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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  September 22, 2018 10:30pm-10:57pm EDT

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how can one parse out a gender identity out of many other identities that women carry why do we need to have women's rights as a subset of human rights rather than addressing human rights in the entirety let's talk about intersectionality the woman presents herself as a woman of color is an unemployed. person as a victim of domestic. violence as someone who has experience and if so we have to try and find out if addressing all of those things all at the same time. sometimes it's not easy to find one stop shop where gets the supports that she needs to address all of these issues but you probably are aware there's a much stronger. advocacy and voices now that are talking upwards into. more than stand alone and at the same time. also. create.
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also about. men in the faith that does not also do men in the service men are also depressed. min expected to be paid when or sometimes even when they don't have the capacity to do this so it's. in a way now you mentioned before the issue of gender based violence and i know you're a very strong advocate against that and if we if you look at studies of domestic violence they often show that women. kid that male partners more frequently but it is man who cause more bodily harm to women so it's not a straightforward i've analysis and it's that assumes that in many developed. women actually also use violence. and i know that women also do kill their. women in prison if. much fewer of the men but the thing is that they
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also resorts to violence quite often and i think in our society it is acceptable for a man to hit men for a man to and for a woman to hit man for i meant to hear a woman that's not acceptable at all don't you think that this is why you know if you address this issue only from a woman's point of view. on the phone we even actually work with men in women for instance i think in the united nations the same especially younger men where you still have a chance to influence the attitudes when we talk about for instance. us men to work we talk about. being a. power younger men i like to be. maybe less than younger women but they're just as vulnerable in our case for instance me intends. to pull through whatever orientation that you give to young women in ten
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because you want them to be aware that they could develop just because of the each . of their job let me ask you or also about. something that i heard you express in one of your recent speeches i think it was in south africa you mentioned the concept of what you see as toxic masculinity these domineering arrogant predatory behavior i wonder if you believe in an idea of toxic femininity and if so what would that be. i think tux. two would be females at the workplace for instance. who abuse their authority people who complain about their. about femininity or masculinity as being simply a toxic boss and. talks impulse but there is something. which comes with the fact that
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a man who has this. toxicity that comes of. much more than. an unpleasant boss woman is likely to be a man with toxic muscular. who in many cases might have resources and therefore can be very controlling over men just because it creates a number of men who are in that position also because society allows of to be i guess that women with the potential to be toxic. sometimes help pick by the expectations of society well listen men society itself brings that out you know the guy is a cause out and fights who pulls out and. not in an innocent in a social way so the ecosystem. encourages. in this i know a lot of men who do not like. the kinds of stereotypes about men
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they're to harmful to women who actually find that they have to fight it just to be themselves you often mention the me to move man and the way it is presented now it's very broad because it involves walls. american women american actions who have been dealing with sexual advances from influential. it also includes girls in let's say africa who are subjected to have g.m. or are wedded to much older males and i'm sure as a un official you have to speak for all women but i wonder if it's it's really fair a lump in them all together on did they had women's rights because arguably these people women or women than america or a girl in africa in terms of their empowerment you know they cannot be compared the
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course of action each of them could take could not be compared well the kind of the experience at different parts indivisible is a probably a much more in fact i don't even want to compare because some people who. are rich who have been victims of some form of abuse they actually have significant mental problems. people who. been victims of violations for instance in the chest just children how much they live with difficult to reach empowered people from the outside to think everything committing suicide so i don't think it's my place to church who has less of pain but i also know that those that experience in s.g.m. or forced marriage powerless especially because it also happens it's such an. significant disempowered possibilities for them to get. even less and less
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at the family. also supports. the. actual of my precise point that these vulnerable girls and women they need somebody to stand up for them because they have absolutely no support system but when you compare them for example american young american actress is not this is not a competition this is just types of rights that people experience and by that we need to just to it's me to this happened to me too it could be again who was. it happened to me or you know somebody tried to make sexual advances on me you know somebody a somebody. it's not of course we run in we have a mutual type situation for girls who are victims of genital mutilation and.
