tv Cross Talk RT September 17, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT
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environment in general when people who are white discuss the topic it's seen as inherently racist why not to don't every identity group have their space i'm sure it must have a positive agenda and goal to be approved the way i interpret it is that white people are being victimized by interacting with us. from mind to standing it's simply a space for white students to get woke and learn to dismantle dangerous social preconceptions they might have these on comfortable conversations but necessary for social progress the only home i see is that becoming a white affinity group we put this issue up for debate with political scientist antony about just right and social commentator antony pine logan. i think that i'm not sure why white people would need to feel safe on a college campus person i don't think that there are in any imminent danger and they certainly are in any more danger than say muslim students certainly students
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of color i think that as we heard from some of the students the poor execution you know the name of the group having to change from white to weight is an indication that they pretty much aren't very educated on the issues of racism in the first place personally i don't see anything wrong with evan a group that is one particular race or the has one particular race and it's i do you can so shape with whatever you want to associate with you can have a white group black group asian group and all these other groups exist there's never any kind of problem nobody says anything about and i see no organization on campus the black organization on campus and age an organization on campus but we have a white organization all of that is a problem either we have many groups there are no specific groups or we allow all of them yeah so so two things i mean i think we have to be clear and stating that first of all people of color especially black people can and cannot be racist ok
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because racism only if we change it is an racial prejudice there is no there's no debate as race racism is not something that you can just turn on its own off color anybody could be racist that that's not your you have to have power to be racist you have to have power black people don't have power most latin next people don't have power needed. american people don't have power now i want to deny that black and brown people can be big but that is different from racism racism is racial prejudice i mean it's power that according to say today you have to have power to be racist i mean when did i definition become the standard like i never seen it before is it exactly legalese i mean i think i don't think that like we can go by a dictionary that was written mainly by white people to for standard definition on an issue like racism as we saw in the scene not next of spike lee's movie when you look at that dictionary and just look at the definitions of white and black you can already see implicit bias and racial prejudice right right just in those two words
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that were in this particular group i think they they were more on the extreme liberal side they're trying to actually come together and help those so-called people of color people which is sort of a flyer and automatically get offended without taken a time to really understand what's going on and that's why he changed his name because i didn't want anybody to just think automatically oh we're some kind of racist hateful group and they're really on a side of the left i think this right here eggs an example of the left eating their own. the u.s. envoy has accused russia of violating sanctions against north korea and caylee's claims came at a meeting of the u.n. security council in new york the united states has evidence of consistent and wide ranging russian violations one russian vessel called the patriot was captured on film transferring refined petroleum to a north korean controlled vessel in april of this year that is un listed last month
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the independent panel of experts on the employment taishan of north korean sanctions submitted its bi annual report to the sanctions committee. the report contains evidence of multiple russian sanction violations we have seen and read this report but when the panel submitted the report to the security council last week we noticed something deeply troubling the evidence of russian violations that was detailed in the earlier report was missing. it had been removed from the open section of the report apparently russia threatened to prevent release of the report unless its demands to hide the evidence of its violations was met we then heard a response after these these series of allegations were made by the us representative nikki haley after she spoke and made all kinds of allegations against russia we heard
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a response from the representative of the russian federation now he proceeded to desex these allegations and claims and before he did that he pointed out that it was interesting that a meeting about north korea seemed to be turning into a meeting about russia. regarding the time which allegedly violates its think sions the expert group has concluded that it did not complete the claim that we pull to the report containing violations by russian companies is not true however these claims with the policy of maximum pressure on pyongyang which the u.s. is trying to take control of the u.n. security council have a feeling sometimes that the u.s. confuses the u.n. security council with its own u.s. national security council now the russian ambassador also criticized the united states for blocking railway connections between north and south korea saying about the start of the north korean i also should be a clinton as they move ahead to try and resolve the nuclear issue on the peninsula
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one thing that stood out in the remarks from the russian ambassador was that he pointed out that a lot of progress has been made he said just a year ago it seemed like the security council. was frequently meeting to discuss north korea but now we've seen a meeting between the head of state of the united states and the head of state of north korea meeting has taken place progress is being made and that that optimism should be the way this issue is being approached that a lot of progress is being made in the situation is moving ahead so quite an interesting meeting we've heard those allegations against russia from the united states and then we also heard the representative of russia responding and to sect in those allegations. but the more news after this short break.
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i'm sorry i said. there are other buildings go up. and they have a mission without him but then i. look. it up and i. don't want out of the modern i don't want to give up. something to eat. mr need to. own up on the. art of a shuffle stemming with. the more. you know but a little warmth and you know what.
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shall i do. this i don't have the. wooden bowl make this manufacturer come sentenced to public wells. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the crime and. we can all middle of the room six. million real new. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that doesn't like was hoping when the boy got thrown from one present. this. adama's got the gun to the. woods as the three that he got into the sea at
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the must also bribe them proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that a such a security risk when you have a black box operating good public good to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that to think off message put also get more on the net that's what we call self miscellaneous this sort of zip zero interest also the only one local all of them will fall into almost like the old mr the boy who was all of those with real police and all this in the arsenals that will be done with the old vision stopping the more sustainable homes a fund is up and describes on the fly and. join me every first week on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to get out of the world of politics all this less i'm sure both of us i'll see about.
