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tv   Cross Talk  RT  September 21, 2018 7:30pm-7:57pm EDT

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to be turned into political weapons to be a very dangerous territory i think it's offensive to women in particular and i think it's offensive to anyone who actually was sexually assaulted we don't know yet if this particular accuser if her account which she doesn't remember much about it. doesn't remember let's point out how she actually got to the party that night some nearly forty years ago doesn't remember whose house it was yet she she certain that it was judge kavanagh that was in the room with her so i think there are a lot of questions about this but i think that the big question here really is are we in these new unchartered waters and here's how i know if it walks like a duck and talks like a deck it probably is a death i think this is a political hit job how do we know i've seen this twice before with my own eyes we saw this in the royal more case in the alabama senate race we saw gloria all read
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come out and say there was this year book inscription that they were certain was judge roy are from some forty years ago again very similar circumstance well it turned out in the end just a couple of days before the election some handwriting and ink experts came forward and said that most of that inscription was a forgery that it had recently been written and that his signature was accurate and likely from forty years ago but the inscription of like hey i'll meet you down at the restaurant was actually a very you never heard about that case again no but not until judge moore was dragged through the mud what exactly i mean you were it's it will it will get to talk about russia russia russia in the second half of the program once something is proved it just disappears oh it never really happened your line a limit go to you in new york i mean this is the weaponization of the me too movement and it's because cavanagh is obviously a conservative but when i talked about the destruction of institutions the senate committee did you know. him is to judge if he is competent to be
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a judge and everything we all through the three days it was proven that he's more than competent and and in the eleventh hour extra procedurally we get this nonsense being thrown at him the man can't even defend himself go ahead lionel. look at it you know when you call it the what is ation a me too that makes it sound like there's some there's some rhyme or reason to it i'm a former prosecutor try picking up the phone right now calling anybody police your local da and say listen i might have been attempted orde and attempted rape may have occurred thirty six years ago which i want to bring up now which is fine and by the way i've had the chance to talk to or this particular person that i'm going to going to report on has appeared six times during sex difference f.b.i. investigations and this person who was the subject of by complaint met with dianne
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feinstein just happened to be as a brain board justice for i don't know a thousand questions ed never came up oh and by the way this thing that i bring up now they've known since july i would be summarily removed from any consideration not because of me to not because we're not believe but it's like this case is old it is stale there is a problem and it is fraught with evidence re problems now if you can't even get a police department to pay attention to you not because of the me to move it now because the woman but because the case is just weak and there are real serious pending cases of rape where women remember everything about it you're telling me that yet this holds water holds a weight for a supreme court nominee this is a now i don't die and all hell mary i pathetic attempt at fine in it's a poem. it's
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a political hail mary is what this is all about here you know done again i i look at principles and core ideas and the whole presumption of innocence is being destroyed this is a precedent that no matter who your political enemies no matter it particularly if they're over forty or in their fifty's you just go back to someone when they were seventeen the end you have no recourse this is a dangerous dangerous precedent to set because it can be used against anyone who had done. first of all let's remember the fact that we live in an irony free zone and start with this irony much of the flow that's being given to christine blows the ford's case is being organized through move on the door move on meaning after the accusations against bill clinton were made drop all of that and move on that was the basis of move on the board was to put aside these were claims for women
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one wanted to brodrick said she was raped she was on television she said bill clinton raped me not groped me as a teenager as arkansas attorney general when she was thirty five years old he raped me move on kathleen willey who said that i'm sixty when i sixty minutes and said that bill clinton assaulted her sexually rubbed his bully jr against her against her will and did so until what they call in the massage parlor business a happy ending look at this also move on from this leslie mill way as a reporter who had similar experiences with that and she said i didn't report it because i saw what bill and hillary clinton were doing to people that did report it i was intimidated even though i was a journalist by the abuse public abuse taken at the hands of those two people and
