands millions of young men were killed in two world wars
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so that was the beginning of the reflections on the war series that got mixed reservations oversea about war in general but i think the it's the sophisticated element of. warfare is quite worrying it's like only only worse sculpture which was a sculpture after that i started on after almost a victim. grubby or eminent is a very powerful statement but it's a very personal statement similar to that of the individual consequences of action with regard to this young man who was in retreat it means. roughly probably over him and then it is pretty frictions a waiter's more serious much as we men now great afflictions do which is now in the twenty first century great afflictions a waiter's more savior as much as remain water we're going to do about the implication and the consequences of what's going on and the option of not just
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individuals in my case which are we're talking about but with nations like america . with the current situation with iran it's very very difficult to digest the propaganda that we're all fed with regard to the gist of occasion of these actions of magination is throughout the world so it moves away from this individual conflict which was which was initially what i was very interested in the same with tony blair and iraq everyone knows now that the there wasn't any threat of. you know weapons of mass destruction but it's a little bit too late now and the consequence of iraq has escalated in syria and my view is that a look at the current issues with. mr trump in these heavy hundred aspect of political shenanigans is that is this is a softening up of the public in preparation for
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a further i suspect of conflict in iran and it worries me because the ordinary people in iran of the people who are going to suffer from the town of civilian. implemented by america and like was in turkey you know the financial situation there is quite alarming and i think we need to be privy to the reasons without folger one of the paintings. struggle is against the authorities do you think that prices like these back in the day or do you think that the media is now trying to separate more and more people will instead and from the bible is a very profound and i mean it's very very powerful and i find it's very very true because unfortunately we find our leaders do exploit the power to go out but tend to manipulate things i think the mrs mason example example is reason that tends to say one thing and then she's no sooner said it and she
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realizes the consequences of its decision and she manipulates it and changes it and i think this is a an aspect of politics which is very very concerning and they would certainly make reference that biblical reference very very valuable and relevant in current political issues certainly those political issues when the us was when politics fails it's the next step is war and does not resolve anything if you think in this in the in the short period between the first world war from the second world war when you think of the millions of men in combat that lost their lives on women of course was anything learned about you know it would appear not in the depressed area of the united kingdom the chrome which is to the side in particular how are people we've got one of the highest if not the highest unemployment level in the country we got into the side of i think i believe we've got the highest level of
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prostitution and drug abuse and it appears to me that. it's already having working class volumes and you look at the implication of those values when the when the minus fight was on with mrs thatcher and so full of. and i always think. in so much that it's ok to have political manipulation to suppress working class values and working class people but on the other hand when it comes to conflict the nation is dependent on those working class men because they're the ones who go to rule the sleeves up and go out and do the dirty work of the mistah direction of politics and i find that a law and certainly today you look at the aspect of modern day warfare with troops the scent dogs afghanistan etc and rules of engagement to be different from
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the british to the americans. so i find it rather alarming that we have a conflict but politicians there well yes we've got to look at the moral issues and the moral values related to pulling the trigger in this particular situation so a young man is expected maybe nineteen or twenty to establish the engagement direction from politicians and think well should i do this by which time it could be dead it's very complex and we introduce that element of morality which to me if we were concerned about morality we wouldn't be there in the first place we wouldn't be in these wars which really is a tragedy for young men and it's very very sad and i think we need to one of the lies the implication of this and hopefully through the works of all that after it over many years it's. with the maining and there's a purpose there's a message there's a level of communication and quite frankly i look at coke's rate and i look at
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what's in cork street and what's in the morning and so forth of the royal academy for example i look at that and think will is this really relevant to the twenty first century you know we talk about the twenty first century and the levels of excellence levels of technique and craftsmanship seem to have dissipated not all not all in all cases but in and certainly a vast majority of the i think we need to look closely at so that the public can think well this has a meaning it's got a purpose you have a piece of code in your for your last exhibition head was called moscow ticky i guess based on the poem about the mosque or a piece of. thought look to reflect what that poem says about what happened that day i think it was a very relevant and with regard to someone being honest about the true. what
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happened. but in my opinion it was no different. so many years own when winston churchill set the police on the striking miners this was before the the money strike of the seventy's with margaret thatcher because politicians tend to overreact i think in some cases i think with regard to the. the churchill episode where he did set the place on the minus i find that very disappointing with regard to the profile that winston churchill has of the nation and likewise with margaret thatcher with the issues of the nineteen seventies and now particular where i live it's surrounded by the moment former mining communities once which would thriving with every house hope you provide now you know a lot of the house a border and the whole economy is totally changed in the mining community and in the ship ship building community in sunderland which is very sad but there are
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again politicians make decisions in the go to stand by them the must go on ikey was an exhibition whereby the major piece of that exhibition. was a pig a piece of sculpture called erotic smile or a mess cooper to us which by coincidence happens to be the motto of the. there symbol is the black rose and then also in latin is rather small or um a scoop of ice which means greed is the root of evil i believe the root cause of most of the conflict we have is because the round but all bogeyman money suddenly it's quite blatantly obvious with the political aspect to certain elements of our own society that it's very very true you know if you look at people working for zero hour contracts minimum working wage and so forth and yet we're told that employment sits highest for so many years but what they don't others is that
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a lot of. these people their own zero hour contracts so again it's manipulation of the true facts it isn't the true picture it's the propaganda that they want us as ordinary working people to actually see it for the cause what happens is puts working class people against the values of people who are unemployed through probably no fault of their own at the end of the day it appears that bankers run europe not politicians. deputy editor sebastian back in there without his ball wager if you want to go and see paul's exhibition requiem for the end of the power you can go to the duds yani gallery on cork street in central london wednesday's show comes from the home of sheffield steel when we talk to roger majid the british some on the lord mayor of the south yorkshire city deal then keep in touch with us via social media that's up to the show we'll see you on wednesday the birthday of one of us renowned reputed political prisoners on a imprisoned native american activist leonard peltier called great of modern brando
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and tonight applauded by barack obama has been celebrated in music by rage against the machine pete seeger harry belafonte jackson browne most def fans you. prosecution will need to become almost. cold where you. just try to find somebody not known to seem to i mean yeah i mean i mean political pressure on the. security dimension and sort of bundled up business models he was my american corporations. please some of them could be mental diseases you. see. the solution. in association with. the new can he saw it is just really how he would do
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anything to an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. u.s. president donald trump is on a complete reversal on syria. what accounts for this why and what's next. french president. a video emerges of him talking to a group of migrants who claim they've been documented in the country for years. also ahead in the program sweden's ruling social democrat suffered their worst election result in this century while the insurgents. make major gains with
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