tv Watching the Hawks RT September 27, 2018 7:30am-7:57am EDT
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health facilities this means that according to figures from the international rescue committee seventy nine percent of the yemen population is fully reliant on humanitarian aid once. trading hubs of the ancient world it is now a place where every ten minutes a child under five dies from a preventable disease the bombing campaigns of the saudi led coalition which includes assistance from the united states has meant that there is little to no safe drinking water in yemen the yemen people are now suffering from the worst cholera outbreak in modern history with over a million cases being reported to the international committee of the red cross and this week a new report from the are in conflict location and event data project reveals that civilian deaths in the yemeni conflict ever graced by one hundred sixty four percent in the four months since the hood f.n.c. of started claiming lives about one hundred sixty six people a month so while the mainstream media continues to ignore the death destruction and war crimes being committed against the people of yemen let's educate ourselves and
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start watching the hawks. was. told. that the threat was real that this would. last for the out of it. was the day like your life that i got. the complete. with. the. words that i. welcome everybody to watch in the hot sun talitha wallace and joining me today to help us sort of sift through all of this information about yemen is our to america correspondent ann kellan thank you so much for joining me dan good to be with you so to start off with the yemen president has been putting a lot of the blame or very large part of the blame of the situation in yemen on the hutu rebels and their alleged support from iran even going as far as to
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say this recently. about iran and carries out blatant interventions in yemen finances the who's the miller. and provides it with weapons and missiles equipment and expertise and. i would like behalf of my people to thank you madam of saudi arabia with its king its government and people played a leading role to getting our humanitarian suffering. so tell me what what evidence is there that's a pretty bold statement from the president and say thank you considering all this destruction but what evidence is there that confirms that the iranian government is absolutely providing weapons to the rebels and while there's never been any provide any evidence provided whatsoever the as you can see there the yemeni president didn't provide any evidence it's something we hear from u.s. ambassador to united nations nikki haley all the time we hear from the trump
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administration we hear it from the saudi arabian monarchy that iran is providing arms and money to the rebels but there's no evidence of it and the reality is that actually yemen has the most prior to the start of this war had the most weapons in the world in that country except it's only second to the united states so when the coup things took over certain areas there were huge amounts of weapons that the saudis had actually left there so that's where these arms are coming from where it does seem as it's not as if they're getting these if if iran was handing out these or put it giving them weapons you think they would be better and not so far out of date as we've seen which sort of leads that these were left over from previous incursions by saudi arabia exactly i mean there's not the rebels don't have the you know this incredible technology that saudi arabia and the united arab emirates have that have been brought from you know washington from. from this
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country and so they have somewhat limited weaponry but they've been able to use it very effectively to repel. the saudi invasion of port to some degree but that's starting to fall apart at this point one of the interesting thing is we do hear a lot from saudi arabia on this issue we hear a lot from the yemeni president what have we heard anything from the hutus and what do they have to say about the accusations and what's going on but who these are often maligned as you know kind of octopus of terror from iran spreading all over the world connect to hezbollah but we never actually hear from them and i found this clip of the president of yemen's revolutionary council that i'd like to run. we sure the people in the states of the world that we in yemen are based on a just cause an exercise our right to self-defense and the defense of our homeland
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we are struggling for people's right to freedom and independence. so. i find it's very it's complicated when you look at it because there is no one government one set of people but how much with all of the with all of the the accusations that iran is putting money into it that it's hezbollah's giving through has to the who to this and now you hear them saying like this sort of land we're just trying to protect ourselves who else is in there who are the most who are the biggest supporters of what's going on there when it comes to arms and keeping this thing going well it's the u.s. it's saudi arabia it's the united arab emirates and the u.k. basically the u.s. provides weapons we saw last week secretary of state mike pompei oh it was revealed that he protected the massive arms shipments in order to keep this huge arms deal
