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tv   News  RT  September 22, 2018 8:00am-8:23am EDT

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i. carnage at a military parade in ram with an open fire reportedly killing twenty four school. donald trump but trucks on his own auditor immediately released declassified documents regarding the f.b.i. officials involved in the russian collusion probe. u.s.
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state department accuses the syrian government and its allies of assisting terrorists in the country coming up we examine whether or not the claims correspond with the reality on the ground. and collision course at what's billed as the biggest fights in mixed martial arts history. russia's. meet the press with a pair set to do battle in just two weeks time. good afternoon kevin though in this is out international live from moscow has just turned three pm now this saturday afternoon and breaking news to tell you about the islamic state terror group says it carried out an attack on a military parade in southwest around this morning which left twenty four dead to show the moment of the shooting please be aware the pictures coming up are disturbing.
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at least fifty three people two were wounded in that attack additionally military parades are taking place right now across the country to mark the anniversary of the start of the war between iran and iraq back in the nineteen eighties iran's state media says quote the shooting is a terrorist attack the country's foreign minister quickly apportion blame. all right well let's cross now live to local journalist. was there hey thanks for the time today do you think i still it is actually on the top they have said they are other groups have claimed it to the who do you think was behind this early days i know. thank you for having me in fact after the terrorist attacks happened in the city of laws which is in the southwest of iran a separate. risk group called was the claimed responsibility for the
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at us and on the other hand iranian officials have pointed to some regimes in the region which could be referring to the so these and also israel to be backing those terrorist groups inside iran to conduct the attacks and senior military official in iran reject that the facility of the eisel to be behind these attacks and that what was the spokesperson for the group also claimed the responsibility for the attacks and this is the group which has been fighting for the liberation of iraq was or they have they are a separate this group and just one day before those terrorist acts the leader of this group graduated this so the arabia on its national day and they wanted help from this so this side in order to help them against iran.
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there at the moment we had we had to hear officially from them. ok for a minister there was a mention just now has apportion blame let's listen to what he had to say. terrorists recruited trained armed and paid by a foreign regime have attacked afghans children in journalists among casualties iran holds regional term responses and their us mostest accountable for such attacks iran will respond swiftly and decisively in defense of iranian lives. i'm apologies just the most to get my microphone cut off those things but no official response from saudi arabia or israel at the moment as to what they've got to say about it what are your thoughts what foreign minister had to say that. what the iranian foreign minister has said i think is referring to some regimes in the region which includes saudis and also israel and this is not something that you are
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in officials are saying the crown prince of saudi arabia. he himself in the past have said that they will try to extend the terrorism and the conflict inside the borders of iran and this is something that they have concern come first themselves and on the other hand you have had the precedents for that is released to conduct assassinations or are the terror acts inside iran for example you know we can refer to the assassination of the nato scientists or the other operations there have in iran and i think what iran's foreign minister is saying is referring to those acts and the relations i connections that exist between the was the a terrorist group so the arabian are the regimes in the region i think is referring to that issue and this is targeted a military parade commemorating the iran iraq war in a city near the border do you think maybe there was a connection to the the logistics of this place where it was so close to the border
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and the anniversary as well. that is close to the iraqi border as well. because that's the easy for them in order to be have better let's just fix their. i think this is something that iran has said that the violence as the foreign minister said. respond decisively and see if the. this group has been fighting against iranian soldiers in the past and in the past some in the past this is not the first time they are doing being seeing the backing from the so this side . but. i think iran will respond and try to control the borders more than before amid to destroy the country plus a prize was prepared for this this morning what is the status acuity to you country right now. i'm sorry i didn't get your quote what is the state who sick of security
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in your country right now has this attack this morning ran off guard if you like. you know for some moments in this city was this situation was a bit securitized but now comes back to the city and in other cities defrayed who were held in the anniversary of iran and iraq war. the calm is back to the city and also in the other cities of iran. exists and there is no other security problems and there was a an attack just to one single trade which most included some victims among the civilians and. in other cities we have not been seeing a problem so far and it was as planned was expected and it happened we didn't see any problems to be happening in other places list of us aslan
