tv Sophie Co RT September 17, 2018 11:00pm-11:23pm EDT
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the the. this is. an started on. the old vision stopping the war since june was a front is up in these parts of the. russian military jets with fourteen people on board goes missing off the syrian coast during an israeli bombardment in attacking a province. russia and turkey agree to create a demilitarized syrian between syria and syrian government forces and militants as a counterterrorist operation is put on hold. president trump slaps import tariffs on chinese goods with two hundred billion dollars ranging from electronics to food clothes.
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is just ten six am in moscow we are watching aussie international. we start with some breaking news a russian military aircraft with fourteen personnel on board has disappeared from radar coverage off the coast of syria according to the russian defense ministry it took off from an ad base in the tackier province late on monday night's middle east correspondent paula slayer has the details. this is a developing story and in the last few hours it's transpired that a russian military aircraft went off the radar on monday evening now there are fourteen service personnel on board and we are hearing that traffic controllers from the base of come in in syria lost control with the aircraft we understand that it happened in this is according to the russian defense ministry joining in attack by four israeli jets four israeli f. sixteen s on the province of the tukey and according to the russian ministry of
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defense that attack happened when the russian aircraft for some thirty five kilometers or coast of syria it has simply disappeared at this stage we have no more information in terms of what's happening on the ground we know that a search and rescue operation is underway yemen as well we've been trying to get reaction from the israeli side as of yet no confirmation no denial simply no comment from the israeli side the syrians themselves are saying that the attacks were to quote from him they were also to quote came from the sea but they haven't confirmed that the attacks were carried out by israel the attacks apparently targeted a power station as well as two facilities that are held and on the hands of the syrian army and the initial figures suggest that seven people are injured on the ground so at this stage a developing story we'll bring you updates as and when we receive them but it's hugely alarming unless of course it puts the entire situation in terms of what's
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happening in syria and the relationship between israel and russia in terms of controlling the skies and coordinating what goes on from the air strikes there in a very precarious situation and that's a story russian air space control says it detected several missiles launched from a french warship in the mediterranean on monday the rockets were fired around the time that contact with the russian military aircraft was lost safe ah there's been no official comments from the french governments. staying with syria the russian and tech ish presidents have agreed to create a buffer zone in syria's edler province the goal is to separate cillian government syrian government forces from militants in the country's last major rebel stronghold more at our staff reports weeks on end it dominated headlines last stronghold of g. hardest al qaeda rebels and the syrian army was poised determined to win them
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would have been messy would have drawn the entire world is for an hour meeting the statement that we are going to make after the talks bring hope to the region the president of russia and turkey spent almost five hours closer to the way working out a deal that wouldn't plunge into bloody chaos a deal to avert a military operation a peace deal. we have decided to create a demilitarized zone along the battleline by the fifteenth of october it will be between fifteen and twenty kilometers wide we will move radicalize militants out of the sun and including japan on newsroom. really together with russia will make effort to get rid of already call groups from this territory turkey and russia will both patrol this territory to ensure compliance the gist of it is getting radical
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islamists al-qaeda in syria for one away from the front lines withdrawing heavy weapons artillery tanks to make sure the fingers don't spark anymore escalations opening up the roads allowing travel through contested territories for civilians and russian turkish troops would oversee it all patrol this demilitarized zone but there are concerns if you when you finish other witness to the future of our main concern is that the militants pose a threat to aleppo province the city of aleppo and to our military compounds in syria tartarus and him a min. the problem is the hardest who are bent on spoiling any peace effort they have everything to lose if it falls it will mark the end of the syrian war their final defeat assad knows it wouldn't be easy or clean it seems to be for
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this deal it looks like the military operation has been shelved for now probably it was the best military and diplomatic solution we were to was looking for a military confrontation really. but there is no fight there is more causality of there is normally to roper's from the it is not expected clashes between the government forces than the radical groups in the long probably does the militarized zone will be the way where the radical groups will leave the area not only the people about also. the turkish president wasn't exaggerating when he said the world's eyes were on this meeting stakes are so high here for the gulf states for the west especially they spent untold billions arming and financing the syrian rebels only to lose. we consider any assault on it leapt to be
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a reckless escalation of the conflict if assad russia and iran continue down the path they're on the consequences will be dire the world will hold them responsible how much of that was genuine concern for civilians and how much is bitterness over losing you decide for yourself it's occurring that we have the discussions that are ongoing discussions we are one and president putin. is for as you watch what's taking place on the ground as you see it's start to see the potential of this and i think i think. the discussions that are having we're just down a path of a potential that you're going to get something that's what's kinetic if they're actually engaging in a level of dialogue nevertheless the united states pentagon seem cheered by this latest deal a bloody battle has been averted and geodes to being marginalized but perhaps
