tv The Big Picture RT September 21, 2018 11:00pm-11:26pm EDT
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or. or or. british prime minister or just brussels put forward an alternative to her present plan after it is rejected by the rest of the e.u. . china issues a warning to the us over sanctions imposed on beijing for buying the russian weaponry. in a tabloid retracts a story about a russian model who claims president putin tried to have her assassinated in the u.k. . the latest on these stories ahead are to dot com stay with us now for the big picture . on this week's show supremum drama here in washington will judge
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cavanagh become justice cavanagh a new controversy in puerto rico one year after maria but first have you finished your holiday shopping have you even started should you before trump's trade war with china escalates even further i'm hollande cook in washington this is the big picture on our team america. president trump has ordered stiff tariffs on two hundred plus billion dollars in chinese goods effective september twenty four predictably china retaliated with tariffs on sixty billion in american products with two hundred outnumbering sixty trump claims trade war victory but who are the real winners and losers let. sask
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iowa farmer lindsay greiner who was also president of the iowa soybean association lindsay welcome. thank you it's nice to be with you when we say soybean many who are watching might think soya milk something other people drink but they might not realize how many ways they consume soy give us some examples well soyuz used in cooking oil it's used in at a mom a it's used in soya milk it's used in so i flour choose to make biofuels it's used in animal feed and many more uses that i'm probably not even aware of but it's used in a lot of products let's listen to how president trump explains what's happening. china is going to charges twenty five percent of india's going to charge a seventy five percent and we charge them nothing if there are fifty or there is seventy five or there are twenty five we're going to be at the same numbers called reciprocal samir attacks. so they charge us fifty we charged them fifty right now
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they'll judge us fifty we judge them nothing doesn't work tough talk about tariffs is nothing new american farmer sold more than twelve billion dollars worth of soybeans to china last year china has stepped up purchases as this tariff talk turned tough but they're also buying from brazil and argentina two countries which together cannot produce enough to replace our american soil so lindsay something's gotta give what will this mean to american farmers like you if the tough tariff talk isn't just talk. well right now you know like you said the south america has been supplying china with their beans as of late they're going to run short on supplies in the near future so so there are the chances are that china may have to you know back off on their talk a little bit and buy some some united states soybeans but in the in the long term
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they're probably going to be other markets that are going to increase their imports of the united states soybeans namely the european union the middle east egypt for sure is has been increasing their imports of the united states so it means iran is buying soybeans from the united states right now probably a little bit against their will but there are other markets opening up that could alleviate some of the losses that we've experienced by not being able to sell soybeans to china those markets probably can't make up for all that we've lost but they they will help a little bit. you're in a dark red state there politically in iowa and little in life is not political lately come the november elections how does all this trade war talk influence votes there in iowa. well i think it's
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a little soon to tell i think the farmers that i talked to in really a lot of people. have kind of been behind the say this trade war. they think that maybe there's been some month for and fair trade practices between you know with china but i really believe that. maybe the full effect hasn't been felt yet economically and no end people start to suffer economically it could change their mind on how they vote in elections so so i think it's a little too soon to tell but you know people have by and large been kind of behind it but i think patience is going to run thin stay tuned thank you lindsey greiner president of the iowa soil association. for the big picture on how this trade standoff is about lots more than produce let's bring in bart chilton whose boom bust viewers know him as a former u.s.
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trading commissioner and whose lengthy resume also includes deputy chief of staff at the united states department of agriculture welcome great to be with you as always take us inside u.s.d.a. as this tariff dance plays out how does our government keep up with its presidents spontaneous rhetoric i think probably a lot of the departments are trying to deal with that and to some extent i think a cab secretary is trying to keep a low profile but in this case president trump said i know that there's going to be a problem like you were to speaking about with lindsay with lower prices because of these impact and the president says but we're going to have twelve billion dollars in aid to soybean and other farmers and you know you have to get congress to get money right there is that purse strings thing a little nit but u.s.d.a. was able to find six half of the twelve billion bucks that the president asked for and that will somewhat alleviate some of this pressure i used i did that back when i was a deputy chief of staff at u.s.d.a.