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thirty's have charged a black woman in long island new york for making up a story about a trump related hate crime and well lewis told detectives fourteen just had confronted her she was driving home and that they yelled trump twenty sixteen before stating she didn't belong that it was also claimed after parking in front of a house that she awoke the next morning to find her car tires slashed and a note with the words go but police found lewis and fabricated the tale and even wrote the note herself there was no waits child for making a punishable folds written statement. but it's not the first such case of fake
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politically linked allegations november of two thousand and sixteen an eighteen year old muslim woman in louisiana admitted to police she lied when claiming that supporters removed her job and called her names political commentator steve malzberg thinks that the us media are giving people a reason to lie by pushing an image of trump as a racist i think the woman is influenced by what she hears and sees in the media the media portrays donald trump is a racist homophobe is enough for a big hit not see and i think that when you crave attention and you hear all these things naturally you're going to get attention and sympathy if you say oh oh you know this is true look what happened to me and by saying that for her trump supporters surrounded her told her to get out and then slashed her tires the next morning she had her ten seconds or fifteen minutes or whatever you want to look at it you have attention it's a narrative driven by the media that this is going to happen to you if you're black
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and if you're minority and if you're mexican if you're an immigrant or if you're gay this is you're going to be attacked that's what the media and the left is telling you and she just went with the flow. nearly fifteen hundred twenty migrant protesters took to the streets of the german city of curtain over the weekend the demo comes a week after a twenty two year old local man died a heart attack it's understood his death occurred shortly after a street brawl with afghan migrants sunday's miley was called by the anti migrant alternative for germany party in addition to the anti islam begin the movement among slogans seen that protest was a call to draw borders the demonstrators also stressed the main point of the rally was to pay respects to the slain victims it was also a reference to the events in another german city candidates which is seen violent clashes in recent weeks.
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i. and latest events encampments have seen politicians and some migrant organizations hit out of the country's head of intelligence after he called into question the way the media had covered violence in the city. i share the skepticism about media reports of right wing extremist foreigners in kemet based on my cautious assessment there are good reasons to believe that this was intentional false information possibly to detract attention from the murdering cemex. masses comments could potentially see the current german government coalition government collapse social democrats are calling on angle of machall to sack him while the chancellor appears reluctant to go so far and while a powerful anti micro release there been plenty of probe refugee demonstrations
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across germany today on the latest occurred in cologne on sunday many germany say they're worried by the apparent price of the right. i. think objects were told to the restaurant and myself some hit the window panes others hit the infant sign there were also things flying along the terrace and one stone hit me on my right shoulder i was really terrified with my adrenalin running high i was half stunned and wasn't able to understand watch it was still i managed to make out the words jewish pig and that i should get out of germany.
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like in the back of my mind i realized that i should take a few photos so that i wouldn't lie to myself later on how many people there were worth it because at the time it seemed like it could have been three or a hundred people there i didn't want to exaggerate it looked like a mass of people forgot to take the two photos and went back into the restaurant i told the customers they should state inside that it was no fun outside the. geo political analyst ryan a rough spot. german politicians aren't doing themselves any favors by indiscriminately branding concerned citizens as neo nazis we have definitely just a problem in germany which grew quite considerably since twenty fifty even and the german authorities should react and not start blaming populations for their own in activity in handling the refugee crisis and its impact on the security situation
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the population is really divided and so it would be very very important to keep it differentiating between very few right wing extremists above all eastern parts of germany and a large part of the population which is just worried about the situation and the further development and the lack of adequate responses by our political decision makers. servitor in the u.s. reopens today after being closed down by the f.b.i. ten days ago while the authorities blamed a security issue the story is to get the speculation. there was. a bunch of people around and tennis and work. but nobody would.
