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tv   News  RT  September 12, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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what you're going to. present reveals the brushes identified the suspects the british. poisoning. is nothing special a criminal and. yes they are definitely civilians. as human envoy to. syria. separating the terrorists from. terrorist. attacks in two thousand and one
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not waste time with. distractions and. hungary could be stripped of its voting rights after being accused of breaching european values and the tough immigration policy. right now live. on this wednesday the twelfth of september. then president putin says the suspects named by britain over the script have been identified by russia he was speaking at the easton economic forum and. trying to report this is an absolutely groundbreaking follow up for a lot of. last week's statement by pritish authorities on the suspects in the script all case the russian leader says that moscow now knows for sure who the two
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men are here's what exactly mr putin said. we've seen the pictures we know who we found them. hopefully they will turn themselves in and everyone about themselves there's nothing special or criminal. are these civilians yes they are definitely civilians last week exactly six months after the attempted . british prosecutors named two suspects as russian nationals alexander and. they also pointed out that these days could have been fake another claim was that the two men were active members of russian intelligence now here's the evidence that london put forward it was basically a summary of the man's movements around the u.k. .
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so these comments by the russian president are. breaking compared to what we heard from london last week and now i guess once again it is their turn to say something just last we spoke to russia's representative to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons the. alexander. was a provocation and disrupting russia's presidential election back in march. complicated
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situation. broadest to whom does the crown benefit. book to march this year brochure was here done for the presidential elections. we have been preparing we have been preparing for the world cup. and do the russian you do something like these absolutely not the commission is who. didn't need to these kind of two are no events then they aren't caesar the. opponents of the russian federation those who are trying by all means are to do you agree it's leadership. and actually the new sanctions on the russian federation. well let me just share with you my observation
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clearly you see my point to it was an attempt to influence. the course of the russian presidential elections all them all saw against the background all the claims sold the russian meddling and the american election. elsewhere that day russia's u.n. envoy has clashed with his u.s. counterpart during a security council session on syria russia's insisting on the separation of terrorist from the rebels to resolve the crisis that's coming to a head in a province. coexistence with terrorists is impossible these are all branches of al-qaeda which we've been fighting since the terrorist acts in two thousand and one and from whom we can expect the worst attacks imaginable. we welcome the opportunity to discuss the prospects for a diplomatic solution in syria but let's not waste time with the december mation
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distractions and outright. deescalation zones are temporary measures they should be either a local peace or a. from operation pressure iran and i stand down like our demolishing in lead and asking us to current peace. it is claimed the president bashar al assad gave the order to use chlorine the syrian authorities are not going to do that they do not have chemical weapons i ask you again to listen to us it would be an invitation for the western countries to launch an attack on syria which they're threatening if chemical weapons are used well moscow has been warning of a possible stage chemical attack by militant fighters in a province which is the last terrorist stronghold in the country and says it's designed to frame damascus and provoke large scale military foreign intervention russia's defense ministry claims that indeed the filming of such an assault already begun it says the self-styled rescue group the white helmets are involved in making said video the group's been active on social media to posting what they say is the
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result of government strug only ad lib donahoe can say it's a close look at the fears of potential chemical attack. the russian ministry of defense has been warning for two weeks of a possible false flag operation by militants in using chemical weapons a red line for the u.s. and its allies according to the russian military that possibility became clearer citing local residents in the town of sugar they claim camera crews on site have recorded footage of an alleged chemical attack by the syrian government including video of what helmets rescuers treating supposed victims the footage says is to be sent to numerous channels imminently to justify a u.s. led military intervention the us department of defense hasn't yet responded to us directly with comment on these claims although the u.s. has made their position clear they mowe uncertain terms just so there's no
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confusion here if the syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly. through an armed forces have no chemical weapons and no plans to use them if there is no military necessity for. urge the international community to support collective efforts to and syria's use of chemical weapons and we remain resolved to act. uses chemical weapons again we would use them all sensible people will not use militarily useless means to draw before three powerful countries upon themselves we have all seen what the syrian regime backed by the russian government has done in the past that should not be a surprise to anyone that that would be a concern of ours and the special interest we have the impression that u.s. threats against damascus aimed at preventing terrorist from being expelled there is not the first time the us no matter which administration has prioritised the task of changing dissident regimes above the common goals of radical terrorism and
