tv Documentary RT September 26, 2018 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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into that but certainly i did and so i only chance of any kind of a sane dialogue between the united states and iran given the sort of people who are running foreign policy right now and while washington and given the amount of pressure that israel is also putting on on this president on the white house and certainly they want to do it the deal he says is jared cushion want to do it a two state solution deal they'll try that deal but that there's going to be a quid pro quo israel's expecting them suppressed are going to iran and israel will maybe give some concessions on palestine or and say they will to washington there's a lot of that going there. i'm sure in the scenes but all the accusations that donald trump made against iran are pretty much chapter and verse patently false if you really drill down off on all of the charges whether it's funding terrorism or
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destabilizing yemen or occupying syria. it's ludicrous and blaming the regime in iran for the poor economy meanwhile the country's been under a strict regime of sanctions by the united states and some of its allies for some. cut off from the world financial system not able to get direct foreign investment to upgrade there are. technologies people believe these and they're blaming the regime for that so it's kind of ridiculous proposition and if they think that iran . he pressing hard that just goes against all sort of game theory on sanctions for the last forty years it's hard to to. by using trump that he would maybe a statement like that if you pressure a target state they will not come back to the table again. and record on same sions for hundred years proves that they won't they're going to batten down the hatches
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because there's an expectation of future conflict donald trump should know that or at least his advisors should know that they're a fact that he mistaken like that is ridiculous. he did also spend a lot of time on china different different types of. questions that have been raised you know he talked about the terrorists which we'll talk about a bit later but first thing he did accuse china of intervening in the upcoming midterm elections patrick let's just have a quick listen to that first you made a significant allegation against the chinese government you suggested that the chinese had meddled in or our mess right that's what i hear the term election what i hear what evidence do you have that sir is there and we have evidence we have that answer to come out or yeah i can tell you now but it came it didn't come out of nowhere that i can tell you is enough to say that we have evidence he's not given any evidence why is he making such claims do you think. you know he
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sounds he sounds a lot like the f.b.i.'s investigation that's trying to nail him for russian collude but in we have evidence we can't show you yet so i don't think he has much evidence i don't see why chow china would want to meddle in the election this is the new trend of foreign countries or meddling in our democratic process seems to be against maybe taking a. feather out of the democrats' cap and he trying to use that to his advantage i sure trump would definitely do that sort of thing in order to sort of take advantage of the. area of election meddling but. is suggesting that china would have would prefer a different president at that they don't want to get reelected he said and weak we can't have that do you think that's the case do you think china wants a different president. you know if china wants
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a different president they're well within their right any country could want a different president united states and they're well within their rights to voice their opinions to. prince to broadcast things to. saudi arabia does it all the time in the new york times and the. does it all the time to peddle influence for their special interests in the united states whether it's china russia israel. australia britain any country will do it they've always done it and they'll probably continue to do it but i think there's a selective use of the use using some sort of dog whistles to different. different sort of parts of the electorate or different support bases to try to use this to your advantage to make use of the victim appear as the victim or. appear as you've been wronged by a foreign power if you're good as a candidate you should be able to stand up on your own platform with your own paul
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well sees you they're going to sell them to your voters or you're not going to lose on that basis that's what happened in the twenty six election there wasn't any foreign interference ok patrick apologies to the audience if they can i was there for the whole leg and cycle and i can tell you you know the connection is not great but patrick having said that it's a twenty first century wyatt dot com thank you very much for helping me analyze that very intense speech there by donald trump thank you. independent investigative group brendan katz has issued a report claiming it's identified new details on one of the suspects in these cells be poisoning case giving up any of the man's alleged real name but also some other surprising details he says alli has the details. the online blog belling cat run by elliot higgins is alleging that they've found out one of the real names of the two men held responsible by the british government for the novacek attack in
