tv Watching the Hawks RT September 11, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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greetings and sal you take. the decision to voluntarily join the u.s. military or any military for that matter is and should be a hard well thought out decision one's life family and future are quite literally at stake it's one of the biggest decisions a teenager you're in the united states world will ever have to make which is why i want to business decides to target that fateful decision just to make a buck one has to wonder have we finally hit the moral rock bottom of capitalism
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recently the federal trade commission announced the seizure of nine websites designed to look like military recruitment pages according to p.c. mag the websites which appeared to be affiliated with the us military but were in fact not asked perspective military applicants to provide personal data quoting their full name email addresses phone numbers and education history in exchange for information about joining the armed forces and despite promises not to share any of the applicants personal information sun keep publishing and fan mail dot com the two companies behind the scam wouldn't back turn around and sell the data gizmodo reports that the companies would contact the potential recruits and encourage them to enroll in specific for profit schools under the false impression that the u.s. military endorsed the organization's so if the poor kid looking to be all he can be sounded the least bit interested some key would set the hook reel them in. and then
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sell their private info to private schools for anywhere from fifteen to forty dollars a hit netting a total of eleven million dollars since two thousand and ten making big bucks off the future put soldiers in america's military industrial complex you know you might be shocked if you weren't already watching the hallmarks. of. the bottom. like you but i got. to watch the robot for a while and. goodness man this is a monstrous monstrous mess they've got going on here it's pretty incredible how big
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is that. i mean it is it's wild the companies essentially bought internet ads the you know the they describe them as official recruitment sites just to suck all these kids in there anybody looking to join it was started in twenty ten but you know you get this time it was until twenty sixteen that a statement saying the government private sponsored web site was then added to the sites the websites actually stated the personal information would not be shared with anyone else but basically they did share it with everybody else it's pretty incredible and then sometimes we can go through the lists. that were used and you can see that some of them actually look pretty i mean they look somewhat i mean they look older but they definitely low budget to somebody because it's army dot com air force dot com army and the list dot com. maybe enlist
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arenas in less dot com coastguards and less dot com national guard you get you get the picture air force on lists and then also army resign dot com so it's sort of this way of getting people's information and then it sort of is wrapped up and up by ago well we're doing it to be patriotic not to make a buck but we have to make and so yeah i was leading the companies big excuse right like oh you know guys go look prior to twenty apparently in a statement that gives moto would like they actually did provide online recruiting services agencies for the military but it was to the ad agencies didn't like some q. in them didn't even have a direct contract it appears with the military and so they were working for a way out agencies where the contract but then those out agencies due to budget cuts essentially like lost the gate and so then sun key got cut out of ninety percent of their revenue and sort of make up for this lost ninety percent they decided well we've got the information where there's like resource for kids that
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know more about recruitment we'll just start selling their information to private schools will give them a call list a bunch of schools out if they're interested then we can go to get all the information but give it wasn't even known of the private schools actually had it got to deal with the military at all and the advertising to it sort of strange that these advertising agencies that i would assume since it's the reason they were doing it was no it was they were putting up ads probably recruitment ads for armine or as you often do. so that's where they were making all of this money but. it seems that they were charged with violating the federal trade commission acts as well as the federal trade commission's telemarketing sales through role and there was these two poseidon key publishing had been reached a settlement with the government and they didn't have to give back but their whole side of it was they didn't have to give back the eleven measured million because they had no ability to pay it which means they just spent it so. we took
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a live in million dollars under these very strange recess protests it is and of course a lot of these aren't just you know they're not are just you know in your run of the mill private school these are charter schools these are these for profit so for profit places that are definitely looking because i'll tell you you have no you don't need another web site to find it's pretty easy to find a recruiter to get it i don't think nobody's calling anybody back from the marines so they need another you know i mean another web site in case they can't get through on the actual i want to. get a statement. to declare quote some key how to find replacement revenue source after its contract with military advertising the military budget cuts as a result some to begin to expand its existing call center operations to provide potential recruits with the option of hearing about potential military friendly schools the option to go public. they come in to the lunch room between pretty well
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off war and senior year and try to get you to join trust me again unnecessary. so one of the stories that came up over the weekend was following more than two decades at the helm of c.b.s. as chief executive officer and fifteen years as chairman of the board les moonves is out and he has the very need to movement he touted and supported twenty seven thousand to thank for it in july of this year the new yorker magazine published a piece by journalist ronan farrow in which six women accused moonves of sexual abuse and intimidation of the only denied any wrongdoing in a statement to the press at the time saying quote i recognize that there were times decades ago when i may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances those were mistakes and i regret them immensely and quote in addition he claimed that he had quote never misused his position to harm or hinder anyone's career the board of c.v. of the. c.b.s.