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a thanks for telling us what you know about what's happened there this morning. president translate his own order to declassify documents related to the ongoing russian collusion probe the files are expected to shed light on alleged conflicts of interest and ethics of certain f.b.i. government officials. i met with the d.o.j. concerning the declassification of various unredacted documents they agreed to release them but stated that doing so may have a perceived negative impact on the russian probe also key allies called to ask not to release verb for the inspector general has been asked to review these documents on an expedited basis i believe he will move quickly on this and hopefully on other things which he is looking at in the end i can always declassify it if it proves necessary speed is very important to me and everyone on monday the president announced he'd ordered the declassification of several pages of a surveillance warrant on former campaign aide carter page additional documents
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concerning ex f.b.i. director james comey to as well as other former top f.b.i. officials khaled mopin has more on why the president put a potentially explosive document release on hold. this delay comes in apparently he's waiting for the department of justice to review the documents before they are made available to the public now this is quite a u.-turn from donald trump but when he initially spoke up he gave a very strong statement saying that he was going to make the documents from the probe very public that he had this of the already as president we want transparency what i want is i want total transparency this is a witch hunt republicans are seeing it that democrats know it's a witch on to but they don't want to admit it because it's not good politics for them but it's a terrible witch hunt and it hurt our country and i want transparency and so does everybody else we should open it up for people to see now donald trump mentioned
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the democrats and trump was certainly under a huge amount of pressure from the democratic party many democratic leaders were strongly opposed to donald trump making public documents related to the bob muller investigation now we have adam schiff who is a high ranking member of the house select committee on intelligence he went as far as to call this abuse of power to say that donald trump was acting completely inappropriate lee and harming the ability of the justice department to do its work now interestingly tensions are riding high in washington d.c. in relation to this probe into allegations that trump colluded with russia bob woodward a popular investigative journalist who wrote two books that were very popular in relation to the trumpet ministration he was being interviewed recently and in his radio interview he stated that in his two years and his two years of investigative work. it wasn't until june last year when the syrian army began to recapture those
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parts of the country and it did so with the help of rainy and poor rainy and forces who have proven to be a considerable power. but in the world of the. u.s. state department iran give us an taketh because apparently on its own soil it forces the same terrorists it kills in syria it's a crazy standing of reality on its head but this is very common in the united states or in is helping the syrians defeat these terrorists nor countries but the united states says iran is supporting al qaeda it behooves the united states to say that iran is involved in this because this builds a case against iran even though it makes no sense so the united states reports whatever it needs to report to justify its foreign policy.
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being killed at least three hundred more injured in the latest on rest on the israel gaza border rallies organized by islamist militant group hamas have been taking place every friday since march i like with an ever bigger israeli military presence to go as a place should lead him to could dari in his will. but this was thousands of college students are protesting for the twenty sixth friday and that's you see it's asking leading where black smoke is filling the place that the us is also think the playschool eyes of palestinians have been injured so far as you see more injuries are coming out from the front lines. as if protester activists cave added a protest which thousands of seierstad bank declares that makes it a state's only state phrase i know. it was preparing lot of tough cocktails and they're also very think why tights injury after injury are coming from the
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frontline. to do the right of the world but in response to the criticism the israeli army posted this video onto its a showing palestinians breaking through the border fence to. and says we were there to stop them and prevent attacks on our civilians just minutes away the i.d.f. claims that rioters were hurling grenades and bombs at troops used live ammunition in self-defense and soldiers sustained injuries from stratton zero to seventy minutes. without international ahead of the titans still two weeks to go and then russia faced with this in-fighting talking. big battle to.
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do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. somehow i want to. let you go right to the press this is like the full screen can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters.
