tv Boom Bust RT September 11, 2018 1:30pm-1:57pm EDT
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the c.e.o. of quill intelligence daniel depardieu you know both joins us to consider why it's been low and the future and in a twist to the tasty drink orange juice ortiz nicholas o'donnell reports from miami on how brazil has overtaken the u.s. in the one point four billion dollars industry plus as les moonves the scene of c.e.o. and chairman of c.b.s. prepares to leave admits they scandal what will become of the story company without its important and influential leader marco suspect professor toward a lecture at american university joins us as to discuss and campbell's soup takes a turn away from fresh art he's actually bank reports on the changes afoot at the food companies lots to get to but first we have a few headlines today we lead our global report with a tour of asia as we catch up with regional developments regarding china's economic diplomacy regarding the much discussed belton road initiative or b r i i in fact these are the first negative reports we've had related to be are i we go first to
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pakistan where the government of new prime minister imran khan has said that they will formally scrutinise the sixty two billion dollars portfolio of investments in pakistan related to be arye pakistanis role in b r i s formally titled the china pakistan economic corridor pakistani officials reportedly informed the chinese foreign minister of their plans in a meeting yesterday mr khan who took office less than a month ago has little room to maneuver as he tries to sustain foreign exchange reserves and ménage pakistan's growing debt much of that debt is owed to china and that is invited u.s. secretary of state mike pompei o to rule out loans from the international monetary fund or i.m.f. as a remedy mr pump aoe has disparaged the idea as a bailout for chinese investors. and the belton road initiative has also hit a bump in malaysia as the new government under returning prime minister mohammad has confirmed the cancellation of a set of pipelines relate. to energy totaling nearly three billion dollars the
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cancellations of the three specific pipeline projects follows a previous suspensions and review of them the projects are seen as key belt and road efforts another belton road project the twenty three billion dollars east coast rail link was suspended in july and is still under negotiation mr mohammad has consistently expressed concerns often quite boldly about specific b.r. related projects and other chinese investments on a state visit to china last month mr muhammad rattled his house by expressing concerns about quote a new version of colonialism in relation to chinese investments calling for what he termed fair trade policies that recognize disparities in wealth between partnering nations as a candidate mr muhammad flatly said we gain nothing from chinese investment. we now turn to the jobs report and take
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a particular look at wage growth for workers to do so we are pleased to be joined by danielle de martino both the c.e.o. of quill intelligence danielle welcome back thanks for being with us that was a pretty good job report to over one thousand in august the unemployment rate remained the same three point nine percent which was great and even though the june and july numbers were reversed down both being reduced by a total of sixty thousand cumulative the average monthly jobs increase for this year is one hundred eighty five thousand per month these represent the ninety fifth consecutive month of us jobs growth i mean that's pretty incredible i mean overall things are going pretty well right. it really is a startling run that we've seen and we are seeing quite a bit of resilience for being as late in the cycle as we are at this point you actually expect to see a tempering in job growth which we really haven't seen which speaks to some of the extraordinary environment that we find ourselves in the economic environment that we find ourselves and where there are too few skilled workers to fill open
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positions which takes us back to that first subject you raised which is which is wage inflation well let's talk about a little bit of the that has been sort of the achilles heel of the missing ingredient in the economy is wage growth but it's not just been a couple of months it's been for years and then all of a sudden we actually see a pretty good report on friday when the jobs report was released two point nine percent which is increase that year over year not just august your year from last august to august which amounts to ten cents that's really good news right. you know it is i would temper the enthusiasm a little bit because there was there was some seasonality involved in it a very weak august two thousand and seventeen number was kicked out of the mix so we might see a little bit of payback when we see the september numbers come out but i think the real point that we should be looking at is that if you consider that inflation is running at a decade high it is finally on par with wage inflation in other words if there was
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the insult to injury and that inflation has been running above wage growth for a very long time so it's not just the headline number that you see that is very difficult for households to get by on but it's the fact that if you account for inflation they're actually going backwards we are finally at the point where depending on who you ask we're at the very least treading water right now in other words people are not falling behind the cost of living bart and i think that that's a key point that we should a key takeaway that we should look at from this latest jobs report and there's some sort of debate about you know every administration always has like well we think things should be calculated this way or that way people some like to refer to the use six instead i remember that was one of the things back in two thousand and fifteen and sixteen where the bottom line is the bureau of labor statistics looks at these things but are we getting the right information on wage growth i mean should we change the calculation to include for example benefits. you know