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against the risk that at the time. the suspect and impede the law enforcement investigation. crowds gathered in the libyan capital on sunday calling for the president and other top politicians to quit. protesting over the disastrous situation in the country which remains in deep political crisis since almost struggle broke out seven years ago david remains. divided by rival governments and armed groups. governments based in tripoli and backed by the un the others into broken controls the whole east of the country some zones are still controlled by militias and isis is after they helped ignite violence some european countries and are starting to express regret at their involvement in the nato led intervention in libya jacqueline food reports. in march of two thousand and eleven norway committed to the military intervention in libya leading to the ousting of gaddafi and the ruin country we see today but
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a shock norwegian state commission report now admits the country knew next to nothing about what they were doing and actually went to war relying on media reports norway had very limited knowledge of libya when the uprising started in february twenty eleven in such situations decision makers or information from media and other countries colonel gadhafi continues to slaughter his own civilians and he viciously targeted americans the international community offered gadhafi the final chance to stop his campaign of killing or face the consequences for attacks by regime forces on the libyan citizens when they turned to us and asked us for help stopping a massacre how do you say no so awful jumped on the bandwagon playing an alarmingly significant role and why shouldn't they it was by the book there was even a un security council resolution on the situation to cover them if you ignore all
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the commentators warning the resolution did not green flag the mass bombing of libya norway's report also reveals there was practically no one else this before jumped in. the room. indicating that before deciding to send warplanes to libya the government assist the type of conflict norway was taking part in. now that failure could hardly have had more serious consequences the country now lies in ruins seven years on libya is still being ripped apart by rival governments well wishers armed to the teeth and islamist militants just last week i saw plain responsibility for a shooting that killed two and wounded ten more at the headquarters of the state oil company and the top off the water there were infighting among the oil for the government backed by the un oh oh. oh oh perhaps and surprisingly some politicians in norway
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are now distancing themselves from the decision given what we know today this was a war for a regime change norway should not have participated in the libyan war when you look at what happened next with libya becoming a terrorism hotspot this is not a decision to be proud of. of course they're not the first to come to that sorry conclusion the u.k. parliament got there two years ago this report determines the u.k. policy in libya before and since the intervention of march two thousand and eleven was founded on a road use assumptions and an incomplete understanding of the country and the situation and barack obama infamously admitted the aftermath was the biggest mistake of his presidency but that's likely to bring little comfort to the civilians still reeling in the shattered nation. senior researcher at the norwegian foreign policy institute told us politicians didn't understand the consequences of
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intervention. parked in the least in the coalition government i am a damn it if you. look up top of that all but it's quite painful but they are expressing some of the stuff. also they are saying that they. didn't understand but these. thugs that would be. may have the best of the future also a favorite mainly doing this but the man is dead in the. cold for the really. bad outcomes in their argument that in the intervention may have been the holes argued by some of the key. players in the. obviously some of them sold beyond the humanitarian reasoning and. seem sane to getting up that up to i don't think that's necessarily old money is
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beyond. about top top news story this hour the russian and took us presidents have agreed to create a demilitarized zone in egypt the province is the last remaining terrorist stronghold in syria. with you sorry to create along the battle line demilitarized zone. it will be from fifteen to twenty kilometers wide the move will move ready to go as militants. including. what is really the culture that has more on the latest developments very important decisions were indeed made during those hours along talks between a russia and turkey now the deescalation zone was hanging in the year during the negotiations but the two leaders seem to disagree all the way through with that's why this particular agreement which was the force of the press conference came as a surprise to so many now of the both sides agreed to create
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a demilitarized zone between the militants and a government troops of around fifteen to twenty kilometers by the fifteenth of october and also during the press conference of the turkish president said that to gather with russia they will radek a terrorism in the region. together with russia we will make maximum effort to get rid of radical groups from this territory turkey and russia will patrol this territory to ensure compliance right after the talks are russia's defense minister announced that there is going to be no military offensive on ad libbed he also added that all of the details of the agreement which was a reach today will be discussed with the syrian government of very soon during the upcoming talks the situation in the province of idlib has been a crucial topic of discussions for weeks on the international stage a bitch when syria russia turkey the u.s. and iran so now this decision is surely important as it eases this threat of
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escalate. on the ground social and the star right of the middle east that the center of the university of oklahoma in the u.s. says ankara had little choice but to cut a deal with russia and that could be good for many sides in conflict once turkey shut down their jet that had come into turkish territory just by a few you know little inches really. and then nato did not back up in turkey. turkey realized that they were all alone yes facing russia and russia but not stiff sanctions there are thirty two billion dollars worth of business done between turkey and russia every year so turkey felt very exposed everyone realized he was going to get european back and eat decided ok i have to make a deal with russia and since then we've seen improving relations between turkey and biden and russia on this this point to america had ratcheted up the rhetoric for
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both russia and turkey. and america is going to see this as good for america it's it contains the radicals inside the elite province in other words they're not scattered they don't have to run away into anatolian possibly europe into the west so they're contained and it weakens the radicals it's forced turkey. to crack down and that's good for america does not like these geodes. ok and i have a very short break come back in about three minutes to the latest headlines. in twenty four to you know bloody revolution here to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style or here i mean you are liz put video and
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put him in the neighborly is that i mean you spilling into the fall the ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping this. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar ai industrial park but don't let the numbers
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phone when. you open a little war and you know. there's a lot of the. it's hard to imagine decades after the war a nazi doctor was still active rich in the nineteen seventies kryten tell had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery. a german company develops a little mite a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything. you know she said is just cut short arms minix of it
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a mind victims have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that not only want the money i want the revenge. breaking news for you this hour in a diplomatic breakthrough russia and turkey have agreed to form a deep militarized zone in the. syrian government forces and militants in moscow adds serious planned operation against a terrorist group be put on hold. the russian defense ministry tracks the serial number of the missing link by the official investigation for the downing of the mh seventeen bolling these top secret documents are now unclassified of course for the sake of the probe.
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