tv Boom Bust RT September 24, 2018 9:30pm-9:51pm EDT
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a spokesperson for the chinese defense ministry called the u.s. sanctions quote a blatant violation of basic norms of international relations and there is other sanctions related news with implications for war and peace on another front as the president of iran hasan rowhani the accuse the trumpet ministration of waging war against his country president rouhani is prominent were made into iran before a separatist group attack on a parade marking the beginning of the iran iraq war similar to pearl harbor day or moral day in the us abaza national resistance claimed responsibility for the attack which killed twenty nine people civilians including a four year old girl among them and wounding seventy inflaming anger toward the u.s. and its regional client states iran's supreme leader accused saudi arabia and the united arab emirates of paying attackers president rouhani will address the united nations general assembly in new york on tuesday and president trump is expected to personally preside over the ski ratio to the deficit because it actually is
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a big part of it in this case and the spending for better or worse it does help to growth and growth can arise either from government spending or tax cuts that give rise to more money in the private hands to create the spending there that's the long term issue and this week we have the finance minister in italy sort of the other tale of these two strategies on deficits who is to release the budget for the next year giovanni tria and the call there is for mr tria to increase spending to accommodate the the president sergio. promises that he made in the presidential campaign and italy is already on a rough and rocky road with their economy right they certainly are and it's very interesting to see they're going into a stand a campaign political campaign and so to cut spending there will be very interesting to see in fact. italy has declared the going to increase spending which is very
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interesting insofar as it runs against e.u. debt limits the e.u. has very strict rules about debt limits there not being more or less than three percent of g.d.p. so we have to wait and see whether that. says they're going to care more about italians and they're going to care about the e.u. so they're going to increase spending i think for political reasons as well so interesting before we let you go professor i wanted to circle back on a matter that we talked about once or maybe twice and that is something that i assume is not going to happen but i quite frankly have not paid a super lot of attention recently and that is the trumpet ministrations proffer to try and reduce taxes yet again going no place faster is there anything new you've got it doing no place fast tax reform to they're calling it and the house is going to take that provision up i think this week or next but needless to say it's not going to gain weight of the senate we're going in the midterm elections we know what's going on there absolute the midterm elections coming up in
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november possible that the house could change from democrat to republican hands who knows we'll have to have to see but very hopeful thank you so much professor that great to see good to see you. and not long ago we took a look at the french stock index that cac today we look at the german dax here's our t. correspondent peter oliver from berlin. the dax is germany's blue chip stock market index and amongst the global names listed there are the likes of siemens the farmer and chemicals giant buyer and the automotive international daimler group they're the guys that bring you miss eighty's how does the dax look right now it's been affected by a ten point plus drop in the indicator of economic sentiment well what that gives an indication of is the opinions of economic columnists sound of analysts of
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how they think things are going to pan out and it's not making good reading at the moment ten points plus down it is however better than the thirteen point drop that was predicted now this drop in the city w. it didn't affect the currency markets we see it we saw the dollar in the euro route trade relatively as they had before however it was the dax the took a hit and in fact any type of recovery of those numbers has been incredibly sluggish as germany's stock exchange is being slow to recover. and we thank peter oliver for that report and as he mentioned a few of the largest stocks traded on the dax there's a little more on those siemens a german technology engineering multinational started off the year here seventy dollars per share but is down to about sixty four dollars in trading today and buyer bear the drug maker and newish owner of troubled one santo which we've spoken about related to their weed killer problems has seen
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a decline as we might expect in stock prices this year especially following that ruling which awarded two hundred eighty nine million dollars to a plaintiff in california who said his cancer was caused by a month santo's weedkiller the stock went from just over thirty dollars in january to just above twenty two dollars in trading today and diameter agee which owns among other things british sadie's benz has faced some troubled times related to emissions scandal that expanded to other automakers outside of the first bolt swag and including done at the start of the year dime or stock was roughly eighty two dollars per share but it has dropped also to sixty six dollars in trading today. a meeting of policy makers from the organization of petroleum exporting countries and select group of non opec allies and stakeholders russia most notable in that second category concluded without any action to increase supply and lower prices the defacto decision to take no action came after u.s.
