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tv   News  RT  September 14, 2018 4:00pm-4:28pm EDT

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nobody can change genders is impossible. is delusional it's a mental illness. this is now one of my own flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of. the world anti-doping watchdog announces that it will discuss reinstating the russian on to doping agency as a member after it was declared non-compliant in the wake of the twenty fifteenth doping allegations. russia's foreign minister reiterate smokers willingness to cooperate with britain on the script poisoning case but not on the principle of assumed guilt such as some strong reactions from the u.k. politicians you see there you see what's happening. with these could produce food in this city to recruit way by putin and it really makes. a
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mainstream media exploded into a frenzy after two the russians accused of carrying out a nerve agent attack in the u.k. came forward and spoke to auntie's editor in chief they deny any involvement in that case. you know the news concerns are raised over the potential presence of french troops in syria after photos released by the u.s. army appear to show a french military vehicle in the back. getting the first for joining us this is r.t. international. the world anti doping watchdog has announced that it will discuss reinstating russia's anti-doping agency as a member of the saga says that it has fulfilled all of the criteria needed in order for it to be reinstated. he joined me earlier in the studio to discuss the story
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does a huge turnaround in fact if we look at what happened earlier during the day when the british media particularly b.b.c. reported exactly the opposite of what eventually happened and the b.b.c. said that the c.r.c. the compliance review committee of water the world anti-doping agency would recommend to water to not reinstate it as part of the world anti-doping family but water came out with a statement of their own later during the day saying exactly the opposite the c.r.c. reviewed at length a letter from the russian ministry of sport and we're satisfied that this letter sufficiently acknowledged the issues identified in russia therefore fulfilling the first of the two outstanding criteria for result as a road map to compliance so up until this week there have been two criteria remaining one of them is basically a public acknowledgement of the mclaren report findings and the other one is granting ox access for the water officials to the russian doping labs this has been one of the bones of contention the biggest bone of contention and now it apparently
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has been resolved i will not speculate as to whether the officials acknowledge the mclaren report or not or some sort of warding compromise have been reached the russian sports minister has been very optimistic about the possibility of reinstatement it is important for us to reinstate the next world executive meeting we decision on september twentieth with hope believe we did everything that we could and we're already to further cooperate with all of us to continue to work in this direction and follow. which are equal for rule and we're hearing conflicting information from from from both sides suppose anybody's guess at this stage what's your opinion how do you think it's going to play out it's not set in stone obviously because the opposition has been very vocal and it's been a lot of opposition to the russian reinstatement within water. particularly from the u.s. anti-doping agency just said the head of the usada said a few weeks ago that this would be a blow to the clean athletes and. the sports in general are for starters
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reinstatement unless it meets the conditions but now according to are the conditions have been met also the u.k. anti-doping agency came out with statements and even letters to wada and even a clip of video clip that they posted on twitter basically urging water not to take this u. turn there is a one of those taking place on the twenty fifth which is critical to the future of clean spool get behind hash tag no you term order thank you do not use on the russian. do you not they are all athletes across the world. how do we get to this point well people are concerned because of the magnitude of the scandal which happened twenty fifteen you know the allegations of a state sponsored doping system that's very severe obviously entailing very severe punishment because a lot of athletes have been banned the agency disbanded a list of criteria naming thirty one things that were sought to have to do in order to be considered for reinstatement as until this week twenty nine of them have been
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completed now only two remained and according to the today statement it's out of the way as well but again it's too early to say whether you know the russian sports ministry is uncorking its champagne tonight. so look this departed i'm joined in the studio now by director of the russian state social university college and more importantly host of capital sports on couple of alamo joins me again we we often have the chance to chat when big sports stories come about this is a big one it's been dragging on for years now kind of reaching a point now maybe it will make some progress to think that when they have this meeting in seychelles i believe very glamorous that risotto will be reinstated or not because there's a lot of conflicting information out there you know it's funny that it is in the seychelles because the biggest complaint for all these anti doping agencies especially water is that they lack the forms to do things but they are able to pick the seychelles i wouldn't mind going there to socials for an annual meeting though
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it's you know as i said it is almost too early to say however we do know that russia has completed as much as possible and far more than our new order doping agency in the history of water have been able to do and achieve so in all fairness they should be reinstated should be brought back into the family and given an opportunity to prove themselves however i think politics more yes play a bit of a role but then again the i.o.c. the international committee our own saw it in so far as i they want to see sport progress and by exclusion of segregation only drag sport down into a very very dark place here just trying to think of what it a comparison would be i'm thinking you know like having the champions league with barcelona or real madrid you've got one of the big hitters missing from international competition resolve to say that you know they've done everything they
