tv Redacted Tonight RT September 15, 2018 2:30am-2:53am EDT
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about step four we have to greatly alter the amount we waste in this society not only does it destroy resources and create pollution but consuming as much as we do it uses a tremendous amount of fossil fuels creating green how good greenhouse gases now recycling luckily has become part of our daily lives in most countries where the garbage cans in the recycling bins are at the garbage cans are filled with old food containers used to shoes dead in turns out stuff to recycle. the recycling bins have the stuff that can be re-used you know they often have the little specialty lids shaped the lids to sew to show you what is supposed to be deposited and and to make it exceedingly difficult to fit a dead in turn in there i mean i don't. i don't i don't think you could i don't know i like i mean if you want maybe feet first i would say start try feet first but. maybe if you don't want to like over stuff suitcase you know go to sat on it
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and i don't know in america we recycle tens of millions of tons of trash every year or do witty we stop making the toilet function oh we just stablished our society has functional toilets many people are trying to blame china for all this catastrophe but it's not their fault no where in the rules of the world does it say china has to be the planet's trash heap the blame for this is on us and our elected officials for creating a system that requires endless consumption but not creating a way to deal with that consumption. yet. every corporation wants to keep us buying they have no interest in things that last it's called planned obsolescence single use items for a single use planet pretty soon well have to throw away the earth and you know buy a new one i guess we're going to that point because they are. i mean we certainly
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are planning on recycling it anytime soon how do you defend entire earth in a little recycling when you can't even fit it get into and. i mean not that i would know i don't i mean. maybe if you like wrong it out first like i shall. yes we all need to stop using plastic bags and wraps according to the e.p.a. we use of are a billion day you also need to stop using plastic straw and plastic glass fluid they are in these days you need to really use your blow up dolls i can't stress that enough all right you do not throw them out after one day you don't all right just put a different pair of pants on them and change the name tag or something right good to go but doing all of that still won't be enough we have to change our system as a whole however that argument doesn't always win people over change the system think some people want to make everything about jobs dull but i will finally make
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it about jobs by them and says recycling is a job creator recycling creates up to seven times more jobs per ton than landfilling there you go and switching to sustainable energy also creates a lot more jobs than pipelines plus you'd have fewer dead workers if the planet continues to be livable so ok. we'll see how that word stunnel trump or should i direct this to obama who laid more oil pipeline than any president before him and. moving to green energy and recycling creates jobs because the workers will still be alive studies show that workers prefer being alive by almost seventy one percent. yet continuing on the path we're on for another three thousand seven hundred seventy seven days will will mean no more jobs because all people will die i don't think i could make this any simpler if i explained it with finger puppets doing some so. musical number i think
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that's about the level i'm getting to come in even was it easy the other way as. well don't. welcome i'm late can't now take the news from behind this whole segment is about creating the society society we want right now because the bought off lawmakers we don't have time. to wait for them anymore you know let them sit up there in the ivory towers bickering about how high to build the border wall or how to how to declare a golden bust of napoleon as a dependent on your tax return or how to extract the wishes from the child at the wishing well or how to convince her to give it to the third mistress that only the
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second mistress and above get palimony ok well let them let them do rich people stuff while they're doing that we have to create this aside we want without them here a couple examples in idaho they made it illegal for the homeless to sleep in public so the homeless stood up and said screw you i'll go to sleep wherever i damn well. should be the way and god damn priests i he works i mean wire why make them off the perch it is asleep like on the hood of your car like in your shower or something what do you care you know you you clearly don't give a shit about homeless people so why should you care what state of consciousness they're in. if you hate them so much when you want them asleep oh no i despise lazy homeless been able so i want them bright eyed and bushy tailed up in my face. a whole new red bull right there. i mean if i think of
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a type of people i hate. hate fund managers i want them to sleep as much as possible. when there is sleep there was a coup in the world i want them down on the ground like they downed a bottle ambien i don't the only way they were said fund manager is a wake hedge fund manager. anyway my point is the lawmakers aren't going to repeal the law so the homeless along with some help sued the state and the court last week affirm the right of homeless people to not be punished for sleeping with a. guy a so i say i say to celebrate let's have a sleep in all right down to the people show up to the capitol building in idaho and we sleep together. and then. i mean sleep together i meant to say we have sex with the. point is.