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mutilation who. they don't want to talk about since because it's a head for. them to talk to somebody who has gone through it was finding we surviving. and we are finding that it actually helped you know that that's a great and beautiful thing let me ask you specifically about the harvey weinstein case because this is what i'm referring to and there are a couple of record it encounters of him acting totally inappropriate towards women but women are also shown to sort of play along they do not resist very forcefully they kind of montagne. so what's the problem here again who has suffered. deserves to be supported in their letter specifically it gail who has been a victim of us mint in hollywood never does as a long it's
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a case but. but there's little new friends. demanding a little bit more from women because this is a conversation between women should they i'm sure i don't think it's asking for you know a senator i want in certain kinds of plants or you know that there's a billion women who are victims of abuse. i have so much time in turn to four hours i'm going to concentrates on the numbers of the women with the west's situations and they. have the most difficult time i'm not going to over invest these borderline cases because i think there is a risk that we end up in. the senate. we end up neglecting the ones that's asking about very specific the united nations because. there was a similar controversy just recently in loose laura's former deputy executive director of yates whom we interviewed on this very program about the year ago he
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had to step down because of sexual allegations. are you satisfied with the way that the case was handled well i think it's not complete because. again i was one of those people who wanted to spec for. both the accused in the end the person who has been. my instinct is to be the woman fest i have to be there at the same time i do appreciate and i think you process is important so. now there were five women all together some of them told in the guardian interview that they had not reported the incident because they felt that nothing would be done any way they felt they actually some of them said to the u.n. personnel they trying to actually harass them do you believe that to be the case well i'm sure those stories they've been reported by the press they've been told to
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us by stuff and there is a comprehensive review right now in the end to fix our system because it's that the fix the system is broken i have had an incidental. or. meant i had to investigate. we've been able to fire the person but it took too long . it was frustrating to me just frustrates him to the complainants and i was also glad that the complainants also important to the richmond that's with us we're not the nuance. involved so our system is not perfect and we have to fix it but how much of songs of the last many years are talking about women's rights from the wrong and you know that this policy of zero tolerance. is one thing that's been and is also a reflection of society. how do we have that's. not . the exception institution in that people who accept nothing and
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that's the majority of the people are just like society with but pockets. and that is why we actually have to fix them and there's this way we appreciate the fact that the same site is and that is making this mission mad and we have to take a very short break now but we'll be back in just a few moments. join me every thursday on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to us in the world of
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politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. when you. look at that is there was more than a book called the bug. it's
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called story it's the it's about seeing me. just for the. ride fathers' financial survival guide on five a i pod on a futures. almost five. i saw some advice from the future crocker was kaiser.
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welcome back to worlds apart with friends in the. united nations under-secretary general and executive director of the un of women there is a lot of discussion these days about the politics of quick tim horton when people use their gender or race as sort of excuse for the inappropriate behavior and those things happened as well i'm not suggesting that that was the case in any of the instances we already discussed but that happened i think i think it helps the cause i wanted to make that judgment call how do you see a person as a journalist i'm not an expert in vesta keating these kinds of cases i think is a consent activist i would see it is important that. we engage with. that is a potential victim to really make sure that when we accuse somebody it is of course where it's true as possible that the majority of the people who accuse come out it
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is because it is true and they don't get justice and i don't want to achieve injustice that just suffered by the majority. over invests in these limited cases i also feel that it's even one person who is accused falsely will end up in the left for who and deserves justice also so i am no doubt applies both to man and he is absolutely so i am concerned when when that happens. i have to see if i have a little bit of time with you i want to talk about their majority of the people whose rights are trampled upon we have no recourse and i'm being societal who killed themselves will lose their jobs i think if we fix this probably i'm. even to juice these other cases that's a false can i ask you about one more highly publicized case. there was
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a very recent case of syria and there we are having this emotional outburst of the u.s. open women's final and there is quite a bit of a controversy people are debating whether she is indeed a victim of male discrimination standing up for women's rights or whether she is somebody who is using both her gender and race car to excuse her poor emotional control well you know what i saw two women of color who were both victims in the case of now or me this was her moments in this a discussion a puppet's the extent to which all countries including the country is less kind and we have very high scores on gender equality and page care work is still what consents women in many cases where there's children involved where there's older people to look after women will pass a high powered job in must be much more content about that until their to the.
