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tv   News  RT  September 12, 2018 3:00pm-3:27pm EDT

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this hour's headlines stories of london we are feels that russia has identified the suspects that. the script poisoning. is nothing special. and. yes they are definitely civilians. the russian defense ministry say terror groups in syria. staged videos showing. to be sent to the united nations posted online. day
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historic moment in brussels e.u. parliament votes to trigger and. sanctions against one of its own ratification member states could see hungary lose its voting rights within. every year joining us from around the globe this hour welcome to r.t. international union. russia say it knows the identities of the two men suspected in the script poisoning case but moscow has confirmed no actual will be taken until britain makes an official request. speaking at the eastern economic forum ongoing in stark said the men have been identified as civilians and reports from their. this is an absolutely groundbreaking follow up from vladimir putin to
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last week's statement by british authorities on the suspects in the script case the russian leader says that moscow now knows for sure who the two men are here's what exactly mr putin said we finished we've seen the pictures we know who they are we found them. hopefully they will turn themselves in and will tell everyone about themselves there's nothing special or criminal and are these civilians yes they are definitely civilians last week exactly six months after the attempted murder in salisbury british prosecutors named two suspects as russian nationals alexander pad and. they also pointed out that these days could have been fake another claim was that the two men were active members of russian intelligence now here's the evidence that london put forward it was
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basically a summary of the men's movements around the u.k. . so these comments by the russian president are no less groundbreaking compared to what we heard from london last week and now i guess once again it is their turn to say something but we also spoke to. russia's representative to the organization for
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the prohibition of chemical weapons he believes this case was a provocation aimed at this reporting russia's presidential election which took place in march. the member states hold a chemical convention. judge and. very through three action coming from some to be gay sions good police to. do to the occasions capable of. feeling can not blinded by russian propaganda the statement was a very put was it to. evaluate to. burke to march this year was hidden for the presidential elections. we have been preparing and we had been preparing for the wall to come up. and do the rush when you do something like these absolutely not the question is who.
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did the need to these kind of two are no events then the answer use of the. opponents of the russian federation those who are trying by all means are to do you agree to leave the ship and actually slap new sanctions on the russian for the duration it was an attempt to influence. the course of the russian presidential elections all the more so war against it there are grown all the claims sold the russian meddling in the american election. russia's reconciliation center for syria has announced that militants in. stage one filmed nine false flying chemical attacks the center added that the terror group's leaders have approved two of the videos to be sent to the united nations on the chemical
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watchdog the o.p.c. w. while the rest will allegedly be distributed on social media i discussed the claims earlier with artie's done hawkins. so dan the russian defense ministry on tuesday they were confident they say that preparations were being made by terrorists and now there appears to be an update on that as well yeah that's right i mean information's been coming in in dribs and drabs over the last twenty four hours the russian reconciliation center for syria part of the russian ahmadi have claimed this is a false flag operation by former ells for front recognizes terrorists by washington and moscow according to undeniable information from the russian reconciliation center for syria on the eleventh of september filming groups of various middle eastern t.v. channels and a regional branch of an american news channel filmed nine staged scenes of alleged chemical weapon used by the syrian army against civilians on all videos the alleged victims are helped by activists of the civil defense the white helmets following be
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filming on the evening of the same d. and a joint meeting between representatives of the white house and terrorists from sham out of the nine videos on the two were approved to be sent to the us and the or b c w the rest of the material was suggested for social media because of low quality the incident according to them will take place in quite close to call show could all remember the incident their lead the first strike on syria by donald trump. is the village the residential area in where the storage point allegedly is for these chemicals and this is where the filming took place just slightly to the south and east of that dulles moscow's claims are finally give us a sense of the type of consequences we could be looking at here well the consequences will be serious either way of course moscow has a very polar position to that of the united states moscow has said damascus does not possess chemical weapons they say that even if that was the case they would be
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no logic in assad using chemical weapons and drawing the wrath of the u.s. and its allies in a military strike will it intervention. this is of course led to clashes between envoys at the u.n. security council yacob but it. is claimed the president bashar al assad gave the order to use chlorine to syria north or if he's not going to do that they do not have chemical weapons i ask you again to listen to us it would not make sense for damascus to use chemical weapons because it does not have any political or military reasons to do that let's not waste time with the december mation distractions and outright lie we have asked the pentagon for comment to see if there are they are aware of these claims if there is any truth in their opinion to what's going on we're still waiting for a response what is clear though is the u.s. position they've been in two minds about this if there is an allegation of chemical weapons use suspicion of chemical weapons use number one it will be attributed to
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the damascus government and number two the repercussions will be clear and strong just so there's no confusion here if the syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly we have all seen what the syrian regime backed by the russian government has done in the past that should not be a surprise to anyone that that would be a concern of ours once and done if a chemical attack does happen is the west unified in terms of an immediate response against the assad government give us a sense of what we're looking at here where i think the world is unified certainly in condemning any chemical use on either side here what we're talking about is how to respond as you just mentioned to allegations of a chemical weapon attack position is clearly that it should be thoroughly investigated independently verified and blame attributed before there's any sort of military strikes or military intervention certainly the u.s. with some of its allies views that actions should be taken much quicker although
