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tv   News  RT  September 12, 2018 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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donald trump signs an executive order allowing the u.s. to impose sanctions on any individual or government that meddles and its elections that also covers anyone spreading what washington deems to be this information. whatever britain reveals that russia has identified to the suspects that britain carried out the script poisoning there's nothing special of criminal and us those are the civilians yes they are definitely civilians. the russian defense ministry claims that terrorists in serious adlib province have filmed
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a staged chemical attack and selected videos to be sent to the un and circulated online. coming to live here watching the international welcome to the program. the us president has signed an executive order also rising sanctions against any foreign governments or individuals found to have smuggled in u.s. elections our washington correspondent has the details the order will authorize sanctions against entities charged with election meddling this applies to a companies organizations and individuals now if they impose these sanctions will block assets limit access to the u.s. financial system and ban people from entering the country now in the order trump admitted that no foreign power has ever successfully influence a u.s.
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election but he signed the order anyway. there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome of. any united states election foreign powers have historically sought to exploit america's free and open political system now it's also important to note that the order did not specify any country in particular because the director of national intelligence thinks russia china iran and the d.p. r. k. are all trying to influence the midterms but it's also now these sanctions will also be imposed on anyone accused of spreading propaganda and this information and the authority to determine who's been meddling has been granted to the director of national intelligence the state department the treasury department homeland security and the justice department with forty five days to do so the government also has the power to block the property of anyone that's been complicit in foreign interference assisted those complicit in foreign interference or acted on behalf of
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anyone complicit in foreign interference so with all of these factors considered it's impossible to predict what exactly will happen. to political analysts with spoke to both raised concerns about the potential implications of donald trump's executive order the problem with this is so broad the propaganda and the disapprobation stipulations mean and how you determine that it's really. really question. it really had its own impact on the first amendment it really has an impact on freedom of speech and freedom of press i mean it really really could be determined and a wide open determination interpretation of of who to target so it really sets a dangerous precedent i think and if anything it undermines the whole under under the whole foundation of our democracy and still are the behaviors are the
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prohibited actions are those intended activities belled out accurately enough and with specificity enough if somebody who was honest a good to a reporter from a country or a whoever wants to read this is that i want to comply with these wolves how do i comport my behavior so that i don't inadvertently stray from this there's got to be tougher tougher with what i say should be tougher with more definite. letterman putting revealed on wednesday that moscow has identified the two men suspected by the u.k. of poisoning this cripples with a nerve agent back in march the russian leader speaking in blood of austar said that the alleged hit man arthur valiant and not criminals reports this is an absolutely groundbreaking follow up for a lot of our posts to last week statement by british authorities on the suspects in
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the script al case the russian leader says that moscow now knows for sure who the two men are here's what exactly mr putin said we should mention we've seen the pictures we know who they are we found them hopefully they will turn themselves in and will tell everyone about themselves there's nothing special or criminal and you guys nuns are these civilians yes they are definite. the civilians last week exactly six months after the attempted murder in british prosecutors named two suspects as russian nationals alexander petroff and bashir if they also pointed out that these days could have been fake another claim was that the two men were active members of russian intelligence now here's the evidence that
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london put forward it was basically a summary of the men's movements around the u.k. . so these comments by the russian president are no less groundbreaking compared to what we heard from london last week and now i guess once again it is their turn to say something. moscow has said that no action has been taken against the suspects because britain has not made
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a formal request with spokes alexander and russia's representative to the organization for the prosecution of chemical weapons about the case and he told us this cripple poisoning was a provocation and at disrupting the russian presidential election in march. called the brief for the member states of the chemical convention in the quarter so they will place your w. and georgian by the very through three action coming from some to be gay sions italy's. due to the occasion capable of. feeling can not blinded by russian propaganda the statement was a very poor positively and. evaluate. book to march this year russia was hidden for the presidential elections. we have been preparing and
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we have been preparing for the world cup. do the russian you do something like these absolutely not the question is who. did they need these kind of toronto events and the answer use of the. pawn and. the russian federation those who are trying by all means are to do you agree its leadership and actually slap new sanctions on the russian for the origin it was an attempt to influence. the course of the russian presidential elections told him also war against it there are grown all the claims sold the russian meddling in the american election. the russian military claims that militants in serious adlib province have staged and filmed a chemical attack which they intend to blame on president assad's forces moscow's