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saul's ri earlier this year now of course the british government named those two men as alexander petrol and ruslan bashir of and it's the latter of these two men which by the claims to have uncovered they say that his name is and that's an easy chair pick up and that he is a colonel in the g.r.u. which is russia's military intelligence agency now balance that says that according to sources in russia mr chepe guy is a high ranking colonel within the g.r.u. but the same source within their article says that this type of operation would have been usually carried out by a low ranking field officer no higher ranking than captain now in the past there have been those who have called into question pending cats billets he to carry out these types of investigations independently and without any bias what he's doing is nothing more than reading tea leaves every level analysis is
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a method used by hobbyists and never been to syria. doesn't speak arabic and he can't duck says press on the set from the content of his. now ever since that incident in seoul very early or this year the u.k. government have held the russian government responsible for what took place and that's a theme which repeated itself today in the u.n. general assembly. the u.k. saw the consequences of these norms being the road it insults pretty this year when russia recklessly deployed a nerve agent on our streets the united kingdom has presented detailed evidence clearly laid out in charges of attempted murder and the use and possession of a chemical weapon against agents of the russian state us though uncorroborated rhetoric on the incident is on the rise the u.k. is stubbornly rejecting the idea of a joint investigation with russia which we have proposed on numerous occasions that's disappoint the fact that such
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a joint investigation is exactly what's called for in the chemical weapons convention if they don't want to cooperate it begs the question then of whether the u.k. has something to hide. now there's been no reaction to those allegations in the blog here in the u.k. the metropolitan police the home office the car than to make any comment whatsoever but since this whole incident took place the russian government they've denied any involvement of well. and consistently that they want the british government to show whatever intelligence or evidence the very have so that they can help with the investigation. if you've just joined us you're watching r.t. international with me. moving on there to rats in your room up stairs just a taste of the empty brussels headlines an insult printed in the british tabloids negotiations and the e.u. is now fuming that the press have gone too far as r.t. charlotte dubinsky reports it seems there is feeling
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a little vulnerable in the wake of some media headlines in the u.k. hold the front page the sun the u.k. is right leaning tabloid used a clever play on words to get its feelings across of the recent salzberg summit you know the one where the needs of the e.u. outright rejected the case breaks it proposals well that headline has caused rather a tailspin in the e.u. and the commission is now calling for a more responsible approach by the media in the way that it informs the public about issues like breaks it and there i was thinking that freedom of press was a cornerstone of the new media built the culture of should build the culture of dialogue on the contrary we see divisions misinformation and. exclusion the brics it debate is the best example of that. again
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remember the front page of a popular british daily calling the judges the enemy of the people. just last week the e.u. leaders called dead rats on another front page and i voted for a european approach to lead based on quality and smart regulation if needed this song on the front page which said that justice commissioner is not the only hard hitting act on the part of the british tabloids known for pulling no punches and surely the breaks of debate coverage is no exception.
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but headlines like this really that offensive earn so it deficient to the extent that some sort of regulation is needed to rein them in i think a newspaper can write whatever they want to but if it's aggressive towards a community in terms of law regulation. which it should be forbidden to media needs to to remain free whatever is written in those media and that's it i think that freedom of speech is important so we should be able to write anything if it's necessary to respect why they have expressed by the public should also be respected the. it seems the e.u. justice commissioner is proposals all. popular at least here in paris from what i gathered the view on the street is mostly don't touch the press we asked the same questions in london and it seems opinion across the english channel is divided and
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also influenced by reader's preferences i think they've got the discovery regulations in place to keep playing by playing fairly i don't encourage strong language here that kind of headline could be fatal to people but that is going to want to have a free press in this country going to look after themselves they won't print that i think it's readers let's face it i think the paper should be. appealing for those probably globally guarded. if he was hoping it's complaints would prompt the british press to change tack it seems the sun didn't get the message on wednesday the red top ridiculed commissioner very as an obscure figure nobody's ever heard of the outspoken newspaper added the would be better off disclosing any piece expenses then trying to muzzle the press.
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to afghanistan now where hundreds of low course have blocked an entrance to a german military base the protesters have worked in the country for the german government and now demands help from berlin they say their work has put their lives in danger but it seems their requests for asylum a falling on deaf ears. we want justice not just we want justice. on top of that you know. just. i was working at the front line with them i was working on a son. together german senior mentors with the german generals when i started my duty there told me. we would help you if you for some problems.