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corporation began an investigation and as of this weekend they were negotiating moonves separation from the company which reported over twenty billion dollars in assets and twenty seventeen this weekend and another exposé by pharaoh in the new yorker it was reported that six additional women have accused moonves of sexual harassment of or assault it took only three hours three hours from the publication of these new claims for the media to report that les moonves would step down and that his golden parachute was being reconsider a pending another investigation and investigation that will determine if the accusations again move against moonves which included exposing himself without permission sexual assault and the use of violence and extortion to keep his victims silent but many wonder if the board is serious about. punishing moonves for violating the most basic of company policies when it was announced monday that he will remain at the company for two years to help with the transition moonves will
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receive his own office support staff and security detail c.b.s. has said it will donate twenty million dollars of moonves one hundred twenty million dollars golden parachute to various me to charity les moonves being a super predator of women and a destroyer of their careers was hardly a huge secret but is losing twenty out of one hundred twenty million dollars really enough to deter other high profile executives from rolling the dice on sexual harassment or is it time corporate america start of punishing the predators for once in the only place they seem to really care about their wallets. and i wish i were because it seems like this is ridiculous twenty million dollars is what is given you know i mean do you think of no. i'm tired of the golden parachute right i mean twenty million dollars should be true you know groups fighting for me too and all is a lot of money. but for
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a guy like les moonves who has made probably would close to a billion in those were in his whole career the judge be way more money than twenty million dollars i mean the hundred twenty million his owed by his contract will be put in escrow pending the end results of the investigation even if he never sees that money moves made over six hundred fifty million dollars working for c.b.s. since two thousand and six he's a net worth of over seven hundred million dollars you know and you know it's like tab you know you've told me about you know look at the what people have to go through when they're victims of this kind of thing you know regular psychological therapy and treatment for survivors of sexual assault cost an estimated fifteen to twenty five thousand dollars every year often out of their own pocket you know and that comes out to about three hundred thousand dollars over a twenty year period and all this guy can cough up with you know for the average person all this dude can cough up is twenty and the golden parachute and he's not even paying for it c.b.s. this pay or anybody else is simply taking it out of the money that they may legally
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be obligated unless they can find a way that they're not legally obligated and the idea is that well if he gets the hundred twenty that to charity but it's not les moonves he's not going to have the money. it's a very different thing and goes the other big question is you know what does this hurt the shareholders does anyone get hurt in this apart from west of the victims oh well i mean. you know i mean no essential you know really it's just the victims the companies get money they get money everybody gets money it doesn't really matter it doesn't matter it really just there is a point where it's just you know he's a liability but it's the he still made them a lot of money and they'll make more money because whatever it is it true that like you told me earlier that he actually gets to stay on. he will stay on for up to two years as a transition to help with the transition he gets in office he gets probably women he will abuse and then he also gets
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a security detail because someone has to explain to him about you know i guess the casting couch and how to use women and get away with and how to make sure you get enough money but you know so unless the investigation proves that they he really did like originally i think this was what they're saying is that you know it was a voluntary he's saying look step down now before we have to go any further and we'll figure this out but now i guess if they if you know it's like they've been barrister if it is embarrassing company my thought is he's probably they're going through it again and if they find anything else no they won't give him one hundred million and they'll probably but the guy has gotten over six hundred fifty million dollars in his twenty three twenty four years at c.b.s. he's hardly is not going to go broke but we'll see i mean it's like twenty million of these people you know at the end of the day and you know ultimately we really hope that somebody else on the bus to join this group to somebody will learn from this because you're not going to learn it but keep going to have it all go berzerk
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. hard as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of a proper to go over to facebook and for your full shelves are two dot com coming up water down cold water joins us to discuss the reports that there is talk of. the us backed coup in venezuela so we got to stay tuned for their store message straight through watching the. same wrong. role just all. but yet to stamp out disdain to educate and engage. the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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prosecution will need to become almost. designed to take over you push us on this thread you'll find somebody number one plus you do i mean yeah i mean i mean political pressure on the. security industry knows what the founders of that business models used by american corporations. please hold on could matilda's you to use. their solutions. in association with. newton he saw as it is just simply deleting. an investigative documentary. ghost war
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on oxy. the true story of u.s. foreign policy is most often found when you read between the lines and official denials especially when navigating the tomato us history between the united states and venezuela which is why one always needs to pay attention when small blurbs and innocuous official denials turn into full blown headlines back in may part of that the state department rejected accusations by venezuelan president nicolas maduro the two top u.s. diplomats were engaged in what we called a military conspiracy and now just four months later the new york times is reporting that the trump administration held secret meetings with rebellious military officers from venezuela over the last year to discuss their plans to overthrow president nicolas maduro so which is it the u.s.
