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tv   Going Underground  RT  September 17, 2018 2:30am-2:57am EDT

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parliamentary group on gosh we're lord ahmed boredom and thank you for coming on before we get to the events in kashmir and things are moving fast there. your comment about prime minister trays i'm a saying that just appearing on this program risks being a propaganda to mourn loving me a putins why does a head i don't think that that's a very good representation of british values which is freedom of press is very important and to have that different view i mean he reappeared on iranian press t.v. as as the leader of the opposition and she also called the that that's banned in this country so i think treason is actually trying to divert attention from bragg's it and all the disputes within her own party and it's always easy to have a go at russia and also you know in the olden days it was russia now it's iran be china lots of other things let's go on to kashmir then john ball national security
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advisor saying the i.c.c. is dead to the united states it's been dead to india for a long time do you suspect that the reason india does want to cooperate with the international criminal court in the room sajid's has something to do with your area of interest kashmir i.c.c. is a very important. tool actually to deter some of these oppressive regimes like india saw all the abuses of human rights in indian occupied kashmir those people who are killed women who are raped i'm not saying this amnesty international physicians for human rights watch and now you'll have the un human rights commission as reported in the new emission but she didn't exactly call it out she said she wanted u.n. people to go and investigate what you're alleging saying that there's been no meaningful improvements no open or serious discussions with the modi government that following this report which was discussed. actually produced
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by the human rights human rights commissioner and the not only just criticized india but there is some criticism in pakistan side of us i'd question it as well but there are a lot of abuses of human rights systematic sort of torturing of people and also using pellet guns rape as an instrument to silence people disappearance thinking counters it was a bit of history and these are two commonwealth nuclear armed country is mr modi clearly says there are terrorists in kashmir there are allied to islam is forces and there are terrorists like is the mists that are in syria don't forget more the was banned from united states and united kingdom before he got elected as prime minister because he has blood on his hands of what he did it in good heart so let's put that on side because hindu hume do extremists are assess and shift and all
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those organizations that actually want to kill all the minorities and they want to revert them back to hindu ism here they are the world's largest democracy the jury's still out as you well he was elected in the largest election ever saw was hitler saw it it was also democratically elected made it clear that he doesn't want to rule in the only sectarian basis whatsoever he says that but then if you look at his policies then you will understand very different because he supports r.s.s. r.s.s. the same people who are actually killed now he's praising gandhi are assess what the people who are actually killed gandhi they are the ones who want to convert sikhs christians muslims buddhists everyone to hinduism because they want to create india and they also want to take pakistan back and bangladesh and the great indian world over things like that even from the congress party in delhi. but again he
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says it isn't pakistan's u.n. ambassador claim that the kashmir issue is comparable to the illegal occupation of palestine by the british back israeli government has it really of the scale we're talking about when it comes to the illegal occupation of palestine i would say it's even worse you know palestinians there are going through very very difficult time and i've been to gaza and i support palestinians all the time at every occasion but kashmiri you know palestinians have representation actually arab league and arab countries or you see and many other countries around the world have been supporting palestinians i mentioned that to yasser arafat once that he didn't support the kashmiri cause unfortunately for kashmiris or only pakistan or pakistani people have been supporting the people now that the abusers of human rights and i want to say thank you to russia today because russia gnaws.
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india has now started shifting its policy towards united states iriver into mad dog matters maybe it's linked to as for hundreds now they're not wanted to buy because americans are offering bed to deal to the basically india is jim of as a consequence the emerging partner of the troubled ministration what well because of china because of russia china and also russian policy internationally but i think more importantly the americans want to use the indians for defense purposes and that's why they want to supply defenseman quitman and also produce defense equipment in india you see i don't think that russia or any other country by supporting kashmir is doing anything wrong or do not need to be feeling guilty because this is a un. body for god's sake this is an international body supported by the united
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nations the secretary general says that he supports the last high commissioner and all saw this new commissioners saw their statements represent the body of united nations views and so where there are abuses of human rights where people are being killed tortured abducted all they are saying is that kashmiri people deserve the same rights as everyone else and according to the united nations resolutions of one thousand nine hundred eighteen forty nine they should be given free fair and impartial plebiscite to decide their own future now i know you can say well that having elections elections all for november elections are for administration purposes you see elections we've been having in scotland and in wales for decades if not centuries but that wasn't the substitute for the referendum they've
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got to have their own assemblies so they can rule and they can govern their own referendum recently they want to break away from the united kingdom so the plebiscite promised by the united nations security council is a promise that they can have their free kashmir independent from india a independent from oppression independent from killing and rape on daily basis which exactly what the un human rights report says ok well of delhi as a said would know that but moscow and delhi say they have very good relations indeed or least through the brics summit you said that if pakistan alone fighting the corner of international law de facto but china. is pakistan's back always has traditionally in the old sense of russia used to back india what's china saying about kashmir i think chinese have been sympathetic with the kashmir cause and you
