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tv   News  RT  September 14, 2018 3:00pm-3:27pm EDT

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world anti-doping watchdog announces that it will discuss reinstating the russian anti-doping agency as a member after declared noncompliance in the wake of the twenty fifteen alleged doping scandal. russia's foreign minister reiterate small willingness to cooperate with britain on the poisoning case but not on the principle of guilt for some strong reactions from u.k. politicians. you see that you see what's happening. with these q two characters
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produced this recruit way by putin and it really makes my. piece in the mainstream media exploded into a frenzy after the russians accused of carrying out a nerve agent attack in the u.k. came forward and spoke to auntie's editor in chief as they denied any involvement in the case. and other concerns raised over the potential presence of french troops in syria after photographs released by the us army appear to show a french military vehicle in the background. for joining us this evening you're watching r.t. international. the world anti-doping watchdog has announced that it will discuss reinstating russia's anti doping agency as a member assad or was to. noncompliance by water in twenty fifteen after an alleged
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drug scandal the reinstatement will be officially discussed on september twentieth risotto says that it has fulfilled all of the criteria needed in order to be reinstated sports correspondent who's been following this story throughout the day in the studio and. it's a very poor woman for russia but of course it's a huge one for for world sport particularly athletics where do we stand now with this latest information this is a huge turnaround in fact if we look at what happened earlier during the day when the british media particularly b.b.c. reported exactly the opposite of what eventually happened and the b.b.c. said that the c.r.c. the compliance review committee of water the world anti-doping agency would recommend to water to not reinstate this part of the world and i don't think family but what i came out with a statement of their own later during the day saying exactly the opposite that now the c.r.c. has accumulated all the data looked at all the criteria that they had to meet in
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order to be reinstated and will recommend the water to executive committee that is to consider russia result as reinstatement as part of the organization it's happening next week on the seychelles on thursday the damage. this is basically again it a massive turnaround not only because you know it contradicted the reports from the media but also because there had been two very major stumbling blocks in the whole issue one of them being the public acknowledgement of the findings in the mclaren report and the bit from the statement is very important one i believe we can listen to that the c.r.c. reviewed at length a letter from the russian ministry of sport to wanna and we're satisfied that this letter is sufficiently acknowledged the issues identified in russia therefore fulfilling the first of the two outstanding criteria for such as a road map to compliance. safe to say we'll never know what was in that letter what kind of wording was used but it was enough to persuade the world anti-doping agency
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clearly and the second criteria was about giving access to the white inspector store the russian anti-doping facilities also a major stumbling block but now it's out of the way basically nullifying all possible criticism of waters step possible step to reinstate. it is important for us to reinstate the next world executive meeting we decision on september twentieth with hope believe we did everything that we could and we all ready to further cooperate with our foreign partners to continue to work in this direction and follow common law which are equal for all. so you saw that the russian sports minister had been very optimistic about the possibility of reinstatement but it's interesting to know whether this was a some sort of a last minute turnaround that the letter was changed was sent to the water officials and they were eventually happy with the warning but we'll see obviously next week so this meeting coming up. in the know where to hold
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a meeting. and we're hearing conflicting information from both sides suppose anybody's guess at this stage what's your opinion how do you think this is going to play out it's not set in stone obviously because the opposition has been very vocal and has been a lot of opposition to the russian reinstatement within water. particularly from the u.s. anti-doping agency travis tygart just said the head of the usada said a few weeks ago that this would be a blow to the clean athletes and to the sports in general if your side is reinstatement unless it meets the conditions but now according to water the conditions have been met also the u.k. anti-doping agency came out with statements and even letters to wada and even a clip a video clip that they posted on twitter basically urging water not to take this u. turn but the point of the of their criticism was about the conditions which had not been met now they have been met so you know we'll see obviously next week but this is not going to be an easy ride there will be a lot of politics involved in the seychelles during that meeting. there is
