tv Sophie Co RT September 28, 2018 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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the rally was part of the great march of the turn protest campaign which began in march and refugees are calling for the right to return to territory now in israel that their relatives were displaced from in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine hundred sixty seven over the past six months palestinian health officials say more than one hundred eighty protesters have been killed and more than eighteen thousand wounded one israeli soldier has been killed during the demonstrations the i.d.f. defended its actions on friday claiming it had bombs and the grenades had been thrown at soldiers it says that it did what was necessary to protect israeli civilians are that doesn't for me i'll be back with headlines in thirty minutes with the international.
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been bogged down in stalemate for seventeen years and almost all afghans have grown up knowing only conflict without any prospect of peace is going to be dealing with an insurgency forever any government in kabul perswade the guerrillas to sit down and negotiate and when will the war torn country finally begin to start healing. for a minister in this era thank you very much for being part of the show today great pleasure and again it is always such a hot topic of discussion. so the latest version afghan war that has been going on for seventeen years doesn't seem like anyone is close to claiming victory. how long do you think this stalemate will last. you see there is an effort to get there the what this is the still meds militarily. that is
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an approach toward peace and reconciliation and one but then on the hunt. to concede you see in a council i live on elements because in this war and this fight. the real serious terrorist groups. in what is gold has not changed in a sense so they are. there for the destruction of the afghan community afghan way of life but also dealt with in the region so. you know. we should focus on them peace and the consolation to you. to bring stability in afghanistan we should also keep in mind that with the groups whose interest whose goal is to spread terrorism money under extremism in the region we need to fight to continue as long as we can through the all of afghan leaders past present have told
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the same thing that this war needs to be negotiated till the very end is there a reliable taliban leadership that could actually negotiate with. i think that has been one of the difficulties of the taliban's address on the leadership because the leadership is outside the country and we have these sure us. sue to reach them. on to find them has been a difficulty. you know in the past. groups who are poor peace but then also you have groups who are against these more i think there is an obvious which is and there is a political office of follow up with who are to whom we are talking but then of course the elements within you know afghanistan they have a different approach to. at least the altar that we have right now we are trying to reach peace with them what kind of
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a settlement is really staying right now what kind of concessions to the taliban in a post-war settlement do you think are feasible. you see that is something that needs to be left for negotiations because we are not. at that stage we are right now the stage of facilitation so how do you best case scenario i'm sure you see probably my viscous somebody who will be of my own view but you know any settlement needs the name a supplement means you know they asked to be compromises the two sides has to accept it's the best solution a compromise solution but one thing which is very clear and i think that this been made clear again and again by our leadership and also by the international community who is helping as including. russian federation leadership that we spoke with is that that states in afghanistan is something very important something very
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precious and the problem has been in the past for the years and every time there's a change it's a state which has changed. you know instead which collapses so if we keep destruction of the states whatever happened within the structure of our state for and in terms of the governance and the way of governance you know how much accountability and responsibility and concentration of decentralization delegation of paul are i think this is something that we can negotiate and discuss with the on the structure of this state which we have you know put forward a kid in the in the since two thousand and they live with those and one thing that has to be kept intact which means that. we should not go from a republic which we had people on the side of the emirates with a few clergy in this i think that is. the overall framework that we are thinking about within this framework i think there are many things for negotiations and
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that's something men should look like so when it came to obama administration it was very ambiguous about this about talks with taliban in a way initiating process is them being really tough militarily on taliban on the field that the current administration is actually more favorable accepting of the idea of talks and you think these are just empty words or are they going to follow up on them. but you see even in the past the those on the eleven when there was a search of the nato and u.s. forces in afghanistan that thing the surge sure was a means to an agent. and was peace but the meaning was just to bring the thought on and to negotiate them to undergo to exert enough military security pressure on the town of on which as you know happen every bit of the war to be a few experience of this in riyadh now and if you had is that the military leaders believe that it's enough to bring this insurgent they know something that has
