tv News RT September 12, 2018 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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parliament votes to trigger and could lead to sanctions against one of its own reputation by member states see hungry lose its voting rights within. a day and eleven pm in dhaka eight in the evening right here in moscow this september twelfth welcome to r.t. international our top story russia say it knows the identities of the two men suspected in the script poisoning case but moscow has confirmed no action will be taken on till britain makes a request. speaking out the eastern economic forum in vladivostok said the men had been identified civilians reports from their. this is an absolutely groundbreaking follow up from vladimir putin to last week's statement by
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british authorities on the suspects in the script case the russian leader says that moscow now knows for sure who the two men are here's what exactly mr putin said to me from mission we've seen the pictures we know who they are we found them. hopefully they will turn themselves in and will tell everyone about themselves there's nothing special or criminal and are these civilians yes they are definitely civilians last week exactly six months after the attempted murder in salisbury british prosecutors named two suspects as russian nationals alexander and bashir if they also pointed out that these days could have been fake another claim was that the two men were active members of russian intelligence
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now here's the evidence that london put forward it was basically a summary of the men's movements around the u.k. . so these comments by the russian president are no less groundbreaking compared to what we heard from london last week and now i guess once again it is their turn to say something well we spoke to alexander king russia's representative to the
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organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons he believes the script case was a provocation aimed at disrupting russia's presidential election back in march. full do member states hold a chemical convention in the. judge and. very through a serious action coming from some to be gay sions it least. to be a geisha is capable of. feeling can not blinded by russian propaganda the statement was a very put positively and. evaluated. back to march this year russia was hidden for the presidential elections. we have been preparing and we had been preparing for the world cup. and did the russian needle something
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like these absolutely not the question is who. did they need to these kind of two are no events and the answer use of the. for the russian federation those who are trying by all means are to do you agree need to leave the ship and actually slow up new sanctions on the russian for the orange it was an attempt to influence. the course all do russian presidential elections all them all saw against the grown all the claims sold to russia meddling in the american election. russia's reconciliation center for syria has announced that militants in it live province have staged unfilmed nine faults flying chemical attacks the center of the
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terror group's leaders have approved two of the videos to be sent to the u.n. and the chemical watchdog the o.p.c. w. while the rest will allegedly be distributed on social media well i'm joined now in the studio by daniel hawkins to discuss the claims if we just timeline this a little bit for us going back to yesterday to choose the we know that the russian defense ministry that we're quite confident that the preparations were being made by terrorists there's an update now i believe that's right your information is coming in very much by dribs and drabs over the last day or so expect some more information to come in as well this syrian russian reconciliation central part of the russian ministry of defense has even identified the location of where these false flag according to them operations will take place kyra photos i took on. the cover as i did three other villages as well in the province cut from the. movie because they say that preparations have been taken place by. the terror group to
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stage these nine videos one of which will be sent to international organizations like the u.n. the o.p.c. w the others will be distributed online now according to the russian and moody these reports are. verified by anybody else of course we have to mention that. they will take place in this area they will use the what helmets rescue group are to treat alleged victims as well as children as well. to these news organizations if we push over but if moscow is claims are actually finding what kind of consequences are we talking about here i mean the u.s. has made their position very clear chemical weapons use the threat or even the allegation of their use is a red line they said there will be military intervention if that takes place that clashes with russia's position who explained according to them that possesses no chemical weapons even if they did using them to draw the wrath of the u.s. and its allies would be logical quite heated debates at the u.n.
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security council russia iran and i stand our daimler are demolishing in lead and asking us to call it peace. coexistence with terrorists is impossible these are all branches of al-qaeda which we've been fighting since the terrorist acts in two thousand and one and from whom we can expect the worst attacks imaginable let's not waste time with to disinform ation distractions and outright lie. because it is claimed the president bashar al assad gave the order to use chlorine the syrian or thora these are not going to do that they do not have chemical weapons and i ask you again to listen to us it would be an invitation for the western countries to launch an attack on syria which they're threatening if chemical weapons are used and we have we have asked the pentagon for comment to know if they are aware of these allegations if they are aware of any truth to them at all was still waiting to hear back the u.s. position there remains for any threat as i said of chemical weapons or allegation
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of chemical weapons use will want to be attributed to the government of bashar assad and it will draw military consequences in the form of strikes or intervention is what to say. just so there's no confusion here if the syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly we have all seen what the syrian regime backed by the russian government has done in the past that should not be a surprise to anyone that that would be a concern of ours once and done if a chemical attack does happen what kind of consequences are we going to see are the west allied are they united in going forward with immediate reaction to it well certainly there's a united front of condemnation of use of chemical weapons in the west and their view very much is that assad is a dictator a war criminal who's committed barbaric acts but there is another side to this specifically to do with chemical weapons right there are voices in the west that
