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tv   News  RT  September 20, 2018 7:00am-7:27am EDT

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i don't know the mylar. on. bush's antidoping agency said here it's fake bit later as the international body in charge of stamping out drugs in sport prepares to vote on whether or not to reinstate moscow. to the confirmation hearing for president trouble a supreme court pick stagnates in great is asians with brett kavanaugh proving to be one of america's most divisive nominees ever. and the explosive leaked memo circulating in the british press reveals plans within the prime minister's own
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party to go out and in the running the issues. i get off the life marty h.q. in moscow just turn to p.m.'s kevin zero in with you this hour welcome and his latest news update for the next thirty minutes first the face hole of russian sports and he drugs body is going to be decided later today the world anti-doping agency is due to vote on whether or not to lift a suspension over a scandal that started back in twenty fifteen the internationally pick committee athletes commission has backed russia's readmission wilder's president is also for the move as well but there are rifts within the anti doping governing body the organizations vice president and anti doping agencies from various countries show here are against it they accuse water of moving the goal posts by easing some of the conditions placed on russia the head of america's agency went as far as well as
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suggesting that what is cheap should be sacked over all sports correspondent lecturer jeff ski picks up the story as it is so far. for the last three years russian sport has been firmly sidelined as accusations mounted over state sponsored doping. the media has been and meltdown. the b.b.c. sports editor dan ronan tweeted out what he claimed was a letter from waters compliance review committee saying recitals prolonged suspension was already a done deal let's take
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a look at the whole picture just hours after ron's report water published an official statement rubbishing these notions the world anti-doping agency this independent compliance review committee delivered a recommendation for the reins teeth meant of the russian antidoping agency water also admitted it does not reveal information like that too often but it did so this time to put any speculation to bad it also openly said that the thirty one conditions it had put forward to restart it two years ago for reinstatement have been met conditions which included allowing u.k. anti-doping experts into russian labs to provide training replacing the personnel monthly orders by wada among others with the two most contentious ones knowledge of the findings of the mclaren report and granting unconditional access to your in samples in russian laboratories which have been under federal investigation though those remained in limbo up until last week rolling forward a bit and the b.b.c.
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then publishes a letter from the russian sports minister to wada where he agreed to all the demands and hoped that the world body would reinstate rosado so if that's the case and russia has ticked off. all the criteria why is everyone so mad i want to make sure that this attached of the last three years sticks even the russian will be allowed back into sport they want to make sure that every time any commentator anywhere in the world mentions a russian athlete they say that they scream years in exile because some go ping violations and they want to emphasize that point to advertise to the rest of the world how tough what it is and how difficult it can be to get round kind of the doping regulations in reality of course every sporting nation on the planet is engaged in some kind of doping violation it's just that they've been a bit cleverer about it the russia all that russia's simply been saying singled out
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as a kind of scapegoat and people are quitting their jobs because of it namely becky scott are retired olympic champion and cross-country skiing who stepped down from the review panel after its recommendation to wada the possibility of russia coming in from the cold is dividing the world anti-doping agency its vice president says she will vote against their reinstatement and she is being backed by australia canada the united kingdom the usa and new zealand who are all urging the agency's president to reconsider if you choose to reinstate trash or you defy the very wish of the atthis communities and organizations around the world have very clearly stated that they will not accept reinstatement now the sporting community around the world has spoken and the message is consistent and clear recite it cannot be declared compliant until all outstanding conditions set out in the roadmap have been satisfied we believe that any compromises to the roadmap will tarnish what is