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groups on the negotiating table you have to sure dissolve i think even the aim of the surge at the time was last shooting destroys all for the peace. but the problem was with the with the dates because you know if you announce them look in the exact thing this much provision and this much span of time of course those fellows will not fight you deal with height so for the time to come to any of this is i think one of the one of the reasons one of the difficulties that's shot so they announced the end date we're supposed to do those and then ten and we finish in two thousand and eleven that i want to look at five to four all in all just they went out to pakistan and even though we fight the americans and when the time overbet came back right now it's different it's not only a question of only talk you know the south asia strategy if united state is school south asia's not only for afghanistan because they also recognize that the centuries that the basis of thought of on the basis of. mother foreign fighters should not forgive the most was not from
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a photo. or in pakistan so i think it's sort of you know a pleasure both on pakistan on taliban both at the same time that the offer of peace we're getting to pakistan because there's a lot of this change in power but there is also a change in creative diplomacy in america so when i can say is we're ready to talk to afghan taliban directly afghan taliban is also saying we don't want to talk to the afghan government we're ready to talk to the to washington directly what happens if you are left out of the process that's a possibility. i think shouldn't be even a possibility coming in the minds of anyone me then that he nor in the united states because. of this in the past for he has you had a very. negative experience itself when the you know when you leave the government the central government of a country the legitimate government thing you know behind then you go and talk behind their back which has not happened and we're not going to let this happen in
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any case. i think the tactics of this terrorist groups and insurgent groups all has the same you know we have this. during the eighty's when i wish i didn't want that to talk directly to moscow at the time and we saw the result of the you know that it was a complete collapse of the system and kaabour so this is so they want to show them look you know you're going to talk to the american but i think this is what the consensus is that the peace in afghanistan has to be afghan owned afghan that i'm through direct talks between the afghans themselves the others can facilitate oh maybe many would argue that taliban are guns to taliban are afghans so that's what i'm saying that you know between afghans between us and the tunnel so that should be the peace and mediation facilitation always happens and all the pieces are on the wall you need somebody you know at the level of confidence building and then those get indies because they want some gathering to do that with this you know i believe in going to be full for the implemented they really understand this you
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know we're rather they are going to get indeed the peace agreements or to facilitate like you know why they are moscow because of the system of they've been used to it we have a forum other regional forum going to moscow pharma beside the other is the q c g which is united states and china we have a heart of asia which happens in tokyo stumbled so it is so we have multiple forests where could guarantee and also can facilitate the nidia so anything behind the african government would be counterproductive so you mentioned pakistan couple of times in the interview and many afghan officials that i have spoken in the past mostly blame pakistan for the mass that afghanistan needs in pakistan now has a new prime minister in round one he seems to be more progressive very popular with the people do you think anything will change with him in power. you know we are hoping so we really hope that you know with him not han and paul are things could change also to take lead whenever you have a change of leadership in a country there is in there for change it seems to change policies so we can be
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looking forward to see some of a strategic changes within pakistan's. which within pakistan's mindset because if you have honest one and peace enough around the sun and there are you know broader push toward the region india iran us with whatever which has been in pakistan for many years so if we see a sign of change which we have not so far because we understand the problem some of the priorities is busy and. other places but we'll hopefully we were expecting that you know even for him it would be good that if you could do something which is true this is a school not do that we had a former minister who came to kabul we haven't heard something new because we have a call off all we have in the us are going to need years just right data with that so i think the time of that it is over between you know the two countries and that comes to the admission ship but we are very optimistic we think that you know you can think out of the box as
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a new person is not part of the. political parties which has been the ball in the past in the past couple of decades that we are working with them so somebody knew someone you close to military which some other but we had a month if you could use it properly so we think that that could be healthy. take a short break right now when we come back we'll continue talking to afghanistan's deputy foreign minister. talking about the prospects of peace in this country afghanistan stay with us. you know world. a lot for years and years. to wait
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to dig deeper to get the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever. to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. and we're back with afghanistan's deputy foreign minister nasser. for pakistan
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afghanistan has always been a tool of rivalry with india and now one can is trying to cool down its relations with india so maybe that could be a big change you see that really wishing the best. it's a very difficult thing case i think this to some be pakistanis it defines the whole . you know this country has created based on this idea of who she go you know fighting against india will being against that but but what about afghanistan could do one that you know i remember two thousand and seven five when we were. much more peaceful down to they even we all for can we do something for pakistan and india could come together closer with each other on our side we have done everything possible for the both countries to look at afghanistan as not the place of life with a decent place of cooperation if you countries could cooperate with each other billions
