tv News RT September 13, 2018 1:00am-1:27am EDT
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headlining this hour donald trump signs an executive order to counter foreign interference in america's elections while insisting there's never been any in the past. hungary get support from a group of european lawmakers up to the bloc votes to punish budapest for breaching the core values. russian defense ministry claims militants in syria's it lived province of film the stage chemical attack and sent it to the un as well as circulating it online. and russia's joint war games with china and mongolia showcase the country's best military hardware while also attracting a lot of attention in the west.
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good morning from moscow it's thursday the thirteenth of september the world news from the international this hour first up for you donald trump has signed off on moves to tackle foreign interference in the u.s. elections which he describes as a national emergency the president issued an executive order which refers to any attempt by individuals or countries to influence or alter the vote results trucks move comes ahead of crucial midterm elections this november in the event that any meddling is proven sanctions would be imposed targeting us sectors of strategic importance like finance or defense of washington correspondent samir account taking a closer look. the order will authorize sanctions against the entities charged with election meddling this applies to a company's organizations and even individuals the term entity means
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a partnership association trust a joint venture corporation groups group or other organization now if they impose these sanctions will block assets limit access to the us financial system and ban people from entering of the country in the order trump admitted that no foreign power has ever successfully influence a us election but he signed the order anyway although there has been no evidence of a foreign power to ring the outcome or vote lation in any united states election foreign powers have historically sought to exploit america's free and open political system now it's also important to note that the order did not specify any country in particular the term foreign government mins any national state provincial or other governing authority and any political party or any official of any governing authority or political party in each keys of a country other than the united states these sanctions will also be imposed on anyone accused of spreading propaganda and this information and the authority
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determine who's been meddling has been granted to the director of national intelligence the state department the treasury department homeland security and the justice department with forty five days to do so legal and media analyst lionel believes the executive order is vague unlike previous documents of its kind. but a couple of things i want to bring up using the canons of of american law way which i know a little bit about and whenever we look at any statute any statute law or regulation executive order p.t.d. you name it anything that is written one of the candidates that we always look to is are the behavioral are the prohibited actions are those intended. activities spelled out accurately enough and with specificity enough so that you were able to read that particular executive order read the statute and comport
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accordingly meaning may i read this and say oh i know what to do now the next thing is sometimes we have terms void for vagueness vagueness ambiguity what is interference and i don't want to do this the air quotes but imagine i'm doing it what is interference what is propaganda what is one team two if that have a good effect and i can come up with a lot of time for a future with a huge new ones if i tweak and leave the veritie the voracity what does this mean i don't even understand how you would even know paul i this because normally when you look at the statute. interference shall mean this it means it does not mean this the dissemination of an idea discussion debate what is that what when any country has any discussion i think there is an effect so it's very
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concerned if it concerns me for vagueness in ambiguity. group of european lawmakers voicing their support for hungary after the european parliament voted to slap in the past with the blocks most of it disciplinary action for breaching the union's core values dutch populist leader good villagers called the decision a shame while the outspoken british m.e.p. not to rush one of an authoritarian grip but as peter all of the reports agree isn't the only country on the e.u.'s watch list. the european parliament has voted to put hungary on its official naughty list by starting out to kill seven measures against budapest will you let it happen that a government that violates the values upon which this union was built with outs consequences or will you ensure that the values of this union. more than just which is this daniel the elections this year were held in an atmosphere of aggression and intimidation article seven of the lisbon treaty is the biggest stick member nations
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have with which to beat members of the club not upholding e.u. call values if seen through to its fullest and we are still some way away from that happening just yet it could result in a member nation having their voting rights to spend it in the e.u. institutions essentially taking away their right to have a say hungary is charged with breaking a wide array of e.u. laws but when you look at them as a group there are many member states that aren't in breach of some of the same things being levelled at budapest individuals into government have envisaged themselves their family members difference from public funding from utopian taxpayers money bulgaria is also down there at the wrong end of the table when it comes to corruption and conflicts of interest transparency international puts them bottom of the list when it comes to e.u. member states but also down there at the wrong end of the table a countries like
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rumania greece italy and croatia any piece reserved a real tongue lashing for the government when it came to the rights for minorities the council of europe's commissioner for human rights indicated that he was concerned about the deterioration of the situation as regards racism and intolerance in hungary when it comes to discrimination against vulnerable groups let's say for example here muslim migrants from north africa it's a far worse picture in the netherlands where almost half say they've been the victim of discrimination italy and france unfair well here either another area where hungry has crossed the line for e.u. parliament tarion is arguably the biggest issue many had with viktor orban is the coalition. of course the garion prime minister has been known with brussels over migrants we need more europe you know. i would like to raise the voice of the
