tv News RT September 23, 2018 5:00pm-5:27pm EDT
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i. the russian defense ministry slams the actions of the israeli military blaming it for the downing of a plane in syria last monday all fifteen russian service personnel on board were killed. in the stories that shaped the week the world anti-doping agency states russia's anti-drug body a major step toward seeing many of the country's top athletes back competing on the world stage. looking more like a no deal to negotiations. with the bloc rejects to reserve may's economic plan.
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just to train work for corporations. at this late stage in the negotiations it is not acceptable to simply reject the other side's proposals without explanation and counter places. this is the weekly let me call it a look at the biggest stories covered right here over the past seven days and also the weekend's developments too that's where we start in fact russia's defense ministry says israel bears responsibility for the downing of a russian aircraft off syria's coast this week which killed all fifteen service personnel aboard in a statement to the media the russian military presented a detailed timeline of the incident. at twenty thirty one on september nineteenth
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the russian survey aircraft it was twenty started its patrol mission in a deescalation zone and in syria's northwest around the same time four israeli f. sixteen fighter jets left israel's air space they flew over neutral waters of the mediterranean and took up a combat ready position ninety kilometers from syria's port of latakia at twenty one thirty nine the israeli air force informed russia its f. sixteen s were to carry out an air raid in northern syria but the israeli message was misleading because israel informed russia it would strike targets in the north of syria but instead they had targets in the western province of latakia just a minute after the cole israeli jets conducted as strikes in the taqiyya province following the call the russian it was when she received an order to move south and exit the supposed target zone with such short notice the russian plane was unable to reach a safe area eleven minutes after the attack began syrian air defenses started firing missiles already in combat position at twenty one fifty nine one of the f.
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sixteen started to maneuver towards the coast and approached the ill twenty series and defense systems registered the maneuver as the start of another attack and opened fire the it which when she was hit by a missile and four minutes later disappeared from radar russia believes it was the actions of the israeli jets that put the old twenty at immense risk because the. pilot was aware the russian planes would be a preferred target for the empty aircraft missile because of its larger raid across section they also knew that syrian raiders were likely to identify the old twenty as a group of israeli jets because russia and syria use different friend or foe systems the israel defense forces disputed moscow's timeline of events saying that their f. sixteen s were not hiding behind the russian plane and left the area before it was shot down r.t. senior correspondent nor i guess the looks at how the tragedy could affect relation . between russia and israel whatever side you ask no one's guilty culpable or
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liable everyone blames someone else israel holds the assad regime whose military shot down the russian plane fully responsible for this incident israel also holds iran and hezbollah a terrorist organization accountable for this unfortunate incident this regrettable incident is the result of the usual israeli impudence and rodents who always use the filthiest means to achieve their unsavory goals and in that very hostility in our region was that the syrians who launched a missile while fending off a surprise a raid on their country was a theory and his by law who apparently had an arms factory that just had to be bombed or was it the israelis who reportedly hid behind russian aircraft because presented objective data testify that the actions of israeli fighter pilots which led to the loss of life of fifteen russian servicemen either
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a lack professionalism were an act of criminal negligence to say the least. russia holds israel responsible that is clear and israel's excuses have been dismissed as just that excuses the israeli regime put the russian servicemen at risk intentionally in order to be able to carry out this attack on syria which is of course illegal in itself the arrogance of netanyahu has caused him great difficulty now because he has to be answerable to the russian people and then set of apologizing as usual the israelis are looking for scapegoats israel insists it had to bomb the arabians hizbullah are there and then yet how many times is israel now had to bomb syria dozens and dozens monthly to stop iranian and she aggression it says many times has iran attacked israel and this puts russia
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in a tough spot its trademark selling point of being friends with everyone may be impossible to keep up russia is now quite evenhanded in the middle east and he tries to keep good relation was all the parties was is was the arabs was the palestinians it was turkey was iran. i wonder how long will it last that you can be a friend of everybody because by the end of the day we are dealing with a very fragile reality in the middle east with very contradictory power and a lot of atrocity as we know and violence but russia thought it could manage and why not look at all it has done for israel. when russia flew near the israeli occupied golan heights they warned them three hundred ten times
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they notified israel when israel bombed syria russia never shot down israeli jets or missiles even when they posed a danger to russian personnel at israel's request russia tore up a deal to sell syria s three hundred ad defense systems which would have made israeli air raids much more difficult a war. israel expressed its concerns as soon as the end street hundred deal with syria was signed. israel concluded that with these new air defense systems syria would have been able to cover all of israel's airspace that means that damascus could have shot down israeli military planes just seconds after takeoff the israeli said they cannot let that happen they expressed their alarm and asked moscow to break the deal russia's answered israel's concerns by first suspending the contract and then withdrawing from it completely and returning four hundred million dollars that it already received from the syrian government. russia helped