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most importantly is the precedent for compromise and that's happened read. president on or tran has announced a new round of tariffs on imports from china they cover a broad range of goods with hundreds of billions of dollars more pain reports. while there's been a great deal of anticipation for donald trump's next move regarding trade negotiations with china we now have an official statement from donald trump himself regarding that situation now there's been a lot of talk that trump would impose a tariff on roughly two hundred billion dollars of chinese goods at sam's that donald trump has gone ahead and done it now this statement from the white house press secretary representing donald trump himself says that there will be additional tariffs on roughly two hundred billion dollars of imports from china to the point also showing which exact army unit was armed with that missile and here's
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what the russian defense ministry found out that those work at the manufacture date of the missile is the twenty fourth of december one thousand eight hundred six it was transported by train to the military base two zero one five two today just based which still uses missiles of this type is in the ukrainian district of will evolve and since then after the dissolution of the soviet union the missile never returned to the territory of russia. now that passport and some other relevant documents they used to be top secret and now they have been unclassified for the sake of the investigation in fact they were displayed in the room where the briefing was held so all journalists will mean clude had a chance to have a look at them with their own eyes the second part of the briefing the russian defense ministry showed some video some amateur footage that was previously analyzed by the official investigation and the russian defense ministry showed how they believe that footage was tampered with and the third party we were given
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a listen to an audio recording which was said to be a conversation between a ukrainian colonel and some other ukrainian. well a lot of bombs left in there on purpose by the russian defense ministry to show that they did not alter or edit that well that recording in any way and here is the key bits from it was me authoritatively it was really true. but for me what your flipboard what bruck. should do more is if you work your son would you. want that already but the woman your mother who already now official ukraine has already branded this new information that the russian defense ministry has brought to light as fake but rushing it stern is saying that they are open to scrutiny that they are ready indeed to pass on these new documents to the joint investigative team to the official investigation and they can very fine the authenticity of those documents by themselves so definitely a new twist in the investigation of the downing of m h seventeen. back in july two
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thousand and fourteen the plane flying from amsterdam to kuala lumpur crashed in the dumbest region at the height of the conflict in eastern ukraine all two hundred ninety s. people on board were killed that included eighty children. russia says the new materials have been handed over to the dutch team investigating the tragedy meanwhile the joint investigation team reacted to the newly released documents saying they're ready to examine them as soon as they're provided by moscow experts told us this new evidence is important that the investigation process i hope they will take it seriously and take what evidence the russians can provide i mean they they've refused to take a lot of evidence over the last few years seemingly more content to just immediately point the finger to russia within the first few days after the incident i think it should absolutely impact the overall investigation russia said right from the start of this investigation that they should be included in it and were excluded so it just came down to the dutch ukrainians the australians and
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malaysians we have a situation where the evidence as presented by the russians today actually seems to back up some already publicly disclose some very important information released by the joint investigation team well on the first that this is very important new evidence that's been presented by the russian defense ministry it's only just been released we're going to have to look at it in great detail and of course that's going to be the position that the joint investigation team will i'm sure take they will be came to look at it and also be keen to be seen to be looking at this evidence very closely it's a very it's a fairly obvious piece of evidence actually the only imagine the jade i've been expecting to receive or at least i wanted to see the fact that they were bitter identified the missile concerned through at least partial or full serial numbers of course the next obvious step would be to trace and track work that happened with the missile from the point of its manufacture to the point of its destruction or deployment or scrapping and that's what the russians seem to have done by filling
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in that missing picture. mass protests have been held in the libyan capital calling on the president and other top politicians to resign crowds gathered on sunday venting their frustration have. the die situation in the country libya has been in deep political crisis since the struggle broke out seven years ago maybe remains divided by rival governments in armed groups. one government is based in tripoli and backed by the u.n. the other is into bourke and controls a large part of the east of the country some zones are still controlled by militias and i say this is after they helped ignite the violence some european countries are now starting to express regrets at their involvement in the nato led intervention in libya. reports. in march of two thousand and eleven norway court contained evidence of multiple russian sanction violations we have seen and read this report
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but when the panel submitted the report to the security council last week we noticed something deeply troubling the evidence of russian violations that was detailed in the earlier report was missing. it had been removed from the open section of the report apparently russia threatened to prevent release of the report unless its demands to hide the evidence of its violations was met with regarding the tanker which allegedly violated sanctions the expert group has concluded that it did not complete the claim that we deleted part of the report containing violations by russian companies is not true however these claims fall in line with the policy of maximum pressure yang the us is trying to take control of the un security council i have a feeling sometimes that the u.s. confuses the un security council with its own u.s.