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in the. knowledge we have this german war in afghanistan in our war here so from german officers to clean this. look at us to the safe place. to we received direct and direct threats. sixty days ago by the militants tortured and. his face is smashed on. the other hand not families should show them that we are really in danger we are not here for picnic we are not here for our time we are here to show them that you are really in
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danger we have really a big problem. with your fans. on. austria's ruling coalition has been accused of trying to restrict media freedoms are for a memo advising the country's police not to share information with certain media outlets was leaked artie's peta oliver picks up the story. the austrian interior ministry has been left red faced it's after an internal memo was leaked in which they instruct the police how to handle the media essentially if they don't write nice things about us give them nothing i would suggest that communication with these media should be limited to only the most necessary levels and that they should not be allowed to contain sweetie's such as exclusive accompaniments the
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leak included some of the media organizations on the do not engage list editor is raging with the ministry and interior minister but this is informational blockade for bad media and sweets for the good ones our democracy does not have to be in darkness just because a minister feels too weak to withstand criticism and appears unfit for the sensitive ministry the austrian interior ministry of justified the email saying it had nothing to do directly with mystical saying that this was an attempt to try and establish a united front between the interior ministry and the police against the media that they say is biased against them this is their rights and the best way to communicate both from a legal perspective and for the journalists themselves considering this is bishan of mice against certain media does not come out of thin air but austria's top officials have been unequivocal in expressing their anger at the news that this
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email existed governments and public institutions have a grave responsibility to protect free and independent journalism and any restriction of freedom of the pris is an acceptable freedom of expression media and press freedom of the cornerstones of our liberal democracy and of our constitutional state in austria any restriction of press freedom is unacceptable that can't be discrimination against individual media the austrian chancellor deemed this leak important enough to take time out from the un general assembly to comment on it it doesn't look like it's going away from the austrian press any time soon we'll have to wait to see if mr kurtz follows up on his words with actions when he returns from new york peter all of ati belin. we're tending to the escalating tensions between washington and tehran now the u.s. national security advisor launched a scathing attack on iran on choose day to monta the independent swift payment
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system on which banks around the world i hope business with iran. banks and financial messaging services such as swift must take a good hard look at their business with iran and ask themselves whether it is worth the risk you know the european union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow through so we will be watching the development of this structure that doesn't exist yet and has no target date to be created we do not intend to allow our sanctions to be of aided by europe or anybody else. the statement came off to russia iran and china avail to new payments mechanism to bypass the west sanctions on tehran european leaders all say want america against attempting to make decisions for the e.u. . it cannot be accepted that the united states would decide with which world regions european companies can trade where they can develop economic activity from
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says emanuel has also highlighted that sanctions on iran will prove costly for western economies to be impacts on oil prices. which is sensitive to president trump's comments on the rise of oil prices but i think if you follow that thought to its conclusion you realize that it would be good for oil prices that the run be able to sell to. an economist an investment fund manager we spoke to believes it's impossible this with. the u.s. demands cut ties with iran. u.s. does put a lot of pressure on many actors so swift might do that we don't know but of course the u.s. has had a very you know that's for a very aggressive policy of sanctions so swift will certainly listen to those words the u.s. has put a lot of pressure on various issues and it has used the sanctions with the
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economics weapon ever more aggressively even against the european companies against swiss companies and this is as really. put a lot of tensions on european companies and especially since the financial crisis so it's some point europe might wake up and say this is too much i mean we have to go or only way that we have to for a strike a new balance. on friday the fate of pratt's cavanagh's nomination as the u.s. supreme court justice is expected to be decided following a string of sexual misconduct allegations so far three claims have been made against the nominee since the first accusations came to prominence last week cavanagh has been the top target for trump's opponents and some even questioning whether a presumption of innocence should apply. this was attempted rape i believe professor ford judge kavanaugh has lied multiple times she doesn't kavanaugh have the same presumption of innocence as anyone else in america his credibility is already very
