tv News RT September 10, 2018 3:00pm-3:27pm EDT
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u.s. president donald trump is on a complete reversal on syria. what accounts for this why and what's next. french president. bush. video emerges of him talking to a group of migrants. documented in the country. also ahead in the program sweden's ruling social democrat suffered their worst election result in a century while the insurgents. make major gains with immigration for. iraq declaring itself free from almost a year ago we report on the group remains. of the country.
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straight away and my saddam ally who the ground if i knew. to be wrong my brother was killed after he was kidnapped and a fake checkpoint terrorist. day in vancouver eleven pm in dubai ten at night here in moscow this monday september the tenth welcome to our to international i mean o'neill our top story the french president. has come in for a burger raj of criticism online after a footage emerged of him talking to a group of migrants here exchange. pretty
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embarrassing that video there for president macron as he saw in the video a man claims that he's from algeria and he's been on holiday in france for can you believe it. is that mr mack on a little bit surprised when he heard that but just so the system regulated documented so you can be in france probably in the man says yes i'm going to but the reaction on twitter has been absolutely outrage that that was the president's only reaction to a man who has just essentially told him that he's been undocumented in his this country for years others went as far as saying perhaps president had even disrespected france's own rules take a look at some of the reaction on twitter attention this is not
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a parody that is the president of our republic hey mr mccraw thanks a lot mr micron we are undocumented we love you so much when the most powerful man in france looks the other way when there is an obvious breach of law he makes fools of the whole country. should. i do specifically because this problem. well right at the very end of the video it does seem as if the man is trying to attract some of his statement but doesn't wait very long and he hastily moved along very aware i'm sure that the cameras were on him and that encounter was being filmed and surely going to be disseminated like it was across social media and this of course immigration is a sore subject here in france recently the french government has introduced its no new migration bill where it's trying to make it more difficult for people to apply for asylum and migration status here in france and also trying to make it much more
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efficient to deport undocumented illegal migrants like that man suggested he was at the very beginning of the video so what mark probably didn't want is to come face to face for somebody who's actually saying i'm an illegal migrant and i've been in your country for eight years eighteen months and that of course was under the tenure of mr macklin himself and just hours before that immigration was something that mark owen had been talking about with the german chancellor angela merkel because it is expected to be one of the big battlegrounds ahead of next year's parliament now while mrs merkel has often been happy to pose for photos and videos of migrant in this open the arms if germany to many migrants in the past mr matt corn is probably not feeling exactly the same in heart warming about that encounter because as i said it is a big battleground ahead of next year's new parliamentary elections and for many
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might be feeling that this video could play into the hands of his opponents more than he would actually like. the right wing sweden democrats has won its largest ever a share of a general election fought over seventeen percent in a paul dominated by concerns over immigration the party's leader declared his movement the true victors. your reappearance of only i know who has won this election is the sweden democrats that's how it is we are strengthening our pivotal position and increasing our seats in the swedish polity we see that we are going to get incredible influence in the future and no one can take that away from. sort of a character in the sweden democrats. will help society only increase division and hate but it was a tough night for the. for the prime minister's ruling social democrats as
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a whole claiming twenty percent of the vote that's their lowest result in a century the swedish moderates were second with close to twenty percent with no clear winner the result likely means a lengthy negotiations on forming a governing coalition maria foote national reported for us from sweden in the run up to the election told us earlier about the atmosphere across the country the mood was not easy i can even say it was quite depressive this what i felt after a tour in sweden for almost fourteen days people were telling me things are not like they used to be health care and justice system police even transportation i remember we had a rendezvous with one politician in ma it makes me want to cry don't you regularize . if you like cloyd so as you can see not an easy time for sweden and as many people told me in the country it's not easy to make a right choice because really like too much of everything and not clear who can actually fix all of this my colleague colin brown also talked to kent echo route