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be a celebration. don't wait around for the corrupt the law makers change things now in san francisco activists are tackling several problems at once environmental destruction the high cost of health food the hungry the poor they're doing it by guerrilla drafting adding fruit bearing branches to trees in san francisco. bay yet these guys because many many plants can be grafted together so that the branch of a different species can grow off of another tree these activists are just adding you know pears and apples and stuff to whatever bowls trees the city has put down town so anybody just walk around grab a fresh piece of fruit off a branch you know good for biodiversity then animals have blogs and stuff to get their party on these activities are basically adding something beautiful to a polluted cement jungle right. yes. there was.
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one day yes i wish you could do this for things other than plants i wish you could like secretly graft a compassionate empathetic arm on to donald trump. brothers. while there are sign in pipeline approvals the arms behind them ripping up the contract given out visas to emigrate handing the keys to air force one to a homeless guy have a good or take some homophobic lawmaker like mike pence you graph to get a hand on his bad. news if he's an a christian prayer dinner doesn't even know that the army has given out loving to the waiters you know. it was better that way. but is don't wait around for the corrupt lawmakers change things now. finally let's squeeze in some stories with
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never time. told john boehner gave a speech on behalf of the trump administration saying the international criminal court which prosecute war criminals is already dead us sources are now saying it will be buried in a mass grave along with reason logic humility and compassion. and finally on this show in the past i've covered the north carolina hawg farm goons of feces from the factory farming well it seems very possible that hurricane florence could grab up those lagoons of and deposit on the faces of north carolinians. and you thought climate change is just going to make it a little hotter outside it's actually making it she. would a rollei oh my god it's a real cane i thought i was just in fairy tales really it was a way to go quick break but i have live comedy shows coming up in los angeles santa
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cruz san francisco and i'm opening for the band the boys in houston texas go to redacted tor dot com. well thank you yes there are. just as a special survival guide. when customers go by you're just. didn't know well reduces. that's undercutting but what's good for food markets is not good for the global economy. prosecution will need to become almost. a full design. where you push. the threat of fines. by the number one
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perceived to i mean yeah i mean i mean political pressure on the. gold to unearth her security jenna's she knows what the bundled up business models he was by american corporations dad is sold on could be mental disease as you. see controls on the scene and the solution. lies up in association with the potato. noodle can he sell some dollars it is just some really really came to an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. two suits. do not have five hundred dollars he loses he. has. no value proposition doesn't have money and. maintaining such crossed areas around the
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room why why did you change your policies and do something that is good for the lakers. and good in the long run. yes welcome back. to the giant credit reporting agency equifax as you may recall year ago it came out the due to negligence they let everybody's social security number and other personal data get stolen by hackers but to be fair it wasn't everybody's it was just a hundred and forty eight million americans. no biggie so come to a year later has equifax been held accountable have new regulations been put in place are consumers being protected what exactly is kimchi all right i do not know they answer these questions all of these questions and more i like to bring in
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senior life hacker john of a da. da what i am to him she is a traditional korean spicy pickled cabbage dish rich in vitamins a b. and c. it can be an acquired taste but it's delicious. thanks for clearing that up the answer to that yes you could actually hear that i do not share that here at the answers to the act of facts being honest ok i have been punished in any way. sure i mean i see no enforcement actions taken against them by the government they paid out zero dollars to the millions of americans they put at risk and all legislative initiatives to create standards for data security of stalled put. how how how so well their stock. has recovered by almost ninety percent above but it's still around ten dollars below its pre reach peak that scout is
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staying and the company has recorded profits of two hundred thirty six million dollars a far this year but second quarter earnings were down twelve percent that to her. no no. john this company put half of the population at greater risk of identity theft for the rest of their lives equifax should be out of business not on pace to probably post a record annual profit next year whatever i whatever i mean next you're going to tell me that regardless of the breach it's insane that just a few companies like equifax schadler you control the entire system a consumer credit. they're like lord gatekeeper that cynically determine who gets access to a new ouse or a new car or a vintage top what's big of oprah from one nine hundred seventy four that could have clearly been financed easily. yeah well maybe not the specific part at the end but yeah these credit rating agencies have acquired all