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you wouldn't think this is much for independent investigation into proof verification before the military jumps the gun take place and military strikes take place is only for marie of the labor party take a look at what you have to say. that the minister of state will give us two assurances today first that if there are any reports of chemical weapons attack particularly in the areas of control play h.t.s. that the government will not take part in any military action in response until the police had visited their sites under the protection of the turkish government independently verifying those reports and distributed responsibility for any chemical weapons used relying on so-called open source intelligence provided by prescribed terrorist groups is not an acceptable alternative as you said it's clear that a condemnation of chemical weapon use is present all sides here the real difference here lies with verification independent investigation before the military jumps the gun now it's clear tensions are very high in italy but the moment the syrian army
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massing for a potential offensive jihad is in the air refusing to surrender or negotiate it's clear that any threat use or allegation of chemical weapons use could be that spark that serves for a full. but it's the procession in the area yeah thanks for taking us through that artie's daniel hawkins and just to keeping with the theme lots reaction to this including from the coeditor of b s news mike riley who saves the west is already up to putting blame before any investigation is carried out they don't need to wait for evidence they don't need it we need to wait for an investigation they surely don't need to wait for o.p.c. w or any other agency to apportion blame they're already blaming the syrian government they're already saying that president assad has authorized the chemical weapons strike so that you know the strike at the electronic hasn't even happened but blame has already been apportioned so you know what can we say apart from there it looks like very likely there's going to be a big strike and this could lead to obviously this could lead to a conflict with russia and what were three or the final world wars we should be called in and they're not addressing the syrian arab army they're not even
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addressing the syrian government or president assad they're addressing the al-qaeda proxy armies al qaeda affiliates in italy and effectively what they're saying is the hotline is open you can call it your own air strike or you need to do is provide a pretext however lame that pretext may be give us something we can sell to our public fact and we'll have the cruise missiles in the air so that's the message is the message is directly to al qaida and its affiliates in italy. to another headline stories this hour the european union is hitting one of its own members with a disciplinary action the e.u. parliament has voted in favor of triggering article seven which could see hungary sanctioned if your opinion leaders all agree to the measures it follows the hungarian prime minister viktor orban being criticized within the block for breaching european values over the migrant crisis. this is certainly one of the strongest weapons in the arsenal for the e.u.
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to deal with an air and member of its own group what it's more like is really like opening one big box and finding a series of other boxes inside essentially where we are right now with article seven point one for this to move any further well it would require either one third of e.u. member states all the e.u. commission to say they want to push ahead with further measures against hungry. hungry would be given a chance to defend themselves to put forward their own case and then this would go back to another vote in the european parliament that would require a two so majority vote then that would go to the european council where it would have a unanimous vote you still with me right this is still seven point two for it to actually go through and we to see sanctions in the. suspension of voting rights put in place upon hungry it would have to go to seven point three that requires another vote by the european council and that has to go through by
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a vote of over fifty five percent essentially what's happened on wednesday in strasburg is this is the the official written warning to hungry from it's a you colleague saying that in their eyes they need to book up its ideas they've tried talking to hungary in the past and they haven't as far as they're concerned received adequate and says to serious questions that were posed in parliament on tuesday sadly the commission shares the concerns expressed in the report in particular as regards fundamental rights corruption the treatment of roma and the independence of the judiciary individuals into government have ended stem cells their family member staff rents from public funding from utopian taxpayer money less alexian is this then you would not close our eyes to the problems in handily the elections this year were held in an atmosphere. of aggression and intimidation and. the reason i went through the complicated methods of where we were heading
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next is because a lot of where we had next depends on hungary and specifically on viktor orbán now he was in parliament in strasburg on tuesday heard all of the allegations against him and against his government he was bullish in his response in fact he said he didn't recognize the charges and he thought that the fact that they were being bring brought against hungary in the first place was an insult to hungary in history and the hungarian people. you have already made up your mind i stand year to defend my country and this is a matter of honor this insults the honor of hungary this uses double standards and violates the treaties it says about homes you want to make a moral decision based on numbers the nation be damned. well reaction to the vote has been coming in from the l d a group in the
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european parliament they said they were glad to see that this had been passed the greens also saying that they were glad that it had gone through those on the side with mr obama well you could always rely on nigel fairish the leader of the european freedom and direct democracy groupies long been a supporter of mr obama he said that this vote showed the authoritarian grip of the european union was getting tighter but ultimately what this means is hungry officially joins poland on the naughty list of nations expect to be talking about them for a little while yet. well hungering government has already reacted to the vote denouncing it as a fraud and the revenge of pro migrant politicians independent journalists lucrative a toll a certain political forces believe this is their last chance to stop the advance of populism in europe. the leftists furious israeli aggressive to an incredible point as well as the liberals the globalists because they know it is their last chance to
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obtain that the populist stop punished somehow the list grows longer you have the austrians you have the italians it didn't work it won't work and all day do is fit to mind old bon bon will be reelected certainly one time comes with a big majority because he's a victim of europe the worst that europe can produce we heard yesterday and today today it was less important vote happened and that was it but the report produced by mrs sargent teenie who was a green party activists from holland is israeli a piece of work and it's really incredibly aggressive in its content and she didn't even go to hungary to make this report this bullying will go nowhere you know article seven will never be applied italy austria poland will refuse of course that this be applied at council level if not at the parliament level so they are afraid