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from the sweden democrats party he gave us his thoughts on that election result. but one group more than we did so in that. success. and also when it comes to the kingmaker position in his parliament and what about those perceptions that your party's just trying to put an acceptable face on some of the more extreme elements in swedish political society lumping it with far right groups like alternative sweden or nordic resistance well that's left wing media trying to demonize parties like ours what we can say and what we do know is that my party is not responsible for the chaos that sweden is in the with immigration and with all the problems we have others have employees who've been doing this for thirty maybe forty years and now in every election they come up with the same old so-called solutions to problems they themselves made in the same thing all over again what has never been
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tried in sweden is a less immigration that's the one thing that's never been tried and that's the one thing we want to see zero immigration and then to get people to move back to their home countries we can say. america's top security adviser has declared the international criminal court i too right dangerous john bolton called the body ineffective and illegitimate in the eyes of washington the united states will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court. we will not cooperate with the i.c.c. we will provide no assistance to the i.c.c. and li certainly will not join the i.c.c. . but r.t.c. americana been following john bolton speech for us on joins me live now on the
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program hi there samir what are they trumpet ministrations concerns about the i.c.c. because it was very direct language being used there by john bolton. well john bull and started off declaring it illegitimate and then announced that the us would henceforth be rejecting international oversight to protect itself from war crimes investigations and even promise to punish those that operate with these investigations according to bolton international law threatens us sovereignty as some believe that this is a statement that the us wants to protect itself and secure its right to invade other countries overseas but that's just what other people said now bull and also seem to be justifying future acts of us aggression saying quote history is prob proven that the only deterrent to evil in atrocity is what franklin roosevelt once called the righteous might of the united states and its allies now if he even
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attempted to legitimize past acts of u.s. aggression using the examples of the military raid to kill osama bin ladin and a recent airstrikes against the syrian government which both baucus on and syria viewed as a violations of national sovereignty bolton also gave many special shout outs to its quote friend and ally pledging to protect israel from international probes as well saying that it's quote unexceptable to probe the actions of such a quote liberal and democratic nation and here is the icing on the cake bolton also known announced the closure of the office of the palestinian liberation office in d.c. now amnesty international has already chimed in as and has told the us to support not impede the i.c.c. investigation saying quote a resuming attacks against the court sends a dangerous signal that the us is hostile to human rights and the rule of law but for some important background the u.s.
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signed but never ratified the treaty that established the i.c.c. so that definitely clears up a little bit similar harsh significant is that john bolton mentioned the court probing into possible atrocities enough and what is the investigation looking into . well it appears that this had all started with the afghanistan case last year when the i.c.c. wanted to look into the situation starting with the afghan government forces the taliban and the how ghani network as well as crimes committed by the u.s. since two thousand and three now in today's press release the white house referred to the pending investigation a threatening more agreements to prohibit nations from surrendering u.s. citizens to the i c c the banning sanctioning prosecution of i.c.c. judges and further action in the un security council should the i.c.c. choose to move forward with the probe now in his speech of bolton spoke quite a bit about sovereignty which is interesting to say the least given the history of
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how much the u.s. has valued the sovereignty of other nations check it out do i think the united states is a threat to other nations sovereignty and the constitution. no i don't think we're a threat to anybody else to sovereignty i think i think it has been so important for the united states to appreciate the significance of a government that has the consent of its own people think we're very conscious of the of the importance of sovereignty we can't and don't attempt to control what other nations do and by the way this is coming from the same person who has no regrets over the iraq invasion so that's definitely something to think about smerconish live from washington d.c. this hour thank you very much. moving air attention to iraq where a spree of us lawmakers state kidnappings and attacks have targeted security forces on civilians despite losing territory the militants are still active in many parts
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of the country turning to grow to let or for we heard from the relatives of some who lost their lives in the ongoing violence. fuel says have lost for good so far so controlled areas. of. the coalition to defeat isis has liberated very close to one hundred percent of the territory just recently held by these killers in iraq we have just absolutely decimated i suspect just absolutely obliterated isis in iraq. yeah that one hundred i don't have one but the checkpoint and the six haven't
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militants or did they manage to get out of the car before but this terrorist didn't ask why data cards or anything that opened fire on them straightaway that i'm and my son and husband her lying on the ground why not do it the motorist told us they were from the islamic state in iraq and. that's the car that got on my brother was killed after he was kidnapped at a fake checkpoint run by i saw terrorists. but .