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people all over in europe that they are full of fear we need more union in our refugee problem is not a european problem we need a fair and just distribution the problem is a german problem it is not a problem to create a new legal situation at the borders saw it to be even more free than it was but now we're hearing similar messages coming out of italy. it's over we will go through deserve to be welcomed receive lives we save women men and children but italy will no longer be the european refugee camp hungary taked to many of the boxes too many times when it came to breaches of the e.u. core values and that is why any piece of voted to start article seven but what it may also serve as a reminder and a wake up call to some of those nations who also find themselves not exactly whiter than white that they could well be next peter all of our. government denounce the voters of fraud and revenge of pro migrant politicians and journalists
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who grieve a told us that certain political forces believe it's their last chance to stop populism advancing in europe. so furious is really a crisis to an incredible point as well as the liberals the globalists because they know it is their last chance to obtain that populist sop punished somehow the list grows longer you have the austrians you have the italians it didn't work it won't work and all day do is fit to mind or plan or plan will be reelected certainly one time comes with a big majority because he's a victim of europe the worst that europe can produce we heard yesterday and today today it was less important vote happened and that was it but the report. produced by mrs sargent was a green party activists from all and is israeli a piece of work and it's really incredibly aggressive in its content and she didn't
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even go to hungary to make this report this bullying will go nowhere you know article seven will never be applied italy austria poland will refuse of course that this be applied at council level if not at the parliament level so they are afraid of the next parliament after the may elections that's the thing. which is the largest military exercise in decades rumbles on in the country's east hundreds of thousands of troops and combat vehicles are being through put through rigorous testing but the games are also proving to be rather irritating for the west with the pentagon saying it's watching very closely also watching from the thick of the action is more i guess the f. . we found ourselves in russia's far east witnesses to a pitched battle if simulated on the one hand you have detachments of russian and
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the feds fending off a simulated if determined and advanced enemy which is being represented on the battlefield by done the missiles and they're throwing everything they've got the russians cruise missiles jets as well as rockets out there with the russians offending them all. and defense is a complicated business because lots of cooperation between various units because everything is happening so quickly project out the traffic in the kilo which is a second so everything has to happen quick. and in this day and age of rapidly evolving technology the technical requirements
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are sivia you need different types of ray dogs to detect different delegates whose results put a ring around hits and they could be operating over different frequencies serve different ranges in different weather conditions difficult to get the move to work together the boat spoke two thousand and eighteen will gain for the biggest press test of the russian military in decades and decades this is about getting one of the various detachments of the russian military navy yagni air force to work together because it's one thing having an. knowing how to use all these expensive toys it's entirely another actually using them. so i guess they have that an alleged staged chemical attack in syria with video of it being spread online the details when we come back.
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when the un was founded it was meant to serve as a forum for dialogue and conciliation the chillen into a un security council meeting no and instead of robust debate you often see accusations and allegations of diplomats and just playing to the cameras as the u.n. really become a host of other environments. dennis kucinich has taken up and obama's plane came down and it was it was heard. it was the last. course bernie sanders was like oh yeah you know medicare for all be great but we're just. going to grasp the something better at some point they're not progressing.
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welcome back the russian military claims that extremists in syria's edler province have staged an filmed a chemical attack which they intend to blame on president assad's forces moscow says the fighters will send some of the footage to the united nations and circulate the rest online. according to undeniable information from the russian reconciliation center for syria on the eleventh of september filming groups of various middle east into the channels and a regional branch of an american news channel filmed nine staged scenes of alleged chemical weapon used by the syrian army against civilians on all videos the alleged victims are held by activists of the civil defense the wide helmets following the
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filming on the evening of the same day at a joint meeting between representatives of the white helmets and terrorists from higher terry sham out of the nine videos on the two were approved to be sent to the u.s. and b. or b. c w the rest of the material was suggested for social media because of low quality according to the russian reconciliation center the preparations were made near the syrian town of can shaken where an alleged chemical attack took place on the fourth of april last year his claim that filming took place in a nearby village where there's also a chemical stockpile washington to ignored warnings from russia of the self-styled syrian rescue group the white helmets are directly involved in staging the attack saying there's no evidence to support that claim and as the battle for italy province looms the u.s. is pouring troops into syria saying that if there is a chemical attack there will be a much stronger response than before apple and google looks into how washington's approach in syria is a volved over recent years. the deeper the u.s. gets sucked into the syrian conflict the more the continuity of time seems to
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change when it comes to decision making in washington back in two thousand and thirteen when allegations of chemical attacks arose barack obama was still in the hot seat and time still seemed linear we intend to investigate thoroughly exactly what happened. obviously in syria right now you've got a war zone we have to make sure that we know exactly what happened what was the nature of the incident what can we document what can we prove. commonsense review the evidence and attack if justified later the idea that investigations require time those were the good old days but two thousand and seventeen came and times changed syrian dictator bashar. launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians less than seventy two hours later the u.s.