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can see from the last two or three years i in fact many years ago when i when i was appointed in the house of lords i went to see the chinese ambassador to talk about the five thousand square miles of yours which were gifted to china in one thousand nine hundred sixty six when they had a war with india the chinese actually issued a statement in back about eighteen nineteen years ago and said if kashmir can get right of self-determination from india and they can be a free country we are prepared to give them their land back now i know you are going to be meeting with his new leader imran khan what do you make of him saying taking two steps forward if india took one step or does he mean by that i think he is. as a leader he is offering peace and what he's saying is that both india and pakistan should spend money on eradication of poverty on economic development on
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peace rather than building up to war and also tension on the line of control and working boundaries cusiter the line of control because really nato is worrying about this nuclear on line of control that we have a war on terror we have a war against islam ism and this and your a promotion of human rights in kashmir as you see it is somewhere promoting islam is absolute nonsense because the people don't have any of religious agenda they have one agenda right of self-determination a lot of them are nationalists a lot of them want to be able to govern themselves they don't want occupational forces that will say that all christians hindus jews no no no they are majority muslim. and where there are where there are hindus and buddhists. there is no tension there toward just briefly roger saying the home minister in the movie government has been saying of this month that drones will be part of the campaign
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against terrorism in kashmir you are of cause. you were to give drone warfare by nato nations what do you make of i deeply worried because already the rogue army has been killing people so if they are using drawings i fear they will use cameras and then they will use guns and they will use missiles sort i think the end up you know when india says that kashmir is part of india why do they need to use drones you normally use drawings for enemy of another country another country which is an enemy so you can shoot them down you don't do it against you do we see any drawings in northern ireland or whales or scotland or anywhere else i mean the americans don't do it europeans don't do it and i had my guess is that russians don't use it india wants to use it because india north it's illegally
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occupying this land and people resist they don't resist with arms they resist by going on streets and shouting these are young people from students from colleges and schools who do it on regular basis the nominee thank you. after the break amid revelations that the windrush scandalous calls home discussed what would you came home secretary subject job its lessons learned review actually achieved we'll ask in the house photographer of the british black fans as he will ken look if the u.k. has always been a hostile environment for the black community well the simple going overbought to it going underground. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some will want to press. you to go right to the press was like that before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters and how. things should. look. if they were just on. my side i said i just wanted to go. in. there a little belittling. i mean and the human mind mission was but then i. looked . it up you got. someone out of the modern i don't want to bring up
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about. something that really. mr needs. a phone company does went. out of a shuffle stem and we have been down on the. field a little warmth and you know what. seven or more. shot idea each side on this i'll open the. welcome back you get home secretary charge a job to do in the past few days has proposed extending the powers of stop and search is continuing his windrush roadshow this month as part of to raise amaze lessons learned review the aim is to gather personal accounts of those affected by the u.k. prime minister's hostile environment policy to prevent future deportations of black britons to the caribbean well someone who is arguably unparalleled experience
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documenting the experiences of the windrush generation is neil can walk he was the in-house photographer for the british black panthers and spent decades taking photos of those affected by hostile environments an exhibition of his work expectations is now on display at the black cultural archive in windrush square in brixton south london going underground went there to speak with him neal amazing photographs let's just start about what you think of the event that's going on down here if absolutely thank you for coming in to princeton i'm here with these images . very close to my art. they inspire me you know they made. a record of the community. tell the true story of how you know we settled. in britain well lots of these pictures
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really wouldn't be recognizable in one thousand nine hundred. gallery's tell me about first of all people know the us black panther movement tell me about the british black panther movement that is chronicled here years of. rock on the they were like educational. they were like the american no walk around with guns and all that it was just to inspire katy that educated community i mean it was a great education for me the working class boy brought up in brixton we believed that we couldn't go beyond a certain point by point a movement that you can they you know they're not teach us about we gave and how we understand the system. because before that i didn't understand capitalism socialism and all that sort of stuff but the block and the movement will give us that sort of strength and energy
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that we could not look at somebody and say no you're not doing it right you know this is how it should be you know we understood socialism and capitalism and and how to approach you know people tell me about the photograph of george barry the first black and bricks together jointly i would like a iconic man who. would very serious about the business of the owner pub in brixton and he spent a fortune or innovate in. the pub he went home to sleep on one night and return the next day where the pub was totally burnt out gutted it was devastated and invited me to look at that and this was a racist attack yeah absolutely it was the national front of the time that
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did think did not work wasn't just his problem it was also other building on religion road and also the graffiti imbalance. that would also. damage through the national front went around london it went to thought mitchum by lim stratton everywhere and the idea was to create this all style environment so that we would go back which is all nonsense the country we work with we slaved for this country nobody apologize and now nobody you know decided to compensate of those terrible times when i first came there were bombs fighter where you know and you know even my own crew my father. my own my relative they work hard to build the country but because other say two million british man died in the war and there weren't enough labor power in this country so we were called in a second time and we did our job worked out and it's just unfair for us to be