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state department because you can't have it both ways but here to discuss and try to make sense of it is the recent revelations regarding u.s. foreign policy venezuela's human rights attorney and author of the forthcoming book the plot to control the world how the u.s. spent billions to change the outcome of elections around the world welcome dan koval it welcome back to thank you thank you always a pleasure to have you on know your research and studies. how often does the. later become reluctant acknowledgement when it comes to u.s. foreign policy in venezuela and other countries in the region. almost invariably i mean it's just a classic case if you go down the line often the u.s. will say oh we had nothing to do with it too tempting to maybe twenty five years later when they have to release documents will build mitt we were involved in the coup will never do it again and of course they do it again so for example in the case of venezuela we know that the us backed the coup against chavez in two
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thousand. too which was successful for at least a couple days when chavez was kidnapped by military some rogue military officers taken to an island and finally brought back actually on easter sunday due to street protests so this is really very much in line with general us foreign policy oh damn oh yes and there's a lot of people at home who aren't familiar with. how this sort of clandestine policy works so you know is this kind of fomenting a military coup typical of u.s. foreign policy a specially in south america particularly in venice way where we're talking about right now is this common. why absolutely i mean the u.s. if we focus on latin america itself has been very deeply involved in coups since the one nine hundred fifty four coup in guatemala with which in which the cia
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overthrew a democratically elected president this led to a series of military juntas which killed approximately two hundred thousand people mostly mine indians and what is now generally regarded as genocide and again the cia initially. rejected claims that it was involved but has subsequently admitted it was involved in that coup and you can go down the line the cia supported a coup in brazil in one nine hundred sixty four the us supported the coup very violent and tragic two against salvador allende in one nine hundred seventy three you can go down the line this is been standing operating procedure of the united states certainly since world war two and even before that in the case of venezuela . recently is many people know the president nicolas maduro barely escaped in assassination attempt by bonds that were. thrown against him by
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drones in amiga the. reaction of the media worldwide you could check this out was to say he was a victim of an alleged assassination plot they wouldn't even given the credit for being the victim of a sas anation attempt even though you can watch the videos where it's very clear what happened and it's very clear that those that attempt which was done by rogue military officers was certainly encouraged by these meetings with president trump. and again the u.s. will deny this but it's very clear the u.s. has been encouraging this type of activity against madeira for some time both the trump administration as well as senator marco rubio have openly talked about the need for a coup in venezuela. and yet. this is i think a new it said this about it being you know these are pro military officers is that
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road in the sense that they're not thanks and by congress and the president or you know in an open fashion or is that rogue as an outside of our any u.s. government agency just to play rogue in the sense right so they're rogue in the sense that they are military officers in the venezuelan military corps and they're rogue in the sense that they would contemplate going against their own president nicolas maduro. but the u.s. doesn't see them as road they see them arrest people who would work with the united states right one of the you know one of the one of the things i think people don't quite grasp you know it with everything going on is you know all you hear about is this great threat. but as well on the threat they pose to the united states and you know why are we so bent on removing the leadership of that country that we would
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try to recruit their military to do why as well as whale is such a threat to the united states it seems ridiculous to me. right will it represents no military threat we need to start there you know latin america has never represented no country there is represented a military threat to the united states these are countries that rarely in a get involved in any military adventures outside of their own borders and that's true of venezuela the threat to venezuela has represented since hugo chavez was elected in. nine hundred ninety eight was the danger of a good example in the words of noam chomsky you know chavez work quickly to eradicate poverty in their country to create social programs that favored the poor and working class people it's that sort of example that the u.s. war has wanted to extend which and they have in some ways been successful through
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very devastating economic sanctions which has made it very difficult for the government to continue its fight against poverty for example and now the u.s. for some time has been threatening a military intervention again to prevent the venezuelan people from using their own resources to deal with their own problems which is sadly anathema to the powers that be in the united states. yeah i mean i was in this a is then one of the things that there's been going on is this sort of idea of an election meddling you know and here we are in the united states and you know we have democrats and republicans as stalling the virtues of democracy and how terrible russia is an oh my god someone's hacking our elections and yet this is going in trying to say is a military coup in a foreign country just like any. kind of madeleine like i'm not what about and here
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am i is a mess i mean how is this not knowing. right well in fact this is the worst kind of meddling and i can tell you i was an election observer for the february two thousand and eighteen presidential elections in venezuela and the u.s. meddled in ways that. are inconceivable so first of all president trump threatened the main opposition candidate that he would be sanctioned if he even ran for election in why because the u.s. knew he would lose and wanted to do. just steal it jim eyes the entire election process so that was one thing meanwhile trump threatened the venezuelan people that if they elected nicolas maduro in the elections the u.s. would increase sanctions against venezuela which it did including possibly cutting off venezuelan oil imports to the u.s.