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president donald trump demanded action to lower prices via his favorite method of communication twitter mr trump's online shouting seems not to have swayed anybody at the meeting though the saudi oil minister tried to move the issue of the ministers in action saying quote since june saudi arabia has met the demand for every barrel that has been requested the minister seems to have protested perhaps too much when he said flatly i do not influence prices. and time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return after the weekend all. should comcast is purchasing u.k. sky will look at comcast as the energy and ask our friend steve malzberg and why know of why no media what the future holds plus i'll tell you about some curious crypto news out of india in italy which show the nations are headed in decisively different crypto directions as we go to break here are those numbers at the closing bell.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. want to. have to go right to press for survival before three of them or can't be good. i'm interested in the waters in the. first. african to try to game it's all about look at goldman sachs can figure out a way to go backwards in time and still money from trades in the history they would
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sure. welcome the government of indian prime minister narendra modi is having trouble procuring three dozen new fighter jets opening a rift with france and a window for a u.s. plane maker boeing that is to push for changes in indian procurement policies french president manuma crone angered indian officials when he suggested that official pressure had been used to coerce french just made jet maker just saw into doing business with troubled tycoon bonnie the charge set off a predictable political storm in india given the important role of corruption as
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a political cultural used by president modi is party the b j p against the congress party and through the president of boeing in india who has called for india to weaken its procurement policies that require inclusion of in country companies as partners the so-called offset program critics have suggested the offset program can create corrupt arrangements such as the one alleged by president mccrone. and sticking with india jet airways of india is writing currents of increasing financial turbulence this week that. harry are owned and founded in one thousand nine hundred three has been hit by unfortunate headlines recently after a jet airways cruise failure to properly pressurize a flight from mumbai which left passengers bleeding from their ears and noses a messy report seems to punctuate a series of setbacks for jet perhaps the most serious news coming early last month when the directorate of civil aviation declared that they would audit jets books
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later jet announced its second quarter of losses after the initial release of the report was delayed in twenty eighteen jet was denying a bid to merge with a subsidiary and did not muster an attempt to bid for air india reports are that the indian government is now concerned enough to measure which could lift jet including a cut in jet fuel prices and aircraft servicing taxes as well as more generous credit are being considered considered to help. and we now move to that media auction over the weekend that we told you about last time we're comcast a twenty first century fox we're bidding to own telecom and broadcasting giant sky u.k. sky is the largest of the u.k. pay t.v. companies and comcast has one although some might question if it is a win at a cost of thirty nine billion dollars here to help us understand a little more about comcast and which some outside of the united states and some within the states might not be aware of and the future of what holds for both the
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company's line of wine old media conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve malzberg gentlemen welcome thanks for being here and lionel first let's start with you tell us a little bit give us sort of the fifty cent tour of comcast a big deal here in the u.s. people may not know outside of the u.s. tell us a little. comcast is the second largest cable in broadband company here in the in the u.s. it owns a number of it's about forty states or sell out of the fifty and has a number of programs over that. programs in. devices and the like it also by the way owens n.b.c. universal and b c m s n b c it has a news footprint as well but it's looking to go elsewhere because the bottom line is that everybody else will tell you the bottom line is going to be subscribers and subscriber platforms and especially when we have a cut the cord mentality in this country they have to either diversify or perish and arresting and steve we spoke about this on friday. the auction be forward
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curd now that comcast has won the bid thirty nine billion bucks are they going to really be hands on are they going to go and pretend they know what's going on in europe what do you think. well if you listen to brian roberts the head man at comcast he says that sky will operate independently me with the backing i get all choked up when i say these kinds of figures with the backing of a one hundred fifty billion dollars company which is comcast he pointed out that all their businesses he likes the leaders to act independently he favors entrepreneurism and also he favors the spirit i should say and the fact that everybody has their own input decentralization is an important part of the company i have to feel that and by the way he also speculate that the head of sky will remain on so all these statements and actions do indicate that sky