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repatriated back to the caribbean sitting down looking at the sun dock not right appearing to mislead a government committee lost the home secretary amber rather her job here in this country words you're feeling the theresa may know as a lessons learned review into the handling of the wholesale deportation of black britons you know what i think is unfortunate i'm sure she may have looked at it and decide to take a different route and that route should. hear that road should be to educate. our community and to create jobs and to give opportunity. to young people that mike and young people see where that leads to the present conservatism sector is deserving of. a rude shoe to hear from people affected by the the deportations policy well that's
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a good start but what we need to do we need to see fear of ten feet of opportunity for us you know business people i think be the key part of it when they need to make sure that young boy boy for the educated and group could not put unity for the future because that's a real problem you know a community you know they feel defeated disenfranchised so they need support government need to look at that and see how. they could help push the community forward so i think the government need to work harder on education education the key we need to make sure that our community get better education. i know with a tough one but i think what is really needed better education opportunity for jobs . for development and so for as he will continue to be like this will continue
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unless government step in and do more she said the british black panthers told you about capitalism socialism is this big movement jimmy cliff was on this show a while back it was couldn't hide is just changed over prime minister david cameron and there's always a political angle in this photograph. i don't think what i would trying to do is to document something that people could see and it could inspire younger people and i think that was really one of my main aims to say look you know can look through this photo but you can do better so i wanted them to do things better than me and i know dick. than. anything the inspiration for all these images that take the inspiration to the young people but it was do better than me i don't know whether it's turning back to the seventy's but it's that's being blamed by black people as being blamed for a crime that the government saying that they should ban and music
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and that's to blame for crime would would you think of well i don't think that's sensible you know and because they'll get it anyway i mean you had a very successful community radio station which went to taken over by corporate as it were would you be playing drill music i don't think so. but what what we did was to give access. to things of artists. to. promotion of the culture of music and we took. like nineteen coaches to great yarmouth because many inner city people have never been to the seaside so we in our time of choice that we take and they were really excited about going out of london and seen what they see look like you know the thing that we used to do apart from promoting. the job
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and development. born is broke saying that he might return to brew gusting after the success of choice. i would love to help young people to be broadcast i think is a great weapon regular fantastic weapon to promote ideas rated the path immediately moved very quickly much faster than television you know you could say something on the radio and food in no time there were about it the radio is good and i think the government should look close into the black community and give them their share of the spectrum the broadcast and spectrum you know we don't have a the pushchair we don't have proper commercial radio like in america and of the country we don't have that opportunity you know to play a music to talk about news to divert them from crime you know we haven't got the
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opportunity and i think the government should do something about that. thank you. radio pioneer and british black panther photographer neil can look speaking to be there in brixton if you're in london and want to go to the exhibition expectations is running at the black cultural archive there until the twenty eighth of september that's it for the show will be back on wednesday with results from a report petition it could lead to one down the drains a base to factor in government deal that he would advise or should we do with your wednesday the birthday of renowned educator part of prayer whose ideas would inspire liberation movements against western imperialism all around the world. it's hard to imagine decades after the war a nazi doctor was still active rich in the nineteen seventies crittle had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at auschwitz
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a german company grown untold developed solidified a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything but all you know she said is just cut short arms minix of it in mind victims have to this day they received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering their not only want the money i want the revenge. two thirds of american households do not have five hundred dollars emergency cash. as crazy. via population doesn't have money and you burning money maintaining thirteen aircraft carriers around the room why why don't you change your policies and do something that is good for the american. and good for america in the long
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run. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation and another by mike was hoping one of the board does not want the rise of god this is not the guns. into the sea it's just a proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that such a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under cyber threat and not only that. this is still the this is this is really. almost up to the suit who. will these does and i still. miss the old vision starts in the walls and stools the fun is up in these crowds
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and the fun. protests erupt in the libyan capital tripoli over the state of living conditions about limits seven here is the wall following before an intervention in the country . as the fossil for it live looms we speak to
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a syria based journalist about life just kilometers away from the front line the village has been pummeled by missiles from terrorists in the outskirts of a hard a just a few kilometers away and it's been on a daily basis.


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