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with regard to some problems with related to pork using this acronym called section thirty thirty two arc there is ways to do it but the bottom line is it's not long lasting and it may not be enough to help these guys through much more than a few months well wider angle shot this trade war is already more than just talk and money magazine is now predicting seven products that could cost you more including home decor and appliances electronics clothing travel goods food and beverages auto parts paper personal care products etc at this point how severely could prices rise by when well it's not going to be some big you know twice as much or a third as much we're going to see it a little bit i mean on a car the car company says could be one hundred fifty bucks per car. they've said for beer it's going to be three to five cents a can but you know that adds up it's a buck twenty on a case of beer that something this one thousand products here hala
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a thousand so there is a wide berth on the number of things it's going to be little amounts but think about it where do people shop wal-mart kmart target dollar store jollier general and where are those products made of course most of them are made in china or some in mexico and so this is going to start slowly but surely impacting consumers and at some point i think there's going to be a tipping point where the mood of the country just like lindsey was saying we want to be with our president he's our president to get a great deal fine but at some point when it hits you in the pocketbook we're all patriotic but we're not stupid well how slowly how surely the biggest shopping spree of the year is just around the corner is santa going to have a tough time will this stuff kick in by then are we talking twenty nineteen what's the timetable is such a great question holland so a lot of these supplies for the holiday season they just they've just now the a lot of already been delivered some of them are are righty in process now in transit
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the ports are jam packed in the u.s. because they're trying to bring in these big panamax another cargo ships with goods they were ordered back in july and june even some of me even in may because they saw this coming so there won't be much of a price impact on these chinese goods for the holiday season but watch out as we get to the beginning of next year and i think we're probably look and you know the end of end of the first quarter so april of next year will really have i think some more details retailers were making their christmas stocking up in spring right they're always buying ahead you know they want to have the end we have a moment market hit a record high this week how high can it go is there a lot of air underneath these prices we're seeing on wall street it's sort of like if there were those of us who are concerned about. where this trade things go the nobody in none of the traders seem to have gotten that memo i think they believe that there will be a deal that our deal maker in chief or d i see of mr trump will somehow get the job
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done and i hope they're they're right i'm not optimistic but i hope they're right certainly so traders like to trade they don't see anything imminent that's going to be a problem when we get to the end of the year if these tariffs that you talked about the two hundred billion if that goes from ten percent to twenty five percent unless there's a deal the president says that we're going to move to twenty five percent i think that's going to be a big market move or it could be a market mover in the huge negative what about the president's spontaneity up is down down is up and he could change his mind tomorrow is that priced into the market does wall street get shook a little bit i think they're getting i mean i don't like this but i think they're getting used to it i think they they know that when he comes out and says this is the policy of the administration that they actually the administration it doesn't really mean it they still got to go through things and if you read some of the publications out there is little woodward book except sure they talk about how even
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when to decisions made the decisions not made there's got to be a memo it's got to be vetted by people and so we've seen it on multiple examples where the president comes out and says i'm changing the you know military gender thing and all the general say whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we can't do that and so until things happen i think the markets are really. taking it with a big grain if not a shovel full of salt for several days we've seen amazon stock bounce and all around you think that's related to this tough trade talk we're hearing amazon stock i think is a deal with a bunch of things and there's a big e.u. investigation now and i think that's awful having an impact it was just an announced yesterday and we're actually to be talking about in our program and the issue is. is that it's very interesting it's different holland in that everybody's concerned about their information being stolen you've talked about it on boom boom bust you know what happens in google and facebook equal opportunity political
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atmosphere unfortunately i think again as i said she may very well believe that that's what happened and that it was in fact brett kavanaugh that did this tour but you know what she's been invited by the senate to come testify she's trying to get her own conditions her own rules she wants to go last which is bizarre is not the way the system works usually you have an accuser and someone answers the charges she's going to be in the same room with him which is also bizarre this country we have a right to face your accuser although this is not a court of law and there's been some contradictions we know that she told the therapist about this incident in two thousand and twelve there are reports that had the therapist notes say that she told her there were four people in the room she insists now there were two people in the therapist got it wrong so look you know i mean again if cavanaugh did something wrong then he shouldn't be on the supreme
