tv Keiser Report RT September 13, 2018 10:30am-10:57am EDT
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we'll obviously there is some superman out in the world that might be bigger than any kryptonite of of prices or or predatory practices so here's a tweet from john walker d.c. it is crazy how much our drug spending prices shot up only in the united states right after obama cut a deal with drug makers to drop all campaign promise about reining them in as part of a ca so of course you always know the top line zero is the one out of control whether it's you know it's certainly with health care prices that's the united states that's there are drug prices from two thousand they've really started to take off from the rest of the world and that's when obama did the deal with you know the drug the pharmaceutical companies said he wouldn't operate on their prices you know what was incredible at the time was that liberals and progressives were saying this is a poison chalice this is a horrible deal but it's incremental it's iterative it's what we need to do to get
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to where we need to go as if it was a continuation of where we've been corporate gal jing remember dennis kissin it was taken up with obama's plame and he came down and he was a convert to obamacare he was the last man standing course bernie sanders was like oh yeah you know medicare for all of the great but we're just going to let this slide progressive are going to progress to something better at some point they're not progressing at all to regress going back to. a feudalism you know america never had to feudalism because we had a revolution against a monarchy and we created this whole thing called the american democracy we never had feudalism now we're going back to africa if we're experiencing feudalism for a good period what about louis the fourteenth or charles the second or alexander the great or. joel schulz or snoopy or linus only we're going nowhere this is
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an absolute it. actually you mentioned feudalism and that is in my next story and without them actually saying it this is an article from w. from web m.d. and it's about insulin prices spiking insulin cost patients and brutal buying so insulin prices have skyrocketed in recent years three four five hundred percent six hundred percent you don't have to be treated by the pharmaceutical companies like you're an organ donor like they look at you like they want to harvest your organs the big pharmaceutical companies they see your liver they see your spleen they see your lungs they see your your plasma they're like we want to monetize that we want to engage in vivisection we want to cut you up we want to sell your part yes we want to make that money and americans are like you know what here's a knife start cutting me up and taking my organs please because i'm really strict
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and stupid i'll save twenty cents a gallon of gas but you can have my kidneys for free that's a stupid these people are i don't know what sympathy for the has because people know when you put gas in your engine in the gas tank they know kind of how combustion engines work they know how how it makes your wheels turn and you go forward down the highway people don't know what their kid need does or their pancreas or what their lungs look like and only you know they don't know and told that they're not experts on that and so one of four dollars u.s. health care dollars is spent on diabetes so we're going to also look at the predatory nature of this health care system and how that might i'm just saying i'm just saying that low productivity when i just know that my as i was saying that might have something to do with how people vote either they are boating because of this or they're voting because of a guy who lives six thousand miles away so price fixing allegations they call this section caring wolford dreads going to the farm. to pick up her insulin i can
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research a plan before he choose what we're going to do next year but there really is no way to know what's going to happen the uncertainty is one of the worst parts about it says woolford twenty eight a writer from atlanta like many americans she has a high deductible insurance plan so has to pay many many thousands of dollars of cost and her her insulin is thirteen hundred a month until she gets to bit where the health care actually kicks in but she goes again she keeps on talking about that the unpredictable nature of it so what i'm saying is i think many voters i know i would you know i get concerned about we don't know what our obamacare prices will be next year we don't know them yet they haven't told us they won't tell us until late much later in the year so you have no idea if your costs are going to go up forty four percent like they did in twenty sixteen and they can go up twenty three percent like they did last year so you don't know how to plan for next year she herself has basically decided she and her
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husband don't have any kids or they don't plan to because they can't afford it because of her she has type one diabetes and she has this cost otherwise she's going to die so because she doesn't know if it's going to be thirteen hundred next year is going to be seven hundred dollars for her insulin or is it going to be two thousand five hundred she doesn't know how it was a stunt or norco straighted program. well if i was the know it's it is definitely predatory and they actually talk about one guy who was once he turned twenty six and he was no longer covered by is america his parents' insurance he was confronted with thirteen hundred dollars a month for his insulin but he couldn't afford it so he waited to get his insulin until his paycheck amen but he died four days before his insulin before his push to the operative word being death cost twenty six years old why is four bucks for the insulin the charts thirteen hundred. perhaps. and the guy died of course the