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extremism is. a back and forth of accusations that out see a sions the us has been clear that any. the use of chemical weapons will be attributed to the assad government and will result in military action moscow's claim that damascus simply has no logic in drawing the wrath of the u.s. military on themselves has been dismissed as a distraction tensions in the liberal pro-choice boiling point and anticipation of a government offensive against terrorist and rebel groups it's clear that any incident involving allegations of chemical weapons could be a spark for the outbreak of all out conflict between multiple parties the skepticism seems to be growing at the possibility of a chemical attack britain's shadow foreign secretary and really thought has pressured the government to verify any future attack with the o.p.c. w before taking any potential action. and that the minister of state will give his tuition and says today first that if there are any reports of concrete weapons
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attack particularly in the areas of it lip controlled by h.t.s. that the government will not take part in any military action in response until the a.p.c. w. had visited two sites under the protection of the turkish government independently verifying those reports and attributed responsibility for any chemical weapons used relying on so-called open source intelligence horrified by prescribed terrorist groups is not an acceptable alternative they don't need to wait for evidence they don't need it we need to wait for an investigation is surely don't need to wait for o.p.c. w or any other agency to apportion blame they're already blaming the syrian government they're already saying that president assad has authorized the chemical weapons strike so that you know the strike or the lead strike hasn't even happened but blame has already been apportioned so you know what what can we say apart from there it looks like very likely there's going to be a big strike and this could lead to obviously this could lead to a conflict with russia and what were three or the final world wars we should be calling they're not addressing the syrian arab army they're not even addressing the
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syrian government or president assad they're addressing the al-qaeda their proxy their armies al-qaeda affiliates in italy and effectively what they're saying is the hotline is open you can call it your own airstrike all you need do is provide a pretext however lame that pretext maybe give us something we can sell to our publics back home and we'll have the cruise missiles in the air so that's the message is the message is directly to al qaeda and its affiliates in italy. hungary responding stripped of its right to vote on a new affairs the european parliament said to decide that later on wednesday it follows an angry debate in strasbourg in which prime minister viktor orban trying to defend his tough stance on migration which is a you critics insist breaches the values of the union is our europe correspondent and peter all over the european parliament came together in strasburg on tuesday for a plenary session on what to do about hungary and where. article seventy measures will be put in place on budapest what article seven essentially means is it's the
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ultimate political naughty step in the european union it strips all could strip and suspend the voting rights of hungry in the e.u. institutions essentially taking away their voice in the in the well the european family there were lots of allegations made against viktor orban his government and the nation of hungary listen to a few of them now sadly the commission shares the concerns expressed in the report in particular as regards fundamental rights corruption the treatment of roma and the independence of the judiciary individuals in the government have envisaged themselves their family members deference from public funding from utopian taxpayers' money less alexian is this that we cannot close our eyes to the problems in hungary and the elections this year were held in an atmosphere of aggression and intimidation and that of them gary and prime minister viktor orban was in
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stroudsburg to hear those allegations he was bullish in his response on what you know you have already made up your mind what you think you know better than variants themselves i stand here to defend my country and this is a matter of honor this insults the owner of hungary this uses double standards and violates the treaty it says a halt would think differently about the essence and purpose of the family and we do indoors ready clee different views and migration these differences cannot be a reason to brand any other countries and freed to be excluded for joint decisions who would never go as far as silencing those who do not agree with us you want to make a moral decision raise the numbers the nation be damned. well the vote on whether to sanction hungary will be on wednesday afternoon after the state of the union address by showing floyd young and not vote well it could be very close a lot will depend on how the european peoples party group within the. palm and on
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how they vote mr obama's own party is a member of that group mr obama did have some friendly voices in the room even if they did use the opportunity to push their own agenda somewhat but it's not just your country that's been insulted today you've been insulted today to be able logical carbon enjoyed the brakes you love it. many times european commission president john claude younkers delivered his final state of the union speech and when she used it to summarize the results of his ten year we put something together to. the small so this is the last chance commission i that we will succeed in bringing our citizens closer to europe but we will fail.