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of dollars out of trade would benefit for both of them because the indian goods and services on the indians technology could go to pakistan not on us on a company. i think everybody would benefit you know somehow this idea of trade liberalism doesn't work in that part of the world so we hope one day it will but you know how those big powers are especially the nuclear powers he's trying to stabilize his relations with india and i hope it works but u.s. pakistani relations that soured do using there's a danger that they actually mean mess with the americans by giving more support to taliban. but you see that i think that's something that they have to understand i'm sure they do in pakistan has a strong establishment and you know some of the tree and split the leaders of the nation should probably know the limits of going to walk tall of an unarmed think minds and united states. so i think the whole the whole idea of south asia policy if united states has to stoop to to convince the pakistanis that what they're going
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into those you might seek in supporting talo. this is not feasible it's not desirable for the future of this kind of the which is called pakistan it's a huge nation it's a vibrant society it's a second the which could be you know us prosperous are there any other countries was going in the same speed as south korea in the nineteen seventies when i was lagging behind us one of the poorest so we hope that the no one comes to decisions pakistan should take the side of peace prosperity commerce trade and international cooperation rather than a not terrorist group that this think that they think that it could be as a tool of their foreign policy because if he and then there's china well can play do you think you could play any role in these negotiations yes you know china can be a major player in peace and prosperity in afghanistan china has an important in a strong neighbor off on the stand you know the whole idea of both on the route which is unfortunately a little. longer somebody is going south and pakistan is going north and central
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asia there are links to be built within this bill done to come. help up on a sunday comedy in future but right now security was china is involved in moscow for months but also in q c g which is the quadrata of cornish group of china pakistan united states and i promise i'm sure the op interest that they have their ways i think they're faking the very serious of the foreign minister level that the issue of terrorism in afghanistan need to be finished and then there is a topic of afghan army. so it's spread across the country with taliban still making capturing villages capturing military bases desta afghan military have much staying in power left and i can't answer that question you can kill me but i can answer why is it still on a defensive after seventeen years of so much investment and being trained by it the
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world's best soldiers. you see in one hand that. you describe the situation does this almost a reality of the being spread around the country we are you know if i think in each and every corner of afghanistan but the second part of this i think i can they're going to give some more explanation on the other side of it you know the all news or belt train that. they can train and then send to some was some pork but ours is not like this they were just that he could train the little bit and then they start a fight so you don't have the space you know so enough recuperating going back to some sort of trainings or changing from one place to another so it's so weird that they you see that you know you walk on you to go so that's what's you know what he's doing because that happened toward the end you know when i was
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talking about the this surge in military. forces in afghanistan to those a month it was the time also he was a surgeon belling the afghan army because in the beginning there were like twenty eight thousand thirty thousand fifteen thousand of going to some doesn't need a lot of meanness only please i think these are the ideals of international community and our friends our donors which were wrong from very beginning we told them that look you know this is a mountainous country it has valleys it's so difficult to control them it's no they know small on the open plains that you come in you can control it so and it's also a porous borders that terrorists could go through the other side of the border and then they come back so the decision to increase the i'm going or may have to believe to have them fifty plus thousand that we have right now it was after two thousand and ten so if you look at this and then we also pushed that look craniotomy quickly because we're getting out so this army is doing the job of one hundred twenty thousand well trained international forces including need to sue and
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the cost of those people like you know per person would have been something like one million dollars if you compared to what we have this is you know peanuts media so yes we have a difficulty we have been in defense of a little bit in the past because prison then you know we decided that this sure you know i just shot for peace knots you know being off and so we told the public on the look you know we respect the cease fire which they did of the beginning but didn't do with the. be the president the defense minister on national security council us all of the you are on the phone off friends but we need to look at this strategy that we need to really you know fight in the should make as an insurgent a good enough force because we're facing a force which can do that come to can vanish and say you know that sometimes i'm thinking taliban doesn't even want to win the war because it's so much more comfortable as a position to be seen as guerrillas and fighters for motherland than to actually