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pharmaceutical companies say they need it for research money they need they need that for research studies been proven that other countries don't have the same research budget but for the same innovative drugs and medical procedures anyway so that's a look at where you tube down in terms of cancer research right but how is that not an orchestrated campaign to wipe out part of the population or i mean that's the hut not they get i don't think it's that i think they consider that collateral damage in the predatory practices that they have here and it's about all the middlemen all the middleman or all cods in the machine and there's no. there's no one figurehead guy at the top saying i don't running this including all these people it's like i'm just the guy pushing paper and denying your insurance claim i'm just the guy sending the bill for the thirteen good next guy selling the insurance claim is making sixty to seventy million dollars a year as an as a salary that's not a guy but that's there was but the predatory system right with it is set up so that nobody has it is called will remember barack obama said that there's there's no
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real illegal thing that happened when the entire financial system fell apart and fraud there was no nothing you could specifically point to and say that's the guy that caused that oh i get the second responsibility but i'm saying i'm just saying this could be why people are angry this could be why people vote the way the elites are susie saying i see where you going with this you see what i'm saying because i said. because i'm saying i see your son not complaining i'm just saying exactly we have to do more of this let's take a break we'll come back and we're going to sort this all out ok. don't go away. because the swarms of them so much. good news was before. much of those who heard the preview or. seen him with the north we will
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we're going to. move. move. move show you the snooper you have the liberal media collector a good. muslim also these girls will give you good girls. to go to shows so look i do the same you belong here to show the story to you should go. to starbucks to. get to meet until it was the middle of the mist they'd say look it is it's. just testing understand just moved there mashed on the truck stop the president can please control this project until . we have producers to produce for to snoop to come up with new it because the rest
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of the girls are with you or your supporters to your machine station shouldn't for you should cook dorothy one who's devoted to the impulse to. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the . politics sport this list i'm showbusiness i'll see that. the list on. my side is that when i touched it with my. so there was a build up. into him a ride on
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a mission without her but then i. looked. on the hood of the duck and i. don't want the money i don't want to know about. something that really none of us want to our mr need just. thrown. out of a shuffle stem and we have been down on the. field at a little warmth and you know what. shall i do you saw to this idol of the.
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all right we're back worth it here in the moment grint very interesting so in other words what you're saying is per the message over to shirt is you not complaining or just saying you're just saying so when we were in the first half looking at the us voter heading into the midterm what happened to twenty sixteen and how they were perhaps just fed up of a predatory system and ever declining wages now we're going to turn to europe because obviously europe has a vast social welfare system people are not thrown into the gutter when they lose their job they are covered if they have a medical problem it's covered they are not bankrupted by that and we see in germany we've seen some pretty shocking sort of rallies going on in and saxony in the eastern german part of the country where you're starting to see people actually do not see salutes and stuff like that so what's going on there why and what
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a look at what exactly what's going on there why are people angry there why people vote for banks it's so. i'm going to look at first i'm going to actually show you a little photo of something from pakistan and this is a remarkable. i think this is a good analogy for what's happened in europe so this is a still from a video and perhaps we can play a little bit of the video here this is from pakistan who these are massive crocodiles the oldest one is one hundred twenty years old and this guy is feeding them by hand now scientists say that they've become tamed over decades and decades of these people going to a shrine in pakistan where they believe these are some sort of state or something so they're feeding them they've been tamed by being fed all this meat well my question was like what happens if they run out of me and these these worshiper stop feeding them will they revert to nature so here as the as a sort of. globalization starts to bring in waves of of of changes