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broker a deal to keep iranian and hezbollah forces in syria away from the golan heights from the israeli border at israel's request in golan heights the russian military at israel's request launched a special operation to identify and exuma the remains of israeli soldiers dead for decades and russia got un troops back to the golan heights after six years at the request of israel with the assistance of the russian forces all iran backed formations with heavy weapons were withdrawn from the golan heights to a safe distance for israel more than one hundred forty kilometers to the east of syria in twenty sixteen at the urgent request of the chief of the general staff of the israel defense forces israel received them i got three tank captured in one thousand eight hundred two in lebanon and kept in russia ever since. and then
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there's the diplomatic cover russia has given israel by backing it up in the un security council or by protecting israel from the bombers parting shots of our goal is a no russia has been helping israel a lot moscow has always taken israeli interests into account especially when it comes to the middle east settlement for example in twenty sixteen the outgoing about ministration trying to push the draft resolution on the israeli palestinian side. it's women at the u.n. security council that resolution would have adopted artificial circumstances for the settlement which were on acceptable for israel russia to israel's concerns into account and despite then u.s. secretary of state john kerry embodying russian foreign minister lavrov with requests to vote in favor of russia didn't do it helped israel in that case so the resolution didn't pass you'd have thought israel would be grateful or at least appreciate the effort but fifteen russian servicemen and now dead killed in the
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crossfire israel's preemptive vendettas which means one of two things either the israeli government has no care it's all for all that russia has done or that the israeli military leads a very separate life middle east analyst our work of things that it's clear from the time line why moscow is pointing the finger at israel they say it was deliberate that these really pirates chose to take refuge in in a plane or around a plane with a large or a much larger footprint on the radar screens i.e. the i l or the illusion twenty. he says that this was deliberate it's not clear and i don't think anybody can go as far as determining the intentions of these really pilots i.e. the two chris hughes in this plane so that the syrians don't shoot or they took
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refuge in the plane and this plane so that the syrians if they shoot it would be shot down there is a fine line between the two the knowledge and this is why he said this is close to criminal negligence you know. and great unprofessionalism in one hand so what is happening is that had it not not only been for the operation but also for the actions of these really airplanes and the misleading of the thing . regarding the theater of operations none of this would have happened so it's clear for the foremost goal that israel is to play now how or where more school goes from there is is what remains to be seen. stories from the week of the world anti-doping agencies voted to reinstate russia's anti drugs body thursday's decision ended a three year suspension for alleged state sponsored doping the great majority of the world anti-doping agency's executive committee decided to reinstate the russian
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anti doping agency as compliant with the world anti-doping code of water had given russia a list of commitments to be reinstated one point was access to data and samples stored in the moscow lab russia's agreement to do it was enough for border the main sticking point had been the report by canadian dr richard mclaren which alleged that russia had run a spate sponsored doping scheme of a list called for it to acknowledge complicity in doping moscow denies such a program ever existed but in a letter to water russia's sports minister admitted that there were issues within the country's anti-doping agency the reinstatement was met with dissent as our sports correspondent alexy irish f.q. now reports. it's definitely been a very difficult decision for water and even in that statement it acknowledged that the decision would be unpopular and would be met with a lot of criticism the u.s. anti-doping agency chief. he went as far as saying that water needs to be completely reformed off that decision it's a blow to clean sport and in fact for the past week or so the criticism coming
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towards was way you know everywhere on social media in the in the articles on television. not only that number of and i don't think agencies in the world including the u.k. the united states new zealand australia poland canada they were all urging the president of water not to take the step to reconsider you know it's surprising because how would you expect the country to purify it sport if you're saying that it's agency which is destiny which is tasked to purify that's board should not be operational it's a chance that wada gave to the russian anti-doping agency to have fewer screen sport in the country this would change nothing for those athletes who have been accused of doping are serving their bans this is all about clean athletes the door is not shut open for them it's only they've been given the chance to open that door into the sport because one of the main conditions of the international association of athletics federations to reinstate the russian athletes was that what should be operational meaning that you know athletes have to be checked for doping in order
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to be clean and in order to be participating international competitions flying the russian flag so essentially this happened now but a lot of work is ahead and make no mistake about it now risotto will be heavily scrutinized and will be heavily checked by water so it's definitely a long road ahead the battle to confirm a new u.s. supreme court justice is heating up of a sexual assault claims it's among our stories when the weekly returns in just a couple of minutes.