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which would devastate venezuela and again trump threatened possible military intervention if they voted for nicolas maduro there is no greater intervention or meddling and then election than this this is a form of extortion against an entire people saying that we're going to sanction you or possibly invade you if you don't vote vote the right way there can be no greater form of intervention this then you have you said you recently you know were in venezuela and observing the elections what do you feel is the biggest misconception about the country and its government that is being preyed upon by u.s. politicians and the forces of so you can regime change regime change there. why i think there's a number of misconceptions i mean one is that there's a you know huge claim that somehow the government doesn't have popular support when it does in fact have that. you know nicolas maduro ran for
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office earlier this year he received sixty seven percent of the popular vote. nearly fifty percent of the population voted in that election showing that he has sizable support in that country moreover it's very clear to me that contrary to what we're being told by the mainstream press the venezuelan government is doing what it can to help the people of its country to improve the economy against great odds and those odds have been created by the u.s. in these very devastating sanctions and again this is a very classic formula the u.s. has used and again again if we look at what they did to chile in one thousand nine hundred seventy three it's very similar to what they're doing to venezuela now and that is through sanctions they're creating an economic crisis blaming the venezuelan government for that crisis the u.s. has created and hoping that the people where they are for turn against their own
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government well by and large that hasn't happened by and large venezuela still has the support of the man is weighing on people they've just initiated currency changes to try to deal with inflation there i think they're doing the best they can with a very difficult hand that the u.s. has dealt them very quickly down only go but a minute left but what where do you what converters way would do to prevent this is this a case of what does of another country need to kind of come in and back them up so they can kind of get rid of this amount of meddling from the u.s. side like what can they do to thwart those kind of meddling and let the voters weigh when people pick their own power. why i think they've done what they've needed to do and that is to reach out to china to reach out to russia they've started to move their oil say sales off the dollar and this sell it on the chinese currency essentially they are trying to totally transform
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their economy so they no longer have to realign the united states and therefore can't be blackmailed the way the u.s. is trying but that's a very difficult thing to do given that most of the imports or most of the exports venezuela relies on in terms of oil revenue are still going to the united states but they're slowly trying to change that so that they can be immune from this sort of pressure but you know the u.s. is a giant fish. in the pond in the western hemisphere out of it has been called what thank you so much always a pleasure having you on great great great talking to you thank you you. thank. and now for some truly depressing news for anyone on antidepressants word out of us truly is that researchers at the university of queensland have discovered that one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants may actually be fueling the antibiotic resistant super bug crisis that is expected to kill ten million people
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a year by two thousand and fifty like i said depressing the researchers found that flux the team otherwise known as prozac or sarah from on the streets as a has in laboratory testing been found to possibly end dramatically helped bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics through mutation in fact researchers found using e-coli idel so different concentrations of flux attain that the stronger the concentration of flux again the faster the bacteria mutated over time up to fifteen million fold compared to the control so well now rees while we now sit depressed from our impending destruction from too many anti depressants here some kittens in a basket think you could. sort of throw proceeded they remember every one of them it's world they're not told real love developed so i tell you all i love to rover and i'm top of the wallace.
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do i know. the final terrorist stronghold in syria sees the us russia over al qaeda affiliates there on the anniversary of the nine eleven attacks. coexistence with terrorists is impossible those are all branches of al-qaeda which we have been fighting since the terror attacks in two thousand and one all we've seen are the actions of cowards interested in a bloody military conquest of it. coming up in the program a suicide bombing kills thirty two people at a rally in afghanistan against the local police chief twin blasts in the same
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