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tv   Keiser Report  RT  September 18, 2018 3:30pm-3:57pm EDT

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area so they get you they give you diarrhea and then they have the cure for diarrhea so the cycle of family they get you hooked on heroin and they try to give you the cure for heroin and they have a patent on the care for heroin but they also have the patent on synthetic heroin and then they have a the ability to keep you locked into a perpetual lifelong dystopian heroin slash dubuis wall junkfood life in the last episode we talked about the architects of the last financial crisis using the op ed pages of the new york times presenting you with a solution which is to give them more power so everywhere you look you see this when you tune into m s n b c or c.n.n. or fox one thing that's very strange is you often see commercials for lockheed martin or boeing and then you go to their web site to see any of their products that they've been you know you know they have this ad and you're like hey what's this lockheed martin i'm going to go buy something from them they're supporting my favorite show rachel maddow and you go look and it's like two hundred million
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dollar missiles and you're like i can't really afford that and if i could maybe would they send it to me no they won't so why are these companies who build weapon systems advertising on the evening news that's an interesting question of considering the evening news that rachel maddow shows or anderson cooper or fox are always pretty much pro war and cheering for in doing the shock and awe sort of presentation of like look what are weapons clear there's a saying on wall street share don't slaughter so you have clients you just want to share you want to take they want to steal money from them on a drip drip drip every month you don't want to kill them because you're giving up the cash cow so slotman families the sackler stacked lower sac lower sackler sackler so the sackler family they don't want to kill all their customers with their synthetic arrow and they want to feel and remain alive long enough to sell the more heroin synthetic heroin. so they have this cure so they can cure up
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a little bit for two or three months then they go back into their heroin addiction because if they kill them all in the first month then their business dries up it's like if you're torturing somebody occasionally give us smelling salts like you got them chained up against on the ceiling and with a with a chainsaw you know you're cutting off their limbs like this stack of families doing to america sackler family and the the ok the family the crime family who makes their own right so to keep them alive long enough you know they've got to get in the smelling salts again the cure for two or three months then they get right back you know they're going to get this part of the business model right otherwise all their customers would die in the first quarter but it's also sort of whitewashing or greenwashing you know you see say with. bill gates so he's a convicted predatory monopolist right under the clinton administration they found that he was guilty of monopoly position and so his intellectual property you know suppresses the public domain but he how does he get away with it well he's like
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spends billions on helping people around the world with coming up with you know cures for diseases he says so the same thing here it's like there is a lot of pressure from you know on congress i know they don't usually listen to the people of their voters they listen to their contributors but nevertheless because so many of their voters are dying they are starting to say hey sackler family in connecticut we're going to have to do something about it you know perhaps you should come up with some good p.r. for yourself and here's the guy saying. you know here's the cure a-k. you might be addicted to my products but here secure i'm helping people this is you know it's good p.r. maybe oh yeah i mean they'll just up is good p.r. but let's face it it's a business decision to help keep our customers alive long enough to some more poison yes otherwise they die too quick now i'm going to go across the pond max. no
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i mean they've been baiting me with all these stories about tim geitner and this the the stackless family. that are secular sackler family in connecticut they make oxycontin the family in connecticut makes deonte cotton that's killing people the sackler family in connecticut that kills people every day that family the sackler family of connecticut there must be a google map somewhere so here's a headline from the times in the past last week and they're ready for it ok an admission of guilt so that's an admission of guilt by the sackler family that's right ok how opioids became an epidemic in america by the way is proof pharma said that their product was less addictive than the other products on the market that turned out to be a lie or false one could say would depending on whether you're arguing court or not so that turned out to be a lie so here they've come up with
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a solution in over in europe we have a headline about. the powerful there in britain we allow the rich to escape charges admits tax them her majesty's revenue and customs h m r c has admitted for the first time that it allows the most powerful members of society to escape prosecution for financial crimes at an economic crime conference in cambridge last week a senior government official admitted that tax authorities accommodated celebrities concerns and settled debts privately to avoid the embarrassment of a public trial this is from the times and they actually even go on to admit even though you know rupert murdock's like friends of these guys h m r c however continues to prosecute smugglers small businesses and benefits cheats the admission came from richard last the deputy director of each of marcy lesser sixty thousand