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miss that aside the thought of this failed to warn us that the road was their interests and that there was a nice look checkpoint that was a complete can away and capitally a lot of the terrorists killed by some hostile that about fifty to the security. also that who our is to get to the fight and even after they did that they didn't want to close to the car as they fear that at least booby trapped cell or idea terrorist demanded the release of some sunni women held in iraqi custody in exchange for my brother and others that the authorities abdicated responsibility for the negotiations and i found myself having to do the tools on my own current iraqi leaders are failures they keep making statements and giving conferences but they are not doing anything on the ground. or the one. i saw has lost everything and that they no longer have the ability to control territories so what they're doing now is an attempt to send messages to the
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media trying to show them they still exist by conducting terrorist attacks against innocent civilians those attempts are in fact pathetic and a sign of desperation that. britain's conservative party is facing a serious split now after former foreign minister boris johnson compared the current briggs it to a suicide vest we have opened also to perpetual political blackmail we have wrapped a suicide vest around the british constitution and handed that detonated to michaux bania. well talk about the checkers plan is viewed by many euro skeptics as being too mild saying it keeps the u.k. dependent on the e.u. barra's johnson who campaigned for a hard break that has branded it pathetic polly boyko reports on why the plan is riling leave voters within the conservative party. the issue of bragg's it in the
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conservative party has been a bit of a simmering fire and over the weekend it seems that boris johnson took a can of petrol and poured oil all over it so it's now been set firmly ablaze boris johnson has been speaking his mind quite freely after resigning as foreign secretary over the terms of the check is a deal that's the prime minister's plan for how the u.k. should leave europe that was unveiled in july and it had rather a more sort of softball stance a softer brags that was favored by people who wanted to stay in the e.u. rather than the hard line breaks it is who voted leave who are happy with the plan so there he is accusing to reason may of caving in to brussels and a lot of people think he's trying to position himself although he denies it as a potential leadership contend for the party leadership post to reason may but the party has now erupted in civil war over his remarks take
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a listen to some of the responses from m.p.'s from his own party. for boris to say that the p.m.'s view is like that of a suicide bomber is too much this marks one of the most disgusting moments in modern british politics i'm sorry but this is the political end of boris johnson if it isn't no i will make sure it is later i'm still into the nature of the satanic there is no justification for such an outrageous in approved routes and good food analogy if we don't stop this extraordinary use of language who brags that a country might never hear you again i see enough so there appears to be a split now between those who support the checkers plan or those who along with boris johnson are trying to scupper it and steve also a hard line breaks the terror conservative m.p. says that there is now a risk of a catastrophic split in the conservative party if the reason may pushes ahead with checkers plan according to him there are now up to eighty m.p.'s that are willing
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to vote against their own leader the prime minister to see the deal and crucially at the same time he says that they're not against the prime minister they're just against have planned they don't want to change in leadership they just want to change in the course of the deal but a lot of commentators don't see it that way if you're saying there are people that are willing to vote against you if their party's trying to scupper plan well then the prime minister's days are going to be numbered as well so pretty turbulent times anybody's guess how this brags that battle is going to unfold but bear in mind there are just two hundred days to go to the scheduled date of bragg's it so the clock is ticking. elsewhere in europe. being held in germany after a twenty two year old man died shortly after a reported street fight with migrants well this all comes hard on the heels of last week's unrest in the city of chimney it's on the division even seems to have
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reached the top level of the country's security services with the domestic intelligence head coming under fire for his latest comments on mob violence in general it's our europe correspondent peter all of her husband. plenty of questions heading the way of hans massa in the head of germany's internal intelligence service the peer file that's roughly the equivalent of m i five in the united kingdom or the f.b.i. in the united states now he made claims in an interview last week with a german newspaper the videos were supposed to show members of the migrant demonstration groups hunting down and attacking people in the city of candidates who looked foreign or they thought were migrants he said videos could well have been faked and actually directly accused the media of trying to manipulate public opinion by putting those videos out oversea strong claims made against the press already there they become even stronger when you look that chancellor angela merkel
