tv News RT September 28, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the u.s. supreme court. we destroy emotional scenes in the u.s. senate and the supreme court nominee and the woman who accuses him of attempted rape given testimony. also a french performer who rapped about how white people proved to be slightly out of q. and with authorities. investigation in the program we debate whether autistic freedom can go too far the guy said i wanted to. no one's trying to make any. change. good however. your world headlines on the. friday program here on our. north
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korea was at the heart of the latest u.n. security council meeting washington's top diplomat mike pompei o praised the progress made in relations between the two countries just a year since president vowed to totally destroy the reclusive state. past diplomatic attempts to hold north korea's nuclear ballistic missile development were unsuccessful but now we're at the dawn of a new day twelve months ago washington and pyongyang seem to be standing right on the brink of war so will this new day mentioned by secretary pompei oh actually last reporting from new york india patrik it's only been a year and then boom donald trump's second u.n. general assembly just listen to it i would like to thank chairman kim for his courage and for the steps he has taken a lot of very positive things are happening with chairman kim he likes me i like
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him we get along but most importantly i believe that chairman kim jong un wants peace and prosperity for north korea twelve months ago same building same halls same mr trump no one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the well being of their own people then the depraved regime in north korea no north korea hasn't undergone any regime change surgery chairman kim is still in his chair but miraculously little rocket man is now an awesome guy rocket man shooting rockets all over the place and with me he's not get nowhere with this he will truly regret it five years is a fury the likes of which nobody has seen before totally destroy north korea rocket man mad man is on a suicide mission for himself that is there it's a state that while today john thune is the president's most admired pen pal
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i'm. you've heard about the beautiful letter to i've received two letters from jim and kim much personal correspondence magnificent very strong letter form incredible letters a letter that gave one i showed one of the letters just one to prime minister a b. he said this is actually a groundbreaking letter like any other president donald trump would love to be remembered as a true global peacemaker it took him a year and a half from his inauguration to zero in on his desired legacy a true breakthrough in the korean crisis barak obama was having a hard time segmenting his place in history books but then the year when nuclear deal came to the rescue and the mission find your perfect legacy was complete after nearly two years of intensive negotiations backed by strong sanctions the countries
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represented in this room achieved what decades of animosity and rhetoric did not and thanks to this deal we have seen real progress shortly after mr obama was gone the deal was left in tatters no matter how monumental it had been in the first place one of the worst deals i've ever seen in a good disaster is still one of the dumbest deals one of the worst deals ever it was the iran deal i'm all for agreements but that was a bad one donald trump waved good bye to the green minutes he quit unilaterally without paying attention to pretty much what the rest of the world has to say about today's action sends a critical message the united states no longer makes empty threats when i make promises i keep that donald trump may indeed keep all his promises as president but it does happen that rivals sometimes. take over the white house after
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term one whatever and a couple of years someone else will be representing the u.s. behind these new one general assembly walls in new york a million to train from and washington's heavy sanctions against north korea one of the main issues of discussion at the latest u.n. security council meeting of the russian foreign minister called them outdated considering the progress seen from pyongyang regarding denuclearizing. at a time when pyongyang shows readiness to cooperate and positive changes to will stabilize ation in the region it looks more and more outdated when our western partners proposed the strengthening sanctions on north korea given that pyongyang has taken a number of important steps towards denuclearization it would have been more logical to support the efforts of the something in exchange to support the positive
