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tv   Sophie Co  RT  September 28, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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in touch with a lot is being done and what will be done. given that it didn't hurt it got all out of tea and caught our eye on the thirtieth of the term for moral marker three years since the start of russian military operation in syria and this is a good day to draw some conclusions on what's happening on the ground so could you do that please and another question is to go back to what mr trump has another question is to go back to what mr trump has said during his press conference his being famed king russia syria and iran for as he put it the operation. on taking it live pearl was put on hold and them let them come in and actually eliminate the terrorists but in
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a selective way do you see in this kind of a signal from him and the what will be the diplomats view on that. issue. but i. mean do you do with a woman i cannot really comment on that i don't know how their government will be doing that when it comes to cherice we need to eliminate terrorists or try them in court so if they are resisting they need to to eliminate day where you as i said there are military means there are special operation troops or no. to combat terrorist threat in urban areas so these professionals will be taking care of. them but still the position of principle. is as follows there is no room for terrorists in syria and their position i mean the position of the u.s. authorities coincide with ours as for any political prospects and the conclusions
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regarding the three years of russian. aerospace forces operation in syria. military police as well well we are in syria following the request of the syrian government . and as for some main points. first eliminating cherice pockets in the southern part of syria eastern ghouta homes. the second thing is that now. the problems with the humanitarian aid are not that diane the third thing is that we succeeded in creating the us so the trio sinatra occur which has embraced initiative to be active when unfortunately our colleagues. in the un stalling in the promotion of the political process and a jewel in the crown which was the sochi national dialogue congress that took place
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in january this year as you know also their medical aeration was adopted which for the first time on behalf of the government and the opposition of syria underscored that all syrian said read toward upon the twelve principles formulated by staffan de mistura before this congress he couldn't get the support from the opposition and from the government of the same time and that declare ration simulates that there would be a constitutional community where syrians themselves would be deciding on the constitutional structure country today this constitutional committee has been established. with the first one to send it still a geisha it was specialists. of a couple of months it took for the opposition to prepare their delegations now
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we are harmonizing the lists of members to represent the civil society of syria it is very important in this case to. the ones. with the use i want you to be cautious not to be in any kind of a hasty because we need to be careful when deciding who will be part of that community because these members should be approved by the opposition and by the government the minor group on syria as some call it at matt. recently for western countries three arab countries members suffered so they adopted this statement which set forward an immediate start of the constant commute to work i know that they have been putting pressure on stuff into mr are they trying to force him to announce that the community is being established you look at the bill that would be a mistake we need to be careful so this pressure is there acted at neutralizing all
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the success reached within the hour so nasty framework and. these forces want. not syrians to decide on their future but they want to have a kind of a scheme in structure agreed between the external forces imposed on syria on this war torn country i will not tell you the names of the countries but will take any conflict in the middle east or the greater middle east they all are example to this external players lay down their vision of how these nations should be living their life in the east of that country not a single time these attempts here with it. lasting results any balance to a state so we will be. pushing towards being cautious we should not protract this that's true but it's all about the quality of
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the members to form because if you show a committee it is not about any deadlines you. will never see any deadlines when it comes to conflicts so above the results. we need to help the syrian people we should not be dictating their meaning thing or imposing a three on them thank you mr lavrov michelle nichols from reuters. question on iran russia russia has said that it will do everything it can to save the way would that include setting up a bought a system for iranian oil and russia and china considering an alternative payment system with iran to bypass the u.s. dollar and i quick question on north korea ambassador haley accused russia of wanting to sanctions on north korea so that russia king ultimately connect the translight beer and into north korea and north to south korea what's your response
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to that. i know what you have no solution but i'll my response to that is very simple both koreas want that and if we hear sincere words from our american colleagues who say they want north korea and south korea both to flourish then there should be no problems with the proposal. that we should be avoided with and actually it's been discussed for quite some time between us a soul and pyongyang this is all into in the interests of the development of infrastructure of this and asia and in the interest of those who trade between europe and asia and so this will be one of the easiest and shortest transit trade ways between the two parts of the. of the world of the continents world speaking on iran on the sixth of july the meeting took place between the foreign ministers of the european troika. iran russia.
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china and for the record. there was an initiative to form a special councils a consultation mechanism that two words discuss ways to let me choose you provide economic gain and that. basically deserves with the discretion to the twenty fifteen agreement and how to make it so that. the third parties so to speak would not in any way interfere into these mechanisms that would be developed. both banking mechanisms financing mechanisms and others. we've met in the same format on monday and on the twenty fourth into bit of september. it's a pretty good and the european said that they are moving on moving forward with
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their work that we are participating as well and so i see a lot of opportunities moving forward unless of course our european colleagues. so what's on the. company and you could say that their companies do not want to work with the rand and while this would be a grave mistake because business we don't want just to look at businesses we cannot make businesses do anything this is what we hear from europe there are some companies leaving iran but there are other companies replacing them and europeans realize that it's easy to lose a market but it's difficult to go back. and so it's not about politics it's about whether you want to. to actually implement what you're read up on what of an agreed upon. and so. as for the use of national currency.