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run the country it's more comfortable now. we're looking at the some of the people who told me the same thing they know why i thought of one wants him to come when there's of course something we don't believe that the other one can do when the way that they define when in one thousand to six they come with pickups inside the kabul that's not the way that we're going to be defined but you know an insurgent group will always have cohesion will always be the month to size when they are in the jungles in their own things and in the villages because they are not as responsible as the government should be you know because they can enforce they have to do violence but you know the minute they came in of course they would lose them they would be difficult for them but i think but i think their own elements that the thing that the wall has been for long enough and there is nothing left in their life they have not seen you know. in the life of the day with peace it was like healthier country they've been born after they were at their last words you know where i haven't started is there is that hope for us that this is generational
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change or something in the country and in the region the nation probably needs a new approach but that generation doesn't know a life without a war from day one that they were born seventeen years ago the only thing they know is war they don't even know another way of life can exist the thing that is if you if you look at afghanistan off before two thousand and one i think that that would have been crypt through the transition of what happened because there that time that it was as i say that you know as it could be. what i mean country like you know probably made us the african cup but that's not the case and i doubt even the people who are living or go to war and he has which are contested by thought of all they have access to the to the sonata they sold them rocks of soviet technology they have access to internet access to this is what's happening in the cities. i think they want something new for them but one thing to you right is that you know that's why we try you know peace is costly to in kochi of the culture of peace because if you're going with
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a culture of war then the water is the way of life so i think that is the social difficulty that we are facing that's why you know we're trying to reach peace so we trying these these ceasefires so for those fighters who are just born into those on the two thousand and two and now there are seventeen eighteen years old to come into the big cities and to see what those life change for the afghan people you know you have hundreds of thousands of young afghans who the guards just plain themselves and they have come up to a level that they can much anyone around the region so i think that that disparity is that we're going to do that and there when they have yes but do you want to choose to reduce this is the spot if you discount i'm led to the people in the villages war associative to some extent a ton of them to come and see the light of us change and they can be part of this changed afghanistan some of the afghan officials that i have spoken in the past have said that when i've asked how can taliban in essence win a war over rifles against modern technology because that's what it is like because
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taliban are more connected to people than the afghan military at this point. and we need more foreign forces to help us fight taliban do you feel that's the case would you need more nato forces were in sample to help you fight taliban t. want trump to reinforce its presence in afghanistan what expect of trouble you see i don't think you know we need to go back to invite more foreign force i think that's position that's also the position of the government. that. we should do it ourselves because in any case even if there is a number of contention so they will have to go back one day to get to their countries so that i think it is a no but yes to stay with us. to help honest overcome these difficulties. and to hope this generation of change to happen because the these changes in countries in conflicts like afghanistan has to be
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generational in the sense that you know the generation of the to those unlike for example you know my sisters they went to school after two thousand and one are now she is in the for the head off needs so she needs to move with more time to be empowered to play the same thing happens to you know many of the boys in the country so. on in any insurgency in any conflict like this if the governments all support it and they have the staying power is then surgeons that i don't think mutely will decide that look you know we can be in the mountains we can be in the jungles for the north for the think it's the same like up into falk you know the if i think it's not even a nine hundred fifty s. our system nine hundred eighty so but ultimately to find out that the nimble got out they would be elections they would be you know restaurants the people are going coming yes you can explode bombs but people will continue with the real life and ultimately you have to come on your own history has been difficult in the past because it was insurgent every time which has come to come so i think we want to
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change this and that change will happen with the new. with the believe in our partners or if it is united states effort this in russia it's india iran pakistan too can live up that let's keep supporting this you know with whatever they can so we can have elections you know we're going to live the way it happens. otherwise if it falls if this state collapses i think then you have to start from the very beginning which is not good for anybody. for a minister in the show thank you for this interview and good luck with everything thank you very much.
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right right right right right right. right. right. right. the headlines here on our to international in a fiery address to the u.n. general assembly russia's foreign minister rails against the political blackmail economic pressure and brute force he says western governments are using to maintain global dominance. after a dramatic emotionally charged committee hearing donald trump orders an f.b.i. investigation into the claims of sexual assault leveled at his supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh.
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