tv News RT September 22, 2018 5:00pm-5:23pm EDT
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islamic state and i met with the d.o.j. concerning the declassification of various unredacted documents they agreed to release them but stated that doing so may have a perceived negative impact on the russian probe also key allies called to ask not to release therefore the inspector general has been asked to review these documents
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on an expedited basis i believe he will move quickly on this and hopefully on other things which he is looking at in the end i can always declassify it if it proves necessary speed is very important to me and everyone. well monday the president announced he'd ordered the declassification of several pages of a surveillance warrant tom foreman from campaign aide account to page additional documents concerned ex f.b.i. director james comey as well as other former top f.b.i. officials kind of open as more on why the president put the potentially explosive document release on hold this delay comes in apparently he's waiting for the department of justice to review the documents before they are made available to the public now this is quite a u.-turn from donald trump but when he initially spoke up he gave a very strong statement saying that he was going to make the documents from the probe very public that he had this authority as president we want transparency what
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i want is i want total transparency this is a witch hunt. republicans are seeing it that democrats know it's a witch on to but they don't want to admit it because it's not good politics for them but it's a terrible witch hunt and it turned our country and i want transparency and so does everybody else we should open it up for people to see now donald trump mentioned the democrats and trump was certainly under a huge amount of pressure from the democratic party many democratic leaders were strongly opposed to donald trump making public documents related to the bob muller investigation now we had adam schiff who is a high ranking member of the house select committee on intelligence he went as far as to call this abuse of power to say that donald trump was acting completely inappropriate lee and harming the ability of the justice department to do its work now interestingly tensions are riding high in washington d.c. in relation to this probe into allegations that trump colluded with russia bob
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woodward a popular investigative journalist who wrote two books that were very popular in relation to the trumpet ministration he was being interviewed recently and in his radio interview he stated that in his two years and his two years of investigative work at no point did you find. anything showing that donald trump had colluded with russia did you bob woodward hear anything in your research in your interviews that sounded like espionage or collusion i did and of course i looked for it look for it hard now despite announcement on monday that these documents would be made public it appears that that decision is on a whole department of justice is now reviewing the documents the bob mueller investigation continues with many people wondering what will come next and what exactly is the truth political analyst daniel mcadams says the democrats reluctance to see the documents declassified raises questions i find it very interesting what
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a panic the democrats the leading democrats in washington are in over this and not only that but as we know our closest allies are also panicking and there certainly is speculation as to who that might be is it the united kingdom is it the u.k. intelligence services who are all seem to be up to their neck at least in this in trying to discredit running the president what is really going on here and i think it's really a fascinating it would be is an extraordinary extraordinarily public view of i guess you call it the deep state and how it operates and how it can overrule the president in getting these things released. the u.s. state department is blaming the rise of terrorism in syria on the country's government and its allies it goes down of analyzes whether the claims correspond with reality on the ground with syria there are a few things that have all international players on the same page the fact that
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al-qaeda prowse freely through parts of this country is one just like they should know more the debate is about how and who's allowed the terrorists to thrive in syria. over the past decade there are certain regimes permissive attitude towards al qaeda and other terrorist groups fed the growth of al qaeda i saw in affiliated terrorist networks inside syria washington pins the blame unequivocally on the force that has spent a large part of the past seven years and lost tens of thousands of men repairing the terrorist onslaught. when peace in syria blew to kingdom come in two thousand and eleven al qaeda was busy from the get go given the chance to oust the assad government a fact the us validated itself al qaeda in iraq supported the syrian opposition from the beginning both ideologically and through the media al qaeda in iraq
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declared its opposition to assad's government because it considered it a sectarian regime targeting sunni's so let me recap al qaeda supported the syrian opposition washington also supported the syrian opposition when it comes to picking the company to entrench yourself with the us made the worst choice imaginable another assumption the new counterterrorism report makes is that syria made its border the grand central station allowing al qaeda to run moves in and out of iraq except damascus wouldn't have much time to facilitate that for the most part it had no access cut off by the opposition from its own border syrian regime border forces retreated from the border and the opposition forces took over the posts and raised their flag it wasn't until june last year when the syrian army began to recapture those parts of the country and it did so with the help of a rainy and pro-war rainy and forces who have proven to be
