tv News RT September 20, 2018 6:00pm-6:27pm EDT
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the military. completely forget the economic dimension of the cranks this. world anti-doping agency voted to reinstate russia's anti-drug decision signals a fresh start for russia to three years in the cold. united states takes a sanctions swipe at china for buying russian military hardware. and unconfirmed leaked memos circulating in the british press reveals plans with the prime minister's party. in the running to fill his shoes. and video from wiki leaks made just before his internet was cut off but the ecuadorian embassy in
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which he discusses a very broad range of topics and you're going to freak out a little bit. of color about that as a result of why. it seems. this is twenty four seven this is r.t. international with your update this hour the world anti-doping agency has voted to reinstate russia's anti drugs agency the body was suspended in twenty fifteen over an alleged state sponsored doping scandal i got more details from all sports correspondent alexy irish f k. going back after twenty fifteen november when the allegations of state sponsored doping campaign kicked off. after. water basically told there are thirty one things rosado has to do in order to be reinstated there's
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been no problem whatsoever with the twenty nine of them which included inviting the u.k. and i don't think agency experts to hold training for the personnel change the entire staff. hold monthly ordered by the world anti-doping agency no problem whatsoever the two things that remained on the compliance list were public admittance of the findings of the mclaren report and here is what the sports minister mystical of course we caught up with him earlier had to say about that the decision is crucial for russia we've worked for a long time together with the international anti doping agency sports community we have reformed our anti doping system we never denied the existence of anti doping violations we will fully contribute to fulfilling the demands left on the russians legislation and in fact what a splendid in detail in that statement which was published earlier today saying that on september thirteenth the russian minister of sport sent
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a letter to water which amounts to an acceptance of all the findings of the international living could be to report which itself indorse the core findings of the water commission the mclaren investigation report including that and number of individuals within the ministry of sport and subordinate entities were involved in the manipulations of the anti-doping system in russia you can see that this was enough to persuade wada to reinstate restart and the second point very important one was granting access to samples kept in the moscow board story under federal investigation that hasn't happened yet but what it was very clear that there has only until december thirty first which is less than four months from now to give access to that the board sorry if that doesn't happen. goes back into the wilderness. of noncompliance so you know people are saying that russia hasn't comply and. you know they're they're wrong basically because we can see by the statement that it's in the works but it couldn't just be about ticking boxes on the
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checklist he must have been a difficult decision after everything everybody's been through and that it's definitely been a very difficult decision for water and even in that statement. that the decision would be unpopular and would be met with a lot of criticism and in fact for the past week or so the criticism coming towards was way you know everywhere on social media in the in the articles on television. not only that number of and i don't think agencies in the world including the u.k. the united states new zealand australia poland canada they were all urging the president of water not to take the step to reconsider but eventually nine members of the executive board off the wealth voted for him and two of them were against it one of them clearly is the vice president of water who said that she would never vote for him statement and one person abstained but even now the amount of criticism on water is going through the roof namely the u.s. anti-doping agency chief. he went as far as saying that water needs to be completely reformed off that decision it's
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a blow to clean sport which you know is surprising because how would you expect the country to purify it sport if you're saying that it's agency which is destiny which is tasked to purify the ford should not be operational again. the decision that it made was a hard one but it made the decision and now the hard work begins a good news tentatively that unfolded saw what about the school side of things internationally that expend aeration the russian athletes themselves what's next for them you know i would say people who are criticizing why they're heavily now and people who are celebrating this on this side are wrong as well it's not about a win it's not a last minute goal that russia scored to win the game it's a chance that wada gave to the russian anti-doping agency to have pure clean sport in the country. this will change nothing for those athletes who have been accused of doping are serving their bans this is all about clean athletes the door is not shut open for them it's only they've been given a chance to open that door into the sport because one of the main conditions of the
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international association of athletics federations to reinstate the russian athletes was that it should be operational meaning that you know athletes have to be checked for doping in order to be clean and in order to be participating international competitions flying the russian flag so essentially this happened now but a lot of work is ahead and make no mistake about it now rosado will be heavily scrutinized and will be heavily checked by water so it's definitely a long road ahead for some of the reaction then the deputy head of russia's anti doping agency says a lot of efforts being put into getting back into compliance. it's been a lot of work this saga has lasted for almost three years a lot of things have been done the russian anti-doping agency now has a completely need team it's been hard work for russia sports ministry as well as wada there provided international expertise to rebuild the capability of russia's anti-doping agency from my viewpoint it's a well earned a victory and it's not a victory of just one and it is the logical result of all the hard work of those
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involved the reinstatement of result of that i mean this is a turning point in the in this whole story and i.o.c. and good will help the russian to get back to. the championships and seeing the day to celebrate a lot of restructuring. has been made and all the points that. request. it is what makes this decision very important it shows that there is a willingness to change seeing. is what. the u.s. has impose new sanctions on china for buying russian fighter. the jets and surface to air missiles kind of open picks up the story china slapped with sanctions in response to their purchase of s thirty five s u thirty five fighter jets as well as an s. four hundred missile system now heather nauert the spokesperson for the u.s.