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small to medium sized enterprises in the united kingdom to do business of the royal bank of scotland had their businesses trashed by the royal bank of scotland and pieces were sold off for cash as a corrupt insider scandal with the government's cooperation the b.b.c.'s cooperation to decimate hundreds of thousands of britons and had their assets stolen the royal bank of scotland totally condoned by the government encouraged by the government loved by the government because those insiders that aren't or a bank of scotland then give their money to candidates the same government saying ok our tax authority a royal tax authority a royal whatever the cause is allowing celebrities to get away with crime because they don't want to get embarrassed so that the worst crime that can happen in britain is being a feeling awkward so in other words if i went up to buckingham palace and i committed a crime and it was awkward then i would be allowed to go free because the crime of awkwardness is to be is on is on excel only for certain
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a certain sort of person exam x. and i lived in the united kingdom we were in london during the. riots there were riots there in two thousand and ten or twenty eleven this was austerity induced riots that those austerity programs were introduced after the financial crisis to bail out the bankers all of the many of the biggest banks in the united kingdom were bailed out by the taxpayer austerity was then introduced upon the taxpayer and ordered to pay for those bailout we saw a massive riots it was like in two thousand and ten or twenty eleven in the summer i remember we had one of the guests on the show who did four months in prison because he was walking through birmingham and he saw one of the looted shops he saw a pair of trousers on the ground and he picked them up and he took them and what happened he got arrested and spent four months in prison went to david cameron say in parliament to the people he said if you're old enough to do the crime you're old enough to do the time because they were sixteen year old kids who did months in
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prison at that time here marci is saying well if you're very wealthy in prominent members of the community that's his quote they were afraid of the reputational damage that a criminal trial for fraud money laundering or tax evasion would break so they decided not to bring those trials because if you're if you're very wealthy and prominent it's reputational damage and we don't want to do that to you but if you're if you're old enough to do that if you're old enough to steal those forty pound pair of trousers right on the sidewalk you're old enough to do the time buddy tell you what's really sad is that a lot of british people would agree with that when people get ripped off every day if they're so transfixed by a lot of people who are saying a lot of and the monarchy that they believe that they the queen is actually the voice of god that the at risk the kratz are actually what they believe in white supremacy and they believe that there's no such thing as crime if you're committed if you're an at risk to crash and they absolutely love being subjected to that kind
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of humiliation they they love it i think it. i was outlandish as that opioid billionaire patenting the addiction treatment here h m r c like this was admitted over two weeks ago i haven't seen any op rising i would think you heard l. never covered it i don't know that was in the times rupert murdoch is times over by the daily mail that the rag of the stupid people of britain would never cover it because a they have think on page three of scantily clad woman and that's all you know given give a british guy that's a good one and some you know beans on toast and they don't care they just want beans on toast and that's why i'm glad to be out of there and then there's one final headline i want to see the tweet the e.c.b. bond bubble one graph at the peak of q.e. the fed was never one hundred percent of net bond issuance e.c.b. is seven times the issuance of bottom line there is no evidence of any real demand for euro zone sovereign bonds at these e-mails or even close at all so that ties up
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the united states first headline u.k. and then europe and basically the european central bank is now buying up seven times the bonds that are being issued right right my money they print it's called monetizing better yet. it's all crowded it's cottam this is that that's that's helping that that's helping those the same as h m r c letting the what do they call prominent wealthy members of society that's the same thing e.c.v. is helping prominent wealthy members get away with their bad decisions their bad investments and their fraud. well we have more crumpets beings on just right after these important words. twenty forty you know bloody revolution of. the demonstrations going to be
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relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is all . was spontaneous or is it just the lawyer i mean you are liz put the video and put him in the neighborly is that i mean you explain the total of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long for the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars.