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will maintain a great deal of independence but because as lionel correctly pointed out obviously owning n.b.c. universal and being that it's such an important get for comcast for the future of n.b.c. going forward i can't help but think and call me a skeptic that they will you know have their hands and noses and faces in there and rightfully so to an extent because it's not just another business it is key to a big part of their business surviving and going forward and lionel tell us about that key tell us about the footprint of sky you know i noted in our opening that they were the largest pay t.v. in the u.k. but they're more than that tell us more. well again keep in mind that the future right now you know in the old days it was content content content and who are your stars and what are your programs and what is your fall line up today it's how many
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subscribers you have where are you with about twenty five million new individuals including europe and italy in the u.k. and ireland and that but also interestingly enough what some people are saying is they're finding that the regulatory bases and their regulatory labyrinth that they have to deal with in europe is far less cumbersome than problematic than a lot of the regulatory problems here with anti trust and the like so honestly it might provide less of an administrative quagmire but as i said and i'm repeating myself the bottom line is going to be non this is fairly holdings but how many subscribers do you have where do you have this is the future not theaters nice going to be tabletop is going to be is going to be a laptop it's going to be computers how many people and cable companies are the problem telecom companies like a.t.t. their number one that already bill did so with subscribers subscribers subscribers that's that's the the methodology yeah absolutely and steve we spoke in the
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past when there's a bidding war was going on and that twenty first century fox which is now owned by does the that does the own so i think you told us thirty nine percent of sky so it's a minority but it's still thirty nine percent that's a pretty big deal so we assume that comcast once that thirty nine percent or does the ones to keep it there what do you make of it well i believe comcast wants it desperately they don't want to deal with disney i don't think they're they're friendly with disney i don't think that robertson and bob iger a best of buddies after they went through the bidding war for fox were by the way uyghur i believe think said comcast drove that price that disney had to pay over. seventy billion for fox even though they maybe had no intention of going through with it. so here's here's what's going to happen with the thirty nine percent because comcast made the bid so high as you pointed out almost forty billion
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dollars there thirty nine percent of sky disney's thirty nine percent of sky is now worth fifteen billion dollars at that offering so some say disney's going to cash out take the fifteen billion and pay down some of that debt that they will keep an eye on that which is pretty interesting for the fastest growing economy in the world. and in a tell you news today i fand token cryptocurrency will be offered by the juve's ball club that's the football or soccer team that both star player christan e o. naldo rather the team has one of the largest fan bases of any team in the world and a massive social presence the tokens will be tradeable and will be offered on the socio us platform that's a crowd management block chain text lab platform which is seeking to monetize the sport it remains unclear if the token will go through a traditional ishall point offering an i c o to raise funds but the concept of sports blog chain encrypt those is not only interesting but could be
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a great goal for all of sports and that's it for this time thanks for watching you can catch boom bust on directv channel three twenty one dish network channel two a day or streaming twenty four seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. after channel one thirty two or as always catch us that you tube dot com slash boom bust r.t. so long for now. not actually just density leaks lawrence leak out to.
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you when you. put. it that is to to present . it's called the it's a. just show. with the because there's no power in libya that is powerful enough to take over the country all of them just one powers they can fight for ever and they do it really over the last four five years that's what they did they just kept fighting and
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fighting and fighting and nobody was able to win anything the only thing we have from all of this is destruction of the country is the killing of the young people and the innocent and the life of the good became so miserable to come to because of flaws. it's hard to imagine decades after the war a nazi doctor was still active rich in the nineteen seventies current intel had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at auschwitz a german company develops a little mind a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything paul you know she said she's just cut short arms minix a little mind victims i have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that not only want the money i want the revenge.
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the russian defense ministry of health initiative radar track course that's a path to contradict israel's claim that his stats had left syrian air space when a russian surveillance plane was mistakenly downed by syrian. as offensive as. your opinions foreign policy chief says the blog called maintain secure payment channels with iran and continue to trade with iran in defiance of u.s. sanctions federate committed greenies announcement comes off to a meeting on the sidelines of the un general assembly.
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