tv News RT September 21, 2018 10:00pm-10:20pm EDT
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which is the issue of the irish border and the way the future trading relationship will look between the u.k. and brussels and as long as those issues aren't resolved to reason may says the u.k. is going to continue to prepare for a no deal scenario which after this statement i have to say feels like a much more realistic prospect this is a pretty low point in relations between the u.k. and the rest of the e.u. to resume a failed to secure any approval and to convince the e.u. leaders of the merits of the check his deal in salzburg yesterday she came back to london empty handed and the president of the european council donald tusk really wasn't impressed with what she had to offer and he made that quite clear take a lesson this are just to train work for economic cooperation. must be clear
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the. modes. ready to compromise and. stuff oh this is. for fundamental freedoms. and. single market this is the way we. remain skeptical and critical it comes to dispose of the check of proposals skeptical and critical of those poor that have a very strong statement saying that he was going to make the documents from the probe very public that he had this authority as president we want transparency what i want is i want total transparency this is a witch hunt republicans are seeing it the democrats know it's a witch hunt too but they don't want to admit it because it's not good politics for them but it's a terrible were charged and it turned our country. i want transparency and so does
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everybody else we should open it up for people to see now donald trump mentioned the democrats and trump was certainly under a huge amount of pressure from the democratic party many democratic leaders were strongly opposed to donald trump making public documents related to the bob miller investigation now we had adam a shift who is a high ranking member of the house select committee on intelligence he went as far as to call this abuse of power to say that donald trump was acting completely inappropriate lee and harming the ability of the justice department to do its work now interestingly tensions are riding high in washington d.c. in relation to this probe into allegations that trump colluded with russia bob woodward a popular investigative journalist who wrote two books that were very popular in relation to the trumpet ministration he was being interviewed recently and in his radio interview he stated that in his two years and his two years of investigative work at no point did he find anything showing that donald trump had colluded with
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russia did you bob woodward here anything in your research in your interviews that sounded like espionage or collusion i did know and of course i looked for it look for it hard now despite announcement on monday that these documents would be made public it appears that that decision is on hold the department of justice is now reviewing the documents the bob mueller investigation continues with many people wondering what will come next and what exactly is the truth. political analyst daniel mccallum says the democrats' reluctance to see the documents declassified raises some questions. i find it very interesting what a panic the democrats the leading democrats in washington are in over this and not only that but as we know our closest allies are also panicking and there's certainly speculation as to who that might be is it the united kingdom is it the
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u.k. intelligence services who were involved seem to be up to their neck at least in this in trying to discredit it's going to be president but what is really going on here and i think it's really a fascinating thing it would be is an extraordinary extraordinarily public view of i guess you'd call it the deep state and how it operates and how it can overrule the president in getting these things released. china has issued a stern warning to the u.s. after washington slapped sanctions on the people's liberation army over its purchase of russian weaponry artie's egos donna has commentary. to analyze what beijing has said we have to see we have to look at what washington's doing and essentially it's playing a double game it is targeting russia mostly with its new round of sanctions but also launching a blow that is well which intention is to damage beijing everything revolves around
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the russia's weapons brushes and heavy weapons like the su thirty five fighter jet on the earth's four hundred surface to air missile defense system and so china bought some of those units and now it is also coming under fire for that and while beijing let me tell you was not impressed when it found out that it is being dictated some new rules on this arena of arms trade and other than a fair competition we strongly call on the u.s. to remedy the mystique and cancel the sanctions otherwise the u.s. has to bear the consequences russia has also reacted to this new round of sanctions russia still diplomat sergei lavrov has said that what these acts are doing they essentially are pushing more school towards reducing its dependency on washington and especially on the exchanges in dollar and the u.s. currency has also added that this is something that other countries are learning from these sanctions to lover of as also said that this new round of sanctions
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aimed against russia's arms exports is viewed by moscow as an act of dirty play in what is supposed to be a fair game ruled by competition because on securing your sins are true those sanctions are obviously yet another demonstration of dirty competition once again we see that the dollar based system has discredited itself completely and trust in the dollar is falling dramatically as more and more countries are thinking about how to avoid any dependence on this international finances. and this is a whole other twist in this story because the as you thirty five fighter jet in the as four hundred missile defense system are the most advanced pieces of weaponry that right. has to offer they were designed with the intention of russia selling them abroad so now with russia being one of washington's main competitors when it comes to arms exports well it just looks like that one washington is targeting these particular areas of russia's economy what it is really doing is just trying to squeeze one of its main contenders out of the market especially if you take into
