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tv   News  RT  September 28, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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right. in a fiery address to the u.n. general assembly russia's foreign minister rails against the political blackmail economic pressure and force he says western governments are using to maintain global dominance. after a dramatic emotionally charged a committee hearing donald trump orders an f.b.i. investigation into the claims of sexual assault leveled at his supreme court nominee. and police of foil
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a major terror attack arresting seven men reportedly trying to obtain a suicide vest guns and bomb making equipment. but. protests against the church's president's first state visit to germany. are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our t.v. international john thomas certainly glad to have you with us i'd be seventy third general assembly's general debate is coming to an end with politicians from around the world taking the stage russian foreign minister sergey lavrov raised concern over some countries trying to hijack u.n. principles. the number of western states to seek you to preserve the self-proclaimed status of the local leaders and prevent the transition to a multi-polar world order. this means including political blackmail economic
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pressure and brute force diplomacy a culture of negotiation and compromise have been replaced by unilateral restrictions like un security council approval following his speech to the un general assembly russia's foreign minister held a press conference artistically and track our talks us through what sergey lavrov had to say. we heard a lot from the russian side on friday before their departure it was. as big press conference and spokeswoman marie as a hard as exclusive interview to r.t. as well the press conference began with a bit of surrogate humor so there is a new policy of the land express creation in south africa that the that they're implementing is a parliamentary process people could lose their farms without compensation and there's talk that russia is trying to take the get the if you will and some of
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those described. no this thing would be easier. meddling risk of the law in the elections i. no time for this you know it's too far too far but week on iran we heard once again that moscow will continue to do everything to preserve the so-called a rainy and nuclear deal but more importantly the americans were told on their home soil that the major european players will continue to do so as well no matter what minister lavrov also spoke about iran's isolation that led to a rather awkward exchange at the press conference you're saying stabilize yemen iraq syria and iran it seems as if to bring peace to these countries you have to completely eradicate an influence there how realistic is that it's not for me to judge but it seems to me you can look at country with such history civilization and
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people inside its borders like in a cage saying you cannot stick and expecting them to stay within their borders why would you support such expansionism and particularly the united states as you know that's the. this is what you just said you just said no you don't can't i said you can look at the limits. and you can look put your own that's on borders and prevent iran through that influence outside its borders so do the ruby was its influence laycock the results influence that's what those. of even brought donald trump's claim that iran was the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism according to the russian top diplomat this claim is absolute laws this year at last nobody was asking sergei lavrov about russia's alleged attempts to interfere in the u.s. election campaigns but he was asked about the claims that china was doing the same
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thing in response the russian foreign minister said that it's been proved many times that it is washington that keeps making such attempts around the world time and again. earlier i'll also mention my exclusive interview with the foreign ministry spokeswoman marie harf she agreed to share her thoughts on some of the other highlights of this week here at the united nations h.q. in new york for many years most of korea was in medieval and this country in. the leaders of this country and the country itself and the people to country it was mentioned as the world's hugest problem and in the evil was the world which was used to describe the country and now yeah and now i think that you heard mr trump thing several times career so what happened to the city and i
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was not north korea has changed nothing like that happen but united states changed their position then their policy toward north korea probably the they can use a similar approach to iran and the things will go better. let's cross it live now to media especially. send former u.s. diplomat jim johnson to talk about this jim always a pleasure to talk to you. about these sorts of things ok so sergey lavrov said that some western states are trying to prevent a transition to a multi-polar world through the use of political pressure and. brute force so what exactly is he referring to gosh what a mystery i mean he didn't name the state question so i guess we have no idea who he meant obviously meant the united states and the countries we call allies who are really our satellites and vassals i look i have noticed. mr lover of tends to be
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very diplomatic very polite very gentlemanly in his expression but i did notice a certain level of impatience today that he i think his patients has been tried one time too many yes we are talking about whether or not we will we will continue down this road of the united states seeking. in a very sterile way in destructive way to hold on to this notion of global hegemony or whether there will be a peaceful and national natural transition to a more more multi-polar world so far we don't see the people making policy in washington willing to make that transition and i think that is something extremely dangerous and i think maybe that partly accounts for mr lover of sense of impatience so there always seems to be a villain of the day if you will the u.s. seems to be treating iran right now as its main opponent on the world stage how do you see the tensions between washington and tehran developing will we see any