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a one of them taking place on the twenty fifth which is critical to the future of clean spool get behind hash tag no u. turn order thank you that that's part of the i wouldn't say campaign but that's part of the movement to say no to the reinstatement but the statement was very very clear on what's going to happen why are people feeling so strong about this why are they so against being brought back in to the fold for people who are forgotten because it was such a long time ago or aren't aware how do we get to this point well people are concerned because of the magnitude of the scandal which happened twenty fifteen you know the allegations of a state sponsored open system that's very severe obviously entailing very severe punishment because a lot of athletes have been banned the agency disbanded a list of criteria naming thirty one things that were side i had to do in order to be considered for reinstatement and as until this week twenty nine of them had been
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completed now only two remained and according to the today statement it's out of the way as well but again it's too early to say whether you know the russian sports ministry is uncorking it's champagne tonight it is the way it's going to big decision means a lot for world sport we will watch with great fascination many things that our sports correspondent. now we've been speaking some guests about this big story former sports x. sports expert and media expert and sociology lecturer professor ellis cashmore spoke to me last hour he believes that the news marks an astonishing turnaround given the animosity of recent years. today's story that i still find slightly well not slightly incredible i'd say. i thought that would be reinstated and i've said it's over so wix now and i do think that there will be some kind of going on there be some kind of meeting behind closed doors at which russia is brought into some
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kind of our arrangement in other words it won't be just you've served your time the punishment is over welcome back i don't think it's as simple as that for three years russia has adamantly said we want to see more evidence from mclaren we're not satisfied that this is conclusive we want some kind of tangible proof that there has been state sponsored doping whatever that me. and so far hasn't been forthcoming with the russia has today or yesterday been privy to some kind of documentation we don't know but this is still an incredible turn of events for me. murderous having a holiday from hell and only strengthened in the case against and that's the taste of the response i'm going to doubtings interview with the two russians accused of carrying out the nerve agent poisoning in the city of salzburg as foreign minister
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has spoken on the issue for the first time since on his exclusive during a joint news conference with his german counterpart here's what they both had to say. mostly on the ship all our official requests received just formal no it's an even simpler spoken responses boiling down to your guilty all we need from you is to explain whether it was an order or an accident used to maintain discussion on such a level is pointless we are still ready for serious dialogue based on the rule of international law but not on the principle they call highly likely to have informants when we got the information on the script case from the u.k. and we have no doubts about it but we're also interested in an investigation of what's happened if everybody is ready to exchange information on the issue to clear up the situation nothing more than prevent an investigation of the interview even spark reaction when the former british foreign secretary and reportedly a contender for the next prime minister that's boris johnson. well you see that you
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see what's happening now with these two characters produced in this city through kuwait. only russian t.v. these ludicrous question making a mockery of the whole thing and it really makes my blood boil typically boris response really you hear him using vivid language about his beloved boiling and he said that alexander patrol found respond to share of all murderers and that they're welcome to see him in court if they want to challenge that fact and he also spoke of his work as foreign secretary saying that he holds the kremlin in absolute contempt and that he made what he called the kasik mistake of trying to engage with moscow take a listen to what he had to say i made the coffee classic mistake of thinking it was possible to have a reset with russia and. then it just became clearer and clearer to be
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that was before. when he was foreign secretary as top diplomat it was his job to represent the country to travel and he called himself a committed rasa file back in twenty seventeen it was his job to meet up with his russian counterpart sergey lavrov now however when he happens to be speaking in washington he says he regrets it all very much and it was a fool's errand and to quote something he once said about his own views that in europe his view on russia appears to have been like a supermarket trolley as well so quite an extreme reaction from the former foreign secretary why does the view of a former cabinet minister even matter well he is widely tipped by the bookmakers to be potentially the next conservative leader so. clearly his views are getting
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a lot of air time also the current lead to resume a prime minister her spokespersons rubbish the interviewee that alexander the trough and resigned by sheriff did with r t saying that the account provided by the two alleged attackers is an insult to the public's intelligence and outright lies so downing street wasn't having any of it but most foreign ministry spokesperson maria zahar of or was unimpressed with downing street's response she came out yesterday questioning why london immediately dismissed petrol for the sheriff's account forty minutes after that interview was first to add the latest development from moscow comes from dmitri pest scoff at the spokesperson for the russian president vladimir putin he said that russia would consider any request to interview the man from the u.k.