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reputation and bring global sport into disrepute essential to restart his revival is not set in stone and it could mean thousands of clean athletes in russia will be hit. the first hurdle when it comes to entering competitions all over again with their respective federations hands tied until restarted resumes its normal operations so we'll is this decision by y. to be influenced by sport politics or common sense. the senate confirmation hearing for donald trump supreme court nominees been postponed amid sexual assault allegations brett kavanaugh denies the accusations while the president himself has been uncharacteristically careful when speaking about the case temple ever does insist that the alleged victim should testify before the senate ahead of any judgment being made. when i first decided to run everybody said the single most important thing you do is a supreme court judge ok we've all heard that. a president i would say this
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i think he's an extraordinary man i think he's a man of great intellect is i've been telling you if you showed something that would be wonderful if he doesn't show up. that would be a fortune. could have opened his mortgage on donald trump's contentious pick for the lifestyle and political position the hearings surrounding the appointment of a new supreme court justice by the president has turned into arguably the most burgeoning political issue in the united states at this time as the nomination process continues for brett kavanaugh we're seeing a circus of anger and accusations. writ kavanaugh mr chairman. mr chairman. we cannot possibly move forward mr chairman i didn't hear
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a very warm welcome not that i gave in there going on in eighty. four here. we cannot be recognized so i moved to germany. oh here's why the issue is so diverse to the u.s. supreme court has the final legal say on crucial issues and justices are appointed for life no wonder both sides want to the balance in their favor so the gloves come off the accusations are now flying first a woman who is sitting behind kavanagh was accused of giving secret fascist hand signals it turns out she is the descendant of holocaust survivors then some miss attributed quotes about birth control started flying around the internet hillary clinton herself was spreading this false information huge affair to birth control pills as abortion inducing drugs. the such a fool to me an issue for you two i want to be sure will clear this didn't happen you were spanked chicks to prove this false then kavanagh's habit of buying
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baseball tickets became breaking news investigative reporters. scoured his financial disclosures. and learned that he had his friends bought tickets to a baseball game so as you can see there's still plenty of silliness to go around but then things got serious accusations of attempted rape which is career ending stuff in the age of me two came up christine blasi forward accuses brett kavanaugh the tempting to rape her back in the one nine hundred eighty s. when they were both teenagers while at a party now she wants an f.b.i. investigation if the senators who have come forward and said they want to treat the seriously mean that then they'll they'll have an investigation of these allegations so that we all go into this more informed so twenty four women who went to high school with brett kavanaugh signed a letter saying that they support the accuser then sixty five women signed another
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letter saying that they defend brett kavanaugh his character now those who support the democrats generally believe the accuser those is support the republicans think she is lying and i've been calling her names not surprisingly the media is now taking sides this was intended. and i've believe professor ford cabinet has lied multiple times she's not sure when it happened where it happened who else was present she never reported it to anybody this is nothing if they get away with this there is then you have c.n.n. running the country because this allegation could be made against anyone at any time now the u.s. department of justice says that it's not a federal case but it seems like proving guilt or innocence isn't exactly the issue here i think the nomination should be withdrawn the bar here is not. whether you have not criminally assaulted someone it's credibility trust integrity so who is brett kavanaugh now to some he's
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a well respected adjudicator who happens to have some republican ties to others he's a sexual predator now supreme court justice nominations often turn into political confrontations but rarely do they expose such a deeply divided america. art see new york one of the most outspoken opponents to break open his nomination is former presidential candidate hillary clinton however it wasn't long until money pointed the. former president bill clinton also faced allegations of sexual misconduct which didn't stop him from reaching america's highest office her husband when he was president faced allegations that were not the same as this certainly but had connections to these kinds of allegations from years ago have we learned anything over the years about due process not just for the accusers but also for the accused well i think that you have to take each of these situations you know sort of on their own merit. one of bill clinton's alleged victims react to me f.b.i.