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needed to do in their opinion if that isn't the case what more could be done. we're just seeing is we were speaking with renee or unsurely who was the head of jamaica . basically was forced out of the new dorp in for pointing out the flaw. was in the system in jamaica. she was saying that the biggest problem that began here was when you cut the u.k. out to doping came in to clean up i mean which is kind of a bit funny given what's going on new cables. they fired a lot of very good people people who were whistleblowers people who were standing up against her and his criminal group inc so it's kind of you know they've been trying to do their very very best with very limited resources they have been improving so much there is a great education system no place for your motion honestly it's there are still an awful lot of nasty people involved knocking around the place however day are being
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minimized and marginal laws so they have done as much as they can on till now and so do need to be given a bit of like one hundred friendship to be brought back into the farm say look let's all try to work together to improve this not to be further stigmatized isolated. mainstream media have been saying that it's a fait accompli they say this in documents as a result it won't be reinstated if if that's the case is there really much point going ahead with this meeting would it be better to be more discreet rather than make this what seemingly will be a bit of a circus if they are out again. with the thing with the mainstream media we saw was it last week was this op ed this secret insider kind of a secret footballer piece in the new york times and you know god knows who wrote after who was behind it we saw as well before the last olympics where were the daily mail coffee commits of russia we banned completely not a cigarette will take part in olympic games which of course was
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a law and there are all these manipulations being put out to try and force the high force things into the open and basically to play politics with as well and also sell advertising that's less let's be honest worse. yet it would be nice to push it back a little bit to basically say look this is going to happen not going to happen because i think ultimately it's just a great manipulation going on and they're playing on the emotions of money people who really want to see clean sport and of course when you have a lot of these people in mourning along with us to try and you know to force russia to make for clean it it's really muddying the water so yeah i think the mainstream media need to be a little bit fairer in their games. for us to be reinstated would be a quote a catastrophe for clean sport that's according to the u.k. anti doping authorities is a strong one is it a fair one does it surprise you that people of taken such strong stances and taken sides so clearly you know because people in glass houses love to troll stones so if
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we look at say usada the u.s. anti doping when you know williams who course you know how to a kind of very very strange meltdown in her current form last weekend. when she came home and was due to be tested she phoned the. chairman who didn't phoned your solder who basically told we're not going to test it out so let's go that's one case there is a new car that we have you chaos leads going away to to train in on testable places in ethiopia and kenya come back and winning you know world titles and the big medals we have premier league football teams like man city west disappearing you know being present for tests this is all under you cards so i think for people within that system within the u.k. with the new card they need to sort of look a little bit closer to home they are very royce to look for
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a clean sport what they need to start of home because the russians it doesn't matter what happens new k. or in the usa or in our land. russia has been trying to clean up its own house i think if we all did that and helped each other out and were a bit more understanding i think that we would finally maybe get to something that . might be called clean support. thanks for your insights alan moore host of capital sports on capital f.m. here in moscow thank you. on another huge story from the week murderess having a holiday from holland only strengthening the case against the not just a taste of the response that greeted artie's interview with the two russians who were accused of carrying out the nerve agent poisoning in the u.k. city of salzburg russia's foreign minister spoke on the issue for the first time since our exclusive during a joint news conference with his german counterpart here's what they had to say. you know if she on the ship all our official requests received just formal notes
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and even simply spoken responses boiling down to your guilty all we need from you is to explain whether it was an order or an accident used to maintain discussion on such a level is pointless we are still ready for serious dialogue based on the rule of international law but not on the principle they call highly likely to have informants when we got the information on the screwball case from the u.k. and we have no doubts about it but are also interested in an investigation of what's happened is everybody is ready to exchange information on the issue to clear up the situation nothing more than prevent an investigation. interview even spar reaction from the former british foreign secretary and reportedly a contender for next prime minister boris johnson but you know you see the you see what's happening now with these could two characters produced in this city to recoup way by putin oh no russian t.v. asked these ludicrous questions making