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worth billions of dollars for raytheon and so that's a major reason but the u.s. even more importantly provides mid air read. fueling to saudi and amorality warplanes that allowed them to strike deep inside yemen kerry committing these atrocities and without u.s. support it would end tomorrow so if president trump wanted to pull the plug on this what if what the u.n. calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis he could and it would be over tomorrow . so you know we've looked at this the state department at least back i think was september thirteenth either nor today at the state department had said well we the saudi arabia is investigating the bombing of the boss and there is always this will let saudi arabia investigate themselves for their human rights violations that it's all about iran and it's always put are pointed toward it's iran it's iran and iran it's iran you're supposed to be terrified of them what do you think looking at all this information what are the accusations about iran really about well i think it's
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part of a larger project of western hegemony in the region and for here in washington or in riyadh there has to be kind of this narrative of a larger like iranian conspiracy the fighting you know the saudi arabia is fighting back against terrorism when it's actually fighting against a legitimate indigenous insurgency and so there is this narrative created that there's really never any evidence for and so basically we just see this used to to pretext to carry out this devastating intervention well i think we're looking at a lot more information coming out and a lot more weeks and i wonder why i mean what what stops any country our country or any other here in the united states or anybody else from just stepping up because it seems that there's all this humanitarian aid from the united states
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granted that's coming in the form of things like usaid which we know is not exactly a and when you know as i spoke about in the beginning you have people who are living on strictly on humanitarian support and i don't see sort of any diplomatic solution for this or anybody even saying and diplomatic solution do you think that's even possible at this point what we saw the the u.n. recognize the president of yemen saying there is no diplomatic solution earlier but i think this. is essentially what i would do and what the trumpet ministration want to say is that there's only a military solution that the only thing to do is continue this war that's killed as many as fifty thousand yemenis that has eighteen million people on the brink of starvation and is essentially cannon fodder for a larger war eventually against iran where they're going to suppress this insurgency in yemen and try to tie it to iran and we see you know the hawks
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agitating for war against iran whether that's you know through direct war or through creating such difficult conditions inside iran through sanctions and pressure that the people overthrew the government but what we've seen there is that it actually has the opposite effect you know the so-called moderates who want to reach out to the west actually become more aligned with you know the so-called hardliners and so eventually there has to be a diplomatic solution the alternative is just you know continue mass destruction and death which you know the only people who really benefit from that are people like raytheon and the defense contractors and everybody on capitol hill who sort of to keep these things going thank you so much for helping us kind of understand those bits and pieces that are hard to make sense of thank you r.t. america correspondent dan cohen thank you. it's been the sounds of silence since june for the mars rover opportunity since the storm blocked the rover from nasa's
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field but there are high resolution imaging science experiments nag to pick at the last rover and it's actually revealing quite a bit about the red planet and our quest to learn all about it our t. america's actually banks has more. after three months of no contact nasa found it's a missing rover the agency is now pursuing techniques to wake it up and early june a massive planet covering dust storm cut off the rovers access to solar power for months nasa engineers have been trying. to locate and make contact with opportunity just a few days ago nasa orbiter spotted the rover using its high rise camera nasa says the high rise image shows some reddening of the surrounding area so justin does fall out but it is not possible to determine how much dust is on the arrays themselves at this time the rover is sitting in an area called perseverance valley where opportunity is expected to figure out whether water when'd or
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a mix of debris is responsible for the valleys you rouge and opportunity first arrived on mars in two thousand and four and has been driving across the planet for more than thirteen years that's many years past its expected mission length which was set at just three months since opportunity has been on mars it has suffered spells of amnesia forcing engineers to upload data at the end of every day and set of relying on opportunity to store valuable data engineers say opportunities still has work to accomplish the space agency intends to listen for the rover into early twenty nine team opportunity isn't the only rover giving the agency trouble the curiosity rover based on a mars alongside opportunity it's having issues transmitting information back to earth for now curiosity is work is on hiatus as nasa troubleshoots the issue and washington actually banks art. as we go to break op watchers don't forget to let us
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know what you think of the topics fifty covered on facebook and twitter feed our poll shows that r.t. dot com coming up part two of johnston's interview with dr mark berman about the long arm of the f.d.a. and then we'll round up some truth about the mass of these around the world stay tuned to washington. they'll.