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that of course paula jones who by the way got paid eight hundred fifty thousand dollars by bill clinton to shut up and go away ok that is. future side and move on the that's what we were supposed to move on from and now they're working on the basis that they have against gavin or which is one person's recollection from that long ago against nothing else no other evidence except to people who say no it didn't happen i don't even know if it actually did happen considering i mean i think joe is a good go lucky. jan you're a republican strategy and i have an important question for you is the republican party which i'm not a member of i'm a conservative but is the republican party going to grow a backbone and make sure this confirmation moves through because i really don't like them turning into warm milk and i'm not going to name the names but i mean this they are it's really in their hands right now ok and i'm wondering as a strategist is a democrat republican party going to do the right thing and not just go soft go
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ahead in las vegas. i think they are peter and you see this here chuck grassley is doing a phenomenal. look we've afforded miss ford every opportunity to come forward we've offered her private shielded testimony never mind that cavanaugh has been tracked through the mud we're going to give her private testimony but i think they're going to hold to this ten am friday deadline that she has to come forward and say whether she will plan to testify and whether she'll plan to present any evidence of this i think they're going to stick to that but but i think the big big lesson here is that the republican party has finally learned their lesson and going back to those examples i shared the we've seen this type of political hit job before therefore we know it's a political hit job as a strategist in california for many years and the shorts negroponte you might remember in the two thousand and three recall elections this exact thing have yet
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to arnold shorts and yet so is an october surprise situation gloria already brought out i think it was eighteen women who claimed that governor schwarzenegger had groped them showed virtually no evidence of it and guess what gloria already in that case just like the roy moore case in alabama said no matter what if he gets elected or not we're going to pursue these cases to the ends of the earth and guess what happened after election day those charges one person the cases were dropped they did move on and that tells you right there that's a political going to line up with only those entities are going to brazen you know lionel is a former prosecutor when somebody cuse is some someone else what kind of responsibilities they take on to make that accusation in public because it seems like it's only cavanagh that has to take responsibility for somebody else's word go headline. well one of the things is that if they do involve the f.b.i. in this and she has to give answer questions there's just wonderful statue called
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eighteen u.s.c. one thousand one which shows if you lie to the. f.b.i. which is what they got martha stewart on you're subject to criminal prosecution but let me just guess something and this is just conjecture on my part something tells me that somehow i don't know why we can go through the the her or her background in pedigree in provo non's but somebody said here's one because it's now eleventh hour political move and they're going to pull her into this now she's claiming she was threatened and that's awful and we should all stand against that but let me tell you something when her attempt to win she's been pulled out exposed and she is no longer needed watch how the democratic party justice cards or you'll never hear anything about her again you will never see any follow up how are you doing thanks for nothing because this is if big messages to the next person you have decides that you're going to come forward watch what happened to anita hill and watch what happened here this is what i may do if this had been your again and put your in the system criminally or and then you're just trying to take away when we have we have
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people in the in the g.o.p. saying what you really need doesn't need to speak to the authorities ok all right we're going to i'm going to jump in here after a short break we'll continue our discussion on the political gridlock stage with our to. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see if. it's become an international norm to say women's rights are human rights but in a world where women make up the majority of university graduates this may not be true how much more women's empowerment needs to happen before gender face policies become redundant.
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in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we hear i mean your list with video through me in the new bill is out of the new school and you go to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four. those who took had invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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you know it's amazing that america people will join a group on the say nine dollars on sushi with their friends on dubai and using the group of fact buying health care but he said you know why i find that group on logic to health care so that you can afford health care at all make you bankrupt like does socialism i don't know but that you did they get all that because they've been trained by the professional media cocker c industry and propagandists to run the big media outlets for people to have a trigger response to affordable health care equals communist.