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it's become an international norm to say women's rights are human rights but in a world where women make up the majority of university graduates this may not be true how much more women's empowerment needs to happen before gender based policies become redundant. welcome back the british prime minister's position at home and abroad was left in
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serious doubt this week and go see asians with the e.u. over bracks it's over another major setback after theresa may partnership plan was slapped down by the blocks leaders at a summit in austria talks got underway on wednesday in the city of salzburg and the result of those has left britain staring at the prospect of a no deal scenario in a speech following that meeting prime minister made demanded equal respect from the european union. throughout this process i have treated the e.u. with nothing but respect. the u.k. expects the same on a day or two to now takes a closer look at the stalemate between brussels and london bragg's it an on off drama that feels like it's been going on for centuries well since twenty sixteen the british pm has of course got her back covered by newly appointed foreign secretary jeremy hunt and that's exactly what he did following the tenth summit in salzburg what reason is saying is don't mistake british politeness for weakness
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if you put it in a difficult corner we will stand our ground that's the kind of country we are how effective this so-called power lightness will be is debatable but let me continue with the plot the effectively has thrown out may's proposed post economic partnership with the e.u. uncompromising and france's present micron is pretty scathing to. just it framework for economic cooperation. must be clear that. we're. ready to compromise and. first of all this is. for fundamental freedoms. and. single market and this is the way we. remain skeptical and. this part of the checkers proposal of at this late stage in the negotiations it is not
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acceptable to simply reject the other side's proposals without a detailed explanation and counterproposals you know teachers or something and i completely respect british sovereignty when i see that but it showed that those who see that we can easily live without you rip that everything is going to be all right and that is going to bring a lot of money are liars but hunt is not alone brags it is continue to support me busy. he's not only out of order he's completely wrong the e.u. is doing their classic case of trying to bully the u.k. and of a riot e of ways into taking a different position it is a well known british political truism that when you start insulting your opponents you've already lost the argument why would an economy want to change themselves to a sinking monolith when we could be at the center of a global network of free trade deals and investment partnerships a strong british stance indeed against the european union so after these political
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games you would think that the e.u. had slammed the door on any negotiations or proposals but no it seems that don't touch because not quite done a u. turn but a mini semi turned assuring the brits that a deal is not dead and went on to say that he was a true admirer of the british pm i'm going to leave the compromise could be found confused well i certainly am the european union is in a complete mess you can see that the european union has huge problems brussels likes to put on a show it likes to show that it's tough and hard to try and dissuade of a nation states from leaving the european union like britain what i will see now is that those people in the council and the commission will be trying to work on a deal that goes to the very last minute of the last day of the negotiations that is what they've done in the past you can see that it is an elite at the top that come out and say democratic nation states voting for leaders who support policies
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that people want this is the core problem of the european union and that is why we will see further problems and further disagreements between the nation states in the european union also no message in large numbers thousands of people including delegates from britain's labor party have been out in force in the city of liverpool this sunday demanding a second vote on breaks at the opposition parties confirm the members will this allegation can be made against anyone at any time now the u.s. department of justice says that it's not a federal case but it seems like proving guilt or innocence isn't exactly the issue here i think the nomination should be withdrawn bar here is not. whether you have not criminally assaulted someone it's credibility trust integrity so who is brett kavanaugh now to some he's a well respected adjudicator who happens to have some republican ties to others he's a sexual predator now supreme court justice nominations often turn into political
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confrontations but rarely do they expose such a deeply divided america. artsy new york. the much touted promote program was supposed to be the biggest women support initiative in afghanistan according to a report by a washington wants dog it's been enough of hundreds of millions of u.s. taxpayer dollars were spent to the goals we huge but in reality only a few dozen women were helped. i mean. since two thousand and one the door has been reopened for afghan women they joined the police the army and entered politics and together we can help women and girls across afghanistan develop their talents raise their voices and strengthen their communities and their country and.
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then i didn't know if this money was spent properly there would have been changes in women's lives but we don't know how they spun it or who they gave it to me they haven't done so much for afghan women there's an exhibition how's in india a man is representing afghan women this program in afghanistan is for women and we still get replaced my man why do we have the capacity. for. the person we requested to say to support us by providing this machinery incompetent thing to modernize they had to have section their response was negative they said they were huge to train is after news experience i don't need the training i need the machinery.
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plus i thought until i filled in forms last year and again six months ago they told us that they would let us know but there was no response even when we called them they never called back hundreds of thousands of women across afghanistan ready to work ready to work. and that's the weekly for this hour more for you off we join stephen baldwin of max kaiser on the road trip across the united states live from moscow this is all t. into action.
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come. join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you there. with more make its manufacture consent to step up to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round certainly not one person. doing all middle of the room signal. to let the real news is
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really. previously on the great american pilgrimage through google maybe i'm perceived as a trump love and right wing christian kill very little of the dead about this illness and you have to wonder why when you look at why legal. they did also so media but. this is true it's just that the cares the flaws if they could be so
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straight we fall right best of both it's not exactly because as a really good second semester class let's say your tips go up in the next ten years by a thousand percent they go ahead and. hey everybody i'm stephen ball. task hollywood guy usual suspects my favorite movie proud american first of all i'm just as george washington and r.v.'s to see uncle steve to join the big boy buzz this is my buddy max the famous financial guru and will he's a little bit different i'm honest abraham lincoln hall i know that there were no windows up last but not least my larger than life. the night an aspiring star rio. with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road to have some fun. every day americans you know are calling it what's america to you is for tomorrow and see how
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