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a considerable power. but in the world of the u.s. state department. iran give us and take it because apparently on its own soil it forces the same terrorists it kills in syria it's a crazy standing of reality on its head but this is very common in the united states rand is helping the syrians defeat these terrorists in their countries but the united states is iran is supporting al-qaeda it behooves the united states to say that iran is involved in this because this builds a case against iran even though it makes no sense so the united states reports whatever it needs to report to justify its foreign policy. denmark's largest public t.v. and radio group has come in for strong criticism from the european public service
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broadcaster alliance the e.b.u. partly over a push to reduce the promotion of multiculturalism. or. sit together and we hear something. about it and there have been if only. the admin can support i instead focus has been shifted it says to the values of democracy and free speech the brokaw stor also says content will reflect the country's historically christian identity the changes were published by denmark's culture ministry with parliamentary support and the majority of our support comes from the anti immigration danish people's party as the second largest political force in the country has been pushing for this media policy change the party is also called on to represent denmark's christian cultural heritage to a greater degree the opposition though is none too pleased with the new plans. i think it's an incorrect prioritization of conservative values it's another step
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towards a political agenda that doesn't want to integrate people for most of a religious program on diaw told us the moves being made to reinforce denmark's national identity. the previous guidelines also stated that christianity is part of the new sculptural heritage what is surprising it that they really stress it one more time because after my program closed down one religious program after the other has been shut down because chris and at sea and religion in general has not been prioritized with the immigration that the europeans and also that it was in that they know has a problem to define their own identity if a culture is very based on its christian foundations and its christian faith it's much easier for this society to integrate other people so i think that's why they want to stress it simply to strengthen their national identity which is very important in our time where there is so much division in the european societies.
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i got an excitement is steadily building among fight fans around the globe it's two weeks until one of the most anticipated back to the history of the ultimate fighting championship gets going irishman called mcgregor. added to the hype with the stead down at a press conference on thursday the new york and countdown to the knockout event.
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what makes crowds in the middle of a bustling new york street stop stare and listen to the most talked about fight this in m.m.a. the hottest property in the light weight division if not the world of u.f.c. two champions facing off against one another and this is just their pre-fight press conference suited and booted as always quite a mcgregor former u.f.c. featherweight and lightweight champion number two on the you have c's pound for pound rankings and undisputed number one for trash talk and controversy in the other corner the man who sent shock waves through u.f.c. . off twice world champion and undefeated in twenty six fights the reigning and first russian and first muslim lightweight champion is out to make history and put mcgregor in his place even though the big night is still some weeks away the sparks are already flying and.
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they're always on the money i constantly because i'm going to be there. i never want to keep up with some of them present in. your residence randomly. when you. do you mean putting on a show for the eager press trying to get in their opponent's head and parcel space the fighters pressured each other loud and brash in the usual style have be trying to keep his cool saving his anger for the ring for. the birds he sure is a. beautiful. place to be rid of. here . this is everything. and the fighters have a history the feud goes back. a long way and for both this one is personal
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beginning all there he toppled the two like she can what do you think about this day. he talked about the greatest. all the time when somebody take him down he tapped the edge. this. time here send a message like location location i'm going to come for you where you want doesn't matter island new york who the in almost doesn't mention the last clash led to broken bus windows a police investigation even a lawsuit for mcgregor that viral video making sports headlines around the whole world little wonder then that you have see fires that even those totally mute m.m.a. are glued to their screens when it comes to the color fight now will it be macgregors unrivaled striking skills that get your vote or a little bit of deadly takedowns and grappling whoever you get behind with a six is sure to be a hell of
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a night. if you thought you were the driving force of an eco friendly lifestyle by switching to electric cars all those years ago california says you're wrong the u.s. state could be about to punish over two hundred thousand low ward zero emission car owners as it tackles congestion problems electric vehicles bought before twenty seventeen assent to be banned from priority lanes after six years of enjoying the perks of going green. the doctor said it's ok wired how will you know there's no notes in a. single person you know the graph you. are. going to call it.