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as their fighters will send some of the footage to the united nations as circulate the rest on social media you know any i'll discuss the allegations with dana hawkins. so dan the russian defense ministry on shoes they were confident they say that preparations were being made by terrorists and now there appears to be an update on that as well give us right i mean information's been coming in in dribs and drabs over the last twenty four hours the russian reconciliation center for syria part of the russian id have claimed this is a false flag operation by former ells for front recognizes terrorists by washington and moscow according to undeniable information from the russian reconciliation center for syria on the eleventh of september filming groups of various middle eastern t.v. channels and a regional branch of an american news channel filmed nine staged scenes of alleged chemical weapon used by the syrian army against civilians on all videos the alleged victims are helped by activists of the civil defense the white helmets following
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the filming on the evening of the same day at a joint meeting between representatives of the white helmet and terrorists from higher terror sham out of the nine videos on the two were proved to be sent to the us and the o.p.c. w. the rest of the material was suggested for social media because of low quality the incident according to them will take place in quite close to call show cool remember the incident there led to the first strike on syria by donald trump. is the village the residential area where the storage point allegedly is for these chemicals and this is where the filming took place just slightly to the south and east of that dulles moscow's claims are finally give us a sense of the type of consequences we could be looking at here well the consequences will be serious all the way of course moscow has a very potent position to that of the united states moscow has said damascus does not possess chemical weapons they say that even if that was the case they would be
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no logic in assad using chemical weapons and drawing the wrath of the u.s. and its allies in a military strike will try intervention this is of course led to clashes between envoys at the u.n. security council yacob but it also is his claim the president bashar al assad gave the order to use chlorine to syria north or if he's not going to do that they do not have chemical weapons i ask you again to listen to us it would not make sense for damascus to use chemical weapons because it does not have any political or military reasons to do that let's not waste time with the december mation distractions and outright lie what is clear though is the u.s. position they've been in two minds about this if there is an allegation of chemical weapons use suspicion of chemical weapons use number one it will be attributed to the damascus government and number two the repercussions will be clear and strong just so there's no confusion here if the syrian regime uses chemical weapons we
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will respond very strongly we have all seen what the syrian regime backed by the russian government has done in the past that should not be a surprise to anyone that that would be a concern of ours once again done. if a chemical attack does happen is the west unified in terms of an immediate response against the assad government give us a sense of what we're looking at here or i think the wall is unified in condemning any chemical use on either side here what we're talking about is how to respond as you just mentioned to allegations of a chemical weapon attack position is clearly that it should be thoroughly investigated independently verified and blame attributed before there's any sort of military strikes or military intervention the u.s. with some of its allies views that action should be taken much quicker although that opinion isn't necessarily something unified. western powers that they can listen to and that the minister of state will give as to assure and says today
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first that if there are any reports of chemical weapons attack particularly in the areas of it live controlled by h.t.s. that the government will not take part in any military action in response until the you have visited sites under the protection of the turkish government independently verifying those reports and distributed responsibility for any chemical weapons used relying on so-called open source intelligence provided by prescribed terrorist groups is not an acceptable alternative whatever happens with this story with these allegations it's very clear one thing here that any allegations any threats or any suspicion of chemical weapons use could be the spark that causes these military tensions and it's clear that situation it is very tense right now the does cause why the action here that is the concern here certainly by the russian minister of defense. the betting on has responded to moscow saying there is no evidence to support russia's claims about the white helmet doubled down on its support for the
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group saying washington sees first responders as heroes journalist mike reddy told us that the west will attribute blame for any chemical attack and lead to the syrian government regardless of. circumstances i don't need to wait for evidence they don't need it we need to wait for an investigation they surely don't need to wait for o.p.c. w or any other agency to apportion blame they're already blaming the syrian government they're already saying that president assad has authorized the chemical weapons strike so that you know the strike at the lead strike hasn't even happened but blame has already been apportioned so you know what what can we say apart from there it looks like very likely there's going to be a big strike and this could lead to obviously this could lead to a conflict with russia and what we're three or the final world wars we should be calling the not addressing the syrian arab army they're not even addressing the syrian government or president assad they're addressing the al-qaeda proxy armies al qaeda affiliates in italy and effectively what they're saying is the hotline is