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trend that it is hard to judge whether their statements match reality however just meeting by dialoguing and talking is progress and i think it needs to be acknowledged and praised that they are doing that however have we moved any closer towards the idea of a peace treaty and we moved any closer towards finding a way to avoid the nuclear buildup on the peninsula i'm not sure through the efforts of washington that we have i think we have through the efforts of president and south korea and what they're doing but i don't think at this point in time we can say progress has been made because they should be entering the peace treaty ending the korean war as a prerequisite to toss. in what proved to be an emotionally charged headline grabbing hearing both donald trump's supreme court nominee and the woman
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who accuses him of attempted rape testified before the senate judiciary committee. i recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the u.s. supreme court i deny the allegation immediately categorically in unequivocally and here today not because i want to be and terrified my family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed my family and i have been the target of constant harassment and threats i intend no will willed to dr ford and her family the other night actually in my daughter lies a said their prayers and little lies all of ten years old. said to actually we should pray for the woman. it's a lot of wisdom from
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a ten year old. we need we know well. i believe that if i came forward if my single voice would be drowned out by a of chorus of powerful supporters this is a circus following the hearing and president trump doubled down on his support for his pick for the supreme court he called kavanagh's testimony powerful and accuse democrats of obstruction calling on the senate to vote for that nominee auntie's us american filed this report from washington international issues like iran d.p. r. k. and actual wars like syria and yemen have taken a back seat and capitals hearings have been a dominating the news cycle for a couple of weeks now and we witnessed a series of twists and turns over the past month or so and all of america's tuned in to find out if kavanagh did or did not sexually assault christine for over thirty six years ago but all the suspense and media hype surrounding the case is
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making it seem more like a soap opera than serious news having a was questioned for hours but it looks like the only thing that's clear from all of this is that both of their lives have been turned upside down well in this incredibly polarized climate of americans chose a side long before either of them spoke republican scheduled a hearing without talking to her or even inviting her to testify republicans also scheduled this hearing with dr ford without having her allegations investigated by the f.b.i. if you wanted an f.b.i. investigation you could come to us what you want to do is destroy this guy's life hold this seat open and hope you win it twenty twenty you said that not me the entire country is watching how we handle these allegations i hope the american people can see. it is shame that you knew about it and you help it you had no
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intention of protecting daughter for in fact it would be super difficult to find anyone whose minds were changed after listening to the testimony and we won't find out how they're going to vote until friday so as of now there seems to be a motion over substance and while the sexual misconduct allegations are proving a barrier to a job in the capital case the editor of a prestigious magazine they've cost him his job even though he was merely giving a perspective from the other side of the me too movement in the room or from the new york review of books claims he was forced to quit after publishing an essay by a former canadian radio host he had been acquitted over sexual assault charges and used the piece to reflect on life after the accusations. i feel forced to resign in fact it is a capitulation to social media and university prices i have absolutely no doubt that the me too movement is a necessary corrective on male behavior but like all well intentioned and good
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things they can be undesirable consequences and i'm up on looks at how one decision to simply publish an essay can cost you your job. the new york review of books is a staple of american intellectual culture was actually hailed as the premier literary intellectual magazine of the english language by esquire and lauded by the new york times it has prided itself in posing questions in america's debates about life and culture since the one nine hundred sixty s. but in the era of me to that attempted debate has fallen flat ian buruma never himself accused of sexual misconduct decides to give voice to someone who has been accused and he gets fired. my interest in running this piece as i said is the point of view of somebody who has been pilloried in public opinion and what somebody like that feels about it it was not run as a piece to exonerate him or to somehow miss ingate the nature of his behavior the