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in the european commission's papers migration is the medicine for certain problems for us it's poison. i would expose myself in france slowly but surely losing. lives and so now we will also impose import tariffs this is basically. stupid process. i have a little black book called live. with for the past thirty years i have noted when someone has betrayed me.
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well can tell you literally didn't just the last few minutes we're hearing some news in on this that the european parliament has approved the. report to open article seven it was all drafted by the dutch every p. judith sargent teenie she wrote this report into mr albany and his fidesz party so it looks like that's going to go ahead similar proceedings are actually being considered too for poland but we'll bring you more on that and the role of occasions of what that could be of course could be very big news this in the coming hours. this is art international thanks for being with us coming up after the break the senate to says he's got proof that there are high level leaks to the media to deliberately undermine donald trump just one of the stories.
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it was taken up with obama's. course it was like oh yeah you know medicare for all be great but we're. progressing. along. big get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. wanted. to go to the press this is what. i'm interested in the water.
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again the number of dead in afghan suicide bombing on tuesdays was the sixty eight known at least a hundred sixty five injured according to local officials it happened in one province said a protest among the resignation of a local police cars on the demonstrators of the highway the links the provincial capital jalalabad was a key border crossing with pakistan when the bomb struck i was before in jalalabad itself several explosions targeted schools as we reported a fourteen year old boy died four others were wounded still not clear who was behind it all. the
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so-called. break in most schools are being proposed in france as ways of watering the spread of radical islam among some of the. and come as the government considers its own mood sheller do bensky gauge reaction to that proposal when in paris here's a reminder over the ambitious promise president made to lawmakers a few months ago the total reform of islam in france and with the ground work in place by the autumn. there is a radical and aggressive interpretation of islam that sets as its goal questioning the norms and laws of our free country and free society by autumn we will clarify the situation by giving islam a framework and rules that will guarantee that it is practiced in accordance with the laws of the republic so far it's only words but continues to chew over how to bring in those changes help is that turned a liberal think tank the more tame institute has released
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a report with its own suggestions it is essential to have an alternative muslim religious discourse in french that is parallel to the mainstream discourse prevalent on social networks today meaning the salafist discourse france must equip itself with the means and important networks to disseminate this counter-narrative who can do that only muslims the report also has some concrete suggestions about how to achieve this one is to incorporate arabic into the educational system the idea is that by offering arabic in schools fewer children would find themselves in dubious institutions linked to settle a fee indoctrination and radicalization a great idea or not people here in paris sure. it's not going to fight anything the terrorists will remain terrorists it won't find them by speaking
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arabic. i don't see why we can't learn arabic is a very interesting language and it would help us to open ourselves to the people we meet on a daily basis. i work in a hospital and i mean a lot of people who speak arabic we need to have translators it would be interesting to learn this language of school i'm not for it i don't think it's going to chant. learning several languages good anyway i don't think every kids should learn arabic to do one. and as you say twitter helps the think tank also suggest creating an official and independent muslim association for islamic fronts with the idea that it could help stamp out any underground fundamentalism but it suggests the funding for such a body should come from a tax on how love food products earned the services for muslims yet again that hasn't gone down well with everyone. not for the prices keep on rising and rising
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it's a crisis we don't know if this money will really go to help muslims it's now just politics in our religion if you can find food that is you can still eat just not pork you just need to pray for what you are reading you can eat almost anything you want so i don't think it's a solution if it's. not too much it's all right and make sure you find food everywhere. else for taxes the funds are used properly then why not we need to look at the possible advantage use it to help some groups of people division over both suggestions from the report may have my thinking that is bitten off more than he can chew especially with the fact that recent polls are hardly sliding in the president's favor one carried out by a doc said this week found that seventy one percent of respondents now thought negatively of him and when it comes to how his government is handling terrorism
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previous polls showed that more than hoff that they weren't doing enough many are waiting with bated breath. to see how much will keep those promises over here but the early signs are not positive charlotte steven ski r.t. paris is a baby on r t france reaction ranged from calls to close the coast more closely scrutinizing moms and mosques through the fear is that french muslims will be further alienated. i look at this with interest one of the projects to try to introduce even more arabic in schools and colleges i don't think that this. is consistent with the principles of secularism we need to regulate broad and we need to close down the mosques that cause problems least we also need to stop illegal immigration. this report risks irritating the very people concerned french muslims and foreign citizens who live in france and who are also muslims