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to investigate her. as well. as you the difference in the double standard that existed back then and still does today i think it's i think this is this donna showing that they can do this to mr cavanaugh it is the absolute definition of hypocritical and that's what's really disheartening especially for the american public to see these democratic leaders that have been elected being absolutely hypocritical and two faced really not only when it comes to the clinton trials where all of this wasn't enough what we heard it wasn't enough you can't come against him whereas a woman makes one allegation is refusing to testify there's no other information nobody really has any information there's no evidence but the word of this woman that's not to say that sexual assault allegations are important but the timing is very suspicious of course so we've now shown that the congress the united states of america doesn't care about facts or evidence as messages it's as about political
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differences. elsewhere the day the much time to promote the program was supposed to be the biggest women support initiative in afghanistan but according to a report by a washington watchdog now it's been another failure hundreds of millions of dollars of u.s. taxpayer money was spent the goals we cute but in reality only a few dozen women were helped. i'm. since two thousand and one the door has been reopened for afghan women they joined the police the army and entered politics and together we can help women and girls across afghanistan develop their talents raise their voices and strengthen their communities and their country and.
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then i didn't know if this money was spent properly there would have been changes in women's lives but we don't know how they spend it or who they gave it to. they haven't done so much for afghan women there isn't a vision how's in india a man is representing afghan women this program in afghanistan is for women and we still get replaced my man why don't we have the canarsie. personally requested to say to support us by providing this machinery incompetently to modernize they have to have sections their response was negative they said they were huge to train his after music speed i don't need the training i need the machinery. but as i thought until you i filled in for us here and again six months ago they
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told us that they would let us know but there was no response even when we called them they never called back hundreds of thousands of women across afghanistan ready to put in work. britain's prime minister tories a may try to lay down some bricks at laughton informal. summit in austria again the british press is pouring over an explosive leaked memo that we're going to tell you about it not only reveals plans in may's own party to work but also list possible excesses that's going to go down well bully boy because in london alone the correspondent. actually say this time of course the crunch really just a few months to try and sort of deal or not. well the big question now is who comes next and that seems to be what's simmering away now in the conservative party we know because this list is apparently doing the rounds on the politicians whatsapp
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groups that seems to be the very twenty first century place for political plotting nowadays and the list has been leaked to the press why is this a relevant question now well we know that in march twenty nineteen regardless of the mechanics of it which are still being discussed britain is set to leave the e.u. and once this fine clist tascam leaving the e.u. is isis and its economic crisis i think the main problem of the post twenty eleven transition was to put complete emphasis on the political process and not sufficient thought and strategy into the military dialogue or d.d.r. . and completely forget the economic dimension of the crisis. we want a strong european union based on strong member states and we want a europe which sticks to its christian heritage so number one we don't want europe
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to get rid of the christian heritage and we want the member states to stay as member states we don't want you know give up or nationality we don't want to give up our culture or we don't blow you up or everybody jumps on and so forth. are going to try to beijing's accusing sweden of mistreating chinese to even of violating the human rights so after rose or up to between star for the stockholm the chinese family over time. this is the key this is the key. this is. c. we're. just
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. at midnight for police to toss defenseless tourist it's a graveyard in a desolate place is too much. for in ministry has made complaints to the swedish side of the urgent need to get out of the office to gauge the case you need to see but. we only know that we have done everything we could do for these guests but at the same time kind of accept that there are staff are exposed to threats and the other guests will suffer from a threatening situation. migration
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relations with arab states internal security and of course brett said all the topics being hammered out right now in an informal e.u. summit underway in austria our europe correspondent peter all of us following the events. when it comes to break this on migration this plenty of talking to be done and no real agreements anywhere in sight heading into the summit the european council president said that he wanted to come up with a solution that saw all european nations pulling in the same direction when it came to defense of the external border of the union the call of the need to stop the migration blame game. the spy their growth of rhetoric. things are moving in the right. mostly because you have been focused on external border control well frontex the external border control agency of the e.u.