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state department says this is about deterring countries around the world from doing business with russia's defense industry a let's take a listen to what heather nauert said explaining these new sanctions on china in response to their purchases we will continue to vigorously implement america's added service through sanctions act and urge all countries to curtail relationships with russians defense and intelligence sectors both of which to mine activities world want now china is not the only country in the world to have purchased the s. four hundred missile system from russia it's important to note that turkey which is a member of nato and a longtime u.s. ally has also purchased the ass four hundred missile system now heather nauert was pressed on that and this is what she said you know it goes against our policy to have a nato ally such as turkey use an ast four hundred system part of the problem with
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that it is that it is not in iraq proposal with other nato systems and so we are against the having some of our partners and allies around the world potentially purchase that's four hundred said it would trigger cat society and i'm not going to get into that but we have made very clear what could trigger sanctions for other countries and entities around the world but it's not just turkey in fact india is currently in the final stages of purchasing an s. four hundred missile system of its own and there are a number of us allies around the world that are also planning to buy as four hundred missile systems we will look at it saudi arabia a very key ally of the united states in the middle east is in the process of buying us four hundred missiles so is could tahrir and in iraq. the question must be raised why is it that shina is being slapped with sanctions for its purchasing not just of the s four hundred but also the su thirty five jet fighter but the question
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is why are these other countries not being subject to sanctions is the united states actually prepared to enforce these sanctions across the board against anyone who would buy these missile systems or is it being enforced selectively. the british press is above so for the prime minister under the explosive leaked memo it was first published by the telegraph newspaper and not only reveals plans afoot by to reserve may's conservative party. but also this possible successes hollywood has got more on that big question is who comes next that appears to be the question that the conservative party is mulling over privately and rather actively on that have whatsapp conversations that seems to be where all the political posturing takes place nowadays and the list has been leaked to the press and it goes through all the potential candidates to succeed to resume a and that chances i believe we can go through some of the candidates now let's take a look at the first ones which boris johnson. bookies fruit after jury could reach
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morgue but the front runner never wins that's really interesting because as you heard boris johnson is the bookmakers favorite but he's controversial within the party but he's got sort of this strange leeson ceaseless. heal but as you saw there they're saying the favorite never wins so let's take a look at the next person on the list jump it once it trying to recover from referendum position and well the current home secretary now of course is sajid javid does the post that to reason may have for six years before she became prime minister so it is seen as a doorway to the premiership he's young he's made some welcome changes in the home office he's kind of emerged as a real possibility to succeed although he has one thing going against him and that is that he is a lever that someone who voted to remain but is now committed to leaving
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which doesn't sometimes doesn't convince the hardcore leavers so let's go to the next politician that is the current foreign secretary take a look at what the list said about him jeremy hunt course near the front of the park coming up on the roof so that's the current foreign secretary but he was formally the health secretary and he's seen as a bit of a political survivor despite the fact that he presided over the junior doctors scandal here so he's not likely to have many fans amongst the medical profession but as the list goes on to point out he is a real dark horse in this potential race to succeed to reason may and then last but not least we have a current defense secretary take a look at what the list says about him govern move. in full campaign mode but very reliant on controlling her own departure point so yet govern williamson is very
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much treasonous favorite. but the likelihood of her having a say in who succeed to succeed isn't seen as very big to me i have to say this all reads a bit like the burn book from the movie mean girls but the list is important because it appears to confirm that regardless of the mechanics of it and how it happens britain is leaving the e.u. in march twenty nineteen added it it appears that once this quite frankly thankless task is over once the poison chalice of briggs it can at least be pushed a little bit to the side the party is going to want a fresh face to take it forward now downing street in the conservative party never normally comment on leaks we've approached them about it we've asked them about it downing street have said us the conservative party the conservative party have said speak to downing street about it so it doesn't look like there's much desire to talk about it and i think the list pretty much speaks for itself. the videos
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come to light switches the last to have been produced by wiki leaks founder julian assange before his internet access was cut off a moment by the ecuadorian embassy in london where he's been holed up since twenty twelve the video has been released by the world as a whole data for him and it's a song which covers a range of topics from the future of artificial intelligence to modern cyber threats you're going to freak out a little bit because yes are you bringing in the aliens into this or that or establishment or in some sense. hypocritical and rely on. keeping a different interior world to exterior presentation i don't think it's really possible for gonna zation to come up with borders. that are predictable and are unstable enough to eliminate conflict therefore there will be more conflict is something very unstable about technologically advanced civilization that means it doesn't go on for long for the most human was have come about as