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this personal information on us and then they reap the profits by selling it to banks and other businesses people should understand we are not equifax is customer we are their product i mean yours start is that a lot like elizabeth i like to theatrically cuss out c.e.o.'s more than i love my children warren. i believe we have a clip from last october from twenty thirty until today equifax has disclosed at least four separate hacks in which compromise sensitive personal data in those four years has equifax is profit gone up. yes not cool i mean that guy looked terrified. i do sympathy for him also why you bending over backwards to be such
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a politician for equifax because there's a simple solution everybody can take to protect themselves from identity theft i did it a long time ago it just four simple words tank your credit horrendously that's all let me provide a simple visual ok my mouth here represents an identity thief and i'm now this cherry tomato right here this represents my brother mike and his perfect credit score of eight hundred fifty and he brags about all the time on our leisure i got a great big swathe and now did. you ever have a. choice to invest heavily in a c three themed restaurant. now you really want adventure on. prefer a. jumbo down. now
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we're going to turn this task we got from one corrupt corporation to a bunch of others these belong to the genre known as the meat industry and they will do anything to make sure you don't get into replacing me with vegetables although i think john just kept everyone off veggies for the next several months more on this we're going to through now in a gale. this is unofficial nickname is the show me state meant to reflect the skepticism of its residents so when this visit i want someone to show me the residents who apparently can't tell the difference between this this and. because according to the state lawmakers telling these apart isn't as hard as figuring out the difference between honey smacks and golden crisps but outgoing missouri governor eric greitens must
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the thought his residents were especially stupid after he recently approved a law that said land based products like tofurkey can't be labeled with the splendor such as ground beef style without incurring financial penalties to a year's worth of jail time because for some reason the name tofurkey didn't give it away i mean perhaps we should simplify it moral of products like i can't believe it's not chicken or. queen of beef. along comes at a time when plant based meat substitutes are enjoying a boost in popularity there's been a roughly fifty percent growth in us non meat eaters in the past decade but proponents of the missouri law may believe the national cattlemen's beef association say that this label change is about friends had consumers take me and
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misleading labels on products that do not contain real b. if we're going to talk about misleading labels let's talk about all the ones we might find on our meat and dairy products but merican humane certified seal the nonprofit american humane sort of buys over one million animals. and while its name implies they were treated as well as the farm animals on a little golden book cover the p.c. a doesn't recommend american humane certified to consumers primarily because the program doesn't require one hundred percent of its standards to be met when an auditor visits the farm and american humane standards could have been particularly high given that in twenty fifteen the humane certified foster farms chicken company was investigated for abusing and torturing live chickens. that is some meaty irony it's also
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a way to render your label as useless as the nutrition facts on a carnival but ok. the point of having words like midi or burger is to describe what these products imitate well the point of having humane certified and cage free labels is to make you the consumer feel slightly better about animals that are literally being braised to be murder. while making a profit off of your ignorance this law shows that not only fear is competition but also fear is what we already know that the more americans realize that we don't treat livestock with dignity in this country. though it could be worse we could live in kuwait where they take food deception to all whole other level supermarket in kuwait has been shut down after a fishy practice authorities say the market was guilty of putting google lay eyes
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on fish to make them look fresh. on so many levels. well mostly because they copied off of me and like not having any parents to really trust was obviously hard like i had to grow up so quickly and they were both so emotionally abusive and so i feel like when i get into relationships i end up being like really abusive to them because i don't like them on the defense i don't want them to explain to me i'm like honestly think they're listening i don't really feel like i can talk to anyone else and you're my best friend reporting from missouri. redacted so i. very i learned from the future in october. my body told me that you are belong with the board but my thoughts my mind was that along with the girls.
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i was drawn to the surgery starts to be of any particular. form of what. doctor. i was born a male had a sex change when i was thirty years old. i've now been living as a woman for twenty eight years and i fully regret this. problem should have gone away from by now but they hadn't so these surgeries are nothing more than plastic surgery i've had several female to male friends and you look at it and you just go god you paid for that it's horrible nobody can change genders it's impossible. is delusional it's a mental illness. this is now one of mine bones from flesh of my flesh shall be called woman for she was taken.
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from. the world anti-doping watch dog says it will discuss reinstating the russian antti doping agency is a member i thought it was suspended in twenty fifteen amid claims of state sponsored cheating. more than half of french people polled say the u.s. is no longer a trusted ally just as president mcclaren prepares to cozy up to triumph once more ahead as in an official visit. to the world's biggest women empowerment program by usa id and afghanistan turned.
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