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is set for a massive shot in the arm ten thousand new agents by twenty twenty this currently only six hundred in operation with that agency so a major turnaround however not everybody is happy with that chiefly among those who are unhappy as viktor orbán the prime minister of hungary when it comes to migration mr orbán doesn't want to see these frontex agents securing hungary's border he says that hungary can do that better themselves although if they want to take the rights of border protection away from hungary to make migration possible our position on the issue is clear our homeland is not a house of passage nor a reception camp for them gary inside of also launched a campaign against the ruling last week to put article seven measures in place to sanction essentially hungry but there are some friends for mr or the polish leaders and the bulgarian leaders of all suppressed all expressed their support for hungary
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and their policies one other issue that isn't going anywhere and seems like it's been around forever is of course brags that theresa may the british prime minister had a chance to put out her vision for the future of northern ireland on wednesday evening after a working dinner insults burke i believe that i have put forward serious and workable proposals we will of course not agree on every detail but i hope that you will respond in kind if we're going to chief a successful conclusion than just of the u.k. has evolved its position the you will need to evolve its position to what we heard in the response that for junk lord young at the european commission president was that it was interesting polite and mrs may was just doing her job. hardly the greatest of praise for in the e.u. commission president we're also hearing that both the maltese and the czech leaders suggesting they would really back a second referendum on break that in the united kingdom so everybody's talking
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insults but we still have well no sign of a deal when it comes to break that no sign of a deal when it comes to migration with viktor orbán and hungry sensually standing outside of the main body of the european union on how to police the use external frontiers in a busy news day they're also expect maybe some decision on. coming from water if that happens we'll take you straight to it you can follow all our stories on our site r.t. dot com from the front page story front to check it out we got a preview of a program they're running all day today it's called mosul between war and peace it documents the festering wounds really left in the city by islamic state and where it's going to head next here now the newsroom for this half hour it's kevin zero in saying thanks for watching and say more for me just but thirty two minutes time.
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all of these animations the like button is a way to turn one on nearly be productive workers creating wealth for themselves into a labor creating wealth for mark zuckerberg this is all about the us library and this is all about the robots who are taking all the productivity and passing through labor arbitrage to the pockets of the tackling. greetings and sell you to. put on down your big macs and put your man's plane in
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a hole because they are watchers we begin with a story that will not only send uncomfortable shivers down the spines of all the corporate capitalist oligarchs across the land but the lovers of the patriarchy as well you see my friends it appears that the me too movement as joined forces with the fight for fifty yes on tuesday this week employees slaving away under the fast food empire that we know is mcdonald's broke ranks and went on a one day strike to protest to protest workplace harassment at the golden arches from miami to chicago to new orleans all the way out to san francisco in los angeles the mcdonald's employees protest stretched across the united states and ten major cities from the east coast to the west coast all organized by the fight for fifteen advocacy union chicago community organizer call carla meyer in reference to mcdonald's told agents france press that we can no longer accept that one out of
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two workers experience workplace sexual violence under their watch. and make no mistake auk watchers this nationwide strike over workplace harassment is historic in the making it is is it's historic and despite despite the lack of gravity it's given in the mainstream media a professor of history a dark mouth anneliese or like told the cut that quote a multi-state strike on the same day at the same time yes this is a first this strike is a sign of a very different kind of labor movement led by women of color it's not just a handful of actresses in hollywood. so now the real question is will the executives of mcdonald's stand up and actually listen to the plight of their workers or will they choose to ignore the pleas of the underpaid harassed and exploited. well ladies and gentlemen you won't find many happy in this meal until
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you start watching the hawks. but if you look. real good. at the bottom. like you know i got. the watch the marks i am tight rope and i'm to have a while it's so mcdonald's. to get me to m. buy for fifteen and there's a thing there's a couple things as one is it is a sort of idea that me too was this movement started by a bunch of hollywood out white hollywood actresses which it wasn't it sort of got co-opted by hollywood no way but no way really just got co-opted i ollywood not
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a terrible resume but it was co-opted in a way by a lot of white actresses and so it was but me too was actually started by women of color and seeing this moving into the labor movement is so important and i wish me to had had moved a little further into the.


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