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stronger sharing. of the roles is not. just as a streatch that level of equality even in gender you know ever reach that level i'm hoping i'm hoping we will it's worth fighting for at least the extent to which now we have the discrepancy in inequality it is with paying attention and putting emphasis and of course there's also women who like. to be. in the caring service and i don't think that's women or men should be penalize for that it is a. motherhood to myself the amount of time i don't spend with my children saw you leave me perfectly to my next question because you mentioned the women who do. not have the drive for my power and you certainly i'm not that kind of woman and if i'm not mistaken you have five children no i don't know i don't have i have three well
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your repeated you have five yet some of them are in africa you get a lot of children well anyway. a lot by my standards anyway and you were also the first deputy president of your country you're now a top u.n. diplomat i wonder on a personal level how did you manage to balance it all out and i did i mean time i didn't manage and i lived to regret that i didn't manage i was more time with my children and young woman who watch this whenever you have time to spend with your children. if no one is going to die you need to go see you know it's there if it's not going to be a disaster choose your children it's in a very important balance to have because you know they grow up very quickly and you can never get the time but they're also a source of such happenings that a very few drops of this one so that belongs to you. you're just
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their parent. in any case is so now can i ask you one more thing in the one of your interviews you told a story about a german boy who when asked whether he once. said that no in his country i wanted to go to be a go why is that a positive story and i know my dad said to tell i was not telling it was because it all sort of points to the types of how studio types can condition boys and girls sometimes are conditioned to think maybe i cannot see or because they don't see enough fuel he is a bore you could be a prisoner could be a president it's also gender stereotyping only there's hers this is what i'm saying that students have both ways it costs now this child boy is a mission to be as chancellor has been. it ties into a larger problem or how we as human societies raise both our. daughters and i think
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there is a larger social problem in developed countries of man sort of falling behind not being flexible not being resilient enough to sort of take on the world do you think the u.n. would benefit from setting up a special office dedicated exclusively to the issues concerning man in a similar way you're adopting a man has so much power they can so something from themselves over a lot of money they have a lot of forethought and gnumeric they stand up for one another oh i think so i mean they're the guys thing in the locker room man the supports the boys network and they way they hire each other the evidence right now is over in support of men but there are men who also photogen that tracks were men were i mean if you look in this in the number of men why lectured to be. as against. women the fact that to poise i lectured to be the ones that. you don't think that
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warrants a special office by the united. by the united nations because the united is so much in countries can do that not everything has to come to the un i don't think that. crisis proportion and all that have to do with the special problems that the boys have whether it is a health it is health issues it is drug related the different institutions that specialize in that one needs to do and look at the special needs for boys and address them in a very specific way boys and sports. those institutions where sports can also. needs to play their children. i'm just going to keep you in women for now and i mean i i mean mother of boys so i do when something to have been well i. thank you for that as a motto boy i really appreciate it madam it's been great pleasure talking to you
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thank you very much for us and encourage our viewers to keep this conversation going in our social media pages and hope to see her again same place same time here in worlds apart.
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when you. look at the distance to the movie. it's going strong it's the it's about seeing me. just chill.
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and the list on. my side is that it is going. to look so they're going to build a little. tiny and into him a ride on a mission with a high then i. look at the locks on the hood of the duck i. don't want out of the modern i don't want to worry about. something that really. want to our mr need. a phone call on the. art of a shuffle stem and we have been down. in the world there and you'll get a little warmth and you know what. i'm going to set out to.
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show that idea you saw. this idol of the.
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terrorists opened fire on a military parade in southwest iran killing at least twenty eight people as the country marks of the anniversary of its war with iraq. u.s. state department accuses the syrian government and its allies of helping extremists in the country. and the mixed martial.


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