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concessions from iran at all. i don't think we will and i don't think we will see a change from washington look i'd love to think that this is a replay of what happened with north korea last year as misses a lot of said that we. will talk in very strong threatening terms a lot of bluster a little rocket man and all of that and before you know it they're having a summit in singapore i'd like to think that will happen between mr trump and mr rouhani at some point a future i don't think so i think unfortunately we have not only have the group around mr trump all of his advisors like john bolton in my pump am and so forth but we also have israel saudi arabia the united arab emirates and other countries in the region that are really steering this policy and that they they have their own agenda and even though mr trump promised us that america first agenda we're getting an israel or saudi arabia or emirates first policy so israel's binyamin netanyahu
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showed photos of an alleged storage facility for nuclear weapons for the united nations general assembly what is he trying to achieve i mean he's pulled tricks like this instance like this in the past there. and in fact we've even seen from the the some some reports today that people in the american intelligence community are even questioning some of the evidence he said he was presenting look as far as i'm concerned you can take that evidence and put it right next to the yellowcake and the weapons of mass destruction that saddam hussein had this is all political has nothing to do with any any real concern about it iranian nuclear program and that's one of the reasons i am i am concerned about where this is going because we're seeing the the same old wash rinse repeat that we saw from two thousand and two. right jim johnson us always interesting to hear your thoughts on these sorts of things as we talked in the sound check it's been a busy week so hang in there i'm sure we'll be talking
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a lot more to you in the wooden days that i don't think you shot right. right switching gears now president trump has ordered an f.b.i. investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against his supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh and follows calls from a republican senator on the judiciary committee which has voted to move ahead with brett kavanaugh his nomination on the condition of the agency looks into the claims here and with details. the u.s. senate judiciary committee has been conducting confirmation hearings for brett kavanaugh nominated to be a supreme court justice by donald trump today we saw essentially what happened they took a vote to take the nomination of brett kavanaugh to the floor of the u.s. senate now as the vote was preparing we saw kind of a last minute proposal from republican senator jeff flake he proposed essentially that a final vote on the floor of the senate wouldn't take place until the f.b.i.
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had been able to do an investigation by i do think that we can. have a short pause and make sure that the f.b.i. can investigate and i understand it is that some of us would have to and i'm prepared to do it make a request to the white house to ask the f.b.i. to do that investigation it would be short. and limited in scope to the current allegations that have been made i would like to support the motion for that investigation now the hearings this morning were certainly contentious there was certainly quite a bit of tension in the room as the senate judiciary committee continued its hearings are regarding brett kavanaugh and his nomination let's take an overview of some of what went on in the final hours of the senate judiciary committee's hearings rather than working with us my democratic colleagues chose not to participate in this process indeed before yesterday they had never even asked the judge
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a single question of these over go sions and yet again and again the refrain has been the same give a way to say look i'm very disappointed that we're here today voting on this nomination and specially in light of the testimony that we heard just yesterday that it would be an absolute crying shame if we keep treating him well if you know if you saw some sort of an impostor or some sort of a person who just couldn't do this job. on the job and he's doing it on me the circuit court of appeals the second highest court in the country and i have a lot of confidence in him this supposed to be. and then to an equal branch of government were nor are they. in a very weak. of the trump or you know we then heard some very heated political bickering with both sides are getting rather fired up now the nomination of brett kavanaugh has certainly divided the united states of america both sides very fired
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up about it and it appears that next week we will have a final vote in the u.s. senate regarding his confirmation as a supreme court justice in the united states the highest court in the land but it has been quite contentious protests all around capitol hill lots of accusations on both sides lots of anger. with the last days of the hearings exposing deep political divides in the commission a top us t.v. host even claims republican senator lindsey graham is being blackmailed by russia all because he backed kavanaugh. what you want to do is destroy this guy's life hold this seat open this is the most an ethical sham since i've been in politics if you really wanted to know the truth you sure as hell what i've done what you've done to this guy lindsey graham is so obviously being blackmailed by
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a russian position is very different than testimony under oath from a credible woman thirty five years time as an argument against an assault of a fifteen year old girl. all right what may slightly surprise ms handler though is that the senator is known for having one of the most extreme anti russian stance. they're trying to break the bad of democracies they're doing worse things in other countries they're trying to get us to fight among ourselves and here's what we should do we should tell the russians in no uncertain terms you interfered in our elections we don't care why we're going to hit you and hate you hard in russia. it's not a normal country. ard to discuss the issue we're now joined live by media and legal analyst lionel so lionel briefly i want to talk about the lindsey graham stuff very briefly because to me it's kind of laughable but why is chelsea handler saying that lindsey graham is being blackmailed by russia one of the grounds there.