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they'll. be. i don't think that years ago i was driving jewish destroy the bar so i don't see the day to be like your dogs are also be careful out there are. those things that tell you what you may need to use or really. in the united states are seem to far annoyed about you're on the road it's. the food and drug administration is tasked with protecting u.s. citizens by regulating and investigating prescription drugs among other things but in the last decade that same map da is overlooked fraudulent research even allowing dangerous drugs to say on the market so what happens when
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a new technique is showing promise but the f.d.a. is standing in the way even going so far as to call some new stem cell treatments a manufactured drug that they must regulate all this despite the fact that stem cells treatments use stem cells from a person's own body well here is second part of johnstone's interview on the subject with beverly hills cosmetic surgeon dr mark berman whose own stem cell treatments have run afoul of the f.d.a. . so how much though do you think that this. basically persecution essentially from the f.d.a. . we originate from but from the relationship that he has with big pharma in general with that with you know some of these companies companies basic luzhin in credit yeah well i'd have to jump into dr gottlieb's head to understand that but it's not unreasonable to believe that he's had a long history of involvement with pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical industry in many respects has set up guidelines that are you know been put together
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to protect the public so that you don't make drugs in a manner that can make them dirty ok so if i was going to make cough syrup and i have this huge tag with gallons and gallons of stuff in it i don't want to expose it to the air or to the environment i want to make sure everything i put in this tank is sterile and you know at the end i'm going to be pretty sure that my cough syrup a sterile and the comedy is they want us to do the same thing with yourselves as a point of care surgical procedure well how about if i do surgery on your belly and i open it up i'm exposing you tons of air i use. crystal oids liquid formulas you know sailing the five l r you've heard those terms before the out we get right off the shelf they have already been validated for store really but i don't validate each one of those f.d.a. wants me to validate each one of those they don't want to expose your body to air
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they want to do all these things that you would do with a big mass produced pharmaceutical but we can validate our sterility you know when we're done and we have a nice stereo product and we can measure it for each patient that there's no bacteria and you just and i can do that for big thing a cough syrup right of course at the end when you open up your jar of course cough syrup you exposed that the air right probably goes away out of the bottle now it's all contaminated the f.d.a. doesn't say anything about that but that's on. analogy it's a one and done so we've got a problem where the f.d.a. really dealing come up with a way of really looking at what we're doing in a really unique way and by trying to put it under this umbrella there's an implication as you brought out that maybe the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want us to be successful i don't understand though you know years ago one of the it's from soup companies jen sign actually is quoted with the f.d.a.
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they said look we're working on a product called karta cells cost us millions of dollars to make it ejectable you know a biologic you can't let doctors just come along and do this otherwise we'll stop doing it and you know and innovation and i think that's pretty silly you think about it doctors have been doing surgery for a long time and when we come up with a surgical procedure like a coronary artery bypass that doesn't stop pharmaceuticals from trying to come up with new drugs or new stance or new ways of not having to bypass surgery so all i'm saying is let us do our surgical procedure if you come up with something better we'll use it why wouldn't we but in the meantime we have an ability to help literally thousands if not millions of people with their own cells and i got a feeling we're here for the long haul it's personal self there is a whole new idea a new concept but it's so simple and so safe and even though our prices may be reasonably high we could be charging wal-mart prices if there was
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a free market in medicine right so do you think that ultimately. major in maybe trying pharmaceutical companies and basically that can the big pharma it's let's say pharmaceuticals themselves are essentially a more of a danger to the public then the way that the government treats illicit drugs to be . there i don't know if they're more of a danger than illicit drugs but they can be dangerous so if somebody has typical. we could put a some of their stem cells into the back and cure them and get them off opioids we could probably reduce fifteen to twenty percent of the whole opioid epidemic because a lot of the opioid epidemic they're taking legal drugs we have patients like that all the time the fact shot your buddy from baseball did a study on concussion and what he found is if you give a rat's tail vein injection of your stem cell the stronger vascular fraction those
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of the cells we take from the fat so they're mixed with stem cells red cells white so platelets all this stuff if you just give a minute generation of that stuff there concussion goes away so we had a football player who has retired at thirteen concussions and he was with his daughter's soccer team just observing somebody hit a ball right on the back of his hat boom a guy goes down for the count they airlift him out they thought he was dead turns out it just really bad concussion the next day he called one of our affiliates for a business meeting because you sound terrible you got to get in here we'll get it fixed give them i.v. cells and over twenty four hours is concussions go not only is concussion gone he had like this brain fog that disappeared he just felt better his pains went away and everything sean visited with him three months later and they had a chance to talk and meet some other people he says you know what i've never felt this good and i wake up every morning scared i'm afraid that it's all going to reverse and i'm going to be back on those opioids and the pain pill you know all