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in our trade you know. depending on the dollar this is an a.d.r. that's been implemented for quite some time we've been doing that in our relations with china and to with countries that. have partnerships between one another. which when you want another and russia. and so. when i made my speech. our western friends do not want to talk about international law they want to talk about true border. and one of the pillars of such. a law. was the dollar system that guarantees it was. backed by the u.s. but once the u.s. started to use the system and their position for their own profits
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any country that didn't want to be dependent on the dollar started to do something to ease this dependence and this will of course is the effect of us on the world economy will go to your listeners those two while i'm sad because. we are discussing together with our european colleagues all the ways to make it so that iran's receives what was promised by the u.n. security council ministers love may name is. where they show up all of that newspaper and france twenty four my question is that this morning. your counterpart pompei all met with their g.c.c. foreign ministers plus the foreign ministers of jordan and egypt and they agreed on the coalition side. easy coalition for the middle east to step in lies yemen
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syria iraq and the meline activities from iran where do you stand regarding this strategic coalition and how do you. evaluate your russia's relationship with saudi arabia and the gulf countries think you. know she was well we have very good relations with saudi arabia and with the cooperation council for of the gulf states which each of the countries. of this area we have good relations in terms of trade in terms of economy if we have trade and industrial cooperation with some of the countries and we value this relations with apart from bilateral relations with this countries we also have mechanisms of ministerial meetings russia lost the gulf states.
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that we meet on a regular basis either in russia or in the countries of the gulf of limits region which is very useful in terms of solving issues with the u.s. for the middle seat of the lions started to call it. or whatever it's called is remarkable because we've heard so that's you're part of an alliance like that a coalition like that is being constructed to go there's been a meeting on a ministerial level this morning there was a budget is. i don't believe it was announced that everything's been decided and it's going to be created. to announce that next year with. sober in washington but that it was postponed so let's not make any rash conclusions do you and as for what's being said in the. and in the world so with regard to this
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idea of this coalition we wanted to stabilize syria to stabilize iraq and to yemen and to contain iran. but that was the bill as you know in order to stabilize all these three countries. and yemen you have to make it so that iranians positions are weakened or iranians influence is eliminated completely. how feasible that is it's not up to me to decide but. i don't remember the many times in history where no country or station of such power as iran of such population was ever somehow contained. and is locked in a cage so you're a beer has its own interests also realize the outside the country even such a small country as tahrir has its own interests throughout the region which is
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often criticized by its neighbors who are so hoping that you would somehow be able to come say in iran within its borders and that this would somehow be feasible would be very naive. the way out is different with. disagreements that have been existing for some quite some time need to be resolved they need to be discussed so we know about the relations between saudi arabia and iran all rather because of the of the lack of agreements and friendship between the two countries you know about other countries and their relations and so on. some stage time will come that all the countries would have to sit at a negotiating table and so i wouldn't want to look to for. into the future but if
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we don't choose. all those who share similar similar ideas on the basis of the negative. relations with iran this will never lead to anything good or to anything positive when it's all. new to all have discussions. and so there were agreements between the league of arab states between the un the e.u. the other countries. we need to bring together all of the actors who share the same as we saw. during the. first. always see. meetings this is what will have to inevitably happen we will all have to come together. but nobody really wants to resolve the problems of the of the region. by risking war with unforeseen consequences.
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simonis said you just said something which is pretty controversial because you want iran to be an expansionist country in their region because you're saying you cannot be realistic in expecting them to stay within their own borders why would you support such expansionism and there particularly the united states as you know that's calls for the u.s. is more and this is what you just said you just said no it aren't can't i said you cannot limit iran i mean you cannot put iran and its own borders and prevent iran through that influence outside its borders. influence like card that exerts influence that's what they said that they were cage this is why it was an interesting use of words anyway it explanation of course is more important than my point let me ask you. because she was one of the journalists to. be able to confirm soros. well but you are going to give the blow i would not
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misinterpret him. please tell me about the difference in position between you and you were. in syria if iran were to stay militarily in syria their medicare is made very clear they want it on and i don't know what you feel about it what is your policy what the conversation between you and given your relationship with israel during you know you're talking back and forth with the israelis what do you think of what mr netanyahu has said lebanon in particular could sightings of the positions where the hezbollah has its missiles have you been urging them to or to not attack or are you worried that they will think. especially with the name in your arms you need to ask. someone else not to me the way of russia or the us. what this country think about what iran's doing so because. iran is helping syria to preserve its sovereignty and it helps it
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fight terrorism and the fact that iran is how being solved the terrorists issue the very very effectively is something that i can attest to. we've never seen any terrorist threats. even in the difficult times when in northern caucasus and russia there were international terrorists and we've never saw any size between these terrorists in our country and the iranians by the way if we talk about the us and their relations. just several months ago there was an open letter from the veterans of american intelligence and the f.b.i. veterans of military intelligence of the us in which they called. us shouldn't create an artificial threat. from. and they're
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reminded every one of the statistics which shows that a particular. about six. months that the u.s. identifies as terrorists on the one of them is shiite in the church and the rest of this organization's stated. as their primary enemy or what is one of their enemies and so forth so that on the most. nor we are done with the at this stage you are. going to be in terms of fighting terrorism in terms of preserving syrian sovereignty and helping start a political dialogue in syria because there is. no doubt in my mind that this is useful in terms of the astronaut format for example which everyone actually greeted is welcome to look at well as for israel as we've said on
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many occasions a guarantee to us publicly that israel's going to. preserve the conflicting channel with us just as the one we have with the u.s. which will make sure that those and this is what we believe is the basically demands from the u.s. at the moment of the year but when israel expressed. you said that. given the go on there are iranian troops near the golan heights and borders that we've reached an agreement because by the time this our them discolorations on was freed from terrorists the iranian troops were removed by about one hundred kilometers more than one hundred kilometers from that point by that time and. and the syrian troops were the ones. controlling those
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territories near the golan heights they're. probably. your fish holes and un observers came there and so everything that's been said by israel in terms of the way it's worry it's about it's security near the golan heights is has been eliminated by us we've done what we've promised to do that and unfortunately your american american colleagues and i already spoke about. you your american colleagues said that they were going to eliminate to eliminate the. illegal zone but they did not give their words i would like to know your opinion on the estate would be very dangerous and second i would like to know your post about the united states sanctions against it but it's well in the dangers of are there. nor should. be as well as for as on terrorism or state sponsored terrorism.