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a result of lies and that seems absolutely clear in democracy i'm a fan of the idea of intelligence agencies because it has the word intelligence in it to limit the notion that there's a place that powerful people can hide from or skilled people can hide from this phenomena and that's the way to get. all those people who have an ability to make a difference to make a difference julian assange to enter the embassy building to avoid extradition to sweden where he was accused of rape the u.n. panel later described the situation as arbitrary detention and twenty seventeen the rape allegations against the songs were suspended but he still faces arrest if he leaves the embassy to breaching his bail conditions aquittal cut his internet off back in march saying that the songs was jeopardizing the international relations we spoke to the whistleblowers lawyer about his living conditions right now and the current status of his asylum case. we have been
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making a number of appeals both to the british government through the ecuadorian government and more broadly about his health situation he has been inside a building for the past six years without access to sunlight or out so outdoor area to exercise his health is deteriorating we're worried about permanent impact on his health as a result of the situation if he was in prison he would being required to have an hour outside every day that is a un standard he's not had that he's had a number of health conditions including a shoulder which is if he's in incredible pain he needs an m.r.i. that is not the sort of thing that you can bring into into the embassy there's been an appeal by doctors to the british medical association appealing to them to allow him the health care that he needs and the british government continues to say he will not get that kind of medical treatment he must come out of the embassy and in order to get that medical treatment he must give up the right to asylum that he's been granted by the ecuadorian government. he has spent more than six years
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he is under some forms of restriction on his liberty as a result of that investigation that has now been dropped he has already spent far more time in prison and he would ever have been required to for having entered the embassy while conditions we say he has served time he has he had a reasonable excuse and that this is this is a minor offense the fact the real issue is and has always been the concern about u.s. extradition we are concerned about the prospect that he may well be sent to the u.s. and what treatment he would suffer once he's there we know that chelsea manning the alleged source of wiki leaks material was subjected to inhuman degrading treatment according to the un special rapporteur and we're concerned that julian if he is sent to the united states will face a long and drawn out process and it will take many years before we are able to make the arguments that we know should and should win which is the constitutional argument that he has the right to the first amendment for his publishing activities no publisher should have to face this join us on has always said that he's happy to
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face british justice but not at the risk of facing american injustice we entirely accept that he can and will face any process within the u.k. related to potential bio proceedings but he should be able to do that with the assurance that he will not be extradited to the united states to face prosecution for having exercise internationally protect the rights of free speech to publish material in the public interest you know without say after the break why ukraine's president assuring the b.b.c. for libel. you know world of big. and conspiracy it's time to wake the both sides met in moscow on thursday the russian defense ministry had previously said it held israel partially responsible for the incident. the meetings were held
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in good spirits and the representatives shared a professional open and transparent discussion on various issues both sides emphasized the importance of the state's interests and the continued implementation of the de confliction system a monday evening syria night defend shut down the russian plane killing all fifteen people on board while responding to an asteroid by israeli fighter jet it happened around thirty five kilometers off the syrian coast through slim based political analyst but says the efforts by russia and israel to prevent a repeat of the tragedy are already yielding results israelis have expressed condolences to the russian people and to the russian president of course but i think that one of the positives that have come out of this incident this terrible incident is that there is more coordination and there is an understanding that bush russia and israel have to coordinate better on the professional level on the military level i mean you know even israel in general prime minister netanyahu is
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probably has the best relationship with president putin of any western leader i think that will continue i think he's in a very unique position prime minister netanyahu both of because of his relationship to president putin with president putin and with president trump and he is able to manage those relationships where very well and over the last decade he has really worked very hard in russia and with the russian president to establish a very strong relationship which is both representing russian israelis but also israeli interests in the region in coordination with russian interests as well and i've gotten from a thanks very much for watching sean thomas is here in just over thirty five minutes with your next update after the alex simon show.