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china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom but. i. notice that you. might decide that i said i just did a little money and. said there was a build up. to the end and then him and i dashed musician but i live in. la la la for the little bit i. don't want out of the money i don't i don't want to
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give up. something that really works. mr. but i don't want to a show host i'm here to. go forward or something you know. or will. show what i do you so i don't go for this i will do. welcome back to the cause report i'm asked guys or i'm going to continue with the conversation i was tense overstaying he's the founder editor in chief c.e.o.
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of washington babylon dot com sounds like a lot of fun he's contributing editor advice and washington babylon comest at the observer can welcome back thank you already so fast think conversation just decided up where we picked that picked it up from our previous conversation you're kind of trying to make sense of all this political to coffee going back and forth and in the area of trump we were saying you know there's a new cold war war as i come from is that there's a baseless as or a basis for it and you use the term the trumped arrangement syndrome which is usually we hear that you know so let's talk a little bit about that and there is it relates to the miller investigation let's pick up there what's your take on what's happening there and a little bit on that please can. investigate me is a very scary. investigation for a variety of reasons again i feel compelled to emphasize that i am didn't vote for
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trump would never vote for trump i didn't vote for hillary either i sat it out i couldn't bear voting for either you're in a tough spot because you're trying to write in a way that would be expected of a journalist by by digging into facts without a bias you have an unbiased view of things as a journalist and but this is what you have discovered but for some reason in this country now that's considered a bias year exactly here you are if you're not if you're not against him you're for . it when it comes to trump but the miller investigation to me is it is a you know trump uses a term which runs which i don't think is actually inaccurate. this investigation is driven by a desire to get trump out of office i would like to get trump out of office you know who i'd like to do it elections i would like an opposition party that had a brain to come up with powerful politically appealing ideas that the american
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people could get behind and vote trump out of office and vote out a lot and the other in my view repellent republican figures who surround him i mean mike pence go on i want these guys gone ok who don't jump and resign because you talk about elections and having policies that win elections but you know elections are won by policies and more elections are won with means are won with you know trump is a perfect american president because he comes out casino industry and he's a property developer and he's a reality t.v. show star you know this is your you know industry they work on persuasion and getting people to stay at the gaming tables longer than they should and they subconscious they attack the subconscious mind free and so each side is like going to a knife fight what than what is going to a gun fight with a knife right policies don't matter so but even having set so so that the opposite . is trying to out me for
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a shop instead of coming up with policies but you never get out me in front right so how they're going to cure that we're going to do given that the democratic party is completely and utterly captured by the same for the most part by the same financial interests that have captured the republican party that is you know it's not that they i mean that's the main reason they can come up with any policy ideas because anything interesting that would interest the american people like medicare for all or free education or you know he he he probably did break various laws. and effort in my view is not a very good guy i mean he represented over the years some truly evil foreign countries. however when you allow moeller or a special prosecutor like this the authority that they have i mean manner for is do i don't doubt he broke the law but you could go after any lobbyist in town john
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podesta included. and lock them up ok let's use a the witch on a mission of the for like in the sandwich islands if they throw in the water and sunken down then it proves you were not a witch right right so are saying that the laws in this town are such that ok they can go after it at a moment they're going to find you guilty of something because it's easy to do but that doesn't necessarily mean that you are engaged in espionage and some kind of cloak and that exactly and they could have brought i mean man a for it's crimes predate him that the trim campaign i mean what he's being the alleged wrongdoing could have been prosecuted under obama why wasn't it i mean lobbyists run amok in this town all the time i mean you could you could lock up i mean probably this is an underestimate two thirds of them if you had a molar or any prosecutor who was looking into their activities so manner for again i don't want to defend his activities but he committed crimes i just don't like to