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fired fifty nine cruise missiles at the airbase they suspected chemical weapons were launched from before any investigation took place only months later did a un report come out placing the blame at the feet of the syrian government something they still deny the when the controversial white how much group released a video claiming to be proof of a chemical attack in april this year trope was able to pinpoint the culprit in hours many dead including women and children in mindless chemical attack in syria area atrocities in lockdown and encircled by syrian army making it completely inaccessible to outside world president putin russia and iran are responsible for backing animal assad big price. so the area's inaccessible and yet those responsible have been found out already no ifs ands or buts how does the guy do it the u.k. and france also joined the ranks of the striking government sites in syria after an investigation you ask well three months later the o.p.c.
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w did put out a report saying chlorine may have been found but the filch on nerve agents and the case is still open so all proof of the last attack hasn't been found the us is again using its crystal ball to determine what no one else can and is ready to act at least according to wall street journal sources president bashar al assad of syria has approved the use of chlorine gas in an offensive against the country's last major rebel stronghold u.s. officials said so if and when a chemical attack takes place during an ellipse liberation the guilty party is already known that russia is warning of stage attacks is irrelevant that it would lead to exactly what the terrorists want also irrelevant but why look at every scenario. ministries police forces in the city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that does my bike was one of the boys just one from one of the guys. just down was going to come to the woods as that's the that
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he got into this it's just a school like the proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that it's such a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that he thinks. it will. still be. really one of the folks. that would be sued the world. over. this is. the stipend on the old business starting there was a student who's a fund is up and his cards on the sly. when you'll make this manufactured consensus instead of public wealth. when the ruling classes to protect themselves. when the financial
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merry go round lifts only the one bus at. this time we can all middle of the road signals. million real new things for the world. but politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to be us. have to go right to beatrice was like that before last three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters of the holidays she. says should.
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the swarm see the blue of them so moving. to build your hoover book or quarter before. much of those who heard it's a preview of the most moving movies to see him will. we will see will. move folk move but it. will show you the snooker you with a little mutants who look or who the. more a muslim also who is dulce will give you films for good good good. good good issue also look but do the same you have the money to shore up the story to the should go . but still hopes to have some good. it's a it was the middle of the mist thanks to the good news it's. himself snow understands just. the next. step the president can be introduced to.
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those who have to choose to close listening to snippets a little new because there's the girls who. are you supposed to be sure as they should shouldn't be you should cook dinner for the one who's doing. greetings and salutation some natural disasters are harder to prepare for than others talk watchers an earthquake an earthquake for example can strike with little
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to no warning whatsoever leaving cities and governments very little time to prepare and respond however with the hurricane residents and communities in their proud bugling know multiple days in advance of its landfall meaning that there actually is ample time to prepare in fact little known apparently hurricanes give you an entire time of year a full season six pole months in advance governments know they are more than likely to battle one or more hurricanes within that stretch of time and tire season which makes it all the more disturbing to discover that despite mandatory evacuations for the public multiple prisons sitting in the path of hurricane florence a. category four major league hurricane set to hit north and south carolina in a day or so will remain fully staffed and operational these prisons mother jones is reporting that as chorus of residents prepare to head for safer ground some person
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officials and sheriffs are planning to leave thousands of people in the mandatory evacuation zones behind the prisoners guards and staff at a south carolina state prison as well as three city jails in virginia because you know hey why would we bother saving their lives from potential doom and drowning their their only prisoners after all i mean there is there's only a nationwide prison strike happening all over the country right now over the mistreatment and ugly conditions found in most u.s. prisons but you know who thinks about little things like saving all lives not to mention good public relations crazy and tragically this is an old story last year during hurricane harvey prisoners who were forced to ride out that storm confined to their cells later they later complained of flooding in subhuman conditions during that storm you know ladies and gentlemen with lives on the line and global warming only getting worse i think it's time we learn from our past mistakes and
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start better prepping for our future and that starts with watching the hawks. as you put it out of. you know that i got. with the. world or watching the hawks i am tired rope and downtown at the last of the. i can't believe i have to ask this question in today's why is it so important because i know people out there go like prisoners who cares the prisoners why is it so important that we care about all citizens even prisoners and their guards because we aren't monsters thank you thank you i mean this is
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very strange to me. that there isn't more of an effort especially considering the prison stripes specially considering you know how bad the storm is going to be and it seems like they're just sort of resting on the laurels of it's been fine before but this is a cat four possibly a cat five by the time it hits land. you they haven't seen this in sixty years you don't know what's going to happen and to put even if you don't care about prisoners to put all of that stuff and all of those sheriffs and all of those officers lives at risk for what because you don't want to take the time to move them out of the way of a deadly hurricane yeah it's absolutely ridiculous and then we're not talking about prisoners in some supermax you know no way the key they murdered and slaughtered ten people in row you know how one's head is a helmet for five states rampage i don't know where i go but if we're talking we're going to go on the weekends to raise we're talking about medium security that is
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these are fine these aren't you know i mean these aren't you know like you said these aren't like wildly violent people as are people who are just don't want to die right i mean south carolina's mcdonald mcdougall corrections to action was built more than fifty years ago which while we have sports stadiums that get replaced quicker than fifty years they hold about six hundred fifty.
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