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welcome back to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing political gridlock in washington. well let me go back to don it's finally happening it should have happened a long time ago donald trump is ordering the release of documents related to the page if i so warrant and other documents from the intelligence community regarded to regarding russia russia russia which i'm so sick of after two years this document release could clear up a lot of things and tie up a lot of loose ends my humble opinion but of course the intelligence community is fighting back with congressional democrats go ahead. well first of all i'm going to state something that has been my position since the
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church hearings back in the seventy's i hope that somehow trump gets the light and orders the release of all the documents ever created by the cia and that includes releasing the techniques and statecraft and everything that they've used to do all of the nefarious things they've done since harry truman founded them in the forty's so that's why this is my training work what we're talking about here is an allegation with pretty strong you know first hand evidence in front of everybody more alas that the intelligence agencies have tampered with have meddled in the political process here that they abused a court that is itself an abuse of the constitution the pfizer court. right over the so-called safeguards exposing that there are known and used that court for political purposes so they could wiretap one of the campaigns feed the information
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to the other campaign use it to discredit the first campaign the subject campaign and then use it to tie up the presidency after that campaign became the administration to me that is a pile of compound and felonies you know including you know the treason word that they've been throwing around unprecedented in american history yet jan let me go back you might i'll go back to my favorite mantra here you know donald trump as the elected inaugurated president of the united states has he can release any document he wants that is his presidential prerogative it is written into the constitution and now we have this insurrection going on and watching those clowns over at c.n.n. and m s n b c saying this is a threat to our security you know it's a it's a threat to very thick here because the truth will come out they're not protecting the united states and the american people or the world they're protecting their
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lower back ends go ahead in las vegas. right and the truth of the matter is the wiretapping threatened every american security we still don't know the reason why samantha power the u.n. and i certainly. the identity of nearly four hundred americans under her own name she was just one player in the obama administration add to that susan rice and many others in the administration of barack obama that were spying on americans and so i think president did the right thing where you look at someone like carter page a private citizen who was clearly dragged through the mud even some of the mainstream media is admitting to that now that after a year being under investigation carter page may not have been involved in some of these activities as as the obama administration suggested he was and boy i'm glad to see transparency here it's funny when the shoe was on the other foot you know
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democrats are always hollering about transparency and accountability in the intelligence agencies when did the roles reverse went when did washington become even swankier than before democrats usually would support this kind of thing but they're not because they don't know you know because their messiah president was the most secretive president in american history lionel jumping right. in one thousand nine hundred seventy one there was a group called the citizens committee to investigate the f.b.i. and the broken these are a bunch of real leftish real clash of liberal. who glowed in to the media pennsylvania f.b.i. office stole information and showed the media look what the f.b.i. is doing that later involved or revealed cointelpro which led to the church committee and the last the actual last real liberals constitution flag waving patriots of the left they used to look at the into. state the deep state the
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police state as the enemy something happened some kind of weird i don't know some type of of a sedative or something was placed intravenously it took the collective conscience of these people and now they laughed the people who purport portray these progressives they're the ones arguing for more of this this intel state abuse now carter page is going to be one of the richest people in the world because the american people still don't understand what he did he had a title one fight a war and on him had to look at him in public i don't know if he was if he cut his team going to duped and dismayed and dazed but this is an individual who had the full force the absolute weight of the intel state and the problem is that when you see the rachel maddow and all these people who by the way and interview the other admit fashionista who all of a sudden speaking about going to rape performing that's where they but the left
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these people who fancy themselves as being believers in the constitution now are indeed what the right used to be this is a complete shweta row i don't know who's in charge anymore ok i think i do don here i mean it you know it wasn't until december of two thousand and sixteen i mean in my circles we were purged to the deep state all of the time but you know the new york times would never use that phrase c.n.n. didn't even know what it meant they don't mean they don't even know what much means these days but it is the deep state they don't want their power taken away from them and that sense it's not really so left or right they're there they're deeply embedded in it and they know that once these documents this documents when they're released grudgingly they're going to expose more and more and more and we're going to see people throwing people under the bus it's going to be a really traumatic event of course they want to focus on everything else except for