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the other pain pills and you know sleeping pills and all these pills i have to take to get by with my entry i haven't had taking these pills so there is probably some fear that this is a disruptive technology is very safe and very simple and yet it could put a big dent in some of the you know financial profit making a big pharma so i'm not i'm sure that that exists yet but the reality is we can coexist. true but essentially your part of it which seems to be that we have future orientation which is going to be about servicing the individual which is about treating the individual as an individual not as something that can be cured with the mass produced products basically which you have been living with the last hundred plus years the nature of our current establishment is very much sort of you know one one one medicine cures all approach right and in this is part of what seems to be the new wave which is more about let's look at the individual let's see
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what genetically d.n.a. history indicates to us about this person and how this person needs to be treated the i'm sure we're go into that way and there are some pharmaceutical companies looking at taking your cells and you know altering them into a drug so they can cure you of cancer different things they're very expensive novartis got a car t. cell approved they have that's like four or seventy five thousand dollars to treat cancer patients were timed out some a very inexpensive though and it could probably fix most of our maladies and it's just it's just such a disruptive technology it's ridiculous but it's simple and you were making a point go back to it because i wanted to add something to this the nature of how the nature of medicine going forth is going to be about the individual about treating the individual and not just the mass yeah ok so you're right so one of the problems is when the f.d.a.
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comes in and sees what we're making it remember i said we take out your fat we get rid of the grease what's left over red cells white so plainly growth factors and all these stem cells we call a strawman vascular fracture but it's even though they're your cells and we don't know exactly how many stem cells are in there we know there's a lot but it's your own personal cells but the f.d.a. wants to categorize it and so you're right the thought process in d.c. is you have to have a drug that's uniform and dose strength and purity we go we can't. we've got a snowflake it's going to be different every time but it's personal medicine and here's what we've learned this is a really important point i wanted to make was that it's the state of the injury that determines whether your cells are going to be effective or not so for most diseases you can give a drug you know how many milligrams of a drug is going to take before you can kill an infection for example but we don't have that knowledge when you have an injury inside your body certain areas like
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a joint we can know that you know you need four or five million cells but for many diseases parkinson's alzheimer's multiple sclerosis all these no degenerate things we don't know how many cells have been injured there's no way of looking in the body maybe one day there will be a way of doing a diagnosis and going oh you need two billion stem cells over eight months i had a patient with optic neuritis she was legally blind on forty milligrams of pred and so she went to get off the prednisone and just stay blind because it was killing her body i treated her thirty two times for free by the way and then she finally stabilized she got better her eyesight returned within the treatment and then he got good enough by about five or six treatments that she could get a driver's license back but she kept you know relapse a little bit but after thirty two treatments almost three years ago she stabilized how the world we do a clinical study to figure that out this kind of thing you have to do it's trial
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and error we're going to have to with a lot of people we're going to have to get some idea of what works right that's unfortunate nature of badly against the sort of these the idea of the scientific establishment being it's sort of universe ality to these approaches whereas when it's when it boils down to it each individual has the unique tendencies and traits that have to be of approach to. specific to that case and so it's very difficult to really as you say do these you know these blanket studies that are going to basically say it's always you know it's always be effective for. to what degree we've got cases the easiest thing we treat is new york's right that's. fixed every new york throws stem cells no do we fix a lot of them eighty two percent of our patients have gotten. in the last and well if you siad.
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at least you. know you don't accept the sloot was right to be a little bit. late . and i don't. mean it. was them somebody doesn't know it's a mask you never know what's happening and whether they're shooting whether it's your. mistrust the tibetans are. going to. be just like you know that any of you but i'm
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trump continues to make a stir at the u.n. general assembly insisting his hardline approach to iran will win for it. no matter what world leaders think going to run a ranch going to come back to me they're going to make a good deal trump also turns tension to beijing to accusing it of midterm elections .
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