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it's possible that we need to revisit a lot of calculations bart but i think that what you should focus on more is kind of the man and woman on the street and what companies have been reporting and why this probably has federal reserve chairman powells attention and that would be because companies have been reporting that they have been spending a lot more on labor for months injury has a new leader or teams nicholas o'donovan reports from miami on how brazil has overtaken the united states. orange juice is big business according to the department of agriculture the average american drinks around twenty three pounds of orange juice pe year florida california and texas all grow oranges but the sunshine state is the source of most of the fruit that makes its way into orange juice but the reality of the matter is that a big part of the product isn't actually from florida at all it's from brazil so
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juice labels that once read one hundred percent florida juice have been changed to read one hundred percent juice in fact today more than fifty percent of all orange juice bottled by major u.s. companies such as tropicana or simply orange is supplied by brazilian companies and shipped up from the south american country in specialized fruit juice tankas for decades orange juice production has been growing in brazil in twenty seven danes the orange juice export market was was a staggering one point four billion dollars the u.s.d.a. estimates that brazil's total output of orange juice will rise around fifty percent this year with exports rise in twenty eight percent and brazil's production lead over the u.s. has doubled since two thousand and three and that gives us an idea of what things could look like for local farmers in the near future but brazilian produces on only
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dominate in exports they use in the benefits to come here to florida and buy out production facilities effectively make in brazil a thigh a natural backer much of america's orange juice brazilian production isn't the only thing hurt in the orange juice industry here in florida back in two thousand and five the citrus green in disease affected hundreds of grows across the . resulted in a fifty five percent decline in production over the next decade since then florida's orange grows have raised prices by namely two dollars per gallon coals and bottle is to turn to cheap brazilian already juice and then last year we had hurricane air med planted florida's orange belt leaving a trail of up rooted trees down fruit and flooded the grove making it even more
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difficult for local grows to compete. with donovan for that juicy report sorry time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return remarkable sus cover for a story a lecturer at american university joins us to discuss media giant c.b.s. his chairman and c.e.o. les moonves prepares to leave amid the scandal what does it mean for the story company without its important and influential leader plus artes actually bank records on the changes afoot at the global food company ample soup they are taking a turn away from fresh product offerings as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell back in a flash. you
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know world a big part of the market and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely. watching the hawks. face for the next actual threat like china becoming a superpower and get its act together like we did during the cold war after russia put up sputnik the us landed on the moon that's why i mention the list and look if we have an extension crisis coming down the path guys like trump and other entrepreneurial. leaders will mobilize the country and i welcome this challenge
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because right now america doesn't have anybody else out there to play with you know how to work. welcome back currently as have suffered a significant setback in their march toward the mainstream of global finance and economics after the us securities exchange commission or c c temporarily suspended the trading of to exchange traded notes or securities issued by h b x b t e provider a b. the suspension took effect on sunday evening u.s. time it was announced via twitter the official statement cited their legal authority and said quote the commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities c x b t f and c e t h f because of confusion amongst market participants regarding these instruments the issuer of these two financial
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instruments x b t provider a b. is a division of coin shareholdings based in the u.k. in essence they offer investors a chance to invest in a crypto currency through these products without having to actually purchase bitcoin or other crypto currency directly. while the future of sweden's new government is not yet certain one thing is clear the nation's election sunday it's seen the greatest support ever for the far right party the swedish democrats the party increase their percentage of the national. actions from twelve point four percent and twenty fourteen to seventeen point six percent yesterday depending upon the final tabulations it could be sixty three of three hundred forty nine seats in the parliament that's the riksdag swedish democrats currently have forty nine seats the social democrats largest party in sweden received twenty eight point four percent of the vote so it is a nation of roughly ten million people joining the e.u. back in one thousand nine hundred five but rejected using the euro in two thousand