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that opinion isn't necessarily something unified among western powers that they can listen to and that the minister of state will give is to assure. says today first that if there are any reports of chemical weapons attack particularly in the areas of it live controlled by h.t.s. that the government will not take part in any military action in response until the . as far as they're concerned received adequate answers to serious questions that were posed in parliament on tuesday sadly the commission shares the concerns expressed in the report in particular as regards fundamental rights corruption the treatment of roma and the independence of the judicial individuals into government have envisaged themselves their family members deference from public funding from the european taxpayers' money in is this then you cannot close our eyes to the problems in handling the elections this year and were held in an atmosphere of
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aggression and intimidation and. the reason i went through the complicated methods of where we were heading next is because a lot of where we head next depends on hungary and specifically on viktor orbán now he was in parliament in strasburg on tuesday heard all of the allegations against him and against his government he was bullish in his response in fact he said he didn't recognize the charges and he thought that the fact that they were being bring brought against hungary in the first place was an insult to hungary in history and the hungarian people. what you have already made up your mind i stand here to defend my country and this is a matter of on or this insults the honor of hungary this uses double standards and violates the treaties it says it all points you want to make a moral decision based on numbers the nation be damned. well reaction to the vote has been coming in from the l d a group in the
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european parliament they said they were glad to see that this had been passed the greens also saying that they were glad that it had gone through. those on side with mr obama well you could always rely on nigel the leader of the european freedom and direct democracy groupies long been a supporter of mr obama he said that this vote showed the authoritarian grip of the european union was getting tighter but ultimately what this means is hungry officially joins poland on the naughty list of nations expect to be talking about them for a little while yet peter over wrapping up what we know there are well the hungarian government has already reacted to the vote denouncing it as a fraud on the revenge of migrant politicians an independent journalist lucrative aide told the certain political forces believe this is their last chance to stop the advance of populism in europe the leftists furious israeli aggressive to an
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incredible point as well as the liberals the globalists because they know it is stale last chance to obtain that populist sop punished somehow the list grows longer you have the austrians you have the italians it didn't work it won't work and all day do is fit to mind orbán or brown will be reelected certainly one time comes with a big majority because he's a victim of europe the worst that europe can produce we heard yesterday and today today it was less important vote happened and that was it but the report produced by mrs sargent t.t.u. was a green party activists from holland is is really a piece of work and it's really incredibly aggressive in its content and she didn't even go to hungary to make this report this bullying will go nowhere you know article seven will never be applied italy austria poland will refuse of course that
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this be applied at council level if not at the problem of level so they are afraid of the next parliament after the may elections that's the thing. you know. delivered his final state of the union speech he's previously announced he won't seek another term as european commission president a successor is slated to be appointed in may next year in his address younker summarize the results of his tenure and we put something together to. this is the last chance commissioned by that we will succeed in bringing our citizens closer to europe or we will fail. in the european commission's papers migration is the medicine for certain problems
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for us it's poison me that. i was. in for. so now we will also impose import tariffs this is basically a stupid process. i have a little black book. with for the past thirty years i have noted when someone has betrayed me.
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is this the beginning of the end of the european. there has been a significant breakthrough in the case of missing internet privacy activists i n compass a close associate of wiki leaks is truly innocent police have a nonstop the man's belongings have been found in the sea off the norwegian coast picking up the story polly boy. the police nordland was notified by a local recreational fisher that he had found some belongings floating in the sea near the shoreline the belongings are confirmed by the police to belong to the missing person or you can push so the location of these items appears to be fairly close to the town where i encountered first was staying and where he was last seen on the twentieth of august when he checked out of the hotel there in the town of bodo he was a dutch citizen and he was in norway on holiday as i said and he was meant to leave
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the hotel and take a train to another town ten hours south of the town where he was staying in order to get a flight from there but he never got on that flight and that's when friends and family started getting worried and started expressing their concerns about his whereabouts there are now dutch investigators in norway helping with the investigation and i think his disappearance is getting more media attention because of his close association to julian assange campus worked closely with wiki leaks in the past his online account said he was a free software advocate he was an i.t. security advisor and he'd also written a book about investigative journalism as well he did media appearances as an i.t. expert i think you'd see pictures of him talking to r.t. on your screens as well but still a total mystery really what happened to him police say they're still trying to work
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out if there was an element of criminality involved they're not sure about that yet but of course the internet being the internet there's already wild speculation especially from the wiki leaks supporters about what may have happened to some at the moment pretty baseless and wild theories that he knew too much that he may have been taken out by some secret service for his links to julian assange. others say maybe this is all a warning to julian assange some speculation that maybe all this is just a deep cover assignment for weeks from now though police to still combing that area of sea off the coast of norway trying to establish what happened to him. the american president has signed a new executive order that or through rice's sanctions against foreigners phone to be meddling in u.s.