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court but there's no evidence that he did anything wrong judiciary committee member richard blumenthal democrat former connecticut attorney general said this i think the nomination should be withdrawn darr here is not. whether you have not criminally assaulted someone it's credibility trust integrity. well there is much caesar and should ford appear she will face eleven white male republican senators some of whom are old enough that they sat in judgment of anita hill in one thousand nine hundred one so turn down the sound how does this look. well looks really bad it looks bad in any time frame it looks worse through the optics of two thousand and eighteen and guess what those are the times we live in aren't we target attacking the accusers that's what's occurring now there's no sensitivity they are older and perhaps even more detached and as males than perhaps they should be i
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don't think it's anything wrong with the with the victim saying i'd like certain things to be done right if possible since a very rejected her calls for an investigation which is nothing wrong with that is this a shocking thing people are playing politics with this i think what everybody including steve fails to recognize or maybe does is the fact that this is a societal change this is a change in the culture it's not just the me too movement it's bigger than the other two individuals involved and i think to look at the situation and make a fair determination you know you have a member there for instance orrin hatch was pretty outspoken said you know maybe it happened but maybe she got him mixed up with somebody else that's the same orrin hatch who sat on the committee in one nine hundred ninety one during the anita hill time they didn't get it terribly well in right and this senate committee controlled by republicans they control the senate i don't think they're getting it right
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either but let's stop accusing the accusers let's get down to what the facts are and stop playing nonsense as an as an attorney you know that what steve said is true the polygraph thing is not admissible in a court of law but steve in the court of public opinion the word is out there and that. well let let let let me me let. yeah i mean i don't think too many people at the luck of c.n.n. has been playing up the polygraph it doesn't really amount to much about it i don't see the media every day saying she took a polygraph but let me just point something out let's work on mitchell's premise and say yes we are living in a me to movement then cory booker in one nine hundred ninety two wrote a piece for the stanford daily where he described admittedly that he groped a woman against her will why is he still a senator where's the democrats' outrage and then you have another senator sherrod brown who is the ex-wife says she was so afraid of him she had to get
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a restraining order which he violated where is the outrage for him and keith ellison the deputy chief of the d n c. his good friend that was mitch girlfriend said that she he dragged her he abused her at end to end tom perez the chairman said i'm glad i appointed him stave state after the billy bush tape issue to her and mario one year later as the president tours florence ravaged carolinas he disputes the death toll from hurricane maria in puerto rico a george washington university study reckons that ultimately two thousand nine hundred seventy five more puerto rican have died in the years since maria than would have died otherwise steve was rudy giuliani right truth isn't truth is the president's assessment. well i think the president did himself absolutely no favors
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by saying what he said here's what i would have said if you have doubt about it i would have said look this was not a government study this was a study by professors and researchers at a university and it's kind of unprecedented we usually don't go away year hence and say here's a revised total of how many people we assume died because they didn't have services based on previous deaths a year prior and years prior it's a unique circumstance it's a unique set of numbers and set of research that's what he could have said and i believe that's legitimate now if you read one more point if you read the washington post usa today before the hurricane hit every publication liberal and conservative said they're going to be without power for at least six months because their infrastructure stinks so this is no surprise but to the president's remarks probably should have said i'm that way. minute ago i said puerto rican but those
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dead were americans what message does the president send by disputing the death toll. i'm shocked he's playing to his base for the eighteen hundredth time in the last two years he keeps saying it's an island yeah if was long island he probably would have responded better but this is puerto rico he does he consider hispanics part of his base this plays to it he downplays the numbers just like the birth the movement he helped create against president obama that he wasn't born the united states it's the same m.o. to the base also the show on the object thing don't look to the left look to the right he doesn't want to look like a failure on anything they found you know millions of bottles of water literally maybe not exactly how it's things not distributed i want to invoke a specific person his name tech the score heck the pre-schooler is the director of the recovery for puerto rico hector is a personal friend of mine and the reason he is is because he's my actual next door neighbor. thirty feet away and he had a brilliant career with the f.b.i.
