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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  September 13, 2018 12:30pm-12:53pm EDT

12:30 pm
greetings and sally you taishan some natural disasters are harder to prepare for than others hawk watchers an earthquake an earthquake for example can strike with little to no warning whatsoever leaving cities and governments very little time to prepare and respond however with the hurricane residents and communities in their path usually know multiple days in advance of its landfall meaning that there actually is ample time to prepare in fact little known apparently hurricanes give you an entire time of year a full season six pole months in which governments know they are more than likely to battle one or more hurricanes within that stretch of time and tire season which makes it all the more disturbing to discover that despite mandatory evacuations for the public multiple prisons sitting in the path of hurricane florence a category four major league hurricane set to hit north and south carolina in
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a day or so will remain fully staffed and operational these prisons mother jones is reporting that as chorus of residents prepare to head for safer ground some prison officials and sheriffs are planning to leave thousands of people in the mandatory evacuation zones behind the prisoners guards and staff at a south carolina state prison as well as three city jails in virginia because you know hey why would we bother saving their lives from potential doom and drowning their their only prisoners after all i mean there is there's only a nationwide prison strike happening all over the country right now over the mistreatment and ugly conditions found in most u.s. prisons but you know who thinks about little things like saving all lives not to mention good public relations crazy and tragically this is an old story last year during hurricane harvey prisoners. were forced to ride out that storm confined to
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their cells later they later complained of flooding in subhuman conditions during that storm you know ladies and gentlemen with wives on the line and global warming only getting worse i think it's time we learn from our past mistakes and start better prepping for our future and that starts with watching the hawks. wonder what. the. real thing would be. as it were to pull out of. what it's like you know that i got. this. world war on the watch of the harks i am tired robot downtown at the last. one i can't believe i have to ask this question in today's i mean why is it so important
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because i know people out there go like prisoners who cares the prisoners why is it so important that we care about all citizens even prisoners and their guards because we aren't monsters thank you thank you i mean this is a very strange to me. that there isn't more of an effort especially considering the presence or if specially considering you know how bad the storm is going to be and it seems like they're just sort of resting on the laurels of it's been fine before but this is a cat four possibly a cat five by the time it hits land new you they haven't seen this in sixty years you don't know what's going to happen and to put even if you don't care about prisoners to put all of that staff and all of those sheriffs and all of those officers lives at risk for what because you don't want to take the time to move them out of the way of a deadly hurricane yeah it's absolutely ridiculous and then we're not talking about prisoners in some super bowl. you know no way the key they murdered and slaughtered
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ten people in row you know how one's head is a helmet for five states rampage i don't want to go but if we're talking we're going to go on the weekends to raise we're talking about medium security what caesar from these aren't you know i mean these aren't like yourself these aren't like wildly violent people are people who are just don't want to die right i mean south carolina's mcdonald mcdougall correction was built more than fifty years ago which while we have sports stadiums that get replaced quicker than fifty years they hold about six hundred fifty men in a medium security lock up the state prison is located in berkeley county and it's one of the five counties under a mandatory evacuation order from the governor there. dougal like you said about the river during hurricane hugo and that was also a category four but that was in one nine hundred eighty nine the person is now much older right eighty nine was what twenty some years old technically brand new in the state of like you know governor there are going to start. yet it's sort of strange
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because other states get it others say it's understand we've seen it that they can do it officials evacuated in nantes from indian creek correctional center monday night in virginia. several hundred prisoners in north carolina department of public safety staff are being moved to safer facilities and communication officer for the prisons at north carolina department public safety jerry higgins actually said earlier this week that there's been discussion since we first found out about this storm the big thing is just safety safety for our staff safety for inmates safety for the public as well so so this is the thing where it's they don't have a plan for it because i think they've kind of rested on their laurels of it is in a cap three or something at some point it is actually easier for them to hold it out it's a big strong building and you think it's ok but this is different the stories are getting worse and worse and you have to be prepared for that or you're responsible for every one of those lives prisoners and staff you definitely are. this is not
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like. you know coming into this this is not an old issue it really is not abiding services to sort package warehouse transport and distribute items they may or may not you know meet the needs of disaster survivors i mean that it's right there. not the theme has been the best in recent years nobody even that's my point made you even feed might have to kill i mean it's one of these things it's like you know people think oh i'm going to give a case of baby formula but the problem is you know it has to be shipped it has to go through this process also you know there's allergies there's things it's so much as a result by exactly what you need to stand is actually the most important thing one could actually some correct you know actually one of the big things for especially homeowners during a disaster is you know it can take it takes a minimum of five five thousand dollars deposit to get a contractor to even begin work and so if you understand that once after a disaster even if you're insured it's going to take you know can take a month to three months before if everything goes well that you even get
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a check so one of the things that's really important is that if you live in a disaster area if you are in that situation each of those families needs at least eight thousand dollars just to survive through that first month or so. and cash donations can more easily be given to there's organizations that help with that and could give the cash or actually or bill to pay for contractors be able to do that kind of stuff is way better to have his gang. jordans or jordans and i have so much x. boxes are so bright these are not only given by the outside books is good. and also blood i say this a lot it's a blood donation is a major thing and the thing is that blood that is is given locally is also used locally so if you're giving blood in d.c. it's probably is in the d.c. area so one of the things that that's important is to give blood in your area even if you're not in the disaster. are in any of those like in the states where that's