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if they're listening to. my messages that is that code my desk is it is your money and. so their lives are build a little. tiny and into him about the question of how then i. look. in the book the look i. don't want the money i don't want to go about. something that really. want to. mislead just. a phone call from the. heart of a shuffle stemming we have been down. in the world and we'll get a little warmth and you know we'll see. what idea you saw down this aisle of the.
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welcome to the alex salmond shu the house of commons is in recess again and then peace have to counted for their conferences first up this week with the liberal democrats who by just about every law of politics should not be flourishing but most talk before brighton was sort of a liberal democrat surge but whether the new center party is waiting in the wings to steal their mantle our recent research poll shows that about georgia too would not consider voting for a new center ground political movement and this majority has leaped in the last four months this of course has hit some headlines today we examine why despite push showing that the public might vote for such a new party in droves the prospects of breaking the mold of british politics from the center seemed as distant as ever but first over to alex with your tweet cheney mails and your messages. there was a big reaction particularly on facebook it to a series of the railways and interest only from what may be called the outer limits
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angela sutherland says watching from shetland where the north koreans should mean dial says carmel really needs it shares to more than anyone leave scotland though this mess and budget cuts says i want to know why scotland has to pay for english only infrastructure yet had to pay for the queen's for the crossing ourselves some union air simon lete says that train should be upgraded for all the u.k. with high speed lanes emailing us brian egger looks at the technology aspects and adds for the future programme i hope you might be able to include vector by flate real court of california and their updated version of bridge nails atmospheric wheel we're fairly clear says simply fifty billion and then the input that we must learn what we could do with that now and then meanwhile the wee man is a cool scottish for us and rob campbell says simply putting the human face in this
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and you're on to something there because as we looked through that c.s. on the chairs to them both the technological arguments and in particular the the arguments about what was happening to people in the way of the chairs to i began to change my mind quite a bit though to the prospects for the new center party of first say the romans look good both major westminster parties are badly split the tories are split in europe and labor just split unit provides an overriding issue to buy in the new party together and there seems to be money perhaps even big money on offer above all that or some evidence of a public appetite for something completely different. so why are the new party tanks already parked on the tortilla label loans to get an answer we look back to when all of this happened before the launch of the social democratic party s.t.p. in one thousand eighty one if we understand why that enterprise finally field in
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the one nine hundred eighty s. then we might have part of the answer to why it's still to take off in twenty eighteen and over to. thank you alex we've actually by asking people for their views on the idea of a new center party and a people thought i think in a room there's room for a lot of parties to be honest so yes but i don't really for me most of the people that i know they're not represented by any of the parties most of us just have our own opinions about different issues and ideologies tend to lock people in so yes because i would like to see more issue based parties and people just have an opinion on one thing and then you can get around that rather than a whole ideology that tries to put everyone in boxes with labels and sort of. the s.t.p. filed it doesn't mean that there's not room for someone to do it better than they did it was my clear that the first time the fan was going to be the vote you can't
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