tv Cross Talk RT September 19, 2018 5:30pm-5:53pm EDT
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prost talking the politics of grievance i'm joined by my guest nate lerner in new york he is executive director of build the wave in personal we have ned ryan he is founder and c.e.o. of american majority and in. dice he is president of mrs institute or a gentleman crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate jeff let me go to you first in auburn i really wanted to talk about the politics of resentment and grievance and very broad terms and then we had the case of the supreme court nominee kind of blow up and it's going to probably obsess us for the next week and then then four former provides president joe biden he has his comment trump supporters are the dregs of society i thought we got over the deplorable mistake here it seems to be repetitive and it does seem to be focused on this politics of grievance and resentment how do you put it all together go ahead jeff. only cavanagh hearings are the latest flashpoint i was
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a little surprised to hear biden said that he actually said some conciliatory things back when he was on the senate judiciary committee way back in the clarence thomas nomination days so this is perhaps biden thinking about running for president who knows but the deplorable stuff it's look both sides think this largely about you know they're both sides of madge and maybe thirty forty percent of the country is beyond redemption and i don't know how you deal with that politically neither side has much of a theory about how you deal with politically vanquished people you don't just go away and what bothers me about all of this is that everything's become so politicized that we have magine every aspect of our life has to be viewed through this lens and i think we have a hearing reflects it i think is a pretty milk toast guy a pretty down the middle guy in terms of republican nominee for the supreme court i i think that is part of the spoils system trump basically get us to have his
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nominees absent something really terrible did he was he involved in some kind of sexual misconduct i don't know that that's a factual question but but the point is that where you know what kavanagh did or didn't do is almost beside the point this is a war and they don't want trump to have a victory and trump doesn't want democrats to have a victory by killing his nomination that's what's really going on as a proxy war ok nader in new york ground weigh in on what we just heard from jeff here because you know if the e.c. use a term of vanquished people and i think that's what a lot of people feel that voted for donald trump they feel they have been vanquished by a political system that doesn't listen to listen to them and then we have been watching it and miss n.b.c. . i think was kaput kathy katie tertiary said i can't believe the rank and file the republican party still supports him that her whole message here tell me she doesn't understand half the country go ahead nate in new york. although a few things to touch on there i mean republicans this point no longer make up half
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the country if they ever did but they are shrinking in number is every day they are losing the campaign going about registered rather more having from becoming democrats only half the population they can vote voted for him i think that sort of the country i would say is closer to a third and you know they're nothing which their voice was very loudly heard during the election in fact it was overheard they were over represented thinks he looks for a college the way our senate works as well rule states are over represented in the senate conservatives are a minority right now in our country and yet they have a much louder voice because of the way our electoral system is set up right now and also this is just back on cavanagh real fast i don't this was a political issue previously when we're talking about roe v wade but now we turn our attention to the allegations at hand it's really become more of a moral issue right now because it's very clear that his accuser is telling the truth she is absolutely nothing to gain from this in her legal note that she's never. ever hired now you know how do we know that it will never lie about it was never proven one way or another ok we want to jump in there go ahead ned go ahead i
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knew i was going to happen to be so milk you know it was one of those put another conservative in our no go ahead nick. no that's absurd you know what elections have cause when you sit here and the duly elected president of the united states according to our constitution lets which of the ministers that is the one on ones his appointees brett kavanaugh is definitely within the well stream well respected over three hundred decisions on the lower court that have been out there people understand where he's coming from again elections have consequences there's so much to address your but almost all of this first of all i think what's deeply troubling about this in our society but even now of all things ok let me go back to new york i mean what you mentioned something you know you talked about the electoral college i mean now this is an issue because i suppose suppose your candidate last year but that's the way the system works you shoot for two seventeen you become president ok if it had been reversed no one would be talking about the electoral college at least i doubt that and on top of that you know these hearings with cowman are
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traditionally the they're just about is the person competent to do the job and watching those hearings that had nothing to do with his competence it although it's looking to ambush him and to destroy his character and you know i think he's like milk toast to i mean he's a really solid guy go ahead in new york so what i don't understand is if he's so milk toast if he's such a generic conservative then why not just put merit garland in or another conservative it's very clear how about actually was very unimpressive also in answering a lot of the questions earlier and then weighs heavily the allegations has been very disturbing and you know when you're appointing someone of the highest court in the land character absolutely does matter tried may be president but character still matters and so do morals and so does law and order and so it is the rule of law and so it's absolutely acceptable that when someone comes forward and puts the allegations forward which are very likely correct that we still push to put someone like this on the supreme court and put another conservative in and the reason is
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because senate republicans want to make sure they get someone in before the midterms because they know they're likely going to lose the senate potentially ok well then that that is the product of the president of the united states. ok it's his prerogative to do that it's not others to decide that they're you know i can't i mean i'm i have to say that i would rather bomb in maryland very distressed by this lack of presumption of innocence it's extraordinary i'll give you the last minute in person bill before we go to the break go ahead he's not going to jail he just kept him supreme court no i and i think i think the thing it and the whole the whole reason that this is such a big issue is because jeff made the point the supreme court is far outside of what the founders originally envisioned the court being it has become a super legislative body which is the less favorite plaything for expanding the administrative state and doing an end run around the legislative process and i'll tell you why it's so important because i think someone like brett kavanaugh going on the supreme court is actually about a restoration the constitutional order and saying the supreme court shouldn't have this role in our society in fact we should know all nine names of the supreme court
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justice they should be more in the background but i'm going to say this yet again i think the left is still struggle and struggle for decades without actually rationally accepting losing an election because they don't like the results of it you know what that's how our constitution republic works that's how democracy works you lose elections if you don't like the results you try to win the next election you don't come up with bizarre fairytale hoax stories of trump russia collusion you don't come up with these false stories you can spread kava which by the way dianne feinstein was sitting on for weeks didn't bring it up and have a conversation again the job at the hearing in a job and here is political really to go to a break and remember elections have consequences who said that after a short break we'll continue our discussion on the politics of division stay with us.