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article that got the room of fired was written by asian ghomeshi is a canadian radio host whose career was destroyed when he was accused of sexual assault back in two thousand and sixteen now all the charges against him and twenty sixteen were dismissed in court due to lack of evidence however since then twenty different women have come forward and accused him now those accusations have not yet gone to court but jian ghomeshi never got his job back there are a lot of guys more hated than me now but i was the guy everyone hated first during the first two weeks i was suicidal i contemplated the methods by which i could kill myself i was terrified of being weak and terrified of falling asleep after the article was published there was a fire. storm both in the media and on the internet pretty soon the rumor was no longer the editor now the new york review of books even one as far as to publish an apology for what they thought was a poor editorial decision while mr ghomeshi has an absolute free speech right to
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express his opinions were acknowledged in the presentation and editing of his story over one hundred writers and contributors to the new york review were shocked about why their colleague had lost his job we find it very troubling that the public reaction to a single it's a coup republican some of us may have phoned the who should have been the occasion a few improvements forced resignation now the writer of the article was indeed accused of sexual harassment but the editor in bruno wasn't he simply made the decision to publish the article now there's no question that need to is giving victims a voice that is much needed but getting people fired for giving a voice to people whose guilt has not yet been proven is that what me too was supposed to bring about mop and r t new york criminal defense attorney emily companion says the media is that more voices on a subject. there is
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a backlash effect occurring within journalism these days which essentially it's the professional death sentence upon a mistake like that and the duty of the media the duty of this of this paper was to provide information it's to give an outlet to all of those voices in general journalists and editors i believe have a heightened sense of duty to not only act as stewards of the me to movement but that includes publishing and giving weight and light to all voices and all opinions along the spectrum so i do believe it's incumbent upon those participating in that industry to offer more voices to be heard rather than less to give more of an opportunity to be heard rather than editing. and in that me too movement and importantly there is a big sense of public opinion occurring where an allegation means a conviction. what
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a pastor in moscow or french authorities have launched an investigation against a black rapper for inciting violence under a racial hatred that's after he posted a video showing a white man being tortured shot from a tree and called for a white babies to be killed youtube has since suspended the clip called the whites of the rocker himself nick conrad says it's nothing but a work of fiction he also claimed he was simply turning the tables on the suffering black people have endured for years but outrage at the video reached all the way to the very top the french interior minister strongly condemned the rapper you also called for further legal action and he was backed by politicians from all the major parties so we put the issue of whether they need to be limits to artistic expression for debate. all violence in this way is to be deplored of course but let's put it in perspective there are literally hundreds of thousands if not
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millions of hits on you tube videos from neo nazi hard right rock bands so i'm all for the rule of law replying but he bill seems to be massively disproportionate when there is no general trend in the french black community or elsewhere for this sort of thing and the one time here example people have descended on in france you'll be exaggerating now you have to agree in any way but undoubtedly these i am i exaggerate i mean there is a problem there is a problem. i am using in general i am drill music i am gonna last one hundred black kids at the moment lee aligning in the more true your have been lying in a more tree we should calm down all violence like this all violent lyrics like this this kid is only at our say forty downloads we're going to be very careful we don't blow this out of proportion but he i've read the lyrics he's talking about stabbing
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caves in a nursery white kids and hanging their parents i'm sorry laughs out of order in my book just well let's see what the guy said the guy said i wanted to reverse polarity and show what it's like for black people for hundreds of years to be victims to these things sounds credible to me whether he meant it or not who knows only he can tell but i do know there seems to be a big disproportionate difference with the way he's been treated to the way that the rest of the offenders on you tube are being treated one would never try not to condemn slavery would not you know no one's trying to make an excuse for that if he has used a seed and change the priority of it good however but by the same token condemn both so washington's tightening of its economic screws seems the turkish president landing in germany.