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broadcasting union spoke out against policy changes the public t.v. and radio corporation he criticized planned budget cuts in a push to reduce the promotion of multiculturalism. oh or are. sit together and we hear something about the war about and everything if only. the ethnic. instead focus has been shifted it says to the values of democracy and free speech the broadcaster also wants content to portray the country's christian cultural heritage now the changes were published by denmark's ministry of culture with parliamentary support the majority of that support coming from the anti
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immigration danish people's party the second largest political force in the country the opposition though who obviously i guess is spoken out against the new charter this is a tightening up with had put in relative to the previous wording we felt that was too weak dion must present christian cultural heritage to a greater degree i think it's an incorrect prioritization of conservative values it's another step towards a political agenda that doesn't want to integrate people. for most of the religious program on the throne home often a guest on this program to told us the move is being made to reinforce the country's national identity the previous guidelines. also stated that crist and that's part of in this culture heritage what is surprising is that they really stress it one more time because after my program closed down one religious program after the other has been shut down because chris and at sea and religion in
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general has not been the macgregors unrivaled striking skills that get your vote or little debate of the deadly take thousand grappling whoever you get behind october the sixth is sure to be a hell of a night. on the breaking news story here on out international the times about five hours ago now there's mommy state terror group now saying it carried out an attack on a military parade in southwest around which killed twenty four roberta show the moment of the shooting again please be aware this picture is graphic and disturbing. at least fifty three year olds were wounded in the attack really pretty military road taking place across the country to mark the anniversary of the start of the war between iran and iraq in one thousand nine hundred islamic states not to be the only terror group to claim responsibility for the shooting but none of the groups
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provided any evidence for their claim so far in time the iranian foreign minister is blamed the attack on terrorist supported by what he called a foreign wage. thanks for watching this hour to dot com got so much more of course if you don't know dollar free up you can be guaranteed to get all those headlines and alerts as when they happen straight to mobile device their moscow this saturday afternoon it's given how insane thank you for watching. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that does what mike was hoping the board doesn't implement the eyes of god i'm just going to going to. woods as the thing that he got into the sea it's just a proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that a such a security risk when you have
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a black box operating the public i'd think microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that. this could put more. simply a sense of this is selling this is also only one local open almost. all of. the rules and all this is the. done with the old beijing stop and there was a sting almost a fund is up and these cards on the fly and. it's become an international norm to say women's rights are human rights but in a world where women make up the majority of university graduates this may not be true how much more women's empowerment needs to happen before gender face policies become redundant.
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this is both fast broadcasting around the world and covering the load of business first you'll be the guy behind the tree all of us harm our children washington thanks for being on board. coming up as the european union rejects the united kingdom's proffer on a brecht's that deal there is increased pressure upon british prime minister theresa may but what would be a good deal for the u.k. and how do they get there the clever and keen c.e.o. of straw mark henry ford which is standing by to help us sort it all out and it will be a busy weekend in business and one event involved the sale of sky titanic u.k.
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telecommunications firm steve malzberg joins us to discuss plus we take a deep dive into that investigation we told you about yesterday in the emma zone and how they use a merchant data details of businesses on the amazon platform antitrust attorney barry barlow an r.q. correspondent peter all over joins us for the conversation and among some of the biggest business sectors is forge we take a look at sports branding in the u.s. and around the world and before we go the incredibly iconic volkswagen beetle the bug is once again being terminated archies rachel blevins considered the plastic car and it's dispiriting this mas tons of thing to get to let's go. to the organization for economic cooperation and development o.e.c.d. has issued a sober and serious warning about the risk of increasing global trade tensions as part of their biannual interim economic outlook o.e.c.d.
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also noted quote over the past few years the rate of global growth has halved relative to pre-crisis period and it declined further in recent quarters with the weakness concentrated in asia moreover trade frictions are increasing as a trump administration warns of a possible sanction against india over their purchase of a missile system from russia and anonymous senior us official cited the powers to act under the countering america's adversaries through thanks act but said. the ultimate target of these sanctions is russia and president donald trump is now lashing out at the world's top postal policy body and seized on an apparent anomaly perhaps even an absurdity in the global postal rate setting system which is overseen by the universal postal union or the u.p.a. the u.p.a. you an agency of the united nations the issue is that you policies make it more expensive to mail get this items from the us to china than the other way around
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late last month the administration sent a memo seeking to alter the policy but the u.p.c. has not demure and has deferred a decision to the next u.p.c. meeting with doesn't take place until twenty twenty which seems to place the u.p.c. in the trump of ministration on a collision course. as we told you yesterday european union to floridians have opened an investigation into amazon related to how they have.


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