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there's not you know there is. no such notion as a term of international law or u.n. . language so or some states use their term. such as that you the u.s. it uses this term but you need to understand that because that would be because you either have evidence or you have knowledge of so we don't have any kind of arrogance to say that iran sponsors terrorism i said that many times. for take. us but those are the countries you know their neighbors have certain suspicion that is true for some middle eastern. closer territories but if a country prepares serious and stones them to other countries for terrorist acts this is inadmissible. we don't need to be using any kind of terms like state
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sponsored terror this is just terrorism terrorism should be eliminated so that no one would ever fathom. any idea of conducting any bloodshed or terrorist acts. of violence will now go and we're guarding. the wall in my statement today said that any unilateral sanctions are not only they are counterproductive clearly for those who impose these sanctions so. this way cannot lead to any tangible results. when it comes to countries who have self-respect respect for their own traditions their own people are you gave you an example over fifty years u.s. has been putting sanctions with cuba. has never wavered.
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and i'm sure that when it comes to. these sanctions will not taking any affect will not be effective so you know the government may be ready they are ready but the opposition receive signals from both from the u.s. for instance that these states support them so they have no. impetus to come to agreement with the government because they're not interested and the external players instead of taking sides in this internal karpal should be calling upon all parties opposition the government so that they see it and you go shit i said that today i see no alternative. for any of the crisis heads reach and this is the right way your current sites. when somebody. one of them because. of an intern bogdanoff. thank you for mr i am
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from hong kong phoenix t.v. during the high level meeting this week on t.p.r. k foreign minister from china has thirty just said that to reveal the provision of the sanction of over solution and modify the sanctions given on the positive progress on t.p.r. q how would you comment on that and president trump has been accusing both russia and china for interfering the u.s. election how would you comment on that as well. if you ask me. i see my colleagues was he words regarding the promotion of progress and terms of the dealer ization of the korean peninsula. and soften up the social regime. with as if it was i can only say i support these ideas my colleague from chinese and i can only say that yes i agree. heard or
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trumps. all speech i think only blame china for interviews this time in dimension russia those who used to. assure us. again. you should. put your loads should be. putting forward such accusations to support the facts. we are the least interested in interfering in anyone's domestic affairs. so if some criminals. and russia and china the charity of any other country do that kind of dirty business we need to find them we need to take them with the help of the interpol or other law enforcement bodies and their agencies but if you have some you know there were. allegations or you. suspect something let's find out what kind of problem you have we
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initiated this cyber security. were a group and us put it on the ice and when they started to be increasingly worried about interference we're sad we can renew the work of that group so that the professionals would be really taking care of all concerns which can any side develop. that if we take interference not i mean hacking some websites. or anything and they figure they gave regarding the number of their you know. their ridiculous list when zero point one percent from all current and she rated and circulated within social media so if we take interference as a whole new we have lots of examples. find it number of as mark examples of how the united states openly demand from governments to take
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a certain kind. of position with you so let's take you crane. and everyone talked about ukraine the u.s. congress adopted a lot of the support of democracy in ukraine which was part of london which saw the state department instructed usual with that in the blog and twenty billion million dollars per year to promote democracy in russia including. supporting non governmental denies ations which. stand for pluralism in russia and which are in opposition to the government. has not just talk right this is a fact they have that law they adopted it and the number of n.g.o.s who receive financing from the u.s. and russia i don't really remember the number but the number is huge. on our side. when anyone. wants to talk you know with colleagues. that.
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support carrying arms openly like they're being imprisoned she just went to the u.s. promoting the ideas which are shared by the national light arms association of the united states. or national rifle association is it has been called there are some no fresh examples soon got any interference the us appointed. court. representative. of all the settlement of station in ukraine he matic up with that is love so work off a couple of times he promotes the ideas which counter addict point blank the arrangements reached the means by has of russia france and ukraine and germany so those arrangements of truth.


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