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what what are the grounds i have no idea listen i've heard some pretty good connections alleging russia to it being a volved and everything it's a version of as we see hair as say or my dog ate the homework it's an excuse for everything if your team wins the russians if they lose their russians if you're late the russians are right now how this works now let me work. please please sir well i mean. we you and i have talked many times in the past about like how everything can be blamed on russia i want to talk about the the real news of the week if you will you know trump has ordered the f.b.i. to conduct a supplemental investigation into the claims against kavanaugh could that investigation significantly change kavanagh's fate and actually a fair question here because past is president why was there no investigation sooner once those sexual assault claims emerged i mean that's what the committee
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has always done in the past this man has been investigated by the f.b.i. six times six he has answered thousands literally of questions. diane feinstein knew about these allegations knew about this accuser a elective for some reason not to let anyone know about this for reasons that no one can figure out this is about trying to embarrass president trump and his selection that say it has nothing to do with anything other than to embarrass to stop to thwart the president from one area can you tell us is the most investigated man ever you can argue that. that dianne feinstein knew about this i mean she did have the letter she did hold on to the letter she has maintained that she was trying to protect the privacy of the individual but you can also argue that
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the republicans knew about it as well because they have that letter of sixty five people ready to go in that like in a snap so i mean both sides knew about these allegations before it went to the committee do you think the f.b.i. has enough time to get to the bottom of it in just one week. there's no getting to the bottom of this it's a thirty six year old allegation and valving somebody in high school and this particular accuser who listen number of people who were there when this event allegedly happened those people said they weren't there let me say this right now everybody watching what were you doing thirty six years ago if you happen to be in high school that's what this is as i'm not trying to minimize this this was at best or at worst an attempted rape there was no rape nodded anyway x. excusing this something obviously happened to this woman at some point that's
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not the issue and it's not the issue for judge cavanagh to determine what happened let me say this again i'm a lawyer i'm a prosecutor i cannot think of with the exception of murder and actual rape charges thirty six years the statute of limitation would normally apply and this man was in high school this is a complete fraud this entire event and i don't have enough time to go into the background about who this woman is who might be helping her coaching her supporting or representing her go fund me fund i'm not going to do that but vis is a cut throat business that we have here and when it comes to anything and we did this this happened with judge clarence thomas before this is nothing new but it has never know it if you would have told me that we would be talking about something
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that happened when he was in high school and by the way this man i'm on the say it again has held the most elevated positions in terms of law right is that the district the circuit court for the district of columbia this is one of the most esteemed jurist who has been investigated more the. anybody and the now right now you want to try one more f.b.i. attempt hundred three i'm hoping that something happens to allow the democrats to delay this and ultimately have him resign or something else they're just trying to interfere with the most esteemed and qualified jurist parea now unfortunately i have to bring it up there again you and i could probably talk for hours upon hours upon hours and it would make for great t.v. unfortunately we're out of time lionel glad to talk to you thanks for being with us here at international. all right switching gears dutch police say that they have
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foiled a major terror attack that's after arresting a gang of men trying to acquire rifles suicide vests and bomb making equipment. takes up a story. this is been a long standing investigation after a tip off in april and eventually the police swooped in the miscreants which they say were planning to carry out a terror attack at a high level of vent to maximize the number of victims and casualties that the prosecutor in the netherlands is smalling has been outlining some of the material this group were apparently trying to obtain the suspects were in search of a k forty seven handguns grenades explosive vests and room materials for several car bombs well what do we know about the ringleader the so-called ringleader of this group what we understand he's a thirty four year old man who is of a rocky origins we also understand from the police that he was convicted last year in two thousand and seventeen of attempting to travel to syria where he wanted to
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join i saw the terror group as for the rest of the group seven members in total we have some from police that their age twenty one to thirty four three of the group including that ringleader had all been convicted of trying to travel to syria where they wanted to join that terror group now we understand that they were attempting to not only put. rifles they were also looking to obtain woman which could then be used to create a bomb and we understand from the authorities in the netherlands that they were quite far away along in their attempts to create this terrorist attack this is not the only time in september that terror has been on the front pages of the netherlands earlier this month the jihadist was shot dead in. after stopping. the threat level in the netherlands remains it out of a pause. simple maximum of five meaning that there is a real concern that there is
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a chance of a terror attack in the country. all right russian authorities have reacted to reports about a new suspect in the screwball poisoning case more on this and other stories after a short break you are watching our introduction. this tried to control the european banking system remember them post facto every single european bank had a record of every single customer every single transaction especially one through the u.s. dollar and the u.s. is posed there u.s. dollar based have germany all over the world now european nations even nations are saying no we're not going to be a part of the some clarity more because we need the box we need the money we're not we don't believe in your propaganda we don't think that your sanctions on iran have merit for any reason so we're just going to bypass them because the.