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before retiring and then when this happened try to help he said including in publications as recently as today he said the way thema came in there and specifically had i think this quote was no bearing to reality when they talked about what was wrong how long it would take to fix the cost that was being reimbursed to homeowners these are american citizens president trump and perhaps fema to a lesser degree really i think viewed it as an aspect of foreign aid not helping citizens of the united states that's where the number crunchers come in that's where all the. baloney aspect including the throwing of the paper towels last you cringe when you say foreign aid we have just enough time to sneak in issue three north korea chapter two after a recent north south korea summit south korean president moon announced that the era of no war has started today the north and south decided to remove all
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threats that can cause war from the entire korean peninsula. both countries pledged to bid jointly to host the twenty thirty two summer olympics to create railroad lines between north and south within a year and to discontinue military drills along the military demarcation line by november one among other steps forward this is all welcome news the president tweeted kim jong un has agreed to allow nuclear inspections subject to final negotiations and to permanently dismantle the test site and launch pad in the presence of international experts in the meantime there will be no rocket or nuclear testing hero remains continue being returned home to the united states also north and south korea will file a joint bid to host those olympic games and the president says very exciting so mitch is trump jumping in front of the parade. well that's exactly what he's doing
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and he likes doing that and if something goes wrong he says he had nothing to do with it i'd like to be optimistic i'm not based on history based on the trump last meeting that accomplished absolutely nothing and i think was aware of some broad concepts that meant less than nothing this is been a tough area he's talked about all the money we can save if we pull our people out of there i think i read an article the other day that the difference in reaction time if a missile is launched from north korea based on where we are now i think is a little under two minutes if we move it's ten minutes that's an eternity and spend every foreign policy and security experts said it's the best bargain we've ever had in reference to national security listen it's all about him what a surprise. i am not optimistic but i really would like to be for the good of the country yeah that singapore summit was a bit of a photo op but better than not and steve kemp now pledges to close that missile test facility with inspectors watching as the president's tweet said if the usa
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agrees to reciprocal moves kim doesn't like u.s. troops in south korea steve do we trust kim jong un. no we don't trust him but for mitchell say it's all about trump it was just a photo op tell that to the families whose loved ones remains have come home after all these years or to the families of the hostages that were released and the fact that there's been no missile test no provocation from kim since that meeting and now he wants another meeting and that we had the successful meeting with south korea my god who is the wildcard who is the only name that changed things from all the other press administrations with clinton and bush and obama donald trump his stance his meeting has resulted in all of this and hopefully it will result in more thank you make cesar and steve malzberg. thank there you here and that
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is the big picture now here fridays at one thirty seven and ten thirty pm eastern and if you messed us over the weekend we now have a monday afternoon replay at one thirty eastern you can find us on direct t.v. channel three two one pluto t.v. one three two and dish two eight zero for on demand at youtube dot com slash the big picture our t.v. watching any show any time any place on any device i'm holland cook in washington and at holland cook on twitter if you follow me i'll follow you question.
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in the age of triumphalism will gridlock has been taken to the next level there's a lot at stake a supreme court seat and presidential prerogatives in the end it's all about the rule of law and equal output cation of the law we are gazing into the abyss with compromise on life. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they did accept it or reject it. so when you want to be president. or some want to press. you to go right to be press this is like them before three of them or can't be good. i'm interested always in the was in the. question. and twenty four to you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political. protests to be increasingly violent
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revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we're here. both to do it through the media and the bill is that i do believe it over the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took. invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these another call that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. max kaiser this is the kaiser report brother you know we're all the peace there peace and love not like those other channels are about war and weapons and. i love you the question is if lockheed martin wanted to give you one hundred
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