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in accordance with russian law but moscow is yet to receive such a request from london. to remind you the two suspects accused by british authorities of poisoning former double agent came forward thursday for question. and the russian state has. them. but they're no rules this is what the british. will question. from the british as well. with international incidents over the last year or so we seem to get in this very strange kind of situation again and again where people are being assumed guilty until they can prove their innocence and this is kind of another one i don't argue have not seen evidence saying why these men are the chief suspects and in the view of the british government why they are pretty much guilty to think anything could persuade but he sure thirty's that these guys are innocent. well i
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think that i do agree with you there i mean i think there is a real problem here you know that we have no soul is evidence from britain. and we you know if we believe in evidence and due process and the rule of law and then we do need a proper case to be made and this is absolutely not the case here and with these two suspects so i think that is a genuine issue we see we do see that very much that. states are acting without any. serious evidence we could look as well and in terms of syria for example and say you know this is a broader problem in international relations i would say do you thing the interview has changed anything regarding the script al case maybe change some opinions cleared up some some key questions. but i wouldn't really i do think there are many
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you know as i said i do think the interview raises many many questions and however to get back to your earlier point i think in terms of evidence and due process it is absolutely the case that the british state needs to make a case you know people do not have to prove their innocence that is the kind of justice or you know the inquisition that one has to prove one's innocence you know in what. state. people have to guilt has to be proven so i think that is. a serious point but you know so in terms of the interview there are many questions raised i want to say is that whilst we have had many legitimate questions raised about the interview with the two suspects it seems the great shame that in britain our journalists and
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politicians don't you know target the same amount of scrutiny and questions towards our own government because that it seems to me is the most important step we need to hold our own government to account you know i think a lot of criticism i understand for interviewing those two chaps i imagine any journalist in the u.k. would have turned on the opportunity for us sort of the conversation many thanks could speak to tom or core might my guest lecturer in international relations or less university. maybe our new pictures released by the us army appear to. inadvertently expose a much larger french military role in syria than previously thought a french army vehicle could be seen in the background of the photo from diaries or when the u.s. is fighting what's left of islamic state terrorists the picture though was quickly deleted on the d.v.d. has details. well we know that the u.s. army released this photograph on wednesday to show which special operation joint
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task force on the ground in syria in this particular region did but what the egalite members of the public clearly spot is a french military vehicle in the background now people have said they sure that it's a french military vehicle because this particular type of vehicle is only used by french and saudi arabian forces and saudi arabian forces are not on the ground in this particular region now what it showed is that military vehicle in the background and what's really interesting about this is that the french government the french military has never acknowledged that it has french troops on the ground in this particular area of syria now we do know that this area is where the u.s. backed fighters have been battling against the hardest and we also know that france has been part of a u.s. led coalition which has been cut. operations of syrian air space over the last three years but in particular it's been aiding forces on the ground as
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they fight against by some forces now and we know that france has pledged in the past full support to syrian kurds on the ground the president should the syrian democratic forces and the french support in particular for the stabilization of the security zone in the north east of syria within the framework of an inclusive and balanced governance to prevent any resurgence of i saw it while seeking for a political solution to the syrian conflict well that support from the french military has been vegas to water actually means and what the context of that support actually is and there is actually a question of the legality of the french and the u.s. troops being in syria tool of course they do not turn off a u.n. mandate and they do not have permission from the syrian government. to be that we also know that frances repeatedly warned that if it believes a chemical attack has taken place it will seek retribution and retaliation for such
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an attack on the syrian grant scenario with their troops seemingly absolutely on the ground in this area that nobody has acknowledged previously perhaps france is raising an even bigger warning flag. when more reports have surfaced in the german media suggesting washington has been pressuring berlin to get more militarily involved in syria as well the report prompted the research service of the german parliament to remind or thirty's the such a move would actually be unconstitutional unless approved by parliament itself let's discuss this now with a member of germany's the left party get it is the german government likely do you know to join strikes on syria with the u.s. of course it would legally be a pretty questionable move. not only would it be questionable it would be totally illegal under international and german law remember there is no invitation towards
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germany to participate in military action in syria the only forces that can legally fight in syria are those that are invited by the syrian government of bashar al assad and no other forces have been authorized if germany wanted to participate in that conflict or the u.s. or the french troops for that matter then they should seek authorization by the u.n. security council under chapter seven otherwise they must stay out of the conflict. well washington the argument they're putting forward is that if there's a legal foot dragging that is going to put. people at risk it's going to perpetrators get away with murder. over what they are claiming of chemical attacks although there hasn't been an investment they have to come on come on come on if they had prove off chemical attacks then why don't they put that proof to the test by bringing it to the u.n.