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happening please give blood especially oh negative and positive because they're universal donors but everyone should give and also a big thing is if you can get platelets especially now with you know injuries and things like it happened platelets can only be used for five days at a time so if you're in within that area and you can get there or go to blood drives that's a big one is give give blood give money and give your time all that stuff give to places like goodwill in your area where people are ready to handle it yeah you know there's plenty of other places that we more than happy to take your you know your old clothes or your toys or whatever it is you know that like you said point i was even surprised me and said like bottled water was an issue to exist always here that you know you're on the bottled water think about how much it costs you can buy a case of bottle but what you can buy today is the bottled water for what it costs to buy to ship one case of bottled water so it just doesn't make sense and they also again you don't know where it's been it can get messed up in transit just let the people who know how to do it and let's have less waste trash and blood trash
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and be hard to help people in need of care but if it was true part of the corporate card watchers tobar going to let us know what your pick of topics were covered in facebook and twitter see our full shows at our teeth dot com coming up we talk job o'loghlin trumpet ministrations all out attack on the international criminal court which sort of commentator steve malzberg you don't want to miss that they took to the hall. when the u.n. was founded it was meant to serve as a full room for dialogue and conciliation the chillun enjoyed u.n. security council meeting and instead of robust debate you often see accusation. and
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allegations of diplomats and just playing for the cameras as the u.n. really become a host of other environments. in twenty four to you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just the lawyer here put him in your list put the video at three in the new bill is that i mean you explain you know to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took his invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these another goal that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. led .
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by the hurricane rages over the atlantic this week mr moustache himself the united states' national security advisor john bolton senate shot across the bow of the international criminal court on monday bolton was pure fire and fury over the i.c.c. investigations into alleged war crimes perpetrated by the united states in afghanistan and the possibility of an investigation into israel's abuses of palestinian citizens declaring quote the united states. we'll use any means necessary to
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protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust persecute prosecution by this illegitimate court if the court comes after us israel or other u.s. allies we will not sit quietly while men vowed from his high horse in washington d.c. that not only would the united states retaliate by banning i.c.c. judges and prosecutors from entering the us imposing sanctions on any funds they had in the states and prosecuting them in the american court system the i.c.c. responded the court was established in constituted under the rome statute as an instrument to ensure accountability for crimes that shock the conscience of humanity the court is an independent and impartial judicial institution a vision joining us now to discuss the new battle between the white house and the international criminal court is conservative commentator steve malzberg welcome welcome steve is always great to be here with you guys i love it always great to see those steve those are some bold words threats fired at the i.c.c. bible i want to ask first what brought this on why did bolt in the white house
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choose this week in particular to suddenly lash out at the criminal at the international criminal court. well as far as the timing goes i mean i think bolton themself referred to the fact as you alluded to in the open that they're planning on opening an investigation into alleged abuses by the united states in afghanistan and getting involved in the israeli palestinian conflict and you know why bolton chose this week i'm not one hundred percent sure but look you know the the court said that was formed in rome well guess who didn't sign on to it in rome among the countries who are not signed onto it the united states china russia right there you've got yourself a problem and israel is not a member of it either don't forget john bolton was the u.n. ambassador for a time under george w. bush this rome. declaration which the u.s.
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did not sign onto was in two thousand and two under george w. bush who really wanted nothing to do with this court it wasn't until barack obama came around that he cozied up to them and now as you might expect donald trump is saying look we're not interested in these international bodies that are on checked in rogue having any legal authority over our citizens or those of our allies we quit the human rights council that the united nations in june for much the same reason bias by the by the body it was a kangaroo court it was a mockery we quit that i'm not surprised that we're fighting back against the i.c.c. . see this is the trump administration isn't the first us presidential administration to battle with that and ultimately work to undermine the power of the i.p.c.c. obviously the george bush administration actively opposed the cartoonist's first term and he said even president barack obama issued a memorandum shielding us personnel from i see a persecution which sensuous as you know we can't do anything so. you know i mean
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it doesn't seem that anybody in the u.s. even in u.s. government seems to even recognize that i mean we have plenty of people who i would consider war criminals in this country that are walking around that the criminal courts have you know we know that it doesn't do anything but why is the u.s. so against the authorities which is a very little of the i.c.c. it's really just you know sort of the world moral compass saying like look when things get too bad we all say this let's stop and look at it so what why is the u.s. so against the very little left already of the i.c.c. what does it mean what's what it what about it i mean it's a world stage if they decided to investigate if they decided look right now they have investigations going on ten of them are against african countries the african union suggested that african countries several years ago dropped out of the i.c.c. if they are signed on to it they call it the i.c.c.