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elections speaking to me earlier on this are to use in your account. executive order will authorize sanctions against states and actors accused of election meddling so that's foreign companies organizations or individuals as well now possible sanctions could include blocking assets cutting off access to the u.s. financial system and banning people from entering the country now with midterm elections coming up this seems to be trumping the trumpet ministrations latest effort to prevent election meddling in november but the order did not specify any countries in particular apparently russia china iran north korea will be trying to now john bolton national security adviser said that sanctions might explicitly target foreign companies and organizations that distribute propaganda and fake news to an international audience. a so-called tax
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teaching or a break in where schools are being proposed in fronts as ways of thwarting the spread of radical islam there among some of the measures being put forward by youth to buy and some of the government considers its own moos well sure devinsky she's been gauging reaction in paris to the latest suggestions here's a reminder over them promise president made to make is a few months ago the toast to reform of islam in france and. the groundwork in place by the autumn. there is a radical and aggressive interpretation of islam that sets as its goal questioning the norms and laws of our free country and free society by autumn we will clarify this situation by giving islam a framework and rules that will guarantee that it is practiced in accordance with the laws of the republic so far it's only words but continues to chew over how to bring in those changes help is that turned
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a liberal think tank them or taking institute has released a report with its own suggestions it is essential to have an alternative muslim religious discourse in french that is parallel to the mainstream discourse prevalent on social networks today meaning the salafist discourse france must equip itself with the means and important networks to disseminate this counter-narrative who can do that only muslims the report also has some concrete suggestions about how to achieve this one is to incorporate arabic into the educational system the idea is that by offering arabic in schools fewer children would find themselves in dubious institutions linked to settle a fee indoctrination earned radicalization a great idea or not people here in paris sure. it's not going to fight
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anything the terrorists will remain terrorists it won't fire them by speaking arabic. i don't see why we can't learn arabic it's a very interesting language and it would help us to open ourselves to the people we meet on a daily basis i work in a hospital and i mean lots of people who speak arabic and we need to have translators you would be interesting to learn the language of school i'm not for it i don't think it's going to chant anything learning several languages good anyway i don't think every. should learn arabic the do one. and as you say it would have helped the think tank also suggest creating an official and independent muslim association for islamic rants with the idea that it could help stamp out any underground fundamentalism but it suggests the funding for such a body should come from a tax on how love food products earned the services for muslims yet again that hasn't gone down well with everyone. not for the prices keep on rising and rising
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it's a crisis we don't know if this money will really go to help muslims it's now just politics in our religion if you can find food that is you can still eat just not pork you just need to pray for what you are eating can eat almost anything you want so i don't think it's a solution if it's. not too much. and make sure you find food everywhere. else for taxes the funds are used properly then why not we need to look at the possible advantage use it to help some groups of people division over both suggestions from the report may have my thinking that he's bitten off more than he can chew especially with the fact that recent polls are hardly sliding in the president's favor one carried out by a doc said this week found that seventy one percent of respondents now thought
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negatively of him and when it comes to how his government is handling terrorism previous polls showed that more than hoff they weren't doing enough many are waiting with bated breath to see how much will keep those promises over here but the early signs are not positive. auty paris. in a debate on r.t. fronts reaction ranged from calls for closer scrutiny of mums on mosques to fears that french muslims will be further alienated. i look at this with interest yet one of the projects to try to introduce even more arabic in schools and colleges i don't think that this communal attitude is consistent with the principles of secularism we need to regulate in moms who come from abroad and we need to close down the mosques that cause problems least we also need to stop illegal immigration so this report risks irritating the very people concerned
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french muslims and foreign citizens who live in france and who are also muslims because it does go into storage debates within their community second there will be debates with others for example with those who are inclined towards islamophobia unfortunately this will strengthen their beliefs and there will not bring about a spirit of national unity in social cohesion. the syrian government and its allies are preparing a push against the last remaining pocket of terrorists in the country could peace soon be a reality after seven years of war on false doctrines cross talk debates and it's next.
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seemed wrong. to me. to shape out this day as an. end in. the trail. when some find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle peering into the abyss the syrian arab army is determined to liberate good lives and to eliminate the terrorists there.


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