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security council where the world can look at the truth and see for themselves if it's really true or just can't evidence like when they started the iraq war let's look at germany's role if there's going to be an increase well what do you think the german government will say. well if you look at libya for example then at that time merkel wanted to stay out of the conflict and well in hindsight we can all say what the right decision but i'm not sure of the german government is feeling threatened now maybe by trade actions by trump they might feel threatened that there might be new trade sanctions if they don't go along and play the patsy of the americans but of course if you look at the population then poll after poll has shown that the german population is against participation in the war in syria because. of course the conflict in syria directly impacts on germany in terms of
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the refugee influx what do you think the policy should be with the german government towards syria. while it's very clear that they should support the legitimate government in their efforts to rebuild syria so that those people the refugees that have been lost their home most of them want to return to rebuild syria and so germany should really reconstruct syria and pay billions of dollars to help reconstruct new lives all those people. coming on r.t. international to see the vision of a solemn i guess member of the left party. the impartiality of google is once again being called into question after a leaked video showed the company's executives expressing disappointment back into it xtina donald trump election victory at least on a quarter picks up the story google's always tried to maintain in a political front but recently tells a very different story and if true it outlines google's executives pick for
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president in the twenty sixteen presidential elections most people here are. pretty upset. her. because of the election i certainly find the selection deeply offensive and i know many of you do too this is none other than surrogate brin google's co-founder and if his assumption that every worker in the video was a clinton voter was upsetting it gets worse. that was the first moment entire really felt like we were going to lose and it was really doing all it did feel like a ton of bricks dropped on my chest and that right there is the chief financial officer of google's parent company alphabet ruth poor at holding back tears at the thought of their election defeat but whose defeat exactly last time i checked google wasn't a wing of the democratic party nevertheless they seem to have
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a mutual understanding on why trump won zina phobia hatred and a desire for answers that mean it may not be there here we have senior vice president for global affairs tend to walker looks like despite google's claim to objectivity walker's got some pretty partisan views on american politics but google maintains those are personal views ones that don't affect their product. to the rise of fascism and also to the communist revolution i think it's worth be very vigilant in thinking about all these issues what can we do to lead to. maybe a better quality of governance decision making and so forth solid explanation of ideologies that shaped the twenty first century sergey but fair enough google is looking for ways to make the world better but that hasn't stopped the flow of accusations that their strategy is politically biased like that time google removed a pro-life singers music video on you tube.
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i had no. and you tube's move to hit popular users before conservative users especially presidents not is draining the swamp dime it is that was going to be it bottles enough to make it a movie. but there are some at google who don't agree with the company's liberal leanings james to moore a conservative engineer wrote a memo just a memo to highlight potential bias in google's policy and he was fired for it google has several biases a new discussion about these biases is being silenced by the dominant ideology what follows is by no means the complete story but it's a perspective that desperately needs to be told and google google has always
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claimed its hands were collina when it came to political bias hate speech or other inappropriate content the company always claimed it had its reasons but with insight into what the top brass at google is apparently thinking perhaps it's time for a better understanding of what bias are really means quarter r.t. i say with the saving up about the latest for you at the top of the hour. i.
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hello welcome to sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze the politicians and businessmen are gathering here at the economic forum and are russia's far east but outside as halls and bigger question looms climate change as more violent storms and heat waves avails care we really do something.


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