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ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation and another by michael hoping the board doesn't impose them on the eyes of god i'm stumped and this is not the guns not the woods as that's the that is up on into this it's a must also apply to them proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that a such a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that to think office can put us in mall that's what we call softness in the sense of selling this is also one of the local folk in. the suit the organs of the. companies and all this in the arsenals of the host i'm done with the old patients stop and i'm also still holds a fund is up and his cards on the fine.
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we want a strong european union based on strong member states and we want a europe which sticks to its christian heritage so a number one we don't want europe to get rid of the christian heritage and we want a member states to all stay as member states we don't want off you know i'll give up our nationality we don't want to give up our culturally don't follow you or every three gentlemen for. medical use downs to leaks last only guarded sadiq audio.
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back across the uk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the politics of division. ok i want to go back to jeff in auburn i want to pick up on a point that ned brought up here i mean if you look at the legislative. victories or policy victories i should rather say of the left over the last forty forty five fifty years the epicenter is the supreme court and i think this is one of the reasons why at this eleventh hour. revelation we can never be proven one way or another as far as i know there was never a ripley's report cavanagh's been interrogated questioned by the f.b.i. six times i mean how many people go through that in life ok this is an eleventh hour and it's politics ok and it's a blood sport ok but it seems not transparent in this attempt to derail this
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nomination and it's only because it's trump's nomination go ahead joe well it is bloodsport that's because in many ways a supreme court justice is more important more powerful than president yeah we certainly have a much longer term and i think what's what's going on here is that people understand that this court is going to make macro decisions for american society the decisions on things like abortion and guns. health care mandates all kinds of things on zoning you name it on eminent domain on civil asset forfeiture on criminal justice so what we have again is some sort of super legislature. deciding things in a top down manner for three hundred twenty million people especially three hundred twenty million people who are increasingly diverse pluralistic is a recipe for disaster it's a recipe for mis content in this country i hate it i hate the idea that the supreme court makes these decisions. i think san francisco perhaps needs
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a different set of social rules than rural montana for how it organizes it society it and the the history of the supreme court in the twentieth century saying no no no we're going to have one rule for how we organized society and we're going to be the ultimate arbiter of a duck congress not the executive branch and this is the problem i don't know how you one do this i wish i could give you an easy answer but but when we hear things about like well the electoral college over represents really this is absurd if it's hillary clinton it got maybe a hundred thousand more votes two hundred thousand more votes in florida and pennsylvania ohio and had won the electoral college and won the election all the sudden the left would be telling us about the wisdom of our system prevented a demagogue from donald like donald trump getting in after all i mean literally three hundred twenty million people or letting a couple hundred thousand swing the balance between this mass hysteria of the you know hitler is in office versus all you know clearly the arc of progressivism is is
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moving in the right direction because of hillary clinton we're going to we're going to have the national mindset swonk to these two degrees by a couple hundred thousand people it's absurd so count me out ok let me go back to you in new york you know in the questions that i sent out through my producers i mentioned the whole saga around bill clinton and his impeachment process and the there was a backlash against that against how the i wasn't for. going after clinton on that the other things i think policy wise fine but they was a backlash and i tend to think going back to that poll that i mentioned that m s n b c you know how can the supporters after everything that's been said and done still support him it seems to me that that the democrats don't understand trump people and trump country and i think isn't it incumbent upon you to try to understand them more i mean i you. you know politics is to be the art of the possible and i don't see that i mean there's so many thing cavanagh's testimony
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when he was talking about some kind of abortion procedure was intentionally tampered with the tape and it was put out he said this you know he was quoting somebody else i mean that is that is that that's the that's kind of warfare that's below the belt don't you think go ahead in new york it is but so is the way that merrick garland obama were treated just two years ago and i think it's important member that senate republicans to exact same fair share this is really no different i think we're seeing too much of it from both sides and you're right we should make more of an effort to engage with supporters i think there is a little bit too much hatred on both sides politically you know we're still all americans we still live in the same nation we saw the same goals and we keep that in mind more often but at the same time when you look at what's happening in the white house you look at the chaos you look at how many times trump's own people have been quoted calling him an idiot it's a little concerning to hear that and when you see all the turn over all the just the endless disasters every day in the news there's new notifications about the