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consideration what previously had been said by the state department you know it goes against our policy to have a nato allies such as turkey use an asse four hundred system part of the problem with that it is that it is not in iraq robel with other nato systems and so we are against the having some of our partners and allies around the world potentially purchase us for hundreds of trigger cats is not going to get into that but we have made very clear what could trigger sanctions for other countries and entities around the world now the united states insists that china just happened to be sorting this splash damage though and it was not the target of these new sanctions while beijing as we've heard is not impressed the did not mince any words promising retribution so indeed it will be interesting to see what washington will do to mend this and what consequences china was talking about since china issued that warning
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trump has doubled down threatening yet more tariffs on chinese imports if beijing retaliates those would be in addition to the tax on chinese goods worth two hundred billion dollars imposed this week chinese affairs analyst victor dell told us the ongoing feud with washington could serve to bolster china's partnership with russia . i think the u.s. decision to sanction the only equipment department and it's a two star general is a major negative development and i would say people are very shocked to be that the states really bets on alienating china and russia for example given all the reasons for russia and china to be closer. military cooperation them today's action by the united states is a major boost in that direction definitely turnout will not step down and china i
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think will have all the more reasons to increase its military cooperation with russia and possibly a very important more planes and and try missile systems from russia. british tabloid newspaper the sun has retracted a story about a russian model who claimed the kremlin tried to assassinate her or it is almost a situation reports now from london tabloids here in the u.k. tried to capture hearts and minds of their readers by going with the potentially what could have been an explosive bombshell story jumping on the bandwagon of the solsbury saga however that didn't go as planned and that story had to be retracted and deleted from their website citing legal reasons it featured blonde with russian roots who was not too offensive to the eye who has an instagram page filled with pictures of her in bikini's who was claiming that just minutes away from the restaurant that sergei script holland his daughter yulia had been visiting in
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another italian restaurant she and her husband she claims were poisoned by vladimir putin who was going after them and wanted her killed and that story of course turned out to be something that was on the front page of the sun as well as several other tabloids and is now being treated out. it's a hoax and this is what the son had to say on this mike any news paper we were keen to talk to those at the center of the incident and in this case chose to give mr shapiro the opportunity to share with the public version of events that we had the mortal share her story however indeed the police are now investigating the main inquiry looking into this as a hoax and they have asked the media to not speculate on this whole case and it has to be said that there are also reports now going around that the restaurant where all the commotion unraveled on sunday night with the understanding that a major incident could in fact be in place that restaurant is now saying they're
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going to sue this couple if it turns out to be true that this was a hoax amidst reports that the husband of this mortal. at one point been reported to be a convicted criminal and also to be somebody who had once hoaxed or pranks prince charles himself. one palestinian has been killed and at least one hundred more wounded in the latest riots on what israel gaza border rallies have been taking place every friday since march with an ever larger israeli military presence was opposed to journalists going to the door it was. thousands of palestinians are protesting for the twenty sixth friday and as you see it's ask elating where black smoke is filling the place. is also being the place course of palestinians have been injured so far as you see more injuries are coming out from the front lines. thousands of protester activists came to the protests which as it is of the irish
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to bring to bear the vision of that you're just i'm very they're preparing lot of tough cocktails and they're also. trying tight injury after injury are coming from the front line. where the israeli army posted this. video on twitter showing the palestinians breaking through the border fence captain says we were there to stop them and prevent attacks on our civilians just minutes away the i.d.f. claims that rioters were hurling grenades and fire bombs at troops use live fire in self-defense. it father in germany is appealing to the authorities to relaunch the investigation into his son's death marcus hempel died at the age of thirty almost a year ago after a fight in the city of it and berg in this surveillance video marcus wearing a black t. shirt can be seen walking into a shopping center with a female friend he turns it back to confront
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a group of men who are syrian refugees a fight then breaks out and judge ruled that the migrants were acting in self defense but marcus his father claims the video shows the opposite of his bitter all over has been speaking to him. carson hempel son marcus was killed last year here in victim book after an altercation with migrants when he's spoken out about his grievances and demonstrations he found himself labeled a nazi. as they came forward on stage i politely asked the audience to show a little respect so i could tell the story of my son right in front of me there was a group of asylum seekers with a coordinator who was showing them how to hold post a result properly and what slogans to show imagine how i felt as a father when you see syrian asylum seekers who came from the same country as the person who killed my son and they called me