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open and you can call it your own air strike or you need to provide a pretext however lame that pretext lately give us something we can sell to our publics back home and we'll have the cruise missiles in the air so that's the message the message is directly to al qaida and its affiliates in italy. hungary faces being frozen alledge of the decision making after any peace balk at the country's top migration stance the details coming out right after the break. dennis kucinich has taken up with obama's plane they came out and he was a cause hurt to obama kerry was the last man standing course the standard was like oh yeah you know medicare for all be great but we're just going to let this
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progress or we're going to progress to something better at some point you're not progressing. when the u.n. was founded it was meant to serve as a forum for dialogue and conciliation the chillen into a u.n. security council meeting no and instead of robust debate you often see accusations and allegations of diplomats just playing to the cameras as the u.n. really become a host of other environments. the e.u. as has saying want to its own members with disciplinary action and the european parliament
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has voted and favor of triggering article seven which could see hungary sanctioned if european leaders all agree to the measures that follows the hunger in prime minister viktor orban being criticized with on the blog for breaching european values over the migrant crisis this is certainly one of the strongest weapons in the arsenal for the e.u. to deal with an errant member of its own group what it's more like is really like opening woman big box and finding a series of all the boxes inside essentially where we all right now is offical seven point one for this to move any further well it would require either. one third of e.u. member states all the e.u. commission to say they want to push ahead with further measures against hungry. hungry would be given a chance to defend themselves to put forward their own case and then this would go back to another vote in the european parliament that would require
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a two so majority vote then that would go to the european council where it would have a unanimous vote you still with me right this is still seven point two for it to actually go through and we to see sanctions in the. suspension of voting rights put in place upon hungry it would have to go to seven point three that requires another vote by the european council and that has to go through by a vote of over fifty five percent essentially what's happened on wednesday in strasburg is this is the the official written warning to hungry from a you colleague saying that in their eyes they need to book up its ideas they've tried talking to hungary in the past and they haven't as far as they're concerned received adequate and says to serious questions that were posed in parliament on tuesday sadly the commission shares the concerns expressed in the report in particular as regards fundamental rights corruption the treatment of roma and the
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independence of the judiciary individuals into government and rich themselves their family members staff rents from public funding from utopian taxpayers' money that's alexian is this then you cannot close our eyes to the problems in handling the elections this year were held in an atmosphere of aggression and intimidation and. the reason i went through the complicated methods of where we were heading next is because a lot of where we head next depends on hungary and specifically on viktor orbán now he was in parliament in strasburg on tuesday heard all of the allegations against him and against his government he was bullish in his. response in fact he said he didn't recognize the charges and he thought that the fact that they were being bring brought against hungary in the first place was an insult to hungary in history and the hungarian people on what you know you have already made up your mind you think you know better then durrance themselves i stand here to defend my
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country and this is a matter of honor this insults the owner of hungary this uses double standards and violates the treaty it says a halt with thing differently by the essence and purpose of the family and we do indoors ready clee different views and migration these differences cannot be a reason to brand any other countries and for reid to be excluded for joint decisions we would never go was for a silencing those who do not agree with us you want to make a moral decision based on numbers the nation be damned. well reaction to the photos being coming in from the l d a group in the european parliament they said they were glad to see that this had been passed the greens also saying that they were glad that it gone through those on the side with mr obama well you could always rely on. the leader of the european freedom and direct democracy groupies long been a supporter of mr obama he said that this vote showed the. herion grip of the
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european union was getting tighter but ultimately what this means is hungry officially joins poland on the naughty list of nations expect to be talking about them for a little while yet. they hang there in government has already reached to the vote denouncing it as a fraud and the revenge of prom migrant politicians and the burn journalists revenge told us certain political forces believe this is their last chance to stop the advance of populism in europe the left is furious israeli aggressive to an incredible point as well as the liberals the globalists because they know it is their last chance to obtain that populist stop punished somehow the list grows longer you have the austrians you have the italians it didn't work it won't work all day do is fit to mind old one or brown will be reelected certainly one
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time comes with a big majority because he's a victim of europe the worst that europe can produce we heard yesterday and today today it was less important vote happened and that was it but the report produced by mrs sargent t.t.u. was a green party activists from holland is is really a piece of work and it's really incredibly aggressive in its content and she didn't even go to hungary to make this report this bullying will go nowhere you know article seven will never be applied italy austria poland will refuse of course that this be applied at council level if not to the parliament level so they are afraid of the next parliament after the may elections that's the thing. following a spate of mysterious incidents that the u.s. says has led to some of its diplomats in cuba in china with brain injuries it's been reported that america's intelligence agencies think they now know the cause.