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like what's happening in europe about this sort of breakdown how is how where are these far right parties coming from in germany in austria up in you know sweden and not them mark maybe but finland but how how is that happening this is timothy garton ash he often writes in the guardian but this is in the new york books and he says it's the culture stupid and he uses the german word for that which is a little bit different from the connotation in english so go read the article to see that but he says and explaining the populous vote in many countries that inequality of attention is that at least as important as economic inequality so he talks about a situation that happened in east germany when a street protests in a small town in saxony was totally ignored by the visiting chancellor merkel a protester complained she doesn't even look at us with her. one can imagine
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a trump voter saying something similar about hillary clinton so he talks about the fact that this is part of the whole trend of d. platforming d. monetising and just shutting down the voices of the angry populace and is sure. it clearly expresses itself as a very right wing and the much of the elite that control everything are left wing and they don't want to hear their voices so they shut it down here they were protesting and they felt like basically merkel didn't doesn't even pay attention to them with her you know behind and they go into the fact that there is a best seller that from an author there who. you know basically looks at the their nazi past and is considered right wing it was in the top ten bestsellers for weeks and spiegel just took it off because it wasn't on the top some book of lists and timothy garton ash is putting that into this notion as they were basically that
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we're not even pay that these people don't even count we don't even hear them we're going to blank them and instead of it you know having conversations with these sort of people and doing things like one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's television used to look like in america when the likes of malcolm x. when the likes of muhammad ali were on television talking about really they were talking from radical person liberal and sort of progressive stands but. you know here we don't have a sort of debates where you're talking about radical crazy ideas imo you're asking the question about liberalism and europe and the welfare state in europe and the fact that on one hand it doesn't have the same problem as always seen the u.s. but now you're saying on the fringes of the rise of problems well in germany they're doing very well their incomes are very high they have free healthcare they have free education many of the people in these far right groups the alternative for democracy a.f.d.
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or something like that that they're that they're rising in power but they have like aristocrats and very wealthy people being part of this these far right groups so he's looking at it and looking at why it's not caused by economic hardship clearly in the situation because the. people are doing very well and they have high incomes they have all all that they need so he's looking at what else might be causing this the stuff that our media is unable to process at the moment look the door is a conclusion whoa he's saying that the inequality of attention that we're there they're expressing concerns and in this case a lot of them are concerned about the mass amount of immigration into their country even though it's not going to east germany it's going to berlin and munich and hamburg but he said for the rank and file it went when spiegel took this book off their top seller list even though it was a top seller he said for the rank and file it is yet more evidence that the liberal
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elites have so little time and respect for them that they won't look at us even with their worst still they won't even let ordinary people say what they think and a poll conducted in spring two thousand and sixteen for the freedom index of the john stuart mill institute in heidelberg only fifty seven percent of responded and said they felt that one can freely express one's political opinion and germany today he thinks he goes on to say that he thinks it's encouraging debate john stuart mill would encourage debate in america how odious your opinion was no matter if you're steve bannan that you should be put on stage and challenge with equal intellectual or somebody able to articulate why that guy is wrong or what you know have an open debate like we used to back in the sixty's and seventy's before everything got. back in the seventy's by the way we see the show the bodies of our dead soldiers returning from vietnam we don't do that anymore we block out
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a lot of stuff but it still exists i'm saying this seems to be a lot of stuff that exists that ignoring it doesn't make it go away just because you know the sixty's and seventy's are going back to the recent past and further into the economies and societies are a lot more than. versified we in the twenty first century live in an economy that's run almost one hundred percent exclusively on a consumerism so the fact that merkel is not paying any attention to these people is not really the issue and they should really concern themselves with that the only question that they have to ask themselves is are they buying stuff because that's the only thing anyone really cares about the richest people in the world like a jeff bezos they they get rich by selling people stuff because that's what they want to buy stuff and they want to that's that's how they define themselves you are what you buy that's who you are you're not a religious affiliation you have an element of the country the you're not part of that that. you're not part of a community you're just somebody that buy stuff and if you don't want to buy stuff then we don't want to hear from you and that's the end of the story nevertheless.