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specifically cited these videos in her well admonishment of the anti migrant demonstrators of the far right demonstrators in the city of candidates and elsewhere across germany there's been a lot of calls for mr marson to produce some proof to back up his claims in fact members of the the left party the social democrats and the greens here in germany call for a palm tree inquiry into the comments of mr marson and actually gone some of gone so far as to say that he should be stripped of his position and the s.p.d. risking the government that mr mustn't be removed from office since he's using his agency says seventy to present all those who've been reporting about the horrible events in chemists and spreading this information and indeed he's clearly supporting the propaganda of the n.t. and events in general. mr marston's task is to expose the enemies of the constitution and his latest comments will result in the exact opposite if he fails
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to immediately provide proof for his crimes that's why we have the s.p.d. have decided to call a parliamentary hearing next week so that mr marston has the opportunity to back up his assertions german interior minister. mr marson is direct boss says he still has faith in him his head of the big however he must produce some proof to back up those claims that he made and it's certainly said to be a busy week it would seem that the mass and he's also facing accusations that he handed off intelligence assessments into alternative for germany the f.t. . secret meetings with the minutes held some kind of bias towards them well it denied that they were handed any documents or any secret meetings took place but there is still a lot of people looking to mr marson asking questions about this incident as well as the interview he gave to build and those people want answers immediately.
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the israeli defense forces are investigating the killing of two palestinian teenagers during recent protests at the gas or border one of them a sixteen year old boy died of his wounds on sunday after he was shot by israeli soldiers the video of the incident was shared widely online be aware they following traffic video shows the moment he was shot. before the teenager was targeted by snipers he was seen throwing rocks are the i.d.f. the boy's mother told us about his journey to hospital. bill management has some octal when we were halfway to the hospital his leg studied bleeding profusely my son said he thought it would be amputated and i said you will be fine my son he was in surgery from six pm until midnight they were giving him blood units and he was
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bleeding at the same time without stopping then we found out that the nerves were destroyed and the vein was cut off metz heart stopped beating twice a doctor came out asking for us he had a brother and but asked me to stay outside he closed the door and took my sons' aside to talk to them then they came out crying and weeping i told them that i knew he will be dead it was an explosive bullet i could see from his injuries that he would not survive them well the type of munition we heard about there is the sign to explode on impact is meant to severely wound or kill human rights watch has been warning about the use of exploding bullet since the beginning of the protests medical journal articles including by israel defense forces trauma surgeons have documented that gunshot wounds from assault rifle bullets cause severe soft tissue damage have a high incidence of complications and that any delay at the scene of injury might
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jeopardize limb survival. russia is launching its largest military exercises since one thousand nine hundred eighty one china and mongolia are taking part but as morocco's the of reports some see the drills as a rehearsal for a global war. there's never been the like of it in modern russia it is huge in school hundreds of thousands of troops thousands of cruft entire fleets multiple countries. all stock which means east in russian will test hundreds of divisions regiments
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fleets system wide stress test basically if there are weaknesses cracks laziness in the russian military they'll find out. outrage how day russia do this it must be preparing for a new world war or to invade nato or to invade nato in a new world war the usual fear mongering which is notably absent when others carry out military exercises and despite the need to observe is being invited to attend maneuvers are not directed against other countries not consistent with our military doctrine which is defensive is there it's the side this promises to be
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