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a nazi it was insane believe in money that comes from my taxes every month to pay for people like that. his son is also being painted as a white nationalist by some media outlets. in germany people are labeled left or right and this is the biggest mistake there is the overwhelming majority of people are centrist in their political ideals but they're not members of any party all the one is their voice to be heard obviously it is their right to demonstrate peacefully on the street i criticize equally the people who do hitler salads or follow other insane agendas at public events it simply doesn't belong here that carlson has big problems with the discrepancies in the versions of events prosecutors ultimately decided that the syrian man marketed in self-defense your fifth of all i believe the way the story was presented was planned from the beginning imagine that in a city with so many tourists suddenly news comes out that a young german has been killed by four syrian asylum seekers from my point of view
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they wanted to keep it quiet the incident was caught in quite explicit detail on c.c.t.v. and mr hempel insists that this shows a different scene than the want to trade in legal documents showing here take a look here at this point my son has already been knocked out is that self-defense is that self defense. the police talk about multiple hits but the state prosecutor says there was only a single hit the doesn't match either the state prosecutors in germany can't count or they're lying and assuming that they all have a higher education i would say that they are lying on the twenty ninth of september a memorial service will be held to mark the one year anniversary of the hempel family insist that they have not received justice for the killing of their son peter all of a r.t. rittenberg. the new york times has published a timeline of alleged russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen u.s.
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election out of the ten thousand words in the article the word alleged is used only twice with the story instead apparently portraying many unproven accusations as facts art is vulgar has more. a way to unravel the russia story so far the new york times special report into the saga looks impressive masses of subsections fancy photo shopping and multiple timelines and they all lead back to a kremlin conspiracy to get its man in the white house as mr trump emerged in spring twenty sixteen as the improbable favorite for the republican nomination the russian operation accelerated on three fronts the hacking and leaking of democratic documents massive fraud on facebook and twitter an outreach to trump campaign associates its two thousand and sixteen and anonymous banners hung from a bridge are the suspected work of moscow the link russian bought sharing images online this is russia's way of bragging to the world but donald trump was their man but what seems strange here is that
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a sincere conclusion of the unraveling continues the line blurs between accusations and hard fact here we have the indictments of those quizzed in the moeller investigation that same den moscow march the fifteenth a veteran hacker named evanier mccall of a russian military intelligence officer working for secret outfits called unit two six one six five began probing the computer network of the democratic national committee hitting nine states in three weeks and some at twenty fourteen and a book of trover and alexandra kirk all over was supposed to gather intelligence to help the mimic american some facebook and twitter the evidence is all their names dates and motives again all from indictments now i'm sure the new york times isn't willing to accept miller's word as gospel but things seem a little too dramatic perhaps even for president putin putin is angry the russian leader thought the united states and hillary clinton had sought to undermine his presidency and there are plenty more where that came from somehow i doubt the
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russian president handed over and i hate hillary diary to the new york times but the bombshell d.n.c. hack thanks again to those indictments allowed a special report to play. fingers today there is no doubt to hack the d.n.c. and the clinton campaign a detailed indictment of the twelve offices of russia's military intelligence agency filed in july the mr. citizen lab says at least ten pegasus operators are involved in cross border surveillance israel's friend an ally the united states they say is no exception this despite the fact that the firm says its software was not designed to work in the u.s. we have identified several possible pegasus customers not linked to the united states but with infections in the u.s. it is possible that several countries may be actively violating united states' law by penetrating devices located within the u.s. any so group is a pretty secretive firm you'll hardly find any ads for its products according to
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the new york times who obtained papers from people who had dealings with the group its proposal says you can remotely and covertly collect information about your targets relationships location phone calls plans and activities whenever and wherever they are as we can see the last part doesn't appear to be quite true and the risk is a little scary we approached the company for comment and are still waiting to see r.t. hits india one of the dozen for me i will be back with headlines. well let's say thirty minutes you're watching march international stay with us.
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welcome to. the rift between hungary and. warning shots. about the challenges that lay ahead. the european consensus is under threat as the migrant traces threatens to split the e.u. eastern european members refusing to follow. over newcomers. threatening action against troublemakers so can countries like hungary and poland resist.
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