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unfortunate ukrainian government destroys that conclave don't know maybe they don't understand this but they destroyed the country. they lost not only crimea but they lost their own people to regions ukrainians and russians they really have very deep roots and to cut this road sent to try just to show us that you are absolutely separate and different. from russians this is absolutely stupid ways this is a way to nowhere. welcome back this is art international now facebook facebook has admitted to nearly fifty million accounts have been affected after a quote attack on its platform social media giant warned that perpetrators could have misused the accounts. our engineering team discovered
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a security issue affecting almost fifty million accounts it's clear their attackers exploited a vulnerability in facebook's code this allowed them to take over people's accounts facebook admitting that a breach took place on choose day with fifty million accounts being affected and ninety million also being logged out and having their passwords research a huge breach and again eroding trust in facebook now they say that the account could have been used by perpetrators they still don't know whether the accounts were misused or whether any information was accessed and also they say at this early stage of their investigation they don't know who's behind the attacks all based on all of this has sparked outrage which has been expressed on other social media platforms i knew something was up last night when i saw in there has occurred you know when i clicked on to now logged out of my account of their country mental right password time to change it again they refused to protect those
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dimona tice consumers clients should quit in possibly the should be put out of business now it's been a tough year for facebook to come in for huge amounts of criticism that their platform has been used to disseminate fake news and they've brought in the atlantic council to get rid of so-called fake news that's controversial because it's seen as being censorship on free speech and closing accounts which don't follow the government line in places also earlier this year facebook coming under fire over the cambridge analytical scoundrel where millions of facebook users had their accounts accessed and used for political reasons by the company and so what came out of all of that is facebook founder mark zuckerberg really apologizing and promising that his company would try to do better we have a responsibility to protect your data and if we can't and we don't does. so
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a bad year all around of for facebook won't be helped by this latest news about this breach and interesting to see where the social media giant goes from here. the kremlin has reacted to new reports that britain's security services have identified a third suspect in the screwball poisoning case its spokesperson dmitri prescott says that moscow wants to see facts not press speculation or unofficial investigations archies comments. rumors upon theories on top of speculation it doesn't seem to end the kremlin has dismissed these rumors about the suspects their relationship with moscow was just that rumors and hasn't seen any case files. the whole discussion is built around. of results some kind of investigations by some kind of. nobody can figure out which
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pieces of. which are true various investigations that are underway by journalists. this raises questions concerning the results of the investigations we do not know how. they are based and so on it's hold hold a discussion with the media we would like to do that we don't know if any of the facts are true if we can make any official statements about who looks like who lived and so. they have to have the initial material. joint investigation. on the source. we jointly cooperate so that's why we don't want to speculate the latest but a third russian agent has been identified suspected of carrying out reconnaissance at the script. the other theory that surfaced and the rounds in the media this week is about one of the two original suspects but share of bending cat which calls
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itself an investigative outfit and is widely seen as anti russian says it has this covered his true identity and authority. apparently a decorated serviceman what they did is they truly through decades and decades of russian military academy graduation photos until they found a man with a resemblance to share of then use the database on the internet to find his. dave that's all the proof that they offered dedicate in the rest of their article to speculation about his career which is all odd when others revealed links between syrian jihad ists and pro rebel white helmet rescuers telling cat insisted that it merely likeness on photographs was insufficient proof but there you go we it team managed to reach the head of the military academy you referred to by betting cat
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which used to study and they have serious questions about bending cats narrative. since he graduated in two thousand and one back then i was a commander of the squadron there is very little information on him or his or gregory yes it's rubbish that enough a survey who would graduate such an academy would be sent on a task like this are graduates or field officers and it's not even special services who would be trained to perform tasks like these even so it's rubbish that a g.r.u. officer would be sent to poison someone they were not ours i think this story was planted seventeen years when the phrase from the photo is not remarkable they were between twenty and twenty one years old when they graduated but they have changed from that time and there we go the latest twist in the script fair rule a coaster ride of rumors and speculation inconsistent seas and revelations and judging by what we've seen so far one shouldn't expect this ride to end anytime
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soon. don't forget for more details on any of our stories you can visit r.t. dot com obviously of the top of the hour with the latest news there was russian at international. the old thing you know we need to go back to invite more foreign force out stuff supposition that's also the position of the government that's the mission to the south coast in any case even if there is a number of contingency they've got to go back want it to the to the country.


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