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back to the. it is with us today for the friday program and the turkish president. is now in germany on his first state visit as president you can see some of the latest pictures of him being welcomed at the official residence of the german president at a press conference is expected later today between. the meeting does come amid growing economic pressure from washington on both. as peter all of the reports from . president. extending all of the building of
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bridges. in the relationship between the front. it is our responsibility to rationally move our relations forward on the basis of our shared interests quite apart from irrational fears peter while since he was here twenty fourteen was the last time i was in germany on official business and in that time. have there been some exchanges between the two nations. i can see turkey being admitted to the european union i have never been able to see it happening. a germany you have no relation whatsoever to democracy and you should know that your current actions and no different to those of the nazi period president your jeopardizing everything that you have built together with others and your unspeakable nazi comparisons do not cut the ties to those who want a partnership with. i'm calling on all my countrymen in germany the christian
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democrats the s.t.p. and the green party are all enemies of turkey support those political parties who are not enemies of turkey so you see this more than just a few indiscretions to be over kill me the chancellor and the president to be chums again if we go back to the attempted coup in turkey in twenty sixteen happy suspects accused of taking part not to be granted asylum in germany while germany's on happy german citizens are in jail in turkey accused of taking part there if we also look at elections then turkey's unhappy you know the one particular on happy. turkish rallies weren't allowed to be held in some german states while germany which was hosting elections in the same year they were angry the president deemed it necessary to give tips to turkish germans on how they should vote in the german general election. the relationship between germany and turkey is in
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a real low right now if only there was someone they could unite. against. in particular is keen to have mrs merkel as an ally in the face of trumps trade war the current unilateral and reckless approach of the us government is dragging our world further into merciless economic war which harms every player both mr and mrs merkel have ongoing economic shenanigans with donald trump the u.s. president has slapped a massive tariffs on the import of turkish steel in our many m one german companies find themselves in a peculiar position over trump sanctions against iran also on top of that berlin is being pressured by washington over germany's involvement in the north stream to gas
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pipeline project with russia policy. brings these countries question iran and turkey on one side and europe on the others and closer together in the economic terry of the sanctions against iran iran is a big economic partner for turkey and lived. in of the economic turmoil and trying to reach out to our sites to get support while building bridges is the order of the day there is one area where mr may have to concentrate germany has just between turkey to the right to host the twenty twenty four european football championships but of course that will probably pale into insignificance when there's a trade war waging trump to unite against people of. the release of the latest i phone always causes a buzz and more importantly big q it's not a phone but
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a fortune but some i've been hoping to get their hands on in moscow today. by actually selling their place in the line so much so it turns out that the first genuine purchaser today was a number two hundred and forty seven in the line. that you. believe in this five things to. me you guys are not really. got the deal good luck goes in with the free card summary and you.
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just become an hour twenty five minutes past the hour here in moscow thanks for joining us on our tour we are certainly back with more. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with allows for a so the biggest raid in truth to stand those business you just need as the right
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questions and demand the right answer. questions. it's hard to imagine decades after the war a nazi don't tell was still active and rich in the nineteen seventies critelli had as the chair of its code a man convicted of mass murder and slavery. a german company develops in the divide a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby anything. she said is just. minutes of it a mind victims i have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that not only want the money i want the revenge.
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this is broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business the finances the impact upon all but unbarred children in washington coming up and on back to the u.s. and russian weapons sales have raised to righteousness and ridicule in asia former pentagon official michael maloof joins us to look at the fracturing fault lines and with higher fuel prices some global shipping companies are seeking more cost effective water routes we look at the cold economic and operating realities of arctic shipping route with the c.e.o. of throw mark over at ford when. we get
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a new perspective on crypto currency around the world with somebody i've been trying to get on the program for months where he is a lot of you think you're going to love this guy and the business of tell. vision is changing and some of t.v.'s old is now new we get the inside scoop from most of the big picture and veteran media consultant hollin cook all of that in the next half hour let's go. argentinean president maury c.e.o. machree has reached an agreement with the international monetary fund to accelerate delivery of an augmented bailout package that now totals fifty seven billion dollars i.m.f. managing director christine lagarde called the package the biggest loan in the history of the i.m.f. she also said the i.m.f. effort to intervene in argentina is just beginning let's take a listen to what she had to say this week in argentina. who can.
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see no. progress. in putting together. in the deal the macro administration agree to spending more spending cuts to balance the national budget in twenty nineteen a year ahead of previous plans and to run a one percent surplus and twenty twenty the market ministration also agreed to adopt a floating exchange rate on their badly battered economy and that the argentine central bank would only make a limited intervention in the case of what ms la garde called extreme overshooting of the exchange rate the agreement is already controversial given argentine history the i.m.f. was widely blamed within argentina for contributing to their economic collapse back in two thousand and two after that collapse argentina actually defaulted temporarily on their i.m.f. loans the government later paid the loans in full then effectively renounce the i.m.f. or they say about biting the hand that feeds you. and movie.
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