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see to meet you know if if if hillary clinton had won the election poem an effort would be off sleazily representing you know the same garden variety lobbyist yeah exactly be doing the exact same thing one point i do want to make if you if i may. one thing that is just shows the ignorance of our media the absolute ignorance of our media i mean in god if we you know i could go on for hours about this longer than you want but one thing that's really interesting is that his representation of the ukrainian government is you know invariably cited is evidence that he was a tool of putin's and that you know some somehow even though the crimes he's been charged with have nothing to do with russian meddling in the election that's one of the whole investigation is off here and there you know storm williams stormy daniels whatever i mean find i mean you know should trump you know used his personal attorney to pay off somebody he had an affair with no i mean but what it
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does has nothing to do with russia gate they can investigate anything they want but with a man of her anyway sorry i got a little distracted there but man a for its representation of the ukraine government the yemeni regime it's pretty clear. journalists don't know what the hell they're talking about i mean they're all experts on ukraine no i actually do know a little bit about ukraine i've been there i am not a scholar but i am a minor student ukrainian politics and manner fort was clearly attempting to bring young closer to the west and move him. further from putin yankovic's a bad guy don't get me wrong yannick over which one did as far as i can tell he wanted a quick question was victoria nuland deputy secretary of america state did she yes or no engage and be a part of a coup in ukraine i confess i don't want to give
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a definitive answer to that because it's something i've read about but i don't know what i found talking on the leadership and saying that guy's not our guy we want our guy and said a you can go south and the evidence i've seen is highly suggestive on the matter and the fact that she is unless i'm mistaken married to robert kagan who is one of the worst of the worst neo cons a lobbyist for monsanto i didn't know he was a lobbyist for months and i don't live that the case is a lobbyist a lot santo really and of course was that a lot's going to be a grain and russia hates genetically modified organisms kagan is i didn't know that i wold last question just twenty six channel action was affected by social media now they get the platform a lot of people so the midterms coming up is that going to be impactful the way they've been taken off the air it's hard to determine what impact that's going to have directly on the midterm elections it potentially could because there are going to be voices that are excluded and there will be more of a consensus about politics in general. however the thing that i am really
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alarmed about is just this whole emergence of a fact checking industrial complex where we have corporations foundations and think tanks with very very conventional views. that are highly critical of anything outside of the mainstream who are becoming the fact checkers and who are excluded points of view that are you know who's to say that they're not legitimate i mean you know if you happen to be too far left or too far right you are liable to be run off of social media the one incident that i just saw that is just utterly astonishing is that facebook is partnering with a number of institutions and media outlets to fact check including the weekly standard which is edited by bill kristol i mean it's insane bill kristol is effectively a professional liar i mean he advocated for the iraq war and one of the most just honest in who ways promoted
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a bunch of lies that terrified the american people i mean the american war is peace i forget about that problem for guessing about and that are well ian note thanks for being on the kaiser report thank you that's going to do it for this edition of the cars are part of the nice guys are safe here but i think i just can't some are saying he's the editor in chief of the washington babylon dot com an excellent web site joining catch us on twitter as kaiser report until i stop i off. ministry's please fools is in the city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that doesn't want a boy who doesn't run from one. this is not the guns in the woods.
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and into the sea it's in the supply from proprietary software you don't know the source code that is such a security risk when you have a. blackbox operating in the public eye to microsoft's dependency puts governments on to cyber threats not only that some seem to think off message put it more than that so we close all facilities this is an easy sell in the sense of only one of them will fall into almost the whole didn't miss you all the. problems with. the recent visit the i still call them study done with the old vision stopping them also still owns a fund is up and his cards on the front. and the age of trump winning is all that matters the phrase by any means necessary has
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truly been weaponized now politics has little to do with policy front and center of perceived cultural grievances and resentments just ask redcap. leaks last leak out to. me. when you. present that it could cause for the look of it is too close most of the book need to be subpar.
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just it's called the it's a box in minneapolis. just she will. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport i'm sure i'll see you then. a russian military plane shot down off the coast of syria killing fifteen from the russian defense ministry says israeli fighter jets are intentionally drawing the fire of syrian air defenses directly at the doomed plane. i mean the region is
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deliberately create a more dangerous situation both the warships and located in that area. israel confirms strikes on syrian territory but insists syria iran and the law are to blame for the downing of the russian jets. israeli army and russian president extend their condolences.


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