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for explains intelligence agencies investigating attacks on u.s. diplomats in cuba and china now strongly suspect that russia is to blame that there is some place of blame or at least. looking seriously at russia n.b.c. news reports that u.s. officials consider russia the prime suspect in their investigation into mysterious attacks on u.s. diplomats in cuba there's a new trend of and it's been a buzz since march the american medical association published its findings about twenty one workers that the u.s. embassy in cuba or victim two mysterious symptoms they experienced headaches vertigo had trouble sleeping and apparently suffered from auditory hallucinations the head of the team that compiled the report later said the likely culprit was a microwave weapon now multiple reports suggest that the u.s. intelligence suspects russia orchestrating the attack but apparently journalists
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got their hands on new details before the state department there is no known cause no known individual or group believed to be responsible at this time we are looking into it our position has not changed the investigation is ongoing we have not assigned any blame and we continue to look into this i want to be very clear about this in fact the initial scare over weaponized energy in cuba is being waved out of the window the f.b.i. investigated the mystery but found no trace of a malicious applaud both the u.s. and then u.s.s.r. are known to have pursued the type of weapon described in the initial report but as of now though by kuwait device capable of deep frying the brain is known to exist for many scientists actually talk like this is akin to flat earth theories kind of distracted speak top down from the embassy. it's only conjecture that
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we are involved at all not just measure. the embassy as far as i know and the only suggestion that this might be. a low level sound effect which people speculate might be that it's just. do you know. i can't conceive the. thought of doubt in this case but who cares for scientific evidence right not this republican senator for sure cory gardner he's so scared by this phantasy weapon i urge the senate to pass my legislation requiring the state department to consider the designation of russia as a state sponsor of terrorism well mr gardiner if you are still in fear i've heard this helps you're watching nineteenth or national well we'll be back with more in thirty five.
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in twenty forty you know bloody revolution of you tube clip the demonstrations went from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no lawyer here i mean your list with video of neighborly is that i'm spoiling you to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. of those who took the boat had invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. when the whole make this manufacture come sentenced to the public wealth. when the
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ruling class isn't protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. of the time we can all middle of the room signals. i mean real news is really. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to. have to write the book for us as a white woman for free in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. the city.
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ratings. taishan some natural disasters are harder to prepare for than others hawk watchers an earthquake an earthquake for example can strike with little to no warning whatsoever leaving cities and governments very little time to prepare and respond however with the hurricane residents and communities in their path usually know multiple days in advance of its landfall meaning that there actually is ample time to prepare in fact little known apparently hurricanes give you an entire time of year a full season six pole months in which governments know they are more than likely to battle one or more hurricanes within that stretch of time and tire season which
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makes it all the more disturbing to discover that despite mandatory evacuations for the public multiple prisons sitting in the path of hurricane florence a category four major league hurricane set to hit north and south carolina in a day or so will remain fully staffed and operational these prisons mother jones is reporting that as chorus of residents prepare to head for safer ground some prison officials and sheriffs are planning to leave thousands of people in the mandatory evacuation zones behind the prisoners guards and staff at a south carolina state prison as well as three city jails in virginia because you know hey why would we bother saving their lives from potential doom and drowning their their only prisoners after all i mean there is there's only a nationwide prison strike happening all over the country right now over the mistreatment and ugly conditions found in most u.s. prisons but you know who thinks about little things like saving all lives not to
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mention good public relations crazy and tragically this is an old story last year during hurricane harvey prisoners who were forced to ride out that storm confined to their cells later. he later complained of flooding in subhuman conditions during that storm you know ladies and gentlemen with lives on the line and global warming only getting worse i think it's time we learn from our past mistakes and start better prepping for our future and that starts with watching the hawks. it looks like. it's like. the bottom. like you that i got. the.


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