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national security council the south korean president has arrived in the north for a summit and was greeted at pyongyang at ports by the north korean needs can join the south korean president is accompanied by a two hundred strong delegation is bringing with him business leaders including the heads of samsung and l.g. is the first time in ten years this is south korean leader has visited pyongyang. are expected to discuss an ongoing peace plan nuclearize ation and they could sign a bilateral trade agreements. as we mentioned visit comes just after the u.s. accused russia of violating sanctions against north korea antiwar activist brian baca believes washington does not want to see peace emerge on the korean peninsula . if you look at the last year all of the good progress has really come from north and south koreans they want to live together they want to have peace they want to
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end the war they want to have economic integration this frightens the united states because the united states is south korea not as an ally but as an extension of american power and the u.s. fears any kind of reunification in korea or among koreans will diminish american presence in this important part of the world on the eve of the next summit between the north korean leadership kim jong un and long j. in the leadership of south korea the u.s. once that they rail of this process or at least some people in the trumpet ministration i would say the majority certainly want to derail this process. the university of maryland in the us has issued leaflets inviting white students to join a group called white awake to discuss race issues. do you want to improve your ability to relate to and connect with people different from yourself do you sometimes feel uncomfortable and confused before during interactions with racial and ethnic
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minorities do you want to become a better ally this group of was the safe space for white students to explore their experiences questions reactions and feelings the campus counseling center has now removed the fires claiming they were misunderstood it's also changed the group's name to anti racism and ally building grip people are divided on the issue. it's giving people a place to express their opinions on race and discuss important topics in a safer environment in general when people who are white discuss the topic it's seen as inherently racist why not to do it every identity group have their space i'm sure it must have a positive had to end goal to be approved the way i interpret it is that white people are being victimized by interacting with us. from my understanding it's simply a space for white students to get woke and learn to dismantle dangerous social preconceptions they might have these uncomfortable conversations but necessary for
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social progress the only harm i see is that becoming a white affinity group we put the issue up for debate with political activist anthony rogers right and social commentator anthony brian there again. i think that i'm not sure why white people would need to feel safe on a college campus person i don't think that they are in any imminent danger and they certainly aren't in any more danger than say muslim students certainly students of color i think that as we heard from some of the students the poor execution you know the name of the group having to change from white to weight is an indication that they pretty much aren't very educated on the issues of racism in the first place personally i don't see anything wrong with have been a group that is one particular race or the has one particular race and it's i do you can so shape with what we want to associate with you can have a white group black group asian group and all these other groups exist there's
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never any kind of problem nobody says anything about and i see no organization on campus the black organization on campus and age an organization on campus but we have a white organization all of that is a problem either we have many groups there are no specific groups or we allow all of them yeah so so two things i mean i think we have to be clear and stating that first of all people of color especially black people can and cannot be racist ok because racism only if we change it is an racial prejudice there is no there's no database race racism is not something that you can just turn on the tone or it's an off color or anybody could be racist that that's not your you have to have power to be racist you have to have power black people don't have power most latin next people don't have power native american people don't have power now i would deny that black and brown people can be bigoted but that is different from racism racism is racial prejudice i mean power that according to say today you have to have power
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to be racist i mean when did i definition become the standard like i never seen it before is it exactly negative i mean i mean i don't think that like we can go by a dictionary that was written mainly by white people. to force standard definition on an issue like racism as we saw in the scene not next of spike lee's movie when you look at that dictionary and just look at the definitions of white and black you can already see implicit bias and racial prejudice right right just in those two words that were in this particular group i think they they were more on the extreme liberal side they're trying to actually come together and help those so-called people of color people just sort of fly or it automatically get offended without taken a time to really understand what's going on and that's why he changed his name because i didn't want anybody to just think automatically oh we're some kind of racist hateful group and they're really on the side of the left i think this right here eggs an example of the left eating their own for details on any of the stories
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discussed today had to. have you had something to missed. that. one else seemed wrong. but all rolled just don't call. me i'll get to see how out does this kind of attitude and it gets right because of the trail. once again and find themselves worlds apart when just of the common ground. if there was anything she. says that i said she did. not
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and. so there was a belittling. i mean and then him and i think efficient but a. little deeper than that we. don't want the man i don't know i don't want to know about. yet one of the other machine just. thrown in the dust went. on and they shuffle steming with the thing down on the wall there and you know the little ones and you know what. shall i do you saw that this i don't know.
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what is described in the west as a russian invasion of crimea is in fact the presence of russian soldiers in crimea can you clarify that. they were could have. spoken of the quote but the most of the most go full of the below. as long ago as eighteen zero four sevastopol as a naval base became the main military port of the russian empire on the black sea. during the second world war the heroic defense of sevastopol lasted almost a year and took hundreds of thousands of lives.
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