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questionable in my mind and in the minds of a lot of my fellow judiciary committee members the democrats i don't have eyes lying that you're well i believe her let's put it that way there is credibility to her story. the allegations are leading democrats to call for cavanagh's nomination to the country's highest courts to be blogs this isn't the first recent case of unproven sites accuse ations damaging u.s. politicians careers republican roy moore lost last year's alabama senate elections following sexual misconduct i can say shins from nine women he sued three of the accuses also in two thousand and seventeen eighty eight year old civil rights legend john quinn is resigned from congress following sexual misconduct claims from several women both politicians deny any wrongdoing on thursday brett's cover now will give testimony on the claims against him he denies all allegations. throughout
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the process have a minimal bare minimum waters hearing from both sides for rushing to judge. when by to gas to debates where the political motives may have been behind the timing of the story and if the presumption of innocence no longer applies. we're convincing people who probably had no idea anything about this case or even that there was a supreme court nominee to suddenly think that brett kavanaugh is a monster based on these these these allegations these paintings of how he's been meanwhile all we have are the words of two people that's not to say that they are lying but we have absolutely no evidence for that and that is simply the complete opposite of what the united states constitution and our judicial system was set up to create so i don't think anybody is assuming that anybody's guilty but that doesn't mean that we don't have a responsibility to take victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment very seriously and i think that's what we're doing right now particularly as it applies
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to the misuse of power by people and in particular men in power in our institutions in this country so i think right now it's perfectly plausible and important to hear out these women a lot of people believe some very important things in danger of being overturned and i think there's a some very serious implications there is not and i understand the role again general but i hear your. disagreements in the fear that roe v wade is going to be overturned but again these are more media allegations these are more allegations from from liberal stating that if trump has his people and if conservatives come in that then roe v wade will be overturned in all of this that's simply not due process of the american legal system or the supreme court they can't just come in and overturn laws there have to be cases there have to be precedent that this is politically motivated against cavanagh it has nothing to do with any evidence it's actually been brought forth besides of besides allegations from two women all processes that bring about the interpretation the production of law in any society
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is inherently political trumps appointment of cabinet is political there is an agenda at play here this is a field of deceit are you mention that the legal system in america in america is actually contingent on political ideologies but in fact actually the code. judicial conduct itself which all judges and all legal process people are supposed to adhere to it why do you think our founders actually passed these things presumption of innocence there is no presumption of innocence right now in the media there's no presumption of minute innocence right now in the us media what i'm suggesting and what many people are suggesting is that we take this seriously and put forward a real process that hears out these voices and. puts forward the conversation as if you do we want to put this person into this position is that who we want to represent us is that we want to have to have to deal with that. among so the point that you're making was that we need to listen to these voices the question is now
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going to is this going to be is this the person that we want in the highest office of our judicial system of the supreme court of the united states and so now we're already talking that he's he's guilty i think the fault is more on the media it's more on some of the loudest voices against this by automatically without it i don't think anybody is now to force those aren't your voices of it those are voices from us media from the news analysis you can head to. be with you in a few moments time with their top story stay with us. play. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamped each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent minus minus two years some with four hundred
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to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one that one does not show you can afford to miss one can only. lead to the kind that into the sky in fact i've. had a good that i will and that will go and visit me and add to the money at the one of my leave the to get the yeah. please look at it.
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did it and i think i can that is out there why it is i'm not about it i think after i'm gone alas i'm glad i'm glad about how the now growing so i am somewhat pulled out of but it does a little the athletes. live . discipline out of them miles out of town a lot of i'm out of my. people who got. out about them. as i asked by the way to really. think that they do. something. so you have. people to last an olympic.
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that. was. donald trump doubles down on claims against china telling journalists off the talks at the u.n. that beijing is meddling in the upcoming midterm elections. and then yes another tends to increase the pressure on iran the u.s. need to launches an all out to rage against iran at the security council but spaces united opposition from almost all of the states around the table.
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