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the green and white each of the wing stickers on their cleaner cars will expire at the beginning of the year. i think that's ridiculous i think what they want to do is use a car charge for the carpool lane so you don't agree with their argument as to why they're doing you know i really think it's the many. who are trying to promote clearly vehicles clean technology have a safer sustainable world. the founder of a humanitarian organization that helps refugees in greece has given himself up to police. on a shuffle stemming we have. and will. be able to win the war and you know.
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after time so you know what you're going on the ground on the day jeremy corbyn tells his u.k. labor party why he'll be britain's next prime minister coming up on the show is israel trying to derail or. turkey peace deal in syria we go to aleppo to investigate it is more call a distraction from this week's ultimatum to residents affected by britain's worst. since world war two but first jeremy corbyn may be rallying his socialist troops in liverpool but what about monday's speech by shadow chancellor john mcdonnell the british labor party conference this is what he told us about first being appointed by corbin when i asked him about britain's media landscape well we were the first people before anybody else to raise the issues about the abuse by the british media
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elements within the british media and before anyone else raised and we were doing on behalf of for example the national unity journalists who had many of their members bullied if they weren't for example involving themselves in what may fall from professional practices intrusions in personal personal privacy of people and they were reporting upon so we raise those issues and it all does all come down to a lack of democratic traffic control of our media but the concentration of powers in ownership of critique there is a lack of diversity of british media by u.k. shadow chancellor john mcdonald but what's happened since allegedly working with those who support try didn't nuclear weapons in scotland here he is attacking the channel he appeared on one very clear thing that you could do is stop appearing on russia today which is we describe but what if you rode business as a kremlin propaganda vehicle i think that's right now and that's what i'll be doing of appeared on the past sometimes to challenge some of the issues internationally and also to raise issues here that we're concerned about in terms of well not just
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russia's role but also the international scene overall and i think that's right because i think from what we're seeing from russian today at times goes beyond objective journalism so why the change and why did they go on to say on the state mandated b.b.c. whose own political editor was criticised for bias against corbin by the b.b.c. regulator that m.p.'s shouldn't appear on this program. r.t. is the biggest television news channel on the internet with billions of hits and you can tell us whether you think organs chancellor is wrong or right or why he should be supporting to raise amaze position on media multiplicity via social media that strays a may who like corbin's political enemies supported the war on syria it's only a few months since the prime minister herself visited our a.f. akrotiri in cyprus from where tornado jets flew their sorties one thing is for sure media has been largely monolithic arguably in britain about to raise a maze a port for rebels trying to overthrow the government of syria and social media is
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certainly having little of what president putin and prime minister netanyahu had to say about last week's killing of fifteen russian servicemen after an israeli warplane attack on syria so let's go to what used to be syria's largest city aleppo joining me via skype from his perspective is aleppo's independent member of the syrian parliament. thanks for coming back on before we get to monday's deal what did you think of president putin's diplomatic response to the israeli bombardment of your country i think it sounded good enough and i think behind it there is a clear clear it's all resolved by russia really or that the skies of syria to make it off limits to all of these you know nato aggressors and to the special people the israelis really jets that keep. their national you know recognized rights you think it's good enough because putin appeared to say it's just a tragic series of events we didn't say didn't seem to tell israel to stop bombing and because israel for its sake says it was bombing to stop hezbollah and iran in
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your country you think putin's response is fine yes i mean he doesn't need to say it really are you not bluntly i mean it's obvious from things that we we starting to feel on the ground we knew you would be set. you know i don't think you would say good luck lightly that the israelis use a hidden behind it they formed like a cloud be the russian jet in on.
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