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what's going really going on if you're watching c.n.n. and m s n b c you barely have an idea of the stuff is going on it is so lopsided right now go ahead. you know it's kind of frightening to because the objective context is this thing that's now called deep state has been around long enough for it to have had previous names the one i remember in the period that lionel's talking about was the permanent government right and it's the same kept sort of i and i assume that the label on the paycheck that goes out to them got changed at some point the last few years from permanent government to deep state in korea wellsee or whatever what the rallying cry as i mean certainly the position of people who are held out to be leftists who claim to be leftists you know with public visa v. the intelligence agency says done a one hundred eighty degree shift from calling for the dismantling back in the
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church committee times. viewing them as the enemy of the you know talk to professor churchill for example to you know holding them out as the saviors of our democratic society which is that not assess that we hear now but the larger narrative is even more frightening because the these intelligence agencies are claiming to protect us the american public from getting too friendly with russia when essentially we should be preparing for war and that to me this essential policy that's being sold in the public and that means that somewhere if somebody is intended policy going forward and it's a very dangerous policy obviously you know i intend the thing is i'm glad to hear you i'm glad that don brought up the church committee because maybe a lot of our viewers weren't even born by then but it really was a scathing review of the behavior of the intelligence community but the press was genuinely interested the media was genuinely interested and put their feet to the
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fire look at we have today now they're just a continuation of this deep state in the way they report on this they i mean john brennan for goodness sake it's an honor go contributor on m s n b c i was can't wait to see that guy sweat go ahead jan in las vegas. right well to lionel's point that something changed along the way it's funny you mention john brennan i was just about to say the thing that changed is that the democrats finally realized that all they needed was a vein to get into the intelligence community of the united states and the person who injected that eason g.p.s. document which by the way was paid for by hillary clinton and the d.n.c. all they needed was a vein a way to get it into the intel community and they did so through john brennan and if you look at granite and i'd love to present trump revoked his security clearance
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and his right to rifle through all the intelligence briefings guess what you notice you guys notice the leaks have stopped since that happened and what does that tell you that tells you that john brennan was indeed the leaker he did have a political ax to grind and by the way you're not supposed to be allowed to be a paid network contributor and also have access to highly classified intelligence briefings that in my opinion as someone who went through journalism one o one in college knows better than that but unfortunately the lines in washington these days are so mixed that that was allowed to happen and it's a real shame you know lionel we haven't heard much from james oh lordy komi lately i wonder why it would connect to the back to get a little whose name was good back in the news again in a big big way that's why he wrote the book and sold it before it happened my words he's going to be the lead money for legal fees go headline oh well if you want to
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see what's interesting go to of course social media and look at the at the image he's portraying he's at mount rushmore and he's a feeding. a reading to the blinded he's doing everything he can because he realizes that the that the hammer is about to drought let me explain something this might be one of the greatest presidents in my line. time if all he does is simply well two things number one destroy what was left of the fascist sock puppet tad baxter media and expose the people that the callous state the f.b.i. the cia and by the by let me remember there are many many white hats as they're called good people out there have to be i agents investigating real bank robberies and cia people doing really good job it's this upper echelon we're not talking about the entire institutional aspects of it being corrupt and and being feculent and rotten by this but just this certain levels of this but and also i want to go
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back if you thought j. edgar hoover was bad if you thought ok watergate right and i don't run out of time they will run out of time but mentioning jagger hoover is a very appropriate at this point here many thanks to my gets a new york ossining and in las vegas and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r t see you next time and remember rostock rules. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that does what mike was hoping when the board doesn't implement because of god i'm stumped and this is going to going to the woods as the feet of the dog gone into the sea it's just a little guy been proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that
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a such a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that to think office can put us in mortal form we call softness of this this and this is still dangerous also the only one. more for the most of the world mr warden's all of those. things and all this in the arsenal. done with the old vision stopping them also stonewalls a front is up and his cards on the fine. banks geysers financial survive until the bell is. close to these it is essential public support die a good news i'm going to call them right now so you stop to. cool.


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