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of the next parliament after the may elections that's the thing meanwhile is called younker has delivered his final state of the union speech he's previously announced he won't seek another term as european commission president a successor is slated to be appointed in may next year in his address you summarize the results of his tenure we put something together. this is the last commission by that we will succeed in bringing our citizens closer to europe. and the european commission's papers migration is the medicine for certain. for us that's poison me it. was.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. that you're going to be close it's like the full story in the morning can't be good . i'm interested always in the waters of our. city. welcome back to the program but there has been a significant breakthrough in the case of missing internet privacy activists comforts a close associate of wiki leaks julian assange police have announced that the man's belongings have been fallen in the sea off their no we joined coast. the police
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nordland was notified by a local recreational fisher that he had found some belongings floating in the sea near the shoreline the belongings are confirmed by the police to belong to the missing person or you can push so the location of these items appears to be fairly close to the town where i encountered first was staying and where he was last seen on the twentieth of august when he checked out of the hotel there in the town of bodo he was a dutch citizen and he was in norway on holiday as i said and he was meant to leave the hotel and take a train to another town ten hours south of the town where he was staying in order to get a flight from there but he never got on that flight and that's when friends and family started getting worried and started expressing their concerns about his whereabouts there are now dutch investigators in norway helping with the investigation and i think his disappearance is getting more media attention because
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of his close association to julian songe campus worked closely with wiki leaks in the past his online accounts said he was a free software advocate he was an i.t. security advisor and he'd also written a book about investigative journalism as well he did media appearances as an i.t. expert i think you'd see pictures of him talking to r.t. on your screens as well but still a total mystery really what happened to him police say they're still trying to work out if there was an element of criminality involved they're not sure about that yet but of course the internet being the internet there's already wild speculation especially from the wiki leaks supporters about what may have happened to some at the moment pretty baseless and wild theories that perhaps that he knew too much that he may have been taken out by some secret service for his links to julian
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assange. others say maybe this is all a warning to julian assange some speculation that maybe all this is just a deep cover assignment for weeks from now though police is still combing that area of sea off the coast of norway trying to establish what happened to him. the american president has some new executive order or through rice's sanctions against foreigners phone to be meddling in u.s. elections well let's cross live to see miracle in washington d.c. for more on this samir this just broke not very long ago i'm not sure there's a lot of details on this brings up the table what we can say though well according to reports the executive order will allow sanctions against states and actors accused of election meddling now take a look at those words states and actors now as well apparently include
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a blocking assets limiting access to the u.s. financial system and banning people from entering the country for some context russia china iran d p r k have all been accused of election meddling of some sort and what are those countries have in common well they all present a challenge to us gemini's that should definitely be noted bolton also apparently said that sanctions might be introduced against organizations that spread propaganda and quote fake news but we're not sure of that yet that's only according to reports now various news organizations have also been accused of election meddling including r t so what could that mean for our t.v. well until we have that official document we don't really know and we can't say for sure but this is definitely a developing story and we will keep you updated yeah thanks for telling us what we
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know at this theory just early into that story samir a come in washington d.c. . with a one hundred billion dollar trade deal having just been announced between russia and china are moscow beijing relations up their strongest levels ever a boom bust delves into about. twenty forty you know bloody revolution here to crush the demonstrations going to be relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always here i mean your list put video of clue in the. school and you go to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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lawmakers manufacture can be sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling class does protect themselves. with the famous merry go round certainly the one percent. we can all middle of the room say. the real news is. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance i'm bart chilton in washington thanks for being on the board coming up today we take a look at the currency crisis in turkey argentina and india we do so with the help from john grace the founder and president of investors advantage corp and from paris our teams charlotte dubinsky takes a look at the parisian stock market index the cac and some of the french companies which are part of that french market barometer plus china and russia are coming
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closer on economic and military matters as chinese president xi jinping and russian president vladimir putin meet an economic summit in russia parties caleb walters will give us the latest and as more u.s. tariffs on chinese goods seem to be eminent what will the impact be for apple a large u.s. technology company which has many products produced in china conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve small first to be with us to discuss and we'll leave you today with a beer or at least a story about beer and how some businesses are working towards a new beer tear i bet it will surprise you our chief peter oliver gives us the details from berlin were firmly locked and loaded so let's get right to a few headlines leading our report today china is formally petitioning the world trade organization the w t o to impose seven billion dollars in annual trade sanctions on the united states at a meeting on september twenty first china will reportedly press for penalties
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pursuant to their twenty seventeen. victory in a case filed all. back in two thousand and thirteen last year's w t o ruling found fault with the u.s. method for calculating whether chinese exports are actually dumping their goods in the us or simply selling that at a lower price abroad than they do at home china also one of the w t o last month in a similar case regarding sixteen billion dollars worth of chinese exports that were terrified by the u.s. stock markets worldwide trying to down on the news on this specific news rather and as a drumbeat of developments continues in the tense trade triangle between the u.s. china and the european union keep up on that. and moving to another corner of that tariff triangle u.s. and e.u. trade diplomats met in brussels yesterday e.u. trade commissioner cecilia strong and her staff met with their counterparts from the office of us.
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