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the international caucasian court so they don't like it for their own reasons many of the african countries so it's not just the united states and russia and china and the aforementioned i think what's going on here is the i.c.c. is now threatening as i mentioned to investigate investigate the war crimes against the united states against afghanistan i mean that gives them the authority to issue warrants indictment seize the united states nationals anywhere in the world so it's more than just symbolic you know with all due respect it's more than just symbolic hey let's just talk about this they have powers as a matter of fact every indictment and that's been handed down and every warrant that's been issued has been against a member of an african cause a coup or look into war crimes who then those who follow you can't let it go unpunished you can't let it go on and i say prosecuted that doesn't mean you're already guilty let me just take it the core. well again i'm glad you said we're taking the u.s. out of the equation because we have looked into things we have made adjustments i
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disagree with the. but we have made adjustments. in other things people have been punished and people have been held to account maybe not as many as you like it may be more than i would like but we have acted and investigated when there have been accusations but again i know no system of justice is perfect but certainly i'm not willing to put the fate of american citizens american military personnel american leadership in the hands of a court again where accusations could be made by anybody and again what's the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt what see what's the threshold for you know we have a grand jury which they say could indict a ham sandwich how does a witness account yeah i mean could that ham sandwich what they couldn't and ferguson you have a cop who shot someone armed and we're going to get it to you but i'm going to respect eric holder said that the whole scenario was false you know don't shoot you
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know was going to be eating a lot of. good that i want to see this real quick this idea that grand juries in the united states and if they are if we if our justice system here is so perfect because it's always perfect when it lets off a cop when he does something bad or a politician gets away with something or private mercenaries and irak get away with things it's ok but if that justice system isn't as fair for people who are poor people who are black and people who are oppressed by the people with power that it doesn't help and if we don't even work with people like international criminal courts my concern is where do we have the right to go around bombing and telling other countries what they can and cannot do good that's my concern is that this leaves us an end in a situation where we are going to be isolated from the entire world and how does that help us well keep hearing every move that donald trump makes is going to isolate us from the entire world and i don't i don't see i mean we're cutting trade
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deals that china wants another me. north korea wants to meet with trump again i don't see us being isolated from the entire world they need us in so many ways and i just i hope you guys are right i hope you're right about that because what i'm seeing is that people are learning to not meet us that's the reality of there is we don't hold ourselves accountable the people who are going to believe the whereas our own are sent to us at the end of the day if we can't hold ourselves accountable for moral high ground i guess for me we have to have that are we don't have any staff working ergo you know there are no you know steve i got i got to say always a foreigner. you know it was a pleasure venue to say thanks for having me but. thanks to you. joe is right the new way for easter island the remote volcanic island located in the southern pacific ocean is considered to be one of the most wondrous places on earth not only due to the large mysterious monolithic stone have carved by the
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ancient moai inhabitants but also the island's incredible natural beauty but like the erosion that is gradually softening away the features of the grand stone heads mankind has refuse. beaches but one man francis pico has made it his life's work to clean up modern man's messes pico or to juma as the is called by the locals has made it his life's work to pick up all the plastic and garbage left by currents tourists and fishing boats on easter island beaches since he first arrived on the island back in one thousand nine hundred nine and why has pico given so much of his life to help the new weekly well to touma met the love of his life and future wife and his trip to the island back in one nine hundred eighty nine and he feels the need to give back to the island they gave him so much true love. oh i come in the show on true love yes good bargain for with holes we got to have i'm happy you know all right that is preserves over tibet everybody remember everyone in this world
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remember told we love them so i told you so let me tell you. i love you i am tired old winter and time to have a while and keep on watching those hawks never a great day of. my body told me that you are belong with the born youth but my thoughts my mine was that i belonged with the girls. under the surgery starts to be a very popular. person doctor. i was born a male had a sex change when i was thirty years old. i've now been living as a woman for twenty eight years and i fully regret this. problem should have gone away from it by now but they hadn't so these surgeries are nothing more than
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plastic surgery i've had several female to male friends and you look at it and you just go oh god you paid for that it's horrible nobody can change genders is impossible. is delusional it's a mental illness. this is now where one of my bones from flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out from a. dentist to see if it was taken up of obama's plane he came down and it was a cause hurt to obama care he was the last man standing course bernie sanders was like oh yeah you know medicare for all of the great but we're just going to let it slide progressive are going to progress to something better at some point they're not progressing.
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the two men named by the u.k. as suspects in the script poisoning case deny any involvement in the instant they have been speaking exclusively to r.t. . you really look like the pictures shown to us by the u.k. . we're those who were shown to you in the pictures. and i would say underpants are those your real names yes they are our real names. and you care physicians have a ready respond.


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