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and three known for tolerance social justice and free markets sweden has the lowest debt of any e.u. nation in twenty seventeen sweden's g.d.p. was two point three percent a year in year over year currently stands at three point three percent the unemployment rate is six percent. the influential media mogul les moonves the chairman and c.e.o. of c.b.s. may be stepping down at some point and he does so amidst a scandal if he's found innocent of the allegations he could leave the company with a reported one hundred million dollar deal but the c.b.s. board has hired a law firm to investigate the assault and harassment charges he could end up with nothing and the c.b.s. board will be revamped in a settlement with c.b.s. parent american amusements and c.e.o. sherry redstone what will become of the story what will become of the storied company without its support an influential leader professorial lecture at american university joins us to discuss now margo thank you so much for being here thanks
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bye and now there's breaking news out i mean literally it handed it during the break here that c.b.s. has spiraled with the f.c.c. saying that mr moonves it may be there for another year is thinking he was collecting things out of his desk we don't know any more than that right now do we know we don't fox news is the first to report it saying that this i.c.c. filing says that he'll stay on for an additional year ok so bad. to give the board time to have this law firm to do this investigation theoretically but he's a bit in this important employ until guy i mean what does it mean for the company whether or not he leaves this week or in a year i mean things could get really bad i mean i can imagine that if some of these allegations go forward that they would keep him on for for that time period regardless of what they're telling the i.c.c. he may do at this point you know what does it mean margot well the board of directors was aware of allegations that had been brought forward to the los angeles
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police department actually months before the new yorker first reported that six women had claimed sexual misconduct allegations against moonves so really there are big questions here about what the board knew when it knew it did it act swiftly enough and did it acts swiftly enough at a time when c.b.s. was making double digit profits you know each quarter it felt like c.b.s. couldn't lose with these big shows and moonves is known as a big t.v. person he brought shows like survivor and c.s.i. and the big bang theory he brought c.b.s. a much younger audience and it had in the decades prior to him coming on coming on board as the c.e.o. but there are real questions here about leadership about transition and about c.b.s. is culture a toxic culture some are saying now for some women you know it's a far too often we hear about these horrendous stories or not but i pay talking
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about it it's important to bring them to light but the energy so bad with them that i don't like them because of the tell me there's also this change the parent company american amusements a parent of c.b.s. national newsman national news it's thank you and sherry redstone they've been having this ongoing dispute what's that been about and how are they resolving it right now with the board so the way that what's happening right now is that cherry red stone is that that bickering if you will between c.b.s. and national news mentioned. national news misremember owns eighty percent or controls eighty percent of c.b.s. corporation stock and what it is said now is that with moonves is ouster that that any pending litigation between between them will go away will disappear how this this news just literally said just broke in the minutes before we the show started how that alters that landscape i'm still not sure right now but what moonves is credited for in addition to being a t.v. powerhouse and bringing
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a younger audience to bring the advertisers bring younger audience excuse me to its advertisers well moonves is credited with is holding off of viacom c.b.s. merger so national amusements now if they're saying that c.b.s. and its new board may be up on the chopping block so here yet again we could be seeing another merger remembering that there are companies out there distribution companies that are begging for content at this time and whether or not a new board thirteen member mortar board is going to be willing to entertain deals that's going to be something to look forward to to beyond just moonves in the culture at c.b.s. there are going to be real questions about its leadership and its stability and what it might mean for big media deals so. sure she always wanted this viacom deal that is correct that's what will the of the thirteen person board will give them enough to move forward my understanding is that eleven members will
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be independent from national amusements and how that board will look at how they're taking shape is is i'm i'm i'm sure one of the board members is a former head of time warner who was credited as shepherding out shepherding them out of a disastrous deal with a.o.l. in two thousand and one of these are board members that know media these are also board members that include william cohen former secretary of defense a former dean of the harvard law school and we've got a big name. on this board in the new board members whether or not they'll be willing to entertain these mergers i think it's a wait and see time finally before we go margot you've helped us out on others the other mergers we've talked about in the media space would this be one. deal would that be one that would raise and i trust issues or not i don't know that it would raise antitrust issues viacom right now is operating i believe as the ninth largest media company c.b.s.