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because it does go into storage debates within their community and second there will be debates with others for example with those who are inclined towards islamophobia unfortunately this will strengthen their beliefs and their will not bring about a spirit of national unity and social cohesion. u.s. senator claims the f.b.i. has been leaking information to the media on purpose the apparent strategies come to light thanks to revealed text messages between former f.b.i. officials so most of those insists it was a coordinated effort by f.b.i. and justice department officials to release information harmful to donald trump as caleb maupin reports in the times of trump mainstream media just lives for leaks three people familiar with the intelligence ultimately people familiar with the components or says close to mccain former officials knowledgeable about the situation tell c.n.n. but are the leaks all just part of a bigger game now according to republican senator mark meadows he has proof that
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there was a coordinated effort by f.b.i. agents and members of the d.o.j. to leak information regarding the alleged trump russia collusion this is the letter he sent to the department of justice our review these new documents raises grave concerns regarding an apparent systemic coach a media leaking by high ranking officials of the f.b.i. india a.j. related to ongoing investigations so what's the documentation well we've got messages from peter strock former f.b.i. special agent to him. is mistress lisa page an f.b.i. attorney who just happened to be working on the bob muller investigation peter strong actually lost his job after messages he sent to lisa page were made public those messages were politically charged and revealed that the couple wasn't exactly fond of donald trump trump not ever going to become president right right no no he won't will stop it now here's some glaring examples from those messages that were included in meadows letter to the d.o.j.
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peta stroke contacts lisa page to discuss a media leak strategy specifically to take says i had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you i want to talk to you about media leaks strategy with d.o.j. before you. congratulations lisa page on a job well referring to two zero three articles about cause a page in the text stroke patients who are schools are coming out one which is worse than the other about lisa's namesake stroke i did well done page a media strategy interesting now the attorneys representing peter struck say it's not what it sounds like it's actually simply a strategy for stopping the leaking of an authorized information from the administration while the f.b.i. has been caught leaking information to reporters before they've been caught red handed let's not forget that former f.b.i. director james comey actually made it to the senate intelligence committee that he leaked information about a conversation he had with donald trump to
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a reporter i understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president as a private citizen i felt free to share that i thought a very important to get it out and there's james comey is second in command andrew mccabe now he also got the can he was fired for leaking information to the wall street journal about the clinton foundation investigation so is this leaking strategy actually intentional in hurting the administration there's certainly some information that points in that direction you have the worst case scenario where the government's own security agency the police department of the government is trying to maintain the power of the current administration and even after they've lost that power they're trying to undermine the new administration so the next time you hear the words persons close to the investigation or informed sources think where this media leaking strategy might lead next kaleb mop and r c new york just
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quick recap of that story is coming any vote in favor of triggering the start of article seven sanctions against hungary in prime minister vic to which could eventually lead to agree losing its e.u. voting rights more coming up in the next of this. international. coal make this manufacture consent to step into public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round certainly the one percent. we can all middle of the room six. million more you'll need to.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always i mean your list put video of clue in the. split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this state over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. readings
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in salutation. this week the united states observer is observing the seventeen then averse. through the tragic september morning when the fate of four planes changed the world as we know it september the eleventh is and will continue to be one of the most tragic horrific and controversial days not only in u.s. history but world history as well more than three thousand lives were lost that day along with hundreds maybe even thousands more in the days and years that followed thanks to the toxic dust and debris that hung in the air around ground zero in lower manhattan like a virus in the aftermath the blame was laid upon osama bin laden and the terrorist group al qaeda the war on terror commenced military budgets bloom to countless more innocent lives were lost this week as the out of virtue of nine eleven is observed the world's eyes are focused on the syrian city of the lead as syrian forces back
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syrian forces backed by russia.


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