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a mockery of the whole thing and it really makes my blood boil typically boris response really you hear him using vivid language about his blood boiling and he said that alexander patrol found respond to share the on the murderers and that they're welcome to see him in court if they want to challenge that fact and he also spoke of his work as foreign secretary saying that he holds the kremlin in absolute contempt and that he may do what he called the caustic mistake of trying to engage with moscow take a listen to what he had to say i made the classic classic mistake of thinking it was possible to have a reset with russia and. then it just became clearer and clearer to me that that was the food was there and so when he was foreign secretary as top tip . it was his job to represent the country to travel and he called himself
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a committed rasa file back in twenty seventeen it was his job to meet up with his russian counterpart sergey lavrov now however when he happens to be speaking in washington he says he regrets it all very much and it was a fool errand and to quote something he once said about his own views in europe his view on russia appears to have veered like a supermarket trolley as well so quite an extreme reaction from the former foreign secretary why does the view of a former cabinet minister even matter well he is widely tipped by the bookmakers to be potentially the next conservative leader so clearly his views are getting a lot of air time also the current leader to resume a prime minister her spokespersons rubbish the interview that alexander the
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trough and did with r t saying that the account provided by the two alleged attackers is an insult to the public's intelligence and outright lies so downing street wasn't having any of it but most foreign ministry spokesperson maria zahar of earth was unimpressed with downing street's response she came out yesterday questioning why london immediately dismissed petrol for the sheriff's account forty minutes after that interview was first ad and the latest development from moscow comes from dmitri peskov the spokesperson for the russian president vladimir putin he said that russia would consider any request to interview the men from the u.k. in accordance with russian law but moscow is yet to receive such a request from london to the two suspects accused by british authorities of
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poisoning form of the bludgeon so your script came forward. and spoke to ortiz editor in chief margarita simonyan they denied any involvement in the incident. we was the new to me and i've been to live one you called me on my cell phone and told me that you are a slumber and the looks on the floor at all. if you really look like the pictures shown to us by the u.k. doesn't mean that if. you're with us on why you. we are those who are shown to you in the pictures. and i would say hundred per throw at the russians are those your real names national yes they are real names now doesn't it just got them even now when you are talking about it to tell you the truth you look very nervous on them. what would you look like or when your life is turned upside down in a moment in just one day and changed our lives. what do you work for the g.r.u.
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at work and you meet and you and i don't either but no one accuses me of working for the gerry he was there but you are being accused of that your colleagues accuse us of that by your colleagues you mean journalists you are being accused by u.k. authorities and yes that's the scariest thing where do you work if you are adults you need to make a living if we tell you about it our business people we work with will be affected tell me anything so that we believe you when everyone has questions what do you do to cut a long story short we're in the fitness industry. or things editor in chief said she didn't give her own view on purpose preferring to leave it to the viewers to decide whether or not to believe them or is what she had to say following the interview. i knew they were nervous and sweating a lot i had to turn up the air conditioning a lot higher than usual and still they were sweating and wiping their foreheads which obviously happens when people are nervous they could be
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a lot of reasons for it i understand this was the first interview in their lives but they could have been nervous for other reasons as well that's also possible they refused to show their i.d.'s on camera because they didn't want to be pursued and identified further but they showed them to me that i did not run a polygraph on them as a journalist i believe what they see i saw those were the people i saw their i.d.'s and that they feed the photos and videos what was going through their minds and whether they were speaking the truth it's hard to say former british diplomat craig murray says the immediate rejection of the suspects story is a concern. some of the things which were being said they widely in the u.k. plea by the media to be implausible are in fact not implausible it turns out that it is absolutely true that stonehenge was closed by snow on the barge so the idea that they went there on the third of march from seoul's blue city center snowed under and stonehenge closed and came back and tried to convey next day is perfectly
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possible those were the weather conditions on the day i found the straightforward rejection of the story by the british of art is very troubling indeed given that this is meant to be a criminal case and this is meant to be. a possible trial and where you know potential defendants have outlined very defense and the government is immediately said that's a ridiculous and it's an insult to make that defense that's not how you'd behave in a democracy in criminal cases these t.v. footage isn't isn't hard evidence of anything except to people walking around souls because that's all it shows plainly of a british government pre-determined this investigation on day one the day after the attack the scope of attack happened basted up in parliament and said russian government to done it and they've been trying ever since then to fix the evidence. around that conclusion which is not the way an investigation should be done.