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we still live in democracies those people who vote a.f.d. still vote those people who vote for trump still vote and all our media is able to say is absolute shock they don't know where it's coming from the only ever answer is putin that putin has something to do with it they're not looking at our own culture hillary clinton called those people in middle america that are ignored and trump spoke to them whether or not he is. means that he spoke to them and spoke their language she spoke like an ordinary person and she called them baskets of deplorable and after she lost to him she said that they were losers and my people were winners my voters who are in dynamic winning places so that's why i'm saying that they lost right in these german fringed nazis are not winning any big elections right now are soaring in the elections they five percent of their that i think they're the number two party right now but what's a chasm between the one and two well you know there's a there's a multi-party system and germany nevertheless let's move on to the next story
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because here you know here's a guy he's timothy garton ash he's offered this inequality of attention and certainly there seems to be a lot that happens in the world that does not get covered by the corporate media because it does not sell goods it does not you know sort of book but i brought the answer is not to. ignore the basic underlying problem in the the society has lost its like salary as a dynamic place for social cohesion has become purely a way to move goods to be the end product on the subway line and that's the end oh good now that's a bigger problem that can be addressed in the numerous different ways but politically i don't think with the campaigns run by corporations for corporations by corporations are going to see any change in that sector of the but the fundamental nature of the disintegration of what's happening around in certain communities nevertheless continues and i want to talk to in the last three minutes here about another headline from the atlantic because they are starting to also
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look and question the deeper. story of what is actually happening sure the major corporations coca-cola nyc nike is now finance and colin kaepernick collin copernic said that you know these major corporations are adapting in co-opting various groups and they will always perhaps win until they don't but why technology favors tyranny artificial intelligence could erase many practical advantages of democracy and erode the ideals of liberty and equality it will further concentrate power among a small elite if we don't take steps to stop it obviously we're not going to take steps to stop it because that's not the nature of humans and that's not the nature of how power power doesn't just give up the amazon is now a trillion dollar company apple's a trillion dollar company they're progressive companies they give to democrats and they're going to democrats are going to do all they can to make sure that those people maintain that power and wealth just like obama helped maintain the power and wealth of wall street when they backed him in the twentieth century the masses revolted against exploitation and sought to translate their vital role in the
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economy into political power now the masses fear irrelevance and they are frantic to use their remaining political power before it is too late breaks and the rise of donald trump may therefore demonstrate a trajectory opposite to that of traditional socialist revolutions the russian chinese and cuban revolutions were made by people who were vital to the economy but lacked political power and twenty sixteen trumping breaks that were supported by many people who still enjoyed political power but feared they were losing their economic worth because of ai because of robotics because of the at the beginning of the knowledge economy they fear irrelevance of course they should fear a rebel. irrelevance because they are irrelevant that course they are what they have been saying for many years as mimics mimics humans to the point where it completely fools humans so humans are being relegated to the dustbin of history a useful robots and they say this is an interesting line they said it's much harder
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to strong. all against irrelevance right and against exploitation exact i least when you're being exploited you can say look i work in a sweat shop factory for and making mike's shoes and people angry but here you're like you're basically jeb bush pay attention to me clap for me you know and none of the bots that run away i can hear you scream. and it's over i'm not saying that for a long time malcolm glazer right with the singularity that's happening faster than anyone really wants to admit and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max keiser and stacy herbert if you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time. prosecution will need to become almost. a full zone. where you
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push. the thread you'll find. somebody to moan plus you do i'm beyond. political pressure on that goal due. to security industry knows when to build up business models used by american corporations. he's sold them could matilda see tension. between shows yes i know what. the solution. is all the dissociation. i know to can he saw some of those it is just somebody with. an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. you know world of big part of the new lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever
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we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the path and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it still oil here i mean your list put video and put him in the new bill is that idea pulling you to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took the lead in this to do over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. ticket
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