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nonsense going on the top administration you look at any subjectively even he would agree with this man ideology ideologically how can you stand by him as a leader how can you stand by him as an executive knowing he was elected that just coming out he was alleging the day he was elected so how do you but how do you stand by that we have i have learned in office. today not only hang on you guys on this program when i call balls and strikes when he says something or does something that i think is wrong i say it loud and clear without any doubt ok i don't carry water for anyone ok but i'm not going to be default against him ok i'm not default for him all right i listen parses words horses ideas let me go to personal here i mean everyone is administration calls him an idiot well do you trust bob woodward i'm not sure necessarily that's true all these other books that come out you know his tapes. it seems to me that it's a coordinated campaign that said nanda. this op ed to the to the new york it's only
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the ever credit oh and it's all a concerted probe because they can't fight him any other way just fight him personally and there's a lot of people that little it's a lot of people that like him personally ok you're insulting them is well go ahead and personal. that's exists that's exactly right because we went out in a very intentional way i was supporting him before the primary was over and the reason i did is because we needed somebody like donald trump to come in and make stuff up and i got to tell you i'm a little disappointed because he is kind of snapping back to more of a conservative republican administration but i want him to you know i encouraged by some of things he's already done you know cutting the regulatory state the tax cuts you know pushing through the keystone pipeline going in saying we're not going to put up with these bad trade deals going and saying to china you know what we're not going to tolerate these bad trade deals and you stealing our technology with force technology transfers and outright theft i mean all of these things that he's doing and then obviously supreme court justices like kavanagh that's exactly why we
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elected him we wanted him to go out and do these things and put us on a different path and say we're not going to have status quo it's not going to be business as usual we had plenty of choices and that republican primary and we chose donald trump and we chose him for a reason and the other thing i'll say about this because i've been inside this white house i've been inside this west wing multiple times first of all everybody i think understands every administration especially a west wing is full of type a personalities. who think they're the smartest person in that room so there's always that conflict but i've been in there peter and i'm telling you of course there's conflict of course there's differences of opinions but nobody's running around with their hair on fire of course you know the other thing i think that throws people off he does you're either going to approach he has brought an outside approach and still throwing people for a loop. this man puts a lot of people's hair on fire no one can deny that i think we all agree on that. ok jeff jeff you know in looking at this in the media coverage of the president.
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it's particularly from the liberal cable station c.n.n. amisom b.c. it for me it's just hour after hour of virtue signaling you don't learn any new news and you learn about opinions about people that. i personally have almost zero respect for it's the politics of virtual virtuously and that doesn't get us anywhere because there's no debate there's no debate about policy that way go ahead jeff and over if you can if you could go back a few years to toward the end of obama's term and say look democrats the next president can be republican but absent good news stories not going to be some red make red state governor he's going to be a new york city real estate developer with a bunch of beautiful wives who's worked all his life around a letter. because there's survival guide books you just want to start there are all those are. you sure there you go get him.
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back to. earth. good susan repatriations to look at the rest in seventy years. philippa separate their treasures or. i'm just not up. to me i judge there's. nothing in. there other buildings to look. into him i want to. look. for the dark we. don't want the monarchy and i don't want to go about. something simply. mr need to.
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tell him. i don't. feel that i will win the war and then you know we'll. all go and. so what are the fall for this idol of the. i think we can agree that the decision to intervene in libya was perhaps too quickly taken but we also know that the libya crisis today as we see it at least as i see it is a multifaceted crisis because it's a political crisis it's a security crisis and it's an economic crisis so i think the main problem of the post twenty eleven transition was to put complete emphasis on the political process and not sufficient thought and strategy into the military dialogue all.
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a tragic chain of events or an intentional provocation after the downing of a russian military plane in syria israel russia and syria look for the guilty party . greece moves thousands of asylum seekers from an overcrowded refugee camp after an outcry from human rights groups of a child suicides and multiple rape cases. plus rubble landmines under struggle for survival we travel to mosul in northern iraq more than a year after it was liberated to see how people are rebuilding their lives. but always with islam.
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