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certainly has big holdings in television they both have properties and film so whether or not it reaches the level of some of the disney twenty twenty century fox i don't think so but you know anytime you have you have one of the big some merging with one of the beggars i think that it's going to fail it's going to face some d.o.j. scrutiny. professorial i could never get that professorial lecture at a very good university get that all the time thank you for being so much by i think we should. have the company is making some big changes and throwing their healthier offerings overboard the company with the iconic suit him feted by andy warhol and first displayed in one thousand nine hundred sixty two began selling soup tomato soup back in eighty ninety seven and until recently they have been on a roll selling roughly four hundred forty million cans each year roughly forty five
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percent of that soup is what type her to guess two hundred million cans are chicken noodle and as a global manufacturer campbell's has production plants the united states of course but also in canada australia germany bowl asia and in the united kingdom well now the company is taking a step back are to correspondent ashley banks at the details campbell soup has been around for almost one hundred and fifty years however over the past decade many consumer. as are finding that their tastes for the canned goods has changed campbell soup company is known for selling canned soups and vegetables however many consumers are now interested in fresh food. the former chief executive denise morrison one to campbell to have a wide ranging portfolio focusing on health and well being however the company isn't doing so well in that category so it announced it lets fresh food and overseas businesses to offset the loss and revenue adding it will focus the company
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on two distinct businesses campbell snacks and campbell meals and beverages and its core and north american market after the announcement was made shares of campbell which have a market value of around twelve billion dollars fell by two point six percent to thirty eight dollars and ninety five cents shortly after midday campbell shares have fallen by a third over the past two years and the company is in a lot of debt campbell is hoping by returning to its canada roots it can read the company of any debt by the fiscal year two thousand and twenty two historically campbell's has been able to resist a major changes and has held off calls over the past thirty years for the company to sell itself however in the past few months with the number of hedge investors buying positions in the company pressured to sell is higher than ever before experts say shareholders are finding it a bit disappointing the company is selling
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a part of itself as they are eager to revamp the company and make a profit however activists investors like the hedge fund third point are urging campbell to sell itself completely campbell's interim chief executive had this to say the border remains open and committed to evaluating all strategic options to enhance value in the future although campbell's is making efforts to ensure the company stays afloat selling the company and its entirety. isn't completely the table and washington actually banks our art. and as a note campbell stock closed at forty dollars and fifty four cents per share at the close of trading at the new york stock exchange today and that's it for this time thanks for watching you can catch boom bust on direct t.v. channel three twenty one dish network channel two eighty or streaming twenty four seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. at channel one thirty two as always get us up at youtube dot com slash boom bust
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our c c n x to. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see if. my body told me that i belong with the boys but my thoughts my mind was that along with the girls. on the surgery starts to be a very popular. football person doctor. i was born a male had a sex change when i was thirty years old. i've now been living as a woman for twenty eight years and i fully recreate this. problem should have gone
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away from by now but they hadn't so these surgeries are nothing more than plastic surgery i've had several female to male friends and you look at it and you just go oh god you paid for that it's horrible nobody can change genders is impossible. is delusional it's a mental illness. this is now one of my own flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out. the. prosecution will need to become almost. the fault is all. over you question does threat of fines come or somebody's known perceived i mean yeah i'm yasmeen political pressure on the god do i need him on concorde to know through security dentistry knows when to pull your bundled up business models he was my american corporations doubt of what is sold on could be mental disease l b use the
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controls on the scene. the solution. lies up in association with the potato. i noted when he saw small dogs it is just really his ability to maintain an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that doesn't like was hoping when the board doesn't perform on the rise of god and this is going to come to the. woods as the three that you got on into this it's a must also apply them proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that such a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that he thinks all books get more than that so we close
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off instantly is this who is selling this is also the only one all the more so for the most of the people in the suit will do this. with. these this is the. home study done with the old vision stopping there was a sting of only who was a fun is up and describes in the fine. print . several days ago where ok landed in front of my house my mom wife and three children died i remember how i called home no one picked up nine civilians are killed including three children when i'll news for a terrorist shelagh christian village in surya's province. also ahead in the program a suicide bombing kills thirty two people at
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