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new pictures released by the us army appear to inadvertently expose a much larger french military role in syria than previously was thought french army vehicle can be seen in the background of a photo from dairies or where the u.s. is fighting what's left of islamic state terrorists in the area the picture though was quickly deleted it's another deal with details. well we know that the u.s. army released this photograph on wednesday to show its special operation joint task force on the ground in syria in this particular region. but what the egalite members of the public clearly spot is a french military vehicle in the background now people have said they sure that it's a french military vehicle because this particular type of vehicle is only used by french and saudi arabian forces and saudi arabian forces are not on the ground in this particular region now what it showed is that military vehicle in the background of what's really interesting about this is that the french government
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the french military has never acknowledged that it has french troops on the ground in this particular area of syria now we do know that this area is where the u.s. backed fighters have been battling against the hardest and we also know that france has been part of a u.s. led coalition which has been cut. operations over syrian air space over the last three years but in particular it's been aiding forces on the ground as they fight against isis forces now and we know that france has pledged in the past full support to syrian kurds on the ground the president should the syrian democratic forces and the french support in particular for the stabilization of the security zone in the north east of syria within the framework of an inclusive and balanced governance to prevent any resurgence of i saw it while seeking for
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a political solution to the syrian conflict well that support from the french military has been vegas to water actually means and what the context of that support actually is and there is actually a question of the legality of the french and the u.s. troops being in syria to all of course they do not turn off a u.n. mandate to be there and they do not have permission from the syrian government. to be that we also know that frances repeatedly warned that if it believes a chemical attack has taken place it will seek retribution and retaliation for such an attack on the syrian ground scenario with their troops seemingly absolutely on the ground in this area nobody has acknowledged previously perhaps france is raising an even bigger warning flag. the possibility of google's once again being called into question after a leaked video showed the company's executives expressing disappointment in twenty
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six to you know donald trump's election victory and he's done a quarter as the story google's always tried to maintain in a political front but recently tells a very different story and if true it outlines google's executives pick for president in the twenty sixteen presidential elections most people here are. pretty upset pretty sad for. you because of the election certainly find the selection deeply offensive. i know many of you do too this is none other than surrogate brin google's co-founder and if his assumption that every worker in the video was a clinton voter was upsetting it gets worse. that was the first moment i really felt like we were going to live and it was really being all it did feel like a ton of bricks dropped on my chest and that right there is the chief financial officer of google's parent company alphabet ruth poor at holding back tears at the
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thought of their election defeat but whose defeat exactly last time i checked google wasn't a wing of the democratic party nevertheless they seem to have a mutual understanding on why trump won zina phobia hatred and a desire for answers that mean it may not be there here we have senior vice president for global affairs tend to walker looks like despite google's claim to objectivity walker's got some pretty partisan views on american politics but google maintains those are personal views ones that don't affect their product. to the rise of fascism and also to the communist revolution i think it's worth be very vigilant in thinking about all these issues what can we do to to you. maybe a better quality of governance decision making and so forth solid explanation of ideologies that shaped the twenty first century survey but fair enough google is looking for ways to make the world better but that hasn't stopped the flow of
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accusations that their strategy is politically biased like that time google removed a pro-life singers music video on you tube. i had no. and you tube's move to hit popular users before conservative users especially. is draining the time it is going to be both in the making a movie. but there are some at google who don't agree with the company's liberal leanings james to moore a conservative engineer wrote a memo just a memo to highlight potential bias in google's policy and he was fired for it google has several biases a new discussion about these biases is being silenced by the dominant ideology what
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follows is by no means the complete story but it's a perspective that desperately needs to be told that google google has always claimed its hands work lean when it came to political bias hate speech or other inappropriate content the company always claimed it had its reasons but with insight into what the top brass at google is apparently thinking perhaps it's time for a better understanding of what bias really means quarter r.t. . founder of the walkaway campaign brendan struck a found himself from facebook this week came after he announced an interview with the controversial info was media platform that was lifted you have to walk away a viral campaign on facebook encouraging liberal americans to leave the democratic party movement evolves over one hundred eighty thousand members from the strike a total to the suspension devastated is ability to reach his audience. to lose my
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platform that way is devastating and essentially i think that what they are trying to do is to sabotage the walkway march on washington using this info wars word as the catalyst to do it why should i be banned from using my social media platform for using the word info wars i wasn't even state i wasn't stating an opinion i wasn't being controversial i wasn't being provocative i was literally alerting the members of my group that i was about to do an interview on a website. and it was a sign hosted by alex jones more than one and a half million views on you cheap the platform was repeatedly criticized for promoting conspiracy theories and especially using hate rhetoric a little trump has previously expressed support for jones and his platform yet leading social networks ban jones and his outlet for violating the policies twitter
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recently announced that he was being bound person i think that based book is using its policies completely inconsistently because these bans and blocks and suppression only seem to affect people on the right they seem to only affect conservatives they never seem to have any impact on liberals or people on the left i never see them getting banned or suppressed it's time for action and to push for freedom of speech i mean this is what this is really about with their suppressing free speech. he has requested comments from facebook about why brandon struck his account was bombed you know what